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{Sharing My Life}

  I've been enjoying drinking coffee from my new mug that was gifted to me for my birthday which was February 18th.  Every single treatment for cancer that I was given I would pray this scripture, quote this scripture and sometimes I put it in the form of a song. This verse ministered to me so many times and still does so needless to say this is my now new favorite coffee mug.  Speaking of birthdays, I was so very thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my family. My daughters carried me out to dinner and lavished me with lots of loves, sweet gifts and great food.  We sure have a great time together .   One of my nieces shares her birthday on the same date as me so she treated me to lunch. We have a very close relationship and she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.  My favorite dessert, strawberry cheese cake .  We also celebrated my sweet FIL for his 90th birthday.  Yesterday I had the privilege to go see Pe...

{Gardening, Thrifting, Cooking, Grands and Life}

We have been longing for a little rain and finally got enough to wet the ground. Not a whole lot but praise the Lord for what He did send. My "pretties" actually are looking ALIVE!

I decided to clear out a few more clothing pieces and shoes from my closet. Hasn't been too long that I cleaned out my closet but done a swipe through and actually found a few more things that I needed to rid of. I carried a bag full to our local Thrift store in our community. Of course I could not carry something in and not browse though......That's why it's better for me to take things to donate when they are closed and leave it in the bin!!! I take my thrifting by spells but when time allows I enjoy going into our local thrift store called Rack Up. The volunteers are always so nice and it's a good way to run into someone you know but haven't seen in a long time and actually take a little time to visit with them. But, this Thrift store is a little different. It's a Thrift Store that sells donated merchandise to better our community. All Net proceeds benefit Veterans, Schools and Children and in our Community. And...they are NOT overpriced!
 Look at these beautiful goblets that I bought!!! WHAT? $1 each? I spotted those pretties and walked by them once. 2nd time around I grabbed them up quicker than I can eat a hot fresh chocolate chip cookie and y'all, that's pretty quick! There sat 8 of those beautiful goblets. Look at the stem? Just beautiful!

I had found 4 of the beautiful Johnson Brother's plates a few years ago and what do you know? Spotted two more at the thrift store so grabbed them up. Yellow oval platter screamed summer time to me. But, I could use it with some blue for a beach theme too. Ideas are endless for the platter. 
 This was a wow moment for me when I saw this beautiful sea shell charger. When I picked it up I could not believe how heavy it was. 
Beach theme is already whirling in my head.
Wouldn't it be cute with a hurricane shade and candle sitting in the center? 

This was the price sticker on the back. Girls, I sorta like this carrying a bag of clothes in to donate and leaving with two bag fulls of goodies! My kind of thrifting.  

Web image
 I had to show y'all my sweet potato vine. I stuck that sweet potato in water a couple of months ago and that thing has taken off. 

 That baby girl is walking everywhere! She took a few steps and within a week the kid is almost running!

I kept these cuties on Friday. We had a fun day. We played Barbies, watched cartoons, played on the swing, swam in their little pool and you name it and we done it. I keep two other granddaughters on Monday nights and Tuesdays during the summer so needless to say there is always something fun going on with the grands. Of course my 11 year old grandgirl helped Nana clean house last week....Wonder what I can get her to do this week? LOL! She's trying to earn a little money for her New York Trip so you know Nana has to help her out a little....AND it helps Nana! 
 I had one large batch of potatoes left from my garden and needed to get them cooked. Then, my SIL David gave me a batch of Zucchini that his Uncle had gotten from Georgia. 
So what could I make for Sunday dinner that would be different? YES, Zucchini and Potato Bake. 

 Made a little creamy cheese sauce.

Pour that YUMMY cheese sauce over my zucchini and potatoes and baked. was a winner! Very creamy and good.

Recipe at the end of the post for you if you wanna give it a try. Keep in mind that I made a large pan so therefore I adjusted accordingly.  We like leftovers at my house and I always make enough food that my family can carry a plate home. So...I cook BIG.

