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{May Blessings Photo Dump}

June has crept upon us it seems. Y'all, it's six months until Christmas! LOL!  Wanted to share a few of my May blessings.  We have been blessed with fresh potatoes. We've been able to share some with others and still have plenty. My cucumbers, okra and orange tree was destroyed in the tornado that we took a hit from but what a blessing that we pulled the potatoes before the tornado.  Speaking of tornado it's been a job cleaning up the aftermath. God spared our home and us as we were home. Marty and I heard the sound of the tornado and retrieved to our bathtub for safety. The affects surely done a number on our barn, my shed, a pull trailer and oh our property was in a mess. Huge OLD trees gone! Such a mess but we are beginning to see the light at the end of tunnel with the cleanup. We have been so blessed with our children and friends that have come to help us. God surely had a hedge of protection around us.  Our oldest granddaughter Raygen graduation from College as Su

{Warning! Picture Overload}

 I can't believe that it's a been a month since I posted nor that half of the year is gone! Mercy! Family vacation and playing catch-up along with the just the norm of life has surely taken priority but rightfully so. Right? 

Our family spent a most wonderful vacation together as we made memories in Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon and Key West. We rented a house in Marathon that would accommodate all 14 of us and we were quite pleased. We had our own private pool, dock, covered porch and balcony. We rented a boat and oh we enjoyed that so much with fishing and just riding. I have so many pictures that I wish I could share with you all but mercy, not enough time in the day. I did post on my Facebook page all of our pictures and just a few on Instagram.  We went to so many different places and encountered many new sights and sounds along the way. The places that we dined not only had great food but beautiful surroundings. YES, I would love to go back one day but I will say this; "There is no place like home and no bed like mine".

(Pictures are not in any order)

Their visitor center had so many cute photo props. We probably snapped at least a dozen pictures there. LOL! 

The property in which the house was on that we rented was surrounded by Banana trees. Too bad that I do not like banana's but my family sure got to enjoy the bountiful harvest. Oh, the Iguana's were everywhere! Sorta freaked me out at the beginning. I was a tad better by the end of our stay when several would be walking alongside the pool that I was sunbathing in! LOL! 

We walked so much on this trip! The very first day on our trip Marty and I had walked 6.1 miles. My family walked many more miles than we did though I can assure you! They are YOUNGER! LOL!


We caught enough fish on our trip that we can have a nice fish fry before long at home. 

Thanks for letting me share a little of our vacation with you! Marty and I decided to stay an extra day after our family left so we stayed over in lovely Palm Bay area and finished up our trip in Daytona. We sure made lots of memories. 

Here's to a good time had by all!
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!"          Psalm 107:1 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. What an amazing family vacation! I love bananas so I could have eaten your share. Lol. Did you use a special camera? Your photos are fantastic!

    1. Thanks Margie. The girls and I used our cell phones and we shared our pictures with one another. I would have gladly given you all the bananas you wanted girl!

  2. What an awesome vacation you had. Renting a house large enough for the entire family was a great idea and having your own pool etc.. so handy. I love all the pictures of your lovely family. You are blessed!! Granny M

  3. We have taken several family vacations to Key West and it is a fabulous place to visit! We also. rented a house with a pool and walked and rode bikes everywhere, so much fun! You got some great photos, there are so many cute things to capture and see. I know you all had a ball!

  4. Thanks for sharing your photos! Looks like a fun time was had by all ! :)

  5. Oh yes, summer's the time for making memories, taking a break from online activities, and re-orienting toward what matters most. I'm glad you're having such a wonderful season, girl! It's so good to see you again.

  6. Cindy, what a fabulous vacation with your family. The smiles on everyone’s faces light up each photo. I have never been to Key West, but maybe I should go. Thank you for sharing!

  7. OH the COLORS! From the sky, water, clorthing, to the drinks you were drinking. What a fabulous time! You can see how much fun everyone had by the big smiles.

  8. Oh that all looked so amazing and reminded me of our trip to the Keys. We stayed in Marathon as well and did many of the same activities you did. All of your photos are stunning. I looked like such a great family time!

  9. What a fabulous vacation! It's always so much better with family too. You took some amazing photos. I've never been but I know it is beautiful. We are talking about a trip into Georgia in the Fall. If you get a chance to give me a couple of towns that you like in a comment, I would appreciate it. I know you travel up there and enjoy it! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. Yes, we love North Ga area. I will send you an email.

  10. PS Or you can just answer here and I'll check back later!

  11. Oh WOW!
    What a wonderful family vacation.
    Really enjoyed seeing your photographs ...fabulous :)

    All the best Jan

  12. What a fabulous vacation you and your family had, Cindy! You and I share a dislike for bananas and I made two loaves of banana bread while in Colorado! I hope to see if my whole family will go on vacation next summer with me. You are so blessed to have everyone. Have a great week, my friend. 😘

    1. I hope that your trip to Colorado was great friend.

  13. Such a wonderful thing to see a family all together sharing such special moments! So thankful you had such a fun vacation time, sweet friend. Many blessings to you today!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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