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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{A Day At The Beach Will Soothe The Soul}

It was a last minute plan by one of my daughter's but so glad that last minute plan came about. A day at the beach surely soothed my soul.

With so much up in the air with the Cornonavirus we surely needed a little salt air and the sound of the ocean. No doubt about it my "Happy Place" is the beach but when a day at the beach is shared with family then it's wonderful.

These kiddos have only one concern right now and that's to be normal in a time in our lives that NOTHING is normal.

See the people in the background? YES, we surely did not have a crowd on the beach at all.

Saw several of these guys. Not many but we stayed away from them for sure.

So glad we shared this wonderful day together and just in the nick of time as the beach was closed the next day. 

 "Mighter than the waves of the sea is His love for you". Psalm 93:4   
His love for us is greater than any virus and THAT....we can surely know.

I want to encourage my blogging friends today to remember that Jesus is the author and the finisher. He is the beginning and the end. He's our comforter, shield, strong tower, hope, rock, fortress, protector, deliverer, Lord of Lord and King of Kings. None of what is happening today in our world has taken the Lord by surprise. He is in CONTROL and and as one of my little granddaughter's said, "He's the BOSS". 



  1. It look like a beautiful day with your family!

  2. Beautiful! We don't get to the beach often. Things are getting so restrictive here. I did a long post of what I think about all this. I love how you added the scripture to the beach picture! Enjoy your week.

    1. We love the beach and my little grands could sure be beach babies. I am going to miss getting to go to the beach so might just have to make a beach in my back yard! Pretend my pond is a beach....LOL! Our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteousness......

  3. How wonderful, Cindy, and perfect timing for you to get a quick trip to your happy place. I love the quote of your granddaughter, on God and how “ He’s the boss”!
    I hope you have a safe and healthy week, my friend. 😘🙏🏻🤗

    1. The timing was perfect Kitty. Stay safe and may we trust Him totally.

  4. Wonderful pictures and so glad you all got to enjoy your unplanned day. Those are the best kind. Praying for us all and thanking the Lord that I can still work for the time being.
    Connie Royals

    1. Glad you are able to work Connie. I work PT and I am not affected at the time but so many are including members of my family. Trusting God totally.

  5. I knew if I came here I would find something "delicious" I miss the beach; sounds,smells, touches and feelings.
    Thanks for sharing and adding a little comfort to my soul.

    1. Oh I wish I could bottle up the sounds and smell of the ocean. God bless you Christine.

  6. I am so glad you were able to combine family and beach time together.

    Our beach is not closed - we are allowed to be out walking, but yesterday was too crowded to maintain the 6' separation rule.

    Stay safe

    1. So glad we got to enjoy at least for the day. Glad you can get out and walk right now. Like you say though...the 6' will be the issue for most. We do live out in the country and thanking the Lord for that especially when it comes to getting out and being able to walk in comfort.

  7. I'm happy that you could enjoy that lovely time with your dear ones at the beach before they closed it!!

  8. Beautiful Lady, Beautiful Family, Beautiful Day!! It's great that you had that day before they closed the beach. Sylvan Beach here is still open but not many people.

  9. Love this so much. How wonderful that you all had the opportunity to go to the beach with the family before it shut down. I still think fresh air, sunshine, and salty sea would be very therapeutic and healthy. Glad you didn't run into any of those jelly fish man of war or whatever...they pack a nasty sting! Loved this whole post, and yes, God IS the Boss! He IS in control, and we do not need to fear. Just be reasonable and use common sense, but no fear!!

    1. It was a great day at the beach. Wishing I was sitting there now.

  10. Such a happy post and so glad you had a "beach day" before they closed. It's such a different time for all of us and I must admit that reality has set in and I'm so tired of it. But, I'm learning that I do not have to be busy all day everyday and to be content. Always a joy to stop by!

    1. It sure is stressful but it could be so much worse and I am thanking the Lord for His guidance.

  11. Wonderful time with your family. The beach is so soothing. Just seeing your pics has lifted my spirits.
    I know the Lord is teaching us many things through this tragedy. He is in control.
    Blessings to you.

