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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Grab a cup of hot tea and let's chat}

We are ALREADY midway through the first month of the NEW YEAR! I promise I think it was just last week when I regrouped from Christmas and now my mind is going in 100 different directions for the New Year. 

For our family we have a new grandbaby on the way and lots to do to get ready for her arrival. Plus my daughter that is having this sweet little girl is also building a new home so lots to do there.  I have a mission trip to Nicaragua in February with 8 other ladies and 2 men. My calendar is already filled with things for family, friends, birthdays, church events and more! Dang...I am tired just thinking about these things! 

Do you get like that at times? Overwhelmed when you start thinking about all the things on your agenda to do? I used to be one of those gals that could multitask with the best of them. takes me all day to do what it used to take me to do in two hours. And my mind can only function on one thing at a time..............

Please tell me I am NOT ALONE here!!!

So I think I need to slow down a tad and let's have a cup of hot tea and some Girl Talk!

Are you enjoying the Winter in your neck of the woods? I was beginning to wonder if Winter was coming our way but he made it! And yes, I can put on enough clothes to be warm but I can't take off enough to be LEGAL! Loving the cooler weather! 

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Have you tried any new recipes recently? I haven't since Christmas but looking at some new ones to try. I've been wanting to make this peanut butter pie so think I will try this recipe soon!


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And here is where you can find the recipe.  

Are you planning a winter vacation or holding out till Spring or summer? If so, where are you going because I might want to go with you! Right now I am focusing on my mission trip for next month but you can bet my wheels are churning....

 Web image

Do you think this luggage might stand out too much???? One thing about it is that if my luggage gets lost maybe it can be found pretty easy huh?  (Debbie Hauffaker, I thought about you when I saw this)

One last bit of Girl Talk today...........What is that one PIECE of chocolate that you just can't pass by????

Oh my! I had a craving for one of these recently and can you believe I had to stop at two stores...YES two...before I found a KING SIZE ONE!!! LOL! They had those little tiny ones but I wanted the biggy size! And yep, I ate the whole thing! shed project is still a project in process but look at what I found that I bought after Valentines day last year???? 

I just love finding treasures that I hide from myself! 

I'd like to leave you with a little something that my friend Debbie Hauffaker's daughter made and it's free! You can download and print away. Visit Deb if you get a chance. She just blesses me so!


Isn't this beautiful? I love this verse! I cannot even begin to fathom how wide, how long and how deep the love that Christ has for me is!
Amazing love how can it be?
That You my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do
I honor you

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Oh sweet, friend, where do I begin? {{giggling}}

    Yes, I do believe we all get to feeling overwhelmed. I love what you found, already downloaded Deb's art work, I love a good Lindt or Toberlone bar. Let's see, oh how I love that suitcase and even before I went on further reading, I also thought of Deb, smiles. No vacations here until I finish school and get a job--oh wait--I will be too poor from paying back loans, LOL.

    Thanks for the tea and talk...always look forward to it--and be safe on your mission trip, and hurray for a new grandbaby. Blessings

    1. Thanks Linda for stopping by for tea! Ooh, I like Lindt too! That's my problem. I like it all! Ha!

  2. My heart is so full from all the shout outs, that I've almost forgotten the questions. You're precious...and I love you. Yes. I believe I need that luggage...when you get old it's okay to be eccentric....people seem to overlook it...LOL Vacation plans...I can only HOPE we'll finally go somewhere this year.'s snowing to beat the band right now. New recipes...I made the cabbage/hamburger dish that was all over Facebook last was awesome. (except I used Turkey). I'm so looking forward to hearing ALL about your mission trip...that's so exciting!!! Happy Wednesday, sweet Lady!!!

    1. I told Marty last night Deb that it was snowing in your neck of the woods. He said, Awe...wish we was there! Cabbage? Ooh, I used to dislike it a lot but now I love it!

