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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{I'm Back From Nicaragua}

Well, all within a few weeks I have traveled on two airplanes, been out of the country and celebrated another birthday! DANG...if I live to be 100 there is no telling what else I might do!

I just want to thank all of my blogging buddies for your prayers and thoughts. Needless to say I went to Nicaragua with intentions on BLESSING someone but I came back home MORE BLESSED! I left a piece of heart with the women in Nicaragua. 

Our team of 11 consisted of nine women and two men and all I can say is...Lord bless the two men that went with us! I'm quite sure that they had enough of our hormones flying! 

 Our ladies ministered to women in two different churches and we basically taught the Word of God and loved on those precious women. The Lord opened up doors for us to be able to do what most of us would call a conference or retreat with the women. Women got saved, lives changed and well, God showed up and showed out!

There are so many stories I could share but your poor little eyes would be tired from reading. For now I want to share a few pictures that touched my heart. 

A large group of ladies that we ministered too.

Sweet Carolina and Miriam. Miriam is in the white shirt and one of the pastor's wives. She stayed with our group almost the entire trip. She also interrupted for our group a lot.

Denora is in the black top. Another pastor's wife that our hearts intertwined. I found my soul sister and mini me from another country!

 Precious moment. Two different languages but praying to the same GOD!

 I made so many new friends but this gal right here....precious!

Another precious moment....

 God's Word in any language will never return void.

 One of our leaders witnessing on the streets.

 Patty, my translator. Isn't she just the cutest little thing?

Another heart melting moment. 

 This was a husband and wife that got baptized. We had the opportunity to see many get baptized. I cannot even begin to tell you how much being able to follow the obedience of Christ meant to them. Another story for another day!

Sweet Amy. She was the age of my oldest granddaughter and when I was leaving she asked me if I would have my granddaughter pray for her and she would pray for my granddaughter. Such sweetness...

Our church prayed for this little cutie while he was still in his mother's womb. There was complications during pregnancy. But...I finally got to see this little boy that we had prayed for.

 I didn't have much time to journal but nothing like being able to go back and see how God worked in your life. This was such a moment to REFLECT on all that He was doing.

 I captured this picture from the plane and I thought it was breathtaking!

This picture only speaks to me! A picture sometimes is only evident in meaning to the eye of the beholder! (A Heart Like His)

Random pictures I want to share with you.

YES, my heart wants to go back and teach the ladies in Nicaragua. I know my calling and it's to teach the living Word of God. I've been teaching now for 18 years and I truly feel that God has been preparing me for "Such a time as this". 

Sad goodbyes....

I don't have a picture but on the last night that our team was there I saw a pickup truck with about 15 women or so sitting in the back of the truck that had attended our conference. I asked our interrupter why they were riding in the back of the pickup truck. Her answer: They traveled for well over an hour to hear the American women teach them the Word of God! DO I NEED TO EVEN SAY ANY MORE?

The women that we ministered too were HUNGRY for the WORD! Oh...if only we all was that just that hungry!

Our main theme for these women fit the the following versus in every aspect. This is what I want to leave with you precious ladies today for you to know as well.....


One more thing just so you will know....I had the best birthday ever! A special time with my girls and grands...time teaching women the Word of God...and time to REFLECT on what Christ has done for me!

And...we are counting down weeks now till the new grandgirl arrives....Don't ya think my baby girl is just beautiful?

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. I'm crying....and have Holy Spirit chills. If I'm feeling this simply through your words and pictures, I can't begin to imagine how you felt being there. God is so good!!! Thanks so much for sharing...and, yes...she's gorgeous!!! Love you, Friend.

  2. How exciting for you!!! We have several friends who go to Cristo Rey, and we hope to go at some point. I am sure you enjoyed being the hands and feet of Christ:-) Congratulations on the grand baby too!!

