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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

Wednesday in the Word-OVERWHELMED?

Overwhelmed...have you felt that way lately? Oh the stresses of life in general can replace that sweet gentle smile with the long drawn face, sunken eyes and that look that says, "DON'T SAY A WORD TO ME" because I am about to loose it! Been there and done that and bought a tee shirt haven't you? (my daughters loathe me saying that phrase) But true!

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Here is the thing ladies. We as women are wonderful multitaskers.

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 (though I must admit that with age my multitasking has slowed down a bit) 

 We can talk on the phone while folding clothes and even cook a full course meal.We can plan our next outing with the husband or the family and at the same time we can change the baby's diaper and sip on coffee. WE ARE SUPERWOMEN! All we need is the "suit". 

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Even for the woman that can put on lipstick in the dark while driving down the road, (a stick shift at that) and give the toddler in the back seat a pacifier, life can still be truly overwhelming!

There are just days when it HAPPENS! And it happens at every phase of life. WHY? Because it's life here on earth! 

When you are "freshly" married you think, "Nothing overwhelms me". LOL! Hang on to that thought AIN'T AWAKE YET! 

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The bills start mounting up, the dryer breaks down, the hours at work seem to be too long or too short and well, a state of being overwhelmed takes place.

The babies start coming. With that comes crying babies, kids that won't sleep through the night, all three kids get sick at once, the washing machine decides to go on vacation but you see NO vacation in site and the husband has nerve enough to ask you, "Honey, did you get my jeans washed?

Oh do we wish this was us....

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The little ones only know ONE word and it is MOMMY and you swear that you are going to change your name to an ugly word and then whip them if they say it! The kids can't seem to get along with their siblings much less the other children. You take them to Sunday School ONLY to have to leave your class early because they have cried for 30 minutes or bitten 2 kids or pooped in every diaper they have! And...that feeling of being "overwhelmed" hits you like a ton of bricks. 

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Then the teenage years come! TALK about the feelings of being overwhelmed!!!! You think to yourself that somehow by God's grace and mercy You will SURVIVE and you pray that they SURVIVE. You pass your OWN SELF on the road as you haul them to social related and extra curricular activities all the while wondering why you can't be cloned into 4 people. WHO disagreed with that theory? While you are listening to the sobs of the teenage girl because you said "NO, you cannot go to your friend's house today" your child's friend is calling to say "Your mom is so mean not to let you come to my house today!

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Then the teenagers grow up, move out, get married (YOU PRAY) and guess what? When they are overwhelmed YOU ARE OVERWHELMED! DOES IT END? 


Then with age comes other faucets of life that can be totally overwhelming. Your own aging issues, your own little hurts, pains, and "did I already take that pill or not? Your concern for your retirement, your health, caring for aging parents and/or grandparents and well....the status of being Overwhelmed at times can be.......... OVERWHELMING! 

Here is the thing: For most of us when we are overwhelmed...we CAN'T just stop LIFE and go get our nails done or our toes painted or buy a new outfit! Though for the moment that would surely make us feel better wouldn't it?

So what do we do? PRAY GOD'S WORD!

Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light. Matt. 11:29-30
In Matt. 11:28 the Words says, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

One of my favorite versus is Isa. 41:13 that says, " For I am the LORD your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, DO NOT FEAR; I will help you. 

We pray....we seek God...we speak His Word out loud...That is what we do.  

One thing I have learned over the years and I am learning still....LIFE still goes on! And for the overwhelming parts of life...most of those moments don't last forever my friend though we may think it will. A lot of times it is all about the mind-set that we tackle the tasks at hand with! Sometimes we truly cannot do all that is expected of us so must pick and choose. But oftentimes we just need to STOP, take a deep breath and simply say, LORD I NEED YOU!

What do you need from the Lord today? Call out to Him...I promise you that He will hear you. He is the only one that can truly take your overwhelmed state and turn it into a calmness of peace....

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Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Cindy, what an excellent post on how to deal with those moments (and most of them really are moments) when we feel overwhelmed! It made me think of the "time" segment in Andy Stanley's Breathing Room series. It truly is important to have God's Word hid in our hearts that we can say it aloud back to Him. Thanks so much for sharing here today! Dianna xo

  2. Thanks Cindy! Timing is perfect today for this.
    Connie Royals

  3. Amen! If only we'd turn to Him BEFORE we become all stressed out! Our lives would run a lot smoother. Have a great week, Cindy! Zenda

  4. "Then with age comes other faucets of life that can be totally overwhelming. Your own aging issues, your own little hurts, pains, and "did I already take that pill or not? Your concern for your retirement, your health, caring for aging parents and/or grandparents and well....the status of being Overwhelmed at times can be.......... OVERWHELMING!" This entire paragraph describes me to a "T"!!! Thank the good Lord above that I have HIM to turn to!!! Thanks for the not so gentle reminder!!! LOL

  5. Love this and I don't know what I would do without him! You nailed the description of motherhood my friend!

  6. Thank you for the reminder to lean on God. He already has today, and tomorrow, in his hands.


  7. Thanks, Cindy, what a blessing you are and what encouragment this gave me! LORD, I need you seems to be my famous words lately.

  8. Blessings, Cindy - and do take the time for tea and cake today, with Word wide open for a little break from "Mr. Overwhelm" - he's a bore, don't you think?

    If kids only knew how good they had it not be all grown up!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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