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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{A Blast From The Past}

 Web image

I shared with you all last week about why my blog name is "Creations by Cindy" and I appreciate the many sweet comments on my little old photography. I also had several of you contact me personally to ask me about using actions in Photoshop so I wanted to share with those of you interested in a site that I have loved for years, MCP Actions. 

I have several of their actions that I use and one of my favorite's is called Magic Skin.
Some of my favs are Eye Dr. and Dentist, Touch of light and darkness, and sharpening actions. If you are a Light room user they offer precepts. Some sweet freebies too! If you are into photography and would like a little help to ease the work load, check them out! 

I wanted to share a "blast from the past" with a few pictures today.

I had not mastered lighting when I snapped this picture and still haven't! But this was a fun Mother-Daughter photo shoot. This sweet Mama has another little girl now.

This is one of my most favorite pictures. Of course these kiddo's are my grandbabies!  Since this picture we have another little grandgirl that I hope to capture a picture like this one with all five this summer. Our family is beach bound for a whole 7 days this summer! YAY! 

A few wedding ring shots....


This was one of my favorite shots of Dad and Mom having prayer with their daughter. 

This might have been one of the largest weddings I ever shot. This couple are both doctors now. I knew I should have charged them more money! LOL! 

 This sweet and sassy little thing is my granddaughter. 

And don't think for one minute that she didn't enjoy blowing that confetti every where! 

A few Senior pictures of my nephew who is now serving in the US Navy and married. 

This picture was probably the first time I ever tried changing out backdrops. It was tedious work. I snapped the picture of her standing outside and then I had purchased this digital backdrop to make this picture happen. This was when backdrops seemed to be so popular. Now they make this process a little easier to do than when I tried my hand at it.

This is another one of my favs and once again, this little cutie is my granddaughter. 

And of course we must capture fun pictures. I love the pictures that speak FUN!

I wonder what these little girls might have been talking about?

One of my favs too.

This was the first time I planted sunflowers and they all came up and I had some of the prettiest sunflowers ever!  I think the Scripture goes perfect with my pretty sunflowers. 

 I hope you have enjoyed having a little "blast from the past" with me. It has been fun for me to reminiscence a little. 

And talk about reminiscing a little...
My oldest grandchild will celebrate her 13th birthday on Easter Sunday and I cannot for the life of me figure out where those 13 years went.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Love it, love it, love it (everything, I mean, lol)--Happy 13th Birthday to your granddaughter!!!

    Have a beautiful week, friend.

  2. Thank you for sharing all of these blasts from the past! I love seeing your old photos and processing!! My favorite might be that sweet tea party! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter! Where does the time go?

  3. Dear Cindy,
    Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos as a "blast from the past". They are so much fun to view and read what they each represented to you. I LOVE the one of your little granddaughter standing in front of the gas pump...she knows how to pose...and her smile is infectious.

    I hope you are feeling well and that things are going good in your "new room". :)


    1. Awe thanks my friend . My room is a slow process . I cannot decide what type of furniture I want to put in there yet . Nor can I decide on curtains . I'm being really slow with this but hoping it will be worth it in the end . Thanks fir coming by .

  4. You're awesome my friend! Great photos....I love the ones of your grandchildren. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl, a teen-ger, WoW..

    1. Thanks miss Mary . I'm turning on that oldest grands pictures now .

  5. Wenger photo was awesome! I sure enjoyed the blast from your past, Cindy.
    You are amazing with the camera, well done!
    I had a few favorites, the tea party is gorgeous and that covered bridge was quite stunning.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

    Easter Blessings to you, dear lady~

    1. Thank you Debbie . That bridge is one of my favs .

  6. Awesome talent, my Friend. Love all the fotos, especially the ones of the grands! ;-) HOPE you're still feeling better....take care your yourself!

  7. These are wonderful!
    You have an eye for details. Not to much and yet enough to enhance the subject. That is a gift!

  8. Beautiful....beautiful pics!

  9. Cindy, what a gift you have! These photos are fabulous! Of course you have some of the best subjects, right? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks friend . My little subjects are so used to having a camera in their face . lol .

  10. Cindy, what gorgeous pictures that you captured. I enjoyed every shot especially your darling grands! Blessings~

  11. Gorgeous photos, Cindy! You do have a gift! When I started my blog, I used Picasa but now it seems to be phased out and trying to find another, easy to use editing tool is a real hassle. Is there a bit learning curve with mpcactions ?

    1. Thanks so much. I used Picasa some for a while. MPC Actions are used in Photo shop to lighten the work load of editing. They are not a stand alone aid for editing pictures. You can find some really cheap editing programs for free on line and some fairly decent ones to purchase as well. Photo shop is pricey. Lightroom is another good one. You just have to shop around my friend.

  12. Cindy, enjoyed looking at the pictures. Well, my favorite picture is that cutie blowing the confetti. I bet she loved doing that. Happy birthday to your birthday girl and Happy Easter Cindy.
    Connie Royals

  13. Such beautiful and precious photos, my friend! The tea party picture brought a smile to my face....such sweetness!

    Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I figured you would like the Tea party! LOL!

  14. Thank you for sharing these beautiful shots, Cindy! I love them all. You're family is blessed to have a pro documenting all the fun you guys do together! Happy Easter to you and yours and have a blessed Holy Week. Love you!

  15. Hi Cindy, Beautiful photos from your very talented eye for photography. Love seeing the blast from the past. Happy Birthday to your beautiful grand daughter. Wishing you a very Happy Easter. xo

  16. I so loved reminiscing with you through your precious photos, Cindy! I must say, that beach scene is absolutely darling. How fun to go to the beach this summer and capture some more pictures of all your grands. Happy Easter, sweet friend!

    1. Awe kitty ! My favorite too is the beach scene with my grands . Happy Easter to you my friend .

  17. I can see why your favourite photos are just that - every one is special though and unique in how you've captured the subject/s. Love the wedding rings on baby's toe!
    Happy Easter.

  18. Cindy, your photography is amazing! That first picture is absolutely precious. Each one I saw ignited more delight in me!! I have some fun confetti eggs to give the grands for Easter. I hope they have fun with them. I wish I had half of your photography talent!!

    1. Thanks Jann . I know that you will enjoy Easter with your grands .

  19. Wonderful and fun photos...our youngest grandest girl turned 15 and I just had a little bird tell me that there's some 15 yr old fella calling her every day on the phone....and she loves it...o, my.....:)

    1. Awe BJ...she has a boy calling her? They grow up too fast! Makes me sad. But it is a circle of life.

  20. I am so in awe of your amazing photography skills and​ I love all of your pictures but my absolute favourite is the gorgeous beach shop. Looking forward to seeing the update in the summer! Wishing you all a blessed and joyful Easter xx

    1. Thanks Josie . I'm hoping to capture all 5 grands with s beach shot this summer .

  21. Lovely post Cindy. you have a gift of beautiful photography...always camera ready. Love seeing your family. It is difficult to pick a favorite. Happy Easter to you and your sweet family. xo

  22. Beautiful pictures and precious memories.
    Happy Easter.

  23. Cindy I so enjoyed looking at your photography. So many precious moments captured, so many moods. I think you are a natural with children they all seem so happy in the photos. Blessing my friend!

  24. How amazing to share with you as you walked through the past pictures you had taken! You have some amazing talent, but I don't blame you for just wanting to spend your talents with your grandchildren, no better way than to let our talents bless our families! I have been to many weddings where there were too many "bosses" and I completely understand your issue with them, lol. I would have to say that my favorite picture that you took is the one of the grands on the beach, it is just precious! Thank you for sharing the past with us, I really enjoyed it :)


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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