  3. Snickers is my candy that I am addicted too! There is a lot going on for you Cindy but I have this feeling that you are loving it all. Can't wait to hear about your mission trip. You are braver than I would be for sure!
    Connie Royals

    1. Connie, Brave isn't even the word I would use right now! This is SOOOOO out of my comfort zone but I know that God has not called me to this by accident! Thanks for popping in.

  4. Hi Cindy, so much fun to talk over tea this morning with you. You do have a lot going on but I know you are organized and will tackle each task one at a time. I feel overwhelmed at times with all I have going on, but have learned and still learning to keep everything in daily enticements. If I look at it all at once, that's when I feel overwhelmed.
    Sure love a good Snicker bar now and then. Blessings to you on your mission trip. May God keep you safe as you do HIS work!
    Best wishes to your daughter as she prepares for the baby and builds their new house.
    As for vacations, haven't looked that far off yet, but we are going to The Silo's this weekend from Fixer Upper on HGTV. Hope to find lots of inspiration to bring back!! Blessings my friend. xo

    1. HGTV? Wow! I can't wait to hear and SEE what inspires you! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Girl talk is a great idea! Hey, I'm with you on getting (or not getting ) much accomplished. I still try to make a list everyday of the important things I want to get done and often find I only get 1 or 2 things done!! I get distracted a lot lately! We're planning a short get away to Louisiana the middle of February. Wonderful Hubby bought me new golf clubs for Christmas so I'm going to break them in. (Hopefully not BREAK them!). Sounds like you and your family have an exciting year! New baby, a new house...even though it's your daughter's, you'll be helping, too, and that mission trip! I'll be sending up some prayers your way, Cindy!! It was great to visit!! {{Hugs}}. Zenda

  6. So funny Zenda, I was just telling a friend of mine recently that I am easily distracted these days too! Speaking of Louisiana...they tell me they have the best shrimp and grits around! A friend of mine gave me a recipe for that last year and WE LOVE THAT STUFF. Hope you have fun on your trip!

  7. Thank you for mentioning your struggle with doing it all these days. I wondered if I was alone in that too! I use to do so much! I admire your willingness to take that mission trip and also be there for your daughter too. Lots to look forward to! I'm a peanut butter cup lover. So your pie looks tempting to me! Hugs to you, Cindy.

    1. Praise the Lord I'm not alone! Ha! I love peanut butter cups too! Ha! I love it all.

  8. Good Morning Cindy,
    I am sipping a sprite with you this morning! Just finished a brisk and chilly walk and those walks always clear my mind. I ponder and pray and it feels good.
    Oh you have so many things happening in your life and you will take them all one a time and navigate through them gracefully and beautifully as you always do with Christ right beside you.
    We are busy putting in our yard right now, and planning on where the garden is going to be, and my clothes line. Makes my heart joyful.
    Yes, we are planning ahead and looking at a trip to Colorado in July. We always try to get away from the Texas hit for a few weeks in the middle of Summer. Trying to get all these kids rounded up to go with us, is the biggest challenge of all!
    Many Hugs to You!

    1. Sprite sounds good too! Navigating gracefully is what I am clinging too! Ha!

  9. Sound like you need a staff just like me, lol. You're definitely not alone. Butterfingers are my favorite, especially right out of the freezer.

  10. It is good to take a breath and slow down when things start to get too crazy. I want to go to Nicaragua with you! Wow! I don't have any trips planned. Such a bummer! I love Reeses cups but Butterfingers are good too! That recipe looks like something I'd love. Those heart shaped place card holders are adorable. It's like a gift to yourself!

    1. Heather, I felt like I had another Christmas gift I had not opened when I found the valentine place card holders! So fun to find things you've hid from yourself!

