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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Celebrating with Family}

Well as most of you know my family doesn't have to have a reason to have a party but I'm always glad when we do have a reason to celebrate....

Don't you just love my Family Birthday sign my youngest daughter gave to me? 

 And Melissa (my middle daughter) was having a birthday which

The birthday girl wanted to go out to eat at Maggiano's Little Italy

 Web Image

Web Image

Birthday girl is the last one on right. 

From the oldest to the youngest...

And since we couldn't decide on a dessert we decided on a sample dish....YUM! 

This middle child of mine makes sure there are no holes in the back of my hair at church and if so it gets fluffed out...IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. She takes me shopping to buy the latest clothes because she says, "She can't have people talking about her mama". She comes into my house and nonchalantly takes my things that she likes with intentions on keeping it for JUST a little while...however, they never seem to make it back to my house. She pouts if she thinks I'm not NOT cooking Sunday dinner. She reminds me when my HAIR needs coloring because my white crown is glowing. She lets me know when I'm overdue for a face waxing and while I'm there to go ahead and get a pedi because I NEED it. She tells me I'm a hoarder and when I die she plans to sell my STUFF. If I don't answer her text or her phone call in a timely manner she calls to see if I am dead and when she finds out that I'm STILL alive she says; "GOOD", I don't really have time to plan a funeral today. And...she has already found my room for me at the nursing home. I really don't know what I would do without her......... But....this child of mine that once was a strong willed little girl has turned into a wonderful, marvelous, strong woman that loves Jesus, her family and her friends. NO.....I could not do without her as my life would not be complete. (and not nearly as fun, LOL)

She got a new cruiser for her birthday.

My girls are going to FORCE me into purchasing a bike to ride with them before it's over! But I want one with training wheels, a basket to put my chips in (LOL), some tassel's, a horn and lots of BLING!

She is also enjoying a week at St. Augustine Beach this week. I'd say she is having a pretty good birthday wouldn't you?

Isn't this a beautiful picture? She sent this to me and her sisters the first night they were in St. Augustine. They went to eat at Saltwater Cowboys and she snapped this beautiful picture. I love it so much that I think I may have to frame it. I thought the scripture to be so fitting for this beautiful portrait. 

And thinking about her being at the beach has got me to thinking about my beach tablescape that I plan to do soon. I found these cute place-mats at the Dollar store and they will go great with my plates don't you think?

 So, do you have any beach plans this summer? Here is to hoping you all have a great week and remember................

Hugs and blessings, 

Joining Jemma for Thoughts of Home 


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday to your daughter! WISHES FOR MANY MORE!!! I am looking at the same bike, it has no gears, and I can add bling to it, smiles. What a lovely post, Cindy. Have a beautiful day. (and btw, my son constantly says he is going to stick his dad in Siberia with a big Russian woman named Hilda to change his diapers, lololol--and me, he is going to find me a nice beach nursing home, LOLOLOLOL---funny kid)

    1. LOL Linda!that is too funny about your son! Yep my bike would have to be simple, simple I am afraid!

  2. I enjoyed being with you and your girls today! I have 3 daughters too, and my middle daughter is the 'take-care, take-charge' girl. We are blessed, not only to have wonderful daughters, but to have the wonderful friends they've become. Although I still get a "Mother!" with eyes rolled look on occasion!

  3. I just love the family birthday hanger! How cute. I could really use one of those. Melissa sounds very much like my daughter! St. Augustine is one of my favorite places! I'll be there in November. Have a great day and Happy Birthday to Melissa.

    1. Thanks Melanie. I love that birthday sign too! My man works in St. Augustine daily. It is a drive for him for sure but he likes St. Johns County. I said one time If I ever needed to move it would be to St. Augustine. But I don't ever see that happening and with my family all right together with me...NO...I will just go to visit.

  4. What a fun celebration. The new cruiser is great! The plate chargers are cute and perfect for your dishes. no beach plans as of yet, but pool time. xo

    1. Thanks Linda for stopping by. Pool time sounds good too!

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter. All of your girls are beauties Cindy! I have had myself a good laugh today reading this. Love the color scheme you want to do for beach too!
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. I've got to get on that beach theme too! Dragging here lately.

  6. Well, I only have ONE daughter, but she sounds just like your Melissa. LOL You definitely don't have to wonder what she thinks. Looks like y'all had a wonderful celebration, as usual. Love seeing what a close-knit family you's such a blessing. Nope, no beach vacations for us. We don't get out much....:( Happy Wednesday, sweet Friend.

    1. We did have a good time Deb. Nothing like spending time with the family but I absolutely love spending time with my girls!

  7. What beautiful women you all are, Cindy!!! Happy Birthday blessings to your Melissa. What a great restaurant selection she chose for celebrating her special Maggiano's. I hope she's enjoying her beach vacation, and what a glorious picture she sent you (the verse is perfect). My youngest son and DIL, and baby granddaughter are taking me to Kauai on September 1st, and I'm counting down the days!!!

    1. Oh Kitty, I know you are beyond excited. I would be too! Cannot wait to see your pictures and hear about your trip. Sept. 1 can't get here soon enough I bet.

