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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Happy Wednesday}

Don't you just love the smell of Gardenia's? I love cuttings of them off of my bush to give my home that sweet smell.

I hope that you all enjoyed Memorial Day. I stayed very busy working outside in the yards, my little veggie garden, re-potting some herbs along with other things, and grilling some mighty fine pork chops! 

 I'll have to show you all some of my heirloom herbs next week. 

 Today, let's have a little fun shall we? I will post the correct answer at the end of the post so play fair....let me know how many you get right.

Before I give you the answers I have to share a few things and one being none other than my little room. LOL! I know you all are tired of hearing about it at this point but I am really beginning to enjoy it now. I did finally break down and make a run to Hobby Lobby and found some pretty white roses to go in my red planter box. 

 Snapped this in a hurry with cell phone but I love the wild roses.

And I found this cute piece.

 And as you can see my handwriting is the worse ever. (but, I am the only one that has to look at this, right? LOL!)  Boy, there's tons of chalk boards to pick from these days. But this was small and cute. I decided for a few weeks to leave my WORD for 2017 on the chalk board. I am BELIEVING God about something right now in my life and I am simply waiting on Him to marvel me. 

I worked on Bible Study in my new remodeled room along with some research I am working on right now for other projects. Y'all know I have always got a project!

 Speaking of Hobby Lobby....They already have out their Fall and some Christmas! I could not believe it! Actually, they had very little 4th of July things but plenty of FALL! TRUE! 

I still have a to-do list for the room but, at least I am not where I started!

Now for the answers:
1: Swee'pea
2: Peanut butter and jelly
3: Whole Foods
4: 1850's
5: Carbon dioxide
6: Coke 
I only answered 3 out of 6

And lastly today I want to leave you with a few of my favorite sayings...Some good food for thought.

Web image
Life is a compilation of many different seasons. Don't be afraid to let go of one season in order to grab hold of the next one

There is a difference in being the boss and being a leader. Leadership takes maturity and wisdom.

Sometimes you just have to say "No" which means you have to be willing to disappoint others in order to set boundaries in your life. 

There is no lie so sly than the one we tell ourselves.

If we as Christians do what is right then God will take care of what is wrong.

We can't continue to do the same things the same way and expect different results.

In order to have friends you must first be one.

I do hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend. Enjoy day at a time............
Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Cindy, I got two right! The white roses look pretty in the red planter. I know you are enjoying your room. I am still waiting on you to name it. LOL! I am sharing your food for thought with some ladies tonight. The one that seemed to jump off the page at me is the very first one. WOW! Embracing different seasons, that be a challenge for me.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. Girl, I understand about the different seasons of life.

  2. I had 4 correct answers... That's a log of good food for thought! LOL!

    1. Monica, you done good girl on the questions. YES, lots of good food for thought!

  3. I missed #4 but got the rest right! Pretty good, huh? That was a fun little quiz :) Your room is surely looking lovely...and waiting for the grand reveal!

    1. Debby, you are one smart cookie! Speaking of cookies I sure wish I had one! LOL!

  4. Only 2 correct for me. 😞 Glad you're already using your little room. And, guess what I bought today at Walmart? A gardenia bush! 💜 Happy Wednesday?

  5. Enjoyed the questions and I got half of them right. :o)) And, the quotes, loved all of them. Enjoyable post! I'm enjoying reading blogs this afternoon while I continue to get my wits about it following my procedure this morning. So glad to have that behind me!

  6. Lea, glad things are back to normal for you! Bless your heart. Been there!

  7. {{{Big, big smiles}}}---Hey, I got 5 of them correct, lol. Since I was born in Indiana, but raised in Florida, we still call it "pop". Always will. A joy to see you post, Cindy. smiles

    1. I hear people call it pop and soda . Yes I was little late ousting this week . So much going on it seems but that's never ending .

  8. I can't believe we used to watch Popeye and think it was good. :-) Some of the questions were geared to Americans so I only got two correct and I do love all the quotes.
    We don't have gardenias in our Canadian gardening zone but I know how lovely their fragrance is. All sodas in Canada are simply called pop - shortened from soda pop.

    1. I've heard some people call it soda , pop and simply cold drink . Oh I love gardenia''s. I only have one but it has blessed me for years .

  9. I got a few of the answers right, Cindy, while I was trying to smell your gardenias through my computer! Your planter box with the roses looks so pretty and I'm sure you're enjoying your new work area. I enjoyed the Food for Thought, my friend. Have a blessed week. xo

    1. Awe thanks kitty . I wish I could send you a gardenia for your home to enjoy .

  10. Oh pooh, I only got 3 out of 6 too! I was excited about the first question because I knew it but also because that little Popeye family is special to me. Not sure why, but 35 years ago I decided to decorate my newborn daughter's room in Popeye. I still have the ceramic figurines I painted for it. Just a little nostalgic for me. Great post! Your Magnolia's are so perfect that they look like a great faux bunch! Love your food for thought thoughts too!

    1. awe such a sweet time with being nostalgic . But who couldn't love Popeye?

