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{It's Been A Hot Minute Y'all}

  Well, it's not HOT in my neck of the woods in temperature (not today anyway) but it's sure been a HOT minute since I last posted. For that I am so sorry but it seems my life has been consumed with doctor appointments, tests, and MORE tests, biopsies, surgery and so much more. One day at a time sweet Jesus is all that any of us can ask for. Wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to share a little about what I've been up too.  Marty and I enjoyed a weekend at the beach before I had breast cancer surgery and took advantage of the time I had in between so many doctor appointments and testing. It was sure a good little getaway.  We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in September. WOW! Just babies! LOL! We were high school sweethearts. Started dating at age 16. Married at age 18 and started a family at age 20.  We celebrated Marty's birthday in October. He says that he's feeling his age these days. LOL! He still works 4 days a week and has a long commu

{It's Been A Hot Minute Y'all}

 Well, it's not HOT in my neck of the woods in temperature (not today anyway) but it's sure been a HOT minute since I last posted. For that I am so sorry but it seems my life has been consumed with doctor appointments, tests, and MORE tests, biopsies, surgery and so much more. One day at a time sweet Jesus is all that any of us can ask for. Wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to share a little about what I've been up too. 

Marty and I enjoyed a weekend at the beach before I had breast cancer surgery and took advantage of the time I had in between so many doctor appointments and testing. It was sure a good little getaway. 

We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in September. WOW! Just babies! LOL! We were high school sweethearts. Started dating at age 16. Married at age 18 and started a family at age 20. 

We celebrated Marty's birthday in October. He says that he's feeling his age these days. LOL!

He still works 4 days a week and has a long commute daily so he rightfully is feeling his age for sure. 

We've been able to enjoy a few soccer games for the youngest granddaughter. So much fun to watch her. She has quiet a fan club too.

I have baked several sour cream pound cakes for family lately. My granny's old pound cake pan never fails me. 

In the midst of so much going on in my life this sign sure made me smile (and the candy from the candy store) and is a reminder to me that no matter what STAY SWEET! With side effects from medication/treatments and various trials that we battle it can become easy to frown, be sad and disgruntled. STAY SWEET, STAY KIND and STAY HUMBLED. 

I am not sure what I would do without such a strong family unit. They sure do spoil me. I am so thankful for them. My precious friends have been so encouraging as well. What in the world do people do without praying family and friends?

Isn't this bag just too cute. Someone sent this to me with no name except for a small typed out note with scripture right before I had surgery. Needless to say it has accompanied me to every single visit, surgery and now treatments. 

October is breast cancer awareness month and I do pray that all women take the time to take care of themselves. For years I have done monthly self checks and diagnostic screening. In my case, diagnostic mammogram didn't pick up breast cancer but praise the Lord that my pulmonary physician caught the mass on a PET Scan for my lungs. Only God could have done that for me. 

I am thrilled to say that the last lung scan that I had that the tumor that is of concern had not grown or changed. Another scan will be done in December. My case has surely been a complex case. But you know...nothing has taken God by surprise. I mean after all, He does own cattle on a thousand hills. 

I hope to catch up a little this week with you all but in the meantime, I thank you all for your prayers and asked that when you think of me that you lift me up in prayer.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Dear Cindy, I have been praying for you. I do understand you not blogging, but it sure is nice to read your post. You look great! Love the family pictures and how they are all there for you! I like the bag someone gifted you. Praying God's healing tough will restore you to complete health! Hugs and blessings!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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