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{May Blessings Photo Dump}

June has crept upon us it seems. Y'all, it's six months until Christmas! LOL!  Wanted to share a few of my May blessings.  We have been blessed with fresh potatoes. We've been able to share some with others and still have plenty. My cucumbers, okra and orange tree was destroyed in the tornado that we took a hit from but what a blessing that we pulled the potatoes before the tornado.  Speaking of tornado it's been a job cleaning up the aftermath. God spared our home and us as we were home. Marty and I heard the sound of the tornado and retrieved to our bathtub for safety. The affects surely done a number on our barn, my shed, a pull trailer and oh our property was in a mess. Huge OLD trees gone! Such a mess but we are beginning to see the light at the end of tunnel with the cleanup. We have been so blessed with our children and friends that have come to help us. God surely had a hedge of protection around us.  Our oldest granddaughter Raygen graduation from College as Su

{Let's Celebrate a Birthday} And guess what???

First, I want to thank you for your participation on the blog last week with that ONE WORD we don't like...DIET! I appreciate everyone that shared about what worked for them or helped. If you missed that post and would like to read some of the ideas from other ladies then hop over to  

We celebrated another birthday. My oldest daughter celebrated her 40th birthday on Friday. I know...CRAZY! 

I celebrated her special day on her birthday along with her sisters and grands at my home with a luncheon. The menu was anything but the word DIET! LOL! Well, maybe the pita chips and hummus.

You can look up the recipe for these. The great thing is that if there's leftover sandwich filling you can add some diced ham or bacon and it makes a great topping for crackers. And just so you know...those SIN HAM SLIDERS...well, yes, sinful!

I decided to enjoy my pretty dishes a little longer that I had displayed for Easter except I replaced the Easter basket centerpiece with fresh flowers to match the lovely dishes and I put all my bunnies away.

I added some branches from my gardenia bush along with some of my favorite fern to decorate with, Asparagus fern.

  Put a candle at each end of the table. I miss my cute bunnies though. 

Found a cute little gray and white box and put a few sprigs of asparagus fern in it for decor.

The box served two purposes. One, for decor and the other, well, I had a gift card in the bottom of the box for Kristy for her birthday to go to
My husband's cousin and his lovely wife own this beautiful Salon and Spa and Debbie specializes in different types of facial. Kristy will be pampered for sure.

 Yep, I snitched a picture off of their FB page...
 AND...Kristy got to keep the cute little box! 

She had a lovely birthday.  She said turning 40 was GREAT

 Happy birthday to my first born child. 

And, my granddaughter Raygen, Kristy's daughter, made her this cake! WOW! She done an awesome job on that beautiful cake.  

 I am so honored to say that my GUESS WHAT IS...... my Teepee was featured on......... 

Thank you Benita for showcasing my cute little Teepee. 

I was truly honored and humbled to be honest and so surprised.  Who would have ever thought my cheap frugal way of a picture prop would be featured. 

I sure hope that you all have a wonderful week and remember, take a little time to do something special for someone this week.  And, can I just add something to this? Well, sure I can, it's my blog right? You don't have to have that personality of "giving" to make someone smile. So many have the mindset of "I'm just not good at giving to others". "I'm just not your "send a card" kind of person or buy them a gift".  Sometimes, just your TIME can make all the difference in the world. A friend of mine said once; "We all struggle with TIME. We are all so busy that we feel that we do not have the TIME to do this, or that, or the other. But, one day, you will take the TIME to die". WHOA! always cost but our TIME is limited on this earth.Use it wisely for what truly matters.

I love the words of Rick Warren:

Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Cindy, Happy 40th birthday to your Kristy! She is beautiful like her mother. The menu sounds amazing and I know you all had a great time at your pretty table. Would you please pass me one of the sinful sliders? Have a Happy Mother’s Day❤️

    1. Thank you Pam. The sandwiches was so tasty. We finished them up over the weekend. You know I always make more than needed. A quick zap in microwave and they were good as ever. Kristy had a wonderful birthday. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. I love this whole post! Happy Birthday to your first born baby! What a beautiful party you made for her. That cake looked professional too! Your granddaughter did a fabulous job! Love that quote at the end about TIME. So true! I'm not surprised your tee pee was featured. It's adorable and I want one now! xo

    1. Thanks Heather. If I lived closer you could borrow my teepee for your adorable photo shoots. Yes, our Raygen loves to bake and decorate cakes. I have bought her so many different things for her decorating and I need to clean out my cabinet and give her more!

  3. Happy birthday to the birthday girl. Cindy, your menu sounds amazing and that cake! Your granddaughter really done a beautiful job. I know that daughter loved it all. Who wouldn't? Your teepee was the cutest thing ever and deserving to be featured for sure. I need one of those cupcakes. No I really don't but I sure would like one.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. She enjoyed her birthday very much. I wish you had one of those cupcakes too. I have some left! LOL! I am using the teepee one more time for an event and apart she comes. I need to use my flowers. LOL!

  4. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!! Looks like a wonderful celebration was enjoyed by all!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your well wishes!!

    1. Thanks Debbie. Hoping you are feeling stronger every day.

  5. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Kristy! What a wonderful menu and party you had for her, Cindy. The gift is perfect! Who doesn't love a day of pampering? The cake made by Raygen is truly a masterpiece. I am so impressed! Congratulations on your darling teepee being featured. You deserved it! I hope you have a wonderful week. xx

    1. Thank you Kitty. She was happy with her gift and the meal I prepared. She really did get pampered. She got a pedi, starbucks gift card, an outing, evening out to eat, flowers and more. She really enjoyed her special day. Raygen sure did out do herself on her mama's cake. So proud of her.