And I want to leave you with this.....No matter how young or how old you my friend are BLESSED and BLESSED beyond measure. 
 “Beyond measure” indicates something that is immeasurable—too large, extensive or extreme to calculate. Think about that for a moment.  To be blessed beyond measure  is to experience the extreme goodness of God. If you took a BREATH this morning then you are BLESSED
I hope that you all have a great and BLESSED week. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Zucchini and Potato Bake
9x13 casserole dish sprayed with Pam
Slice Zucchini with peeling on into 1/4 inch or so. Slice potatoes a little thicker. Use two large Zucchini's or 4-5 small ones. Use around 2 lbs of potatoes. 
Layer veggies in pan with round edges standing up.'s all about presentation right?
Sprinkle a tad of Sea or Kosher salt and some pepper over the top of veggies. 
1/2 tsp dried oregano 
1/2 tsp dried parsley 
2 cups heavy whipping cream 
1 1/2 cups shredded Parmesan cheese (divided up into equal amounts)
1 1/2 cups of shredded cheese any kind you like (divide up into equal amounts)
2 garlic cloves minced or one teaspoon of minced garlic

2 Tbsp chopped chives or green onion 
1/2 stick butter
Flour to make roux (to thicken your sauce)
 To Make: 
Pour your heavy whipping cream in a pot with exception of 4 tablespoons of it. Set that aside.
Turn stove on medium and then add your butter, garlic, chives or onion, parsley and oregano. Use a whisk and mix ingredients together. Take about 2 tablespoons of flour and put in a drinking glass and add your 4 tablespoons of heavy cream to it and mix well. Set aside. Now take half of BOTH of your cheeses and whisk into the milk/spice pot until melted. Cut your burner up just enough that a little rolling boil begins (not too much or you will burn your milk) and then add your flour mixture to thicken. Give it a good whisk and then pour it over your Zucchini and Potatoes. Top it with your remaining cheeses.  And for good measure I sprinkled a little more Parmesan on top.
Bake in preheated oven of 400 degrees, uncovered for about 45 minutes. Taste test the veggies to be sure they are cooked to your liking. You can garnish it with more chives if you like.


  1. That zucchini potato bake looks so good! You did a great job lining them up perfectly. I love your thrift store story. Sounds like me. Great finds! You can never have too many trays or nice goblets (I break mine frequently!). It's so nice you babysit your grandkids in the summer two at a time. They must love it! My kids always liked helping my mom out on extra projects she pays them for (still does with my youngest!). I hope you're having a great Monday!

    1. Thanks Heather. The bake turned out really good. Something a little different for a change. I love dishes so that is my weakness. I keep saying that I am going to do a Shed clean out and try and sell some of those dishes. But I might need them you know! LOL!

  2. Great finds Cindy. Those glasses are beautiful. Enjoyed the pictures of the kids and that casserole looks good. I just made some zucchini bread on Saturday. YUM. Sweet potato has some long sprouts. WOW!
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. Making bread today matter of fact! Yep, that sweet potato took off!

  3. Glad you got some rain...surprising how just a bit of rain water makes our plants so happy....

    1. Yep, there is nothing like God's rain for sure. My little old plants was doing the happy dance for sure.

  4. You made some great purchases! Love those goblets and dishes! I wish we had Old Time Pottery out here, but I think the only stores are out east. I've shopped in them in Alabama and Tennessee, but you can find any out this way...maybe not past Mississippi. The photos of the grands are so cute! I would be worn to a frazzle, but loving it all! Love and hugs sweet friend!

    1. Yep, you know I needed one more dish! LOL! I couldn't believe the price of the charger on the back and then to get it for $5! Girl, I know why I had my kids young but oh I love them so much.

  5. I am so BLESSED to know you, smiles. Giggling over the thrift store/dishware--we must be related somehow, LOLOL. Beautiful post my friend. smiles

  6. I'm laughing at how you donate your items and just go to peek inside and find TREASURES!
    Way to go!
    Now for your green thumb... I love the purple stems that come from your potatoes.
    Yes, Blessed, in so many ways!♥

    1. Christine, that's why it's smart for me to carry donations when they are closed!

  7. Oh! I love all your thrifty treasures. It's so much fun to pack up clothes and other things you no longer want/need and donate them. Then you have to support a good cause and buy some stuff, right?
    Adorable grand girlies!!

    1. I love little thrifty treasures. That's my problem! LOL!

  8. We have some great thrift stores here and I take loads to them but just cannot go browsing
    for fear I will find more "stuff." I'm trying to get rid of stuff. I love the Johnson Bros. dishes. Can't believe that little girl is walking. Have a great week Cindy!

    1. I love the Johnson brothers dishes too. I am always on the look out for them. I have 6 now so that makes me happy. I always like to do a tablescape for 8 so hoping to come across two more or three. One extra in case I break one.

