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Showing posts from April, 2015

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

Wednesday in the Word-Bullet Proof

Today is just one of those days! Do you ever have those days when you seem to be "JUST SICK" at how Satan attacks the children of God? And...we're none exempt from the attacks of the evil one. Matter of fact if you are a Christian he wants you out of the picture especially if you are making a difference for the kingdom of God.  Seems here lately that everywhere I turn I am hearing story after story of how Satan is at work in the lives of so many. Marriages are on the brink of destruction. Families are being torn apart. People are walking away from their faith to trust an unknown God of some kind. Faithful, long time church members now sitting on their couches instead of sitting in a pew at their church. Children rallying against their parents. The list goes on and on. Satan is alive and roaming this earth seeking whom he can devour.  I read a true story once about a motorcycle policeman that saw a red pick-up truck speed through a stop sign. He turned on his lights a...

Tuesday Toots and Yard Sale Loot! me a good yard sale ! Haven't been in a while so took a couple of hours and decided to treat myself.  Don't you love these???? And of course I could not PASS THIS UP!  I just love this pitcher. I have several like this in different sizes. This is Tupperware and I have one exactly like this one that I've had for years and I use it to make tea in for big family gatherings! Now I've got another one! I might use this one to store my flour in with my sifter! Dang I'm becoming more and more like my granny! This will be cute for Easter. I see a paint job with a project coming up for this wooden piece. I can't hardly pass up a cute basket! Quart size paint cans! Looks like a craft with the grands coming up! More jars.....I really needed wanted these! And for 10 cents each...dang...just had to snatch em! Cute pumpkin basket don't ya think? Sweet little music note ornaments! I spied a couple...

Things that make me Happy,

I just love my "Love you more" sign. Makes me smile!  This old iron and clothes pins my friend Shirley Williams gave me made me real happy. Now Sister girl will have a friend.     You can read about Sister girl here... .   This OLD, OLD Wagon Wheel that belonged to my husband's  grandpa makes me happy!We have two of them and loved them in our yard! My sweet "bread bowl" as I call it! I found this at a yard sale years ago and paid a whole whopping 25 cents for it. I am quite sure it was someones salad bowl at the time but it has served me well as my bread bowl! Nice, thick and heavy and has been used to make lots of "granny's biscuits! This green pitcher with silk flowers HOLLERS Summer to me! My man built this cover to hide my UGLY hot water heater in my laundry room and I am HAPPY ! More on that in a later post! ...


My latest purchase was a wooden antique ironing board as I had been wanting one and a long time friend of mine just so happen to have an extra one that I could buy from her!  And I say extra because she had 3! One went to her daughter, she kept one and I purchased the other one! HAPPY CAMPER! But with this grand piece dated between the 20-30's era came a billion-zillion pieces of padding that had been been nailed to this sweetie that I named Sister Gir l. Her name came quickly as she about whipped me and everyone else in the family. At one point I said, "Sister Girl" ...I have one nerve left today and you DONE AND GOT ON IT! We cut with scissors, knives, ripped, tore and shredded and well this became a family project. I even had the oldest grandgirl and my friend Janice's grandson hard at work trying to help me to expose the wood that I knew SISTER GIRL had somewhere....underneath all that billion-zillion pieces of padding. They actually thought it was ...

Happy Birthday To Our Oldest Grandchild

Our oldest grandchild and granddaughter Raygen is celebrating her 11th birthday today! And as with all of my family...we celebrate for a MONTH ! I've already called and sang Happy Birthday to her this morning and she has filled me in on what is in store for her DAY ! This past Saturday we had a Nana and Raygen day to celebrate her birthday. Mani's and Pedi's was on the top of our list! She enjoyed every minute of being pampered. I think she might be kin to her Nana! Of course we had to have a little design put on the nails and toenails too! Showing off her freshly done manicure! And of course we had to get our toes done! Raygen picked out my color...Cajun Shrimp! Her foot is bigger than mine!!!! And she is about to be taller than me. Which isn't saying a whole lot! LOL! This sweet young girl brings our family so much joy! She is only 11 years old and filled with a love for our Lord that speaks to many. Happy Birthday Raygen! Nana a...