  11. Hi Cindy! I enjoyed your quiz, and I didn't get them all right either. I thought that brown sugar cinnamon wasn't an original Pop Tart. Oh well! I did get Swee' Pea right though!
    That red planter is so eye catching, I just love it.
    I had.a lovely Memorial Day with my daughter and her family, we grilled out and took a hike in a local park. Just being with family is a treat.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thsnks ceil for coming by . So glad you enjoyed family . Nothing more precious .

  12. I got four right! So much fun! I like the smell of gardenias too and I like that red vase with the white roses. Oh, the study at your desk sounds like it's a comfortable place to enjoy the Lord. I like the saying that we cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results!!!

    1. Thanks Mary. Yes, I read that Food for Thought you mentioned from another Pastor's writings and I loved it! So very true. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Fun and uplifting post!
    I would not have guessed that Whole Foods was a Mom and Pop shop!
    Blessings to you from Japan!

    PS I came for a visit through Mary`s blog (Piles of Smiles).

    1. Awe, so glad you stopped by Shayndel. Any fried of Mary's is a friend of mine!

  14. Sweet Cindy, I got 4 out of 6! Gardenias are one of the best smelling flowers. I love walking through my little garden and their smell wafting through the air! I want to see your heirloom herbs! Have a wonderful day! Blessings~

    1. They smell so sweet. Pam I will have to post a picture. I have some Rosemary that is three years old now. I've cut off of it so much to use in foods but still it is very healthy and pretty. I even have a smaller piece I pulled from that same plant and now it is growing really nice. I also have an heirloom sage that I am struggling with to keep healthy and some cilantro. I love cooking with herbs but more so I just love the smell. Have a great rest of the week.

  15. This is such a fun post! I loved all of the questions! Gardenias smell amazing. Hope you're having a good week. It's going fast!!

  16. I only got 2 correct! I can't imagine having fall and Christmas stuff out already! I want to grow some herbs when I get settled in my apartment. Have a great day.

    1. Melanie, I love herbs. The last few years I've had a time with Basil for some reason. Two years ago I had the prettiest, healthy looking basil ever. Struggling with it right now. But I do love the smell and so good on pizza.

  17. Gardenias do smell heavenly. As for the fun quiz, I only got three right....LOL. I was surprised by Whole Foods. Have a fabulous weekend. xo

  18. I love taking polls. These were fun because I'm old enough to recall most of the answers (missed one).
    I think I only ate strawberry Pop Tarts.

    Waiting for the BIG reveal!

    1. You are not old my friend . So glad you stopped by .

  19. I only got 3 out of 3, as well. 😖 I know you are enjoying your new room! I'm loving my craft room, too. It's so nice to have a place to do a project and close the door when you have to leave. I've been busy with several projects and boy, do I have a mess! Wishing you a wonderful week! Zenda

    1. Zenda, I know that you are enjoying your sweet craft room . And yes you are so right , you can shut the door when you leave . Lol ,

  20. Such beautiful, precious encouragement, I always find here! Thank you ever so much for the blessing you are to me!!! Both here and in the comments you leave on my blog. I hope God will bless you abundantly and that He will grant you and marvel you in the thing you are waiting upon Him for. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think! May He send you the desires of your heart, my friend!

    1. Cheryl, you are so sweet . God has you covered in His wings dear friend .

  21. Cindy, I would love to have a gardenia bush. I love the smell of gardenias. Your blog posts always make me smile. Happy week.

    xo Dianne

    1. Thanks Dianne for coming by . Yes they do smell so good . I just wish the lasted a little longer .

  22. Everything looks beautiful in your little room. Got 3 correct on quiz but if I had followed my intuition, I would have had 5. One I just flat didn't know. Have a great weekend sweet lady.

  23. Cindy, I only got 3 correct too! The first one was so easy, I thought, I have this made! lol...WRONG. It was fun, I enjoyed it. Never tire of what's happening in your new room, keep the updates coming.

    1. Thanks miss Mary for stopping by . Lol about my room . I'll be showing more pics .

  24. I got most right...not all, tho. :)
    have fun with your new room....

  25. Hi Cindy, this was a fun post. I got 5 out of the 6 correct. Here in Texas we call all soda pop, coke. haha. Glad you're enjoying your beautiful office space. Love the believe chalk board. Have a special weekend sweet lady. xo

    1. Awe celestina, so glad you came by today . I really am enjoying my little room .

  26. Your room looks wonderful! You stretched my memory a bit but I got four correct answers. Thank you for sharing the thought of letting go of one season to grab hold of the next. I needed that!

  27. I've been sitting here a looong time catching up on all your posts that I've missed! I enjoy all of them so much! I think I ended with that big ole cabbage!! Loved that you laid hands on it! LOL! Always love seeing the grandbaby and all your grands! Your positive cheerfulness is such an inspiration! Thank you for commenting on my blog! Also love your little room decor!


  28. Great history lesson. I loved it. Also love the little bee climbing up the ladder. Nice.

  29. Well, I got 2 right, lol! That was fun :) Love love love your gardenias! They are gorgeous! And I imagine they smell amazing too! The new flowers in your red planter are perfect for it! Haven't been to HL in a while, it is such a fun place to shop! I always have projects in the works too... keeps life interesting :)

    1. I like to browse around Hobby Lobby. I find the neatest things. MORE than I need to find! LOL!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy