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{Sharing My Life}

  I've been enjoying drinking coffee from my new mug that was gifted to me for my birthday which was February 18th.  Every single treatment for cancer that I was given I would pray this scripture, quote this scripture and sometimes I put it in the form of a song. This verse ministered to me so many times and still does so needless to say this is my now new favorite coffee mug.  Speaking of birthdays, I was so very thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my family. My daughters carried me out to dinner and lavished me with lots of loves, sweet gifts and great food.  We sure have a great time together .   One of my nieces shares her birthday on the same date as me so she treated me to lunch. We have a very close relationship and she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.  My favorite dessert, strawberry cheese cake .  We also celebrated my sweet FIL for his 90th birthday.  Yesterday I had the privilege to go see Pe...

{Calgon take me away}

Have you ever just had one of those moments when your schedule is full, the busyness of life seems to be at full speed ahead, your mind is going in a thousand different directions, your heart is filled to the brim with words but yet no words come and you murmur the words "Calgon take me away".....  

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(Newsflash...they lied on that commercial)    I know because I've tried it!  

For me when those moments, sometimes days...come upon me I know that I must carve out some time to be alone, to tune out the world, and to listen! I listen to myself! YES, I talk to that I have admitted that I feel better! Sometimes I answer myself because at least I hear what I want too! Anyone else willing to admit that you have the same problem?????

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A lot of times I grab a cup of coffee and I begin to doodle....and I'm not a good doodler! NO ART LESSONS FROM ME!

 But most oftentimes I go to the Word of God. It's there that I find comfort. It's there that I find peace. It's there that I find strength. It's there that I find the answer to my questions.

And sometimes...I just simply write....Sometimes I don't know why I write...or whom I am writing to or for...but I write....

But it's then that I see the handiwork of God flowing in my life to the depths of my heart and maybe to yours! 

Hugs and Blessings, Cindy



  1. Hello Cindy, thank you for your sweet visit. yes, I have had those moments. Sometimes there is a lot on our plate. Doodling can be fun. Lots to think about and write. Happy Wednesday to you. Blessings, Linda

  2. Wonderful prayer ♥ hugs ♥

  3. Very good post. A reminder to all of us to go to the Word.

    xo Dianne

  4. I always enjoy when Calgon takes me away! I'm a doodler too..especially when I'm on the phone! And I must agree, the 'Good Book' always makes me feel good!!

    1. And oh Miss Mary you are right...It is indeed the GOOD BOOK!

  5. I'm pretty sure that everyone needs their ME time...I have a fantastic bedroom...large with one wall of bookshelves..full of books...I close my door (Mr Sweet is so nice to leave me alone for awhile...he goes out to his shop) and I read...or blog...or watch movies...or write to my mama that's been gone for 30 years...I have HER olden journal so I've told her about all her Great grandchildren...about days I'm happy and days that I feel sadness...and always...ALWAYS... to my Heavenly Father for joy and comfort...

    1. Oh BJ...this just blessed my heart reading how you write to your mama! I've got the Holy bumps just reading this. Your bedroom sounds wonderful. What a nice place to retreat to be alone!

  6. Lovely prayer and you are so right...our answers lie in His Word.

    1. Thanks Vee for visiting me. I know dear lady that your plate is full. And oh yes...His answer to anything is ALWAYS in the WORD.

  7. Beautiful prayer my sweet friend and oh the darkness is working over time in our precious world. Some of my best prayer, meditation and thinking time is when I walk. I walk and talk and talk. I talk to the Lord, my Mother in heaven, myself and to the sky. I know that my prayers are heard and when I return home, my heart is lighter.
    Thank you for inspiring me through the word of God, my dear friend.

    1. Thank you Jemma. God is good to us even in the midst of all our questions. Praise the Lord...He always has the answers.

  8. Oh, yes, dear Cindy. I talk to myself too at times! At least I've met one other fellow sufferer! LOL Lately I've had a hard time being still long enough to sit and read my Bible. My attention span lately has been the size of a knat. The busnyness of life can sure get to us! Have a blessed day.

    1. Well me and you might make a dangerous team together---talking to ourselves. LOL! I know you have had a full plate my friend so if you get anything done then that is a major accomplishment.

  9. I tried that stuff too Cindy and you are right! It doesn't work! LOL.
    Connie Royals

  10. Oh boy...your talking to me...sista...preach on (giggling). Thank you sweet friend for this post, sure needed to see it. smiles

    Have a beautiful day, friend.

    1. Thanks Linda for stopping by. I appreciate you my friend.

  11. Oh, sweet Friend, this is such a great post. Loved how you poured your heart out to our precious Lord. I know things are rough right now....but joy comes in the morning....and I believe also in the mourning. Love you!

    1. One thing is for sure Deb....our Lord is on the throne. Always has been and always will be! Praise the Lord!

  12. When we are restless, yes we should go to God. And I think that when you/we are talking out loud or in our mind, we are talking to God. Keep talking, it's good for the soul.

  13. I say that sometimes too!! It's great that you can reset and refocus when times get too busy and stressful!

    1. We all need a little time to refocus for sure! Thanks Heather for stopping by.

  14. Yes, sometimes life an really be overwhelming. I like to breath deep and count my blessings. It surely helps. :)

    1. Counting my blessings today Stacey. Thanks for that sweet reminder.

  15. Very cute post with a power packed prayer that everybody can identify with! Amazing how we can begin to write and God just takes over! Have a lovely week.

  16. Cindy, Cindy, love this blessed post!
    I've missed you!
    Happy weekend,

  17. Whew, this post reflects my life these days! I have so much on my plate I often feel overwhelmed but my daily devotionals help keep me going on as well as keeping a list. The list gives me a plan and my devotion time helps to keep everything in the Right perspective. Thanks for this post! Good to know I'm not alone!! Have a great weekend, Sweet Cindy!

    1. You are not alone sweet friend. Thanks for stopping by. Can't wait to see what's new with your home this week.

  18. What a beautiful and heartfelt prayer, dearest Cindy. Thank you for your prayers for my family as we traveled. Happy weekend to you, my friend.

    1. So honored to pray for you Kitty. I cannot wait to hear about your trip!

  19. Hi Cindy, the perfect post with a prayer that speaks to the heart. Thank you my friend. Have a great week and Blessings to you!xo

  20. Thanks for this post. So true.
    I talk out loud sometimes to keep things straight. I think the enemy enjoys thought fragments that keep us frustrated and spinning our wheels instead of accomplishing a complete task.
    You are a sweet encourager and example.

  21. I really need to take more time to pray and journal. I have been overwhelmed lately and that is the first thing that falls off of my list, yet it's probably the most important one...keeps me grounded. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks Kim for stopping by. I just read recently that sometimes we lack in our prayer life because it seems to be another thing on our to do (as bad as that sounds). But the truth is...our to-do lists wouldn't be so daunting at times if we had of prayed first.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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