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Showing posts from July, 2014

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

Let's Talk Thursday over a cup of Coffee

I just love how all the blogger's are doing more and more games with questions to get to know one another. So let's talk over coffee... 1: Have you ever made donuts? Yes from canned biscuits. This was one of my girls favorite things for me to make for them when growing up. Cut a hole in them, deep fry and coat with sugar! YUM! 2: What is one homemaking thing that you do every night before going to bed?  My kitchen is clean and all dishes are washed or in the dishwasher with exception of two coffee cups that go in the sink. My man and I usually have one cup of coffee each around 8ish most nights.   3: Where is your junk drawer?  In my kitchen under my breakfast bar. 4: Do you make a daily to do list and check it off as you go? Oh mercy yes! That is if I don't forget where I put my list. I live by lists and a calendar! Didn't say I liked it but have figured out that is just life for me right now.  5: Do you like aprons and do you wear them? I do lik...

Wednesday in the Word-GIVE

My oldest grandgirl loves to sew and when she comes to Nana's house the first thing she wants to know is, "Nana, do you have some fabric I can sew with?". I LOVE IT! So needless to say she began to go through some fabric. She cracks me up because each piece that she picks up she will tell me what she thinks would be awesome (as she says) to make out of it. This time though she decided that we would make her great-grandmother , also known as 2-Nanny a tote bag. We decided to use a regular heavy duty vinyl tablecloth ....I had several different ones but she picked out the one that she knew 2-Nanny would love. The country print is what we went with. Hearts, stars and all the colors that 2-Nanny loves. We doubled it so the outside and the inside would be the same. Water proof and clean up is easy with the Tablecloth tote bag! Our Raygen is a "giver" and gives from her little 10 year old heart. Each week I watch her as she (excitedly) place...

Tuesday Toots-Football basket

A little Football toot today! Made up this basket for one of my family members who is also an avid football fan and it was so much fun picking out football food. I packed everything that you can imagine in this basket.Just to name a few....peanuts, chips, dip, water, popcorn, Slim Jim's, pickles, and well you name it and it was packed in there. Of course he is a Georgia Bulldog fan (GO DAWGS) so had to add a little Ga colors ya know! An added small football gave it a nice touch.And of course the little red basket can be used in his man cave as he calls it as a catch-all! I love this verse on the football that took center stage in the gift basket. I simply took a free printable of a football and typed in the verse I wanted to use and then cut it out! Worked out perfect don't ya think? Enjoy your Tuesday and REJOICE! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Make Me Smile Monday-Charming Country Finds

There is always something to smile about even if it's on a day that you might not feel like smiling...right? Several friends and I gathered at one our friends homes recently and though I didn't have the opportunity to snap as many pictures as I'd like I did want to share a few with you. LOVE her style....Isn't this the cutest? The girl is just one little crafty gal. This was one side of her mantle above her fireplace.Check out the old metal fan . This was the other side of mantel above her fireplace. Not sure what I like best, the sunflower or the red lantern ! This was in the center wall above her fireplace. SPEAKS SUMMER don't ya think? In full view...just so cute! Isn't the boat paddle too cute? One of my favorite pieces. A cornered hutch and so rustic and vintage . I love everything about this. The simplicity but yet attention to detail. Check those lampshades out! And I am going to be totally honest....the ki...

Let's Talk Thursday

It has truly been fun getting to know other blogger's and even things about our own friends that we didn't really know! So with that being said...let's do it again! So today is called "Getting to Know You" and I am going to spotlight one blog this week for you to pop over and take a peek at!  Web Image I will ask the questions and give you my answers and then you simply reply with your answer. Fun way to get to know others. 1: What has been the most embarassing moment for you (so far) in life? 2: What was your favorite song as a teenager? (If you can remember) LOL! 3:  What is your favorite season? Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall ? 4: What is your favorite type of shoe to wear: A: Flats of any kind B: Flip flops C: High heels D: Shoes with some height but not tall 5: If you could only pick one place to live would it be at the beach or in the mountains ? 6: What movie genre are you usually drawn too? A: Comedy B: ...

Wednesday in the Word-Being a Parent

 Web Image   Someone sent this to me about a year ago and as I was cleaning out some files I came across this. Worthy of sharing today. Being a parent means... To be brave enough to be the bad guy once in a while. To aim at being a wise Mom or Dad and not to become their 'best friend'. To have the wisdom to not always let them win at chess so they can taste failure. To use the rod with wisdom and not in anger. To be humble enough to admit when wrong and ask for forgiveness. To not make all the choices but to help them make the right ones. To make them independent even though that means letting go. To love unconditionally as it is their birth right to be loved. To show appreciation when they do little things so they feel valued. To ask for their opinion and be willing to change yours if theirs makes more sense. To pray for and with them every day, earnestly. To be bold eno...

Tuesday Toots-Yard Sale Loot

I just so happened to be driving down the road when I spotted this little yard sale! HEE-HEE! Of course I had to stop! RIGHT???? Spotted this cute little tea cup and saucer for 50 cents! Just had to have it. Isn't this just too cute? Haven't decided what I want to do with it yet. I bet I come up with something though. Only 50 cents! Spotted this jewelry box. My first thoughts; This thing needs a good cleaning. The more I looked at it the cuter it became! It sort of had that vintage look to it and the ideas for use started flowing. I really liked the latch. And...for $1.00 ....hey, if it winds up in the grandbabies play room then the grandgirls will be tickled. This little "Family" stone was actually sitting inside the jewelry box. So when I went to pay the young woman for the jewelry box I handed her the stone and said, "This was inside the box". She said, "Well, looks like you've already got some jewelry ...

Make Me Smile Monday

Well, I just like LOVE bragging on my grandbabies! Gotta brag on the oldest grandgirl a little bit today.   Let me start by sharing that my oldest daughter and her family spent the week in New Orleans with our church on a mission trip. We had the opportunity to hear amazing testimonies last night at church from our team that went.  Nothing melted my heart any more than to hear that our 10 year old grandgirl Raygen participated with helping to lead Bible studies all through the week with the children, took a very active part in leading and led two little girls to come to know Christ as their Savior .  The opportunity came when she was asked about her bracelet that she was wearing. The "Salvation" bracelet.    Web Image  She explained in detail what each bead meant and represented and then led them in prayer. heart is still melting! Web Image Hoping to share with you soon about another bracelet that the ...

Tablescape Thursday

Well, as bad as I did not want to take down my July 4th stuff I did! Now onto a little blue, white and silver...   I usually begin with my focal point being the main centerpiece but quickly decided I wanted to incorporate my pretty porcelain ladies. Her name is Claire by the way.   I have these two pretties in my Girly room as my man calls it and decided they would be perfect with some blue, white and silver. Meet Bella .   Silver candelabra took center stage. A touch of blue satin ribbon completed the look.   Matching candlesticks on each end of the table.   The detail is stunning to me.   My good ole faithful goblets really added to this setting.   Blue place mat, silver charger and my sweet Goodwill plates...Remember these? Eight for $4.99.       The clear little punch cups sit nicely on the plates. Actually big enough for a small cup of coffee or hot tea.   Using my Goodwill napkins I...