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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

Wednesday in the Word-Be Alert

Lack of knowledge will get us into trouble every time! I've always heard the saying "What you don't know can't hurt you". Well may I tell you that "What you don't know CAN KILL YOU!

Satan came for one reason and one reason only...To steel, kill and destroy! (John 10:10) and (1st Peter 5:8-9) If you belong to the most high God then Satan cannot have your soul but I can assure you that he wants your witness, your reputation, your dignity and your character and he will stop at nothing to attain it! All the more reason that we acknowledge Ephesians 6:10-18 and put on the whole armor of God daily!

Satan will stop at nothing with his attacks. He watches us, studies us and finds our weaknesses and then he makes his move.

 He wants our marriages, our children, our family, our friends and our church. He doesn't care who his prey is and he is just like a sniper! He comes in when you least expect him. He hides  quite well. He is constantly looking for his target. He is quiet, still and precise. He gets his victim within range, aims, cocks and shoot! He's deadly! 

My message is simply this for today...

BE ALERT! Stay in the Word of God. Trust the Word of God and not your heart. 

 The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

If we listen to our own selfish desires then Satan will talk us right OUT of our marriage, push those children far away from their parents, tells us family and friends are not important and that we do not need the church! Well Satan is a liar and a thief. 

 Beware my friends! I see Satan daily tearing marriages apart because if he can get in your home then he feels he has all of you. I see families falling apart over something that was so small and truly insignificant only because one person could not swallow their pride. I've seen children walk away from Christ and follow other roads all because they have witnessed the rocky relationship with Christ that their parents displayed before them. I've seen faithful church members leave the church and wind up becoming dormant all because of a disagreement. 

Put on the armor of God and stand firm! Without it...we are dead prey.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Oh Cindy...what a powerful message of truth you have shared today. It is so hard to see marriages break up or children go astray, or people leave the church...when all that is really needed is for them to do as you say, swallow their pride. Satan is out there to do everything he can to destroy. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful message today...a warning, really, to stay fast in the Word. Big hugs to you, my friend.

  2. Preach it, Sister! Nothing but the TRUTH spoken here today! p.s.... congrats on the new family member.... just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

  3. Yes, we need to pray to keep him away....Christine

  4. Very strong and necessary reminders, Cindy. I feel more armored up after reading your message and your scripture references.
    Thanks for sharing with us and thanks for visiting me today.

  5. I know firsthand what the evil one can do to a marriage, he destroyed mine over 30 years ago.

    Good to hear from you, have missed you.


  6. This message is strong and clear! This is how it is dear Cindy, every word. Satan is a thing that cannot destroy me or my family as we are under God's wing. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Thanks for your kind visit too.

  7. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your visits!!

    My knee is feeling better be because i go back to work tonight!!


  8. Missed you posting this week. Hope all is well!

  9. What a wonderful post by a very lovely lady xo


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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