  12. You were lucky to enjoy a beautiful beach day before they were closed! Stay well Cindy...

  13. Ohhh Cindy to see that blue sky and that lovely beach. Ohhh how I could use a day at the beach. Glad you got your day at the beach before they shut it down. I try to walk with Buddy each day to get out of the house and get some fresh air even with it being chilly up here still. Tomorrow we will be in the 60's which to us up North is heaven. Can't wait.

    1. Sounds like great walking weather Kris. Yes, I will surely miss the beach.

  14. I am so glad you had this nice day with your family at the beach. Yes, nothing takes our Lord by surprise. I am so glad He controls the wind and the waves, He is always present! Love to you and be safe!

  15. The beach, oh yes, the beach!

    Walking there, sitting there, reading there, yes, please!

    1. I love the beach and could turn into a beach bum quick. LOL!

  16. Dearest Cindy,
    So thankful you were able to share such a lovely day with your sweet family. I know that must have just done everyone's hearts and souls the world of good.
    Our Heavenly Father whom we can put all of our trust is always with us, how blessed we truly are.
    Praying for your safety and health,

    1. We can trust Him no matter what and that I am doing.

  17. We're still months away from bathingsuit season so I enjoy living vicariously through you. Stay well!

    1. It was windy that day at the beach with a tad of nippy air to me but when that sun came out it was heaven on earth. We really had a beautiful day.

  18. So thankful you all got to enjoy that beautiful day together. SO, so sad to think that the beaches are closed and no one can be there to enjoy God's amazing creation. This is all so unbelievable to us, but it certainly comes as no surprise to our great God. Yes, my friend, He is still in control. This is His will. It would not be happening without His permission. He is trying to get our attention and turn our hearts toward Him. God, help us all and keep us all healthy and safe, in spite of all.

    1. It is amazing at how I remember the stories from my grandparents of the depression, my papa serving in the Navy and their boat hitting an iceberg, my mom being diagnosed with rheumatic fever and so many stories they shared over the years. I think, HOW did they survive all that? ONLY GOD! But then I think, swine flu, bird flu, epidemics of different stands of flues, allergies today are so much worse than they were years ago and the list goes on and on. Hurricane season along has cause people to panic. So, I simply say...GOD my TRUST is in YOU!

  19. Yes, Jesus is the boss! These photos are so refreshing to my soul tonight, Cindy! Love you.

  20. So glad you girls were able to get to the beach before they closed it...but I'm still jealous! LOL! You all look so happy and are just the cutest bathing beauties! You are so right, my friend...none of this is a surprise to our Lord. So many fail to see that and THAT'S whay makes me the saddest of all! Love you, dear sweet friend!

    1. We had a great day. I so want to go back....maybe soon.

  21. Your beach visit was well timed! What a wonderful blessing to all be together, having fun before being cooped up for who knows how long. We need to make good memories as often as we can. I hope you all are doing well with all of these new restrictions. We are doing our best at staying away from others but are so blessed to be living in the country where I can get out and work in the garden and J can go fishing. Our son, A, has decided to drive home from MT. He’s going through South Dakota and Nebraska to try and avoid more exposure but I’m pretty on edge. This is just surreal! I’m glad our guest rooms are in the basement, next to J’s man cave, cause that’s where he’s staying for 2 weeks but I’ll be so glad when he under his momma’s roof!! Prayers, please, for his safe, healthy travels! Stay healthy yourself, dear Cindy! ❤️

    1. Living out in the country sure has it's advantages. Love it! Praying for your son this morning friend. God's Got This....I am standing on the promises of God that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay safe....Hugs!

  22. This post is heaven for me, we are quarantining with the Andean mountains from our windows, but the beach looks great to be with your family and kiddoes.
    My daughter Sofia and her family are keeping indoors as well, but at her beautiful apartment at the beach and only she can go down a little. It is not allowed, as there is a curfew until 2 pm, no one goes out.
    Keep safe and blessings to you all.

    1. Thank you Fabby. Hope you and family are well and safe.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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