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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Tuesday's Thoughts}

Just so you know this is what happened when Nana turned her back for just ONE second! Matter of fact she had that little sweet hand ready to flush! 
I sent my daughter, her mama, the picture I snapped and what does her mama say to me, "Mom, don't let her play in the toilet". I mean, like, I just opened the toilet lid and said, "Go ahead Adalynn, play in the toilet". LOL! 
Oh the joy and fun of grandbabies. 

My youngest daughter, mama of that sweet girl playing in the toilet, just had a birthday. We celebrated with a big birthday dinner. Then she and her husband went out of town for a weekend and then ziplining. She had a great birthday.

 Being the baby of three girls I can assure you she is spoiled and not just by her parents but her sister's too! God has truly blessed us with our girls.

I hope that my blogging Texas friends are safe. I want you to know that I have been praying for you all. I have a friend that moved from Florida to Texas and she has been keeping me updated. Our prayers are with you all.

 As I sit here and I think about all the things going on in this world that are not good, it is almost more than I can think about at times. Natural disasters is one thing. But, when I think about the ugliness, the rioting, the fighting in the streets, the hatefulness, the brutality shown to others, the famine, and the very fact that one is afraid to even go shopping alone in fear of what might could happen, it can cause you to feel totally helpless, defeated, depressed and hopeless. 

I have caught myself at times saying, "What future does my grandbabies have? Or even their children if the Lord tarries". 

I can remember as a little girl my granny saying, "This world is going to hell and a hand basket". I never knew the meaning of that phrase to be honest but I read somewhere that To be 'going to hell in a handbasket' is to be rapidly deteriorating - on course for disaster.

Her words of long ago are so very true. 
But, doesn't the Bible tell us that in the last days that these things will happen?

These are just a few of the signs that Jesus gave us through His Word.   

  • The watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God. (2 Tim 3:5, Matt 15:9)
  • False prophets and false Christs        (Matthew 24:24)
  • Good will be called evil and evil good. (Isaiah 5:20)
  • Restoration of all things (Acts 3:19-21)
  • Gospel to be preached to all the world (Matthew 24:14, Revelation 14:6-7)
  • Worldly knowledge to increase               (Daniel 12:4)
  • Earthquakes, floods, famines, plagues and diseases such as the world has never seen. (Matthew 24 and Luke 21)
  • Peace taken from the earth.  Wars increase throughout the earth until war is on every land (Matthew 24 and Luke 21)
The increase in the wickedness, murder, and crime among men.  The increase in belief in the occult. (Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 4:3-4)                               

People will not believe the signs (2 Peter 3:3-4, Matthew 16:1-4) There's so many more signs.  

Here is the thing, God made EVERYTHING GOOD
Go back and read Genesis. He didn't say, "Well I will make the land good but man bad. Or, I will make the food good to eat and the animals bad". NO, He said, " I have made everything good".

 Photo is compliments of my friend, Joni.

There is only ONE reason that things are happening today in the world in which we live and it's called SIN.  When sin was committed in the Garden of Eden that is when it all began.
It's not the World that is bad. It's the people!

I have to remember that my HOPE in Christ is what sustains me. I may live IN the WORLD but as a daughter of the King I am not OF this WORLD. Nothing is happening in this world that has taken our Lord by surprise!

Photo taken in Kentucky. 

When I find myself beginning to worry about tomorrow I am reminded that Jesus has already went ahead of me and taken care of my tomorrow's.

I read somewhere once and can't remember if it was Pasty Clairmont or Barbara Johnson, famous speakers and authors, said that she was going to start practicing jumping on a trampoline so she could learn to jump high because when the rapture happened she wanted to be the first one to get to Jesus! 

Girl's, maybe my next investment will be in a trampoline! 

Photo taken at Vilano Beach. 

One day y'all, that old trumpet is going to sound and God is going to lean over to His Son Jesus and say, "SON, go and get MY children! I've done and got the Holy Bumps

Sometimes, I just need to preach to myself girls and today was that day. 

