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Showing posts from November, 2014

{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

Happy Thanksgiving

Web image Hope you and your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Wednesday in the Word-Be Alert

Lack of knowledge will get us into trouble every time! I've always heard the saying "What you don't know can't hurt you". Well may I tell you that "What you don't know CAN KILL YOU! Satan came for one reason and one reason only... To steel, kill and destroy! (John 10:10) and (1st Peter 5:8-9) If you belong to the most high God then Satan cannot have your soul but I can assure you that he wants your witness, your reputation, your dignity and your character and he will stop at nothing to attain it! All the more reason that we acknowledge Ephesians 6:10-18 and put on the whole armor of God daily! Satan will stop at nothing with his attacks. He watches us, studies us and finds our weaknesses and then he makes his move.  He wants our marriages, our children, our family, our friends and our church. He doesn't care who his prey is and he is just like a sniper! He comes in when you least expect him. He hides  quite well. He is constantly looking for h...

Wednesday in the Word-Keepsake

I love keepsakes don't you? The definition of the word "Keepsake" is: something that you keep to help you remember a person, place, or event : a memento or souvenir. I am sure you are like me and have many keepsake items. I have quite a few keepsake things that belonged to my great-grandparents and my grandparents. Some in which I have handed down already to my children and some that will be handed down to them one day. I have many keepsake items that my sweet friends has given me over the years. I have things that when I look at it it carries me back to where I was and what I was doing at the time I bought it. I love keepsake items. There is ALWAYS a story or a memory to go with it.  Recently I bought this silver trinket box. Isn't it so pretty? The picture doesn't do it justice because the details are absolutely beautiful.  I purchased it from Things Remembered which is well known for their engraving. I had the cross placed on the left and the scri...