  8. What an absolutely delightful post, Cindy! I smiled and giggled all the way through it. Love the birthday reminder sign! I had three sons so I didn't get to enjoy those mother-daughter times although I have a darling DIL coming home soon and we will have a blast together. Your daughters are all beautiful ladies. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl and thank you for the smile!


    1. Thanks Sandi. Well praise the Lord you have a darling DIL. I know you are ready for your family to come to see you. Especially since you have some GREAT Cookies ready for them!

  9. Cindy, this is the sweetest post! Happy Birthday to your spunky, beautiful daughter.

    Your girls are as pretty as you and I love hearing about the hair fluffing and sassiness. I have sons which I love but it doesn't escape me that there are many things I'm missing out on.

  10. Beautiful family! Hope you are having a wonderful week ♥

  11. Hi Cindy, Happy Birthday to your darling daughter. You with the girls look like another sister. So young and beautiful you all are. Love the bike your daughter got. That is the one I am trying to find. You girls really do birthdays good. Love all the fun and great pics. Blessings to you all and the birthday girl!! Hugs xo

  12. Hi, many things I like here...I am ordering oone of the Family Birthday boards for my DIL for her birthday in Aug. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to get her until I saw cute..and, I have a daughter just like yours and they haven[t made enuf money to get her away from I want a pink bike...more than that, I wish I could ride one again...and, let's see....i love those place mats...xoxo

    1. I love my birthday sign BJ. I wonder if the reason she got it for me though was because she was afraid I might forget HER birthday! LOL! Yep, not so sure I could ride a bike again! Legs might hold out.

  13. Happy birthday to your daughter! You have beautiful daughters and you all look like sisters. My daughter and he family just went to St. Augustine too, last week.....Christine

    1. Thanks Christine. St. Augustine is a beautiful city.

  14. I don't think I'm going to get to the beach until fall when we visit the kids in San Diego. And it's really hot here so your photos cooled me off, dear friend! Happy Birthday to your middle child. She's lovely and I wish her a great year ahead.

    1. I went to the beach on Tuesday and the water was so hot!!! Thanks sweet lady for stopping by.

  15. Happy Birthday! Sounds that you all had a very good time. Birthday gift looks beautiful. All of you look very cute and young :)

  16. Happy Birthday to you daughter!! I love the beach and went 2 weeks ago and I plan on going again this weekend. Have a nice day and weekend. Thanks too for your lovely visit to my blog!! Yay for summer and grilling season. :)

    1. Yes we love grilling and we grill all year round! Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Your daughter sounds like quite a pistol Cindy! Love the idea of a family birthday calendar, so cute!

    1. Jenna, that is a word choice to use for sure (PISTOL) LOL!

  18. Oh, Cindy! Why wouldn't your daughter be wonderful - look at her mother! :) You do have gorgeous girls and I had to chuckle about this one! ;) I have a very similar pink cruiser but can't ride it up here in New York - too many hills. thank you always, my sweet friend, for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks Sheila. Yep, my days of going up the hill are over! LOL!

  19. I have never eaten at this restaurant Cindy and it looks SO good! Birthday wishes to your darling girl.

    1. Laura, if you get the chance eat there. It's really good.

  20. I forgot to tell you that my one DIL made me the Family Birthday sign, that looks like yours. I'll have to send you a picture of it.

    1. Yes do send me the picture. I would love to see it.

  21. Happy birthday, Melissa! Beautiful daughters and Mother! I love the photo and the scripture! So glad you all had at Maggiano's! Have a joy-filled weekend! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  22. Cindy- we love the same things: family, celebrations, good food- all of the great simple things in life.
    Thank you for joining us and sharing at Thoughts of Home.
    We are so glad you are here!

    White Spray Paint

    1. Thanks Laura. It is indeed the simple things in life that brings the greatest pleasures.

  23. Cindy you are truly blessed. Three beautiful daughters and a whole bunch of grandkids. What else could a mama ask for? Happy Birthday to your sweet Melissa!

  24. Cindy,
    I just love seeing you and your family together!! You and your girls look so lovely!! Thanks so muchf or stopping by!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  25. My dear Cindy, it was such a joy to see you with your beautiful family. Indeed, you are richly blessed. Hugs to you!

  26. Love hearing about your daughter's birthday and how she takes care of you. That birthday wall hanging is genius. Great to remember all those birthdays. Such good pics of all of you.

  27. Cindy My dear!
    Oh how my heart needed to read this sweet, sweet story of the love that a daughter has for her Momma tonight before I go to bed.
    I got a little weepy too, with really good tears! Oh how she loves you from the depths of her heart.
    Your blessings are so many and it just makes me feel so good to see them and you are so right, you all don't need a reason to throw a party! You are the loveliest and lovingest people that I know!
    I can go to sleep now, with a happy heart:)
    Hugs and blessings!

    1. You are precious sweet lady. In hope you have a wonderful week my friend.

  28. I'm catching up on reading and wanted to wish your daughter a Happy Birthday! What a great celebration!! Many more blessings to you and your beautiful family!!

  29. Here I am - catching up again! I loved this post about your Melissa. She sounds like such a fun gal. I was at the beach about the time you wrote this post. My little vintage trailer and I spend a wonderful weekend at the Oregon Coast with a group of girlfriends. I'm sure my sweetheart and I will head that way again before the summer is over.

    1. Thanks Adrienne for stopping by. Glad you had a good time with your friends.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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