May our Lord hold you so very dear in the palm of His mighty hands. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Oh what a funny post! You sure made me laugh with your daughter's answer, typical of daughters, lol..
    My granddaughter just cut her bangs and so to even it out she cut it so short it cracks me up! Told her step daughter 19 to not let "her play with the scissors," hahahhhaaaa
    Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and many blessings.
    Yes, sweet Jesus takes care of everything... Let go and Let God is my motto.

    1. That is so funny Fabby about the bangs. I don't know a child that hasn't cut their hair. YES, I love it....Let go and Let God! Thanks for coming by.

  2. A very Happy belated Birthday to your daughter!!!!

    ...and I couldn't agree more about the world problems and sin. Have a beautiful rest of the week, friend.

    1. Thanks Linda so much. Glad you stopped in today girl.

  3. PLEASE Nana, do not let her play in the toilet! LOL! So funny. Can't believe how much she has grown. Cindy, what a sweet reminder that our God is in complete control of all things.
    Connie Royals

    1. Connie, she is growing up too fast and one busy little gal at that. But she is such a good baby. A pure Joy. Yes, we all need a little reminder every now and then don't we?

  4. You always bring a smile to my face and warm my heart. To everything you said, I say AMEN! You can preach anytime because we need to hear it over and over.
    Your daughters and grands are all so pretty. Love the toilet story. You knew just what to say! We, the mothers, relate perfectly. 😀
    Praying for all in Texas. My husbands aunt and uncle, 85 and 84 had to leave their home in (Bellaire) Houston.They are staying with neighbors which we are very grateful for. Their house sits higher and so far they have had power. I pray God bless all those helping others as well as those in need of help.

    1. Oh Bonnie praying for your aunt and uncle and neighbors along with Homes . We just have to keep trusting the One that holds the whole world in His hands ❤️

  5. Cindy, your posts are always heartwarming and I love the humour! Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter! I love all your photos!

  6. First of all, Cindy, a big thank you for the photo of your grandgirly at the toilet...that just gave me a chuckle that I so needed. Also, yes, prayers for Houston and the vicinity for all the devastation.
    You can preach all you want, as I so needed to read all of touched me. Love and blessings to you, Cindy!

  7. Beautiful post! Photos and your way of getting everything in from the joys and the hope. I hope its ok to share the picture of the scripture in the state of Texas with a friend who has family there. Thank you! Getting a trampoline is a fun idea. I just posted about dance, so you might also enjoy it and try one of the `flying mayims` as you are learning to jump high!
    Blessings and to you too May the LORD hold you and your family dear in the palm of His mighty hands!

    1. Shayndel, use whatever you like. Thanks for stopping by. Off to visit with you.

  8. OOPS! Those toilet adventures are fun! Too CUTE of a pic it made though. Yes, I do also think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I hate that TX was hit so hard and I hate what they have to face now with the clean up and what is happening there. When Nashville flooded in 2010 it made us stronger. Nashville survived as we came together helping neighbor after neighbor. Hoping TX finds that support in each other.

    1. It is so wonderful when you witnessed people coming together to help in times like this. Praying for Texas. Thanks for stopping by Pam.

  9. Cindy, the photo of that sweet Grand at the toilet made my cute she is! Thank you for a very fitting post. I often worry rather than pray. Our precious Lord and Savior is sovereign and He is always good! Blessings and hugs~

    1. She knew she was caught as soon as said called her name with a little high pitch. LOL! I could that little hand fixing to flush that toilet. LOL! Yes, our God is sovereign. Pam, your fall tablescape with the copper pieces....Oh my! Loved it all.

  10. Hi Cindy! Those babies! :) Your daughters are so beautiful and look like their mommy! :) I love reading your posts and you're always a blessings. Thanks always for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. So glad you stopped by Sheila. Glad you are doing well.

  11. Oh Cindy, I can't stop giggling at the first photo. Too cute!

    I agree with Shelia, your daughters are beautiful and look just like you, sweet friend. Happy hugs to you!

  12. What a great post! And you granddaughter is just darling!! How could resist not getting a picture!! Nancy

    1. So glad you dropped by today Nancy. Oh you know I had to snap a picture! I caught it fast too cause my phone was laying on the bathroom counter. LOL! But only right before that little hand was fixing to FLUSH! My husband said he couldn't believe I would take the time to snap a picture instead of getting her out of the toilet! I had to make a memory! Now if she had of flushed...well, I might have had bigger problems. Oh well!

  13. I just talked to two of our grands this morning about sin. What an awesome post! Happy belated birthday to Ms. Marti Leigh! That baby is gorgeous! 💜

    1. Thanks Deb. That baby is our Joy baby. Marti Leigh had a great birthday.

  14. I think often of the song, "In Christ Alone", and also, "On Christ the solid rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..." I love the verse that says, "When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay." It is just heartwrenching to see so much sadness in our world, and it just makes Heaven sound all the sweeter. He is with us still, my friend. Thank you for your sweet and powerful post. So thankful we have each other to be an encouragement in these troubled times. Sending you much love and many hugs today!! Keep encouraged. :)

    1. Cheryl, I was thinking of the song, On Christ the solid rock I stand too when writing the post. Staying focused on Him.

  15. The look on Adalynn's face is precious, I think she knew that was an 'oops' moment!! Oh Cindy, I so agree, God is giving us so many warnings. He's coming...I don't know when, but I feel it's close. How I pray for all people to know Him, time is running out. Thank you so much for the sweet card, it touched my heart. AND before I forget, Happy Birthday to the Birthday girl. Daughter's Rock!!

    1. Awe miss Mary, I've had you and your precious family on my heart. Yes that grandgirl knew it was an oops . Ha! I believe rjst our Lord is coming back really soon . So glad you stopped by . Praying g for you all in Texas .

  16. You always write the most entertaining and inspirational posts. I love stopping by. Your birthday daughter is just adorable. I so agree with everything you said about the end times. Blessings!

  17. Thank you for this post, Cindy, I really needed to hear it this morning. God will help us through these days, he always has. We need to do our part to spread His message of love and keep our focus on the ultimate goal. Your granddaughter looks so cute! Don't you wonder what she was thinking about when "busy?!"

    1. Yes, keeping our eyes on Jesus should be our goal. Yes, makes you wonder what those little minds are thinking doesn't it? She is a busy gal.

  18. That first photo is so precious! I love your daughter's response. I've been away this week so I'm just catching up on my blogs, etc. Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Thanks Heather. Hope you have had a good time being away. Always nice to get away for a few day.

  19. Oh my goodness, Cindy, that is hysterical! And as the mother of girls myself, I can totally relate the conversation that followed. Apparently, I know nothing sometimes! ;) Happy Birthday to your daughter and yes, my grandmothers used to say the same thing...and my mom, too. I guess the times haven't really changed all that much, have they? Enjoy those babies.

    1. Kim, so glad you stopped by today. No there is a lot of those old sayings that are still being said. LOL!

  20. GREAT post! Thank you! And...oh my gosh, I laughed out loud about your daughter telling you not to let her play in the toilet! ha, ha, ha!!! Don't you know any better?! ;)

    Hope you're doing well. Thanks for the encouragement today!

    1. Hey girl, so glad you stopped by today. Yes, I am going to try my best not to let her play in the toilet!

  21. Kids do many naught things which we as parents can see and enjoy, but not all the thing they do. Need to be careful with them. Sweet pictures of your family:)

  22. Your posts are always a hoot! I love how you just share what is happening in your life, and in your heart! I laughed out loud at the sweet picture of your little granddaughter, you had to be quick to stop her before she flushed, lol! And happy birthday to your sweet "baby" daughter, you have such a beautiful sweet family! I enjoyed reading your thoughts about this world, and how our hope goes beyond this world, so very thankful we can be in the world, but not of it! We are continuing to pray for all who may be in the path of Hurricane Irma. We are suffering from acute wildfire danger here. And continuing to pray for those cleaning up from Harvey... the weather surely is so crazy! Hugs to you today dear friend :)

    1. Thank you Marilyn for your sweet and kind words. Thanks for the prayers as well.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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