  11. Oh how I agree with feeling overwhelmed at times .... JUST when I say.... FINALLY .. I have the whole week to do NOTHING ... SOMETHING and most times LOTS OF THINGS ... (on top of the planned things) pops it's ugly head ... But God always gets me through them and MOST of the time I have to admit that God KNEW BETTER what I NEEDED over what I wanted ... and that I TRULY was glad it came along <3 The candy that calls my name on occasion is any candy that includes firm caramel ... not runny caramel ... And I try not to keep anything in the house like that as I would indulge myself constantly ... as for butterfingers ... I love the butterfinger CAKE! Why not have your cake and eat your candy too! As for your luggage standing out .... I went to the Winter Jam last Friday ... The weather man said there was a big chance of rain so I told my sweet husband he'd better make sure we had an umbrella in the car ... He did .. and I went with a Sponge Bob umbrella !!!! hows that for standing out ... thankfully it did not rain and I did not have to pull it out ha ha ha ... Love the girl talk my friend ... and LOVE you ... see you tonight <3 ...Alisa Dixon

    1. So glad you joined us for Tea today Alisa! Love you!

  12. Happy New Year dear Cindy, what an exciting one it promises to be for you and yours! Sending lots of love over the pond, Josie xx

  13. You sure have a lot of exciting things happening in your family Cindy! Congrats on all. I am actually packing as we speak to go on a cruise with two of my Bf's since we were 12. I am so excited. We are all celebrating the big 5 O this year shortly.

  14. I am all for taking time to relax; we all need this! Your teacup and saucer reminds me of a Currier and Ives set my mother had when I was a little girl. Great memories...oh, and I love tea! :)

    1. I have some Currier and Ives pieces and love them. Thanks for stopping by sweet lady.

  15. All us ladies need some 'girl talk.' So blessed to have a group of ladies, most of them I've known for 30+ years, that meet for lunch once a week. There's 9 of us, WoW...most days our girl talkin' goes to 3:30 or 4:00! As for a candy bar, can't pass the candy aisle and get a snickers!! My favorite. I can imagine Deb squealing with delight over that bag, you know how she is about those owls. lol Enjoy your mission trip, I know you'll spread God's love where ever you go. Just be careful. Love chatting with you, of course this old lady loves 'girl talk!'

    1. What a blessing Miss Mary to have some sweet ladies to meet with once a week and girl talk! We just talked about the sweetness of fellowship with one another last night in class with the sweetest relationship being Christ. Have a good day.

  16. I totally understand getting overwhelmed. Sometimes it's in a good way and sometimes God uses that feeling to get priorities straight. How exciting to wait the arrival of that little precious one. My grand daughter went on a missions trip to Nicaragua last year. She has been on several and going to Africa this year. What a blessing you get to go on this trip. Have a blessed day.

    1. Africa? WOW! We have a group going to Africa and India too. Thanks for stopping by to chat Melanie.

  17. Hey sister,
    I have a few projects in my future. I too am going to clean out our storage room. I was waiting for it to cool up ...but now I'm waiting for it to warm up, lol. How do you like my excuse?...looking forward to our mission,is upon us. Can't wait to see what all God is going to do not inky for the women we will be speaking to, but what He plans to,do in our lives...I love Butterfinger candy bars, but crushed up and in ice cream. Yummy., I feel 2016 is going to be a great year with many new and exciting surprises God has you girl...

    1. Love your excuses because they have been mine as well! God indeed has a plan for us all there is no doubt. He is teaching me to be obedient! Love you Gena,

  18. Nicaragua, wow! Have a great trip my friend.
    Yes, it's good to unwind with a cuppa tea, or wine, even.

  19. This was fun! Glad you made the time to do it, you are a busy lady. Enjoy your trip, my daughter and her husband went on a mission trip to Brazil last year and loved it. I love ALL candy bars, but seldom eat them anymore :-(( Long story. Have you had a Butterfinger Blizzard? Yum!!! Just yesterday I printed out a new recipe for Chicken and Dumplings Casserole. Sounds good. No trips planned yet, hubby has to go to NYC soon for a memorial for his sister.

    I enjoyed the girl talk!


  20. I look forward to hearing more about your mission trip to Nicaragua.

  21. Cindy, you are not alone in this. I don't get half done what I used to.
    Had to scroll down real fast past the candy bar and desserts. Don't need to think in any sweet direction since I'm trying and failing to stay on my diet.
    You are busy but doing great things. Blessings on your mission trip.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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