  3. You rocked it Cindy!
    Indeed a blessing to all.

  4. Welcome back Cindy. Enjoyed looking at the pictures. Your daughter is blooming with beauty. So glad you had a good birthday too. Thanks for sharing.
    Connie Royals

  5. Dear Cindy, So nice to see you back from your mission trip. I know how much you must miss the ladies you met and ministered too. Your work there will continue on for a long time to come. Love seeing the photos and the smiles on all the faces. You and your team touched so many. What a blessing to visit here today and see a bit of your experience. It made me cry to see the photo of you hugging goodbye to one of the ladies. Precious memories made!! God Bless you my friend in your calling to teach God's word. You are amazing!!
    Love the photo of your daughter at the end. I know you are counting the days. She is beautiful!!
    Blessings. xo

    1. Oh sweet Celeste...thank you so much for your kind words. Your encouragement blesses me so.

  6. Sweet, sweet friend!
    You have touched my heart with the good news that God is alive and well all over this amazing planet and that you were witness to and part of spreading His word.
    These photos, your words your heartfelt emotion spreads the glory of His presence today. You may be have been a disciple in Nicaragua but you are just as an important one here to today for me.
    Beautiful you , beautiful daughter and beautiful people of Nicaragua.
    Blessing to all, with love through Him,

    1. Thank you so much my friend for your sweet and kind words! God is ALIVE indeed.

  7. What a blessed mission!! God blesses those who follow His path! I was so touched when I read about those 15 ladies who road in the back of a truck to hear you all speak about God. It brought tears to my eyes. Happy birthday, sweet lady!

    1. Thank you so much! YES, my heart will never be the same. Those ladies that was willing to ride in the back of a truck to hear the gospel message about done me in! I am so spoiled. May the Lord never ever allow me to forget what He has taught me. HUMILITY!

  8. You touched deep into my heart with this message. I use to work in Aglow International and know the miles women in third world countries would walk to get to evangelistic meetings. Your photos are interesting and so much of what you accomplished was captured in expressions for us! So excited to see the team spirit after praying for you guys every day. I feel so much a part of it too. And happy birthday, pretty lady. Glad your family celebrated you! That photo of your daughter is precious! Big hugs to you.

    1. Thank you so much! Your prayers meant everything to me! God is good!

  9. Wow Cindy! What a magnificent trip and to get to share the love of Christ at the same time. So glad ya'll are back safe. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your mission ministry :)

  10. Oh Cindy! What a wonderful opportunity you had! Such a blessing to those dear people and to you as well. How I've wanted to take a trip like this. Have a blessed day. You can tell us as many stories as you like!

  11. What wonderful photos of your trip. REally touching! Thank you for sharing it all with us. Your babygirl is beautiful!!

    1. Thank you Heather! Can't wait to get my hands on that new grand.

  12. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your great blessings from your mission trip. My heart is blessed. Beautiful that you could see the little boy you prayed for. What a humbling story about the ladies riding an hour in the back of a truck to hear you ladies speak and teach. All your pictures speak a thousand words.

  13. Cindy, I feel so blessed through your blessings. Does that make sense? My heart was leaping with joy as I read and saw God working through you and the others of your group. I am so grateful for the men and women who go into the world to teach His Word. You're awesome my friend. What does Deb always say? Ain't God Good!! Oh yes He is!

  14. What a great and fulfilling trip you just had, Cindy. The photo you took from the plane is amazing!...Christine

  15. Oh Cindy, this post touched my heart. What precious women and children! I do agree that when we serve others we ourselves are so very blessed. I know what the gospel means to those who don't get to hear it. Bless you sweet friend!

    1. Thanks so much Jann. My heart will never be the same!

  16. Hi Cindy and a belated happy birthday to you, my friend! Oh, my what a wonderful blessed time you must have had. Sounds marvelous and you were a blessing to these gals and they were a blessing to you! What glorious snaps of all the happy smiling faces. I'm so proud for you that God used you to be such a blessing. God is good!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Hi Cindy, I really enjoyed your sharing of your missions trip. I like the pictures from the plane, I do do the same thing. I hope you can come visit me sometime. Belated Happy Birthday!

  18. What a wonderful and fulfilling adventure for everyone. Love your stories and beautiful pictures, Cindy.

  19. Cindy, what an incredible testimony of how God is using you. Funny how he plans things and prepares us for them, isn't it? You have an incredible gift and I'm so excited to see how God uses you in the years to come! Love you! Thank you for sharing your mission story. Johnna

    1. Thanks Johnna so much! I was so blessed to have this opportunity.

  20. Cindy!! What an amazing post written by an amazing woman about a truly amazing experience. Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!! And thnaks so much for stopping by!!


  21. AWESOME!!!! (sorry for yelling---I am so happy to read this...truly I am)---oh and I can not wait to hear all about the little one when it arrives. Many Blessings to you, friend.

  22. I'm catching up after being under the weather far too long! Your trip was wonderful, I know, and I understand that you were SO blessed. I've been to Mexico several times and each time I come home changed. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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