  9. Thanks for sharing your recipe! I really liked the shell platter.

    1. Thanks Susan for stopping by. If you like zucchini it's really good paired with potatoes and cream sauce.

  10. Seeing your sweet potato vine reminded me of my sweet mom...she always had one growing and I also remember it getting so long that it reached around the whole room! I adore those Johnson Brothers dishes but can never seem to find any around here. You found some great bargains! I hope you have a blessed week, my friend.

    1. I remember my sweet MIL having a sweet potato growing in her kitchen. I thought that was the neatest thing.

  11. You post just made me smile this morning. Your grand girls are so adorable. It is funny how once they start to walk then they go immediately into a full on run lol! The recipe sounds pretty yummy for a nice summer side.
    You found some great treasures thrifting too. Wooo Hooo! It is a good start to the new week.

    1. Awe...glad it brought a smile Kris. I am making bread today and smelling it makes me smile!


  12. so nice you donated. The drawback is finding more Your grands are the cutest. A great recipe for all to enjoy. Happy summer Cindy. Blessings

    1. Thanks Linda. I donate quite often to several places and love being able to get rid of clothing and shoes I never wear. But you are right...drawback and finding more stuff! LOL!

  13. You found some wonderful treasure, Cindy! Your littlest grands are just adorable. My youngest son, DIL,Harper, Hayden and their dog are here with me. Dallas had terrible storms and their power has been off since Sunday. The girls are napping right now, and yes, my house is a mess, but what a blessing it is to have them. Love to you, sweet friend, and your potato-zucchini bake looks fabulous!

    1. Oh I hate that they are having bad storms. WOW! We have gotten a little rain and it has been much needed. Of course I do not want a storm!

  14. Oh, yum! That sounds so delicious! I imagine there weren't too many leftovers of that dish! So nice to visit with you today, sweet friend. :)

    1. Thank you Cheryl. It was yummy for sure and something a little different. I can remember my granny saying, "I don't mind cooking but sure wish someone would tell me what to cook different". So...this was a little different but very good and cheesy creamy.

  15. We both hit the jackpot at our thrift stores. I feel less guilty about a purchase when I know that the proceeds are going to a good cause.

    Your zucchini and potato bake look yummy!

  16. Okay.....WOW on the casserole. I will be right over for leftovers. That looks amazing. You did find some really good buys. I am trying to get rid of some of my buys! I am selling things on FB Marketplace, took some to Goodwill. Need to clear out things, and stop bringing more in.

    1. Pam i surely need to get rid of some dishes ! Mercy help me . Lol .

  17. Oh my that sounds so good. I may have to try that one!! Love all your thrift store finds. I am staying away from such places since we are wanting to downsize and move into a smaller house. I could probably open my OWN thrift store!!! But will probably donate a lot to our church thrift store, which supports our ministry to prisoners who have just been released and need a place to stay, and also other ministries of the church. Love that you have been able to enjoy your sweet grandgirls this summer. You are so blessed to have them close by!! And they are blessed to have YOU!!! Have a wonderful week dear friend.

    1. What wonderful ministries Pam your church helps with . That’s awesome ! Girl with you trying to downsize i don’t Blane you from staying away from the thrift stores and I’m right there with you girl! I could probably have my own thrift store . 😂

  18. Cindy, I love your thrift store purchases especially the Johnson Bros plates, that was a win! The little grands are so adorable and you are a fun grandmother. Thanks for the recipe, it looks delicious. I am blessed, I woke up this morning and got out of bed! Amen sweet friend!

    1. Thanks Pam. YES, we are truly blessed with every breath!

  19. I took a whole car load to the Salvation Army recently, such a great feeling! But I never go into the store :) You did find some real treasures! The casserole looks insanely good, nothing better than a cheesy casserole! Have fun with those cuties!

    1. I cleaned out hubby's closet not too long ago and carried a bag in to thrift store. Both of us had clothes we didn't really wear or couldn't wear any longer. I need to go through my winter things but might wait on that till about September. The casserole was really good.

  20. Cindy,
    OMG!!! I love everything you got at the Thrift store and what a great concept that the community benefits. I am so jealous of those Johnson Bros. dishes!! Your grands are so cute... and that potato and zucchini dish looks so good!! I just may try making it now that I have more time.....I am doing good. But you know me, I want my recovery to go a bit faster than it is going...Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. Glad you are doing well Debbie. So glad you stopped by. Yes, the bake is a must try.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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