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Showing posts from December, 2018

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Where Did Christmas Go?}

It seems that Christmas has come and gone and in a blink of an eye all the festivities are over! Christmas reminds me a lot like a wedding. All the planning, buying, preparing and POOF! But just as with a wedding the memories sure are sweet.  Remember my corner chair in my kitchen? I sure have enjoyed decorating it.  I realized that with all the Christmas activities that I had not shared with my blogging friends my Christmas decor. Just a word of WARNING ...lots of pictures but some sweetness happened at Christmas for our family.  I found this sweet picture of a red truck on line and bought the file so I could add my own wording. I made an 8x10 picture and framed it for my kitchen.  Don't you just love my new salad/dessert plate? Simple tablescape but oh so fun.  It was fun creating this fun tablescape this year and the red truck was actually a cookie jar.  This cute dish sure held a lot of goodies ...

{Ornament Exchange}

I love participating in exchanges or swaps and I have no clue how our sweet Stephanie from The Enchanted Rose pulls them off like she does! All I know is GOD BLESS HER because I have been in charge of a few of these on a much smaller scale in the past and I can assure you it's a great undertaking. Stephanie does it with grace and I am so thankful for her. I was so surprised by when my ornament arrived with other goodies from Denise Painter from Not only did she peg me out with the ornament that fits my kitchen theme this season but also lovely dish towels that I could not have hand picked them any better! AMAZING at how the colors and style went right along with my theme this year for my kitchen.   I absolutley love the snow flake. Aren't these dis h towels the cut est? And they go so well with my Red truck dish towel .  Yummy teas and oh t...

{Christmas Fun}

Free printable. Compliments of How about some Christmas fun this week with a few questions. Inquiring minds wants to know.....AND as I ask the questions I will share some recent pictures with you. I bet you knew that already didn't you? LOL!  I had a little fun snapping a few pictures of these two grandgirls while in Georgia Thanksgiving weekend.   Oh the Joy of Sisters  The Secrets they share The love that's between them There's nothing else to compare. 1: Do you have a particular color or theme that you go for when decorating for Christmas?    My Answer: No not really. I decorate with what I like. But I do tend to gravitate towards the traditional reds and golds. AND SANTA'S! Love me some Santa's.  2: Do you decorate more than one tree in your home? That old Georgia Cotton field sure did make a pretty backdrop.  My Ans...