  6. Oh, Cindy, loved those words from Rick Warren, so, so true!!! And, I know you sweet daughter felt so celebrated with the lovely luncheon. Everything was perfect. BTW, she looks just like her Daddy. Bet she's heard that many times. Have a great one Cindy!

    1. Thank you Lea. Yes, I hear a lot that Kristy favors her daddy. Yes those words are so very true Lea. Lord, may we stop along life's busy highway and take the side road of "TIME". It's priceless!

  7. Sounds like a great birthday, love the menu! My daughter's 40th is coming up in the fall, what a great idea to give her a facial or spa day! Thanks Cindy!

    1. Thanks Jenna . We had a great time together and loved her gifts .❤️

  8. Happy Birthday to your daughter. What a memorable way to celebrate a milestone birthday. Congrats on the teepee feature. I agree that time is the best gift of all.

    1. Thank you Margie . I was so surprised about my teepee front featured but i truly did love how it turned out . Yes .... time is the best gift ❤️

  9. You are so very welcome Cindy! That teepee is adorable and you did a fabulous job! So glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your daughter! She's so pretty and looks so happy! What a beautiful cake! You need to mail a slice to me! :-) Love and hugs to you sweet friend! Happy Monday!

    1. Benita , you made my day . Thank you sweet lady for featuring my teepee . Awe, my girl is hdppy with life and she had a marvelous birthday .

  10. Happy Birthday to you sweet daughter! She looks like a lovely young woman. I'm sure she enjoyed every minute of her celebration! And that cake that your granddaughter made? It is amazing! Maybe I'll copy that idea once the local strawberries are ready in about a month.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mercy ,i have deleted my own reply ! Sorry . She is s lovely woman. Inside and out .im so proud of my granddaughter Raygen . She dies so well with her canes .

  11. Happy 40th birthday to your lovely daughter!! What a blessing to be able to spend this special day together, and to honor her with such a wonderful gift. And I love that Teepee with your adorable little granddaughter. What fun. Such joy and blessings. Love to visit here.

    1. Thank you .Sh had a lovely birthday and enjoyed it so much . Pam, i was so surprised about my teepee being featured but so humbled .❤️

  12. Good Morning Sweet Lady,
    Happy Birthday to your dear and lovely daughter! I am just like you in having these 40 year old children. My oldest is my son and his Birthday is in February. How on earth has time flown by so quickly...
    I LOVE your Teepee! Your grandchild, Teepee and background all look like a photograph straight out of a magazine!
    Thank you too, for your thoughtful and kind visit to my blog.
    Blessings to you Cindy!

    1. Thank you Jemma. Our husbands are sure getting old aren't they? LOL!

  13. What a lovely party/luncheon you put together for girl! The food and everything else looks amazing...oh to be 40 sure did seem old at one time! And next, my first born, Aaron, will be turning 40 in just a few weeks! How did this happen?? And congratulations on your darling TeePee being featured...that is so cool! Big hugs and much love to you, my friend!

    1. Thanks Debby. These kids grown up too fast! Time waits on no one.

  14. Kris....from Junkchiccottage...I by accident deleted your comment but found it on email. SORRY! I am really get bad at deleting things! LOL! But I appreciate your sweet comment.
    Happy 40th to your gorgeous daughter. I am right there with you "when did this happen." My oldest daughter is turning 35 this year! Seems like it was yesterday she was born. So I get it! I love that Teepee with your granddaughter. How cute is that. The menu for your daughter's celebration sounded so yummy. Glad she had a great celebration with you. Happy New Week.

    1. Yep, I am going to start paying more attention to my DELETE button! LOL!

  15. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!!! What a beautiful cake..Thank you, another lovely post. Have a great week

  16. There is always such fun merry-making going on in your home with your family! I love that you share it all with us. Fun post!

  17. Happy Birthday to your dear daughter!
    You certainly lavished her with love and joy.

    Congratulations on being featured with that darling Teepee!

    Have a beautiful Mother's Day ❤

    1. Thank you Debbie. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  18. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter Cindy. And I am not surprised that your teepee was featured. It was very inspiring for all of us DIYers! I knew you had it in you!!

    1. Thank you so much. I am taking this as a HUGE accomplishment coming from the QUEEN of DIY!

  19. OMG Cindy .. You really know how to party .. and make a girl feel special.. . Your menu and tablescape are simply awesome... You really made the sliders look classy... Your daughter looks radiant and I'm loving all the fabulous pictures that you shared. I think I could eat two pieces of that yummy cake( ha ha) This was such a HAPPY post ... BIG HUGS

    1. Thank you so much Zaa. Amazing what a little greenery will do to pretty up a dish! LOL!

  20. Happy Birthday to Kristy! You gave a lovely luncheon. The menu sounds delicious and fun. Your table looks so pretty. I know everyone had a great time. Your grandaughter did an amazing job on the cake.
    So well deserved your tepee was featured. I was very impressed!

    1. Thank you Bonnie. She was pleased and so was I. Yes my oldest granddaughter does really well with cake decor. I love it that she enjoys it.

  21. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter …
    Have a wonderful day


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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