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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of



Web image....

There is nothing better than a warm blanket on a chilly night EXCEPT for watermelon and ice cream with the family in the summer!

That large family began because of this couple, my husband's parents. My motherinlove went home to be with the Lord a few years back but she surely instilled in each of her children the importance of FAMILY.

They had four children.

And minus quite a few that could not be there with us, this is FAMILY.

The Conner family finally got to be together  (due to Covid restrictions) for watermelon, ice cream and fellowship and what a great time had by all. Not everyone could come but for those that could, we surely enjoyed our time together.

The little ones enjoyed their time together so much. We had a red neck slip and slide, little pool, water tables, watermelon seed spitting contest, ice cream galore, drinks, cake, and watermelon! I mean really, what else could a kid want.....OR ADULT!

We surely did enjoy our special family gathering.

My little tribe also got together for a pool party with fresh baked cream cheese pastries. I baked some fresh cranberry and orange muffins but didn't carry them. LOL! I sorta hoarded them up! Recipe to follow for those muffins! Wishing I had one of the cream cheese pastries right now though!

This sweet grandgirl was in her first ever dance recital and she done so good. She received her first medal ever! She also won the award for being most encouraging. What a wonderful reward to receive. Do we EVER need encouragement!

We are truly blessed with family.

I had another baking spell.....Lord help me Jesus! I made large batches of jumbo Cranberry and Orange muffins, Blueberry muffins and Chocolate Chip muffins. Some to enjoy at home and I froze quite a bit for a family trip coming up. My husband said these Cranberry Orange muffins was the BEST EVER! Sharing the recipe with you. Here is the link:

Sally has some awesome recipes by the way.

Here is to hoping that you all have a wonderful week and take some time if you can to enjoy your family this week. Let's continue to lift one another up with all that we have happening in this world. I surely keep thinking y'all that the Eastern sky is going to split most any second and that mighty trumpet is going to sound.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. What a great crowd you had! I look forward to family get togethers in the future. Watermelon and ice cream sounds amazing! I want those muffins too! You and Marty look so great together and your daughters are as beautiful as their mom!

    1. Thank you Heather. We had a great time. We surely have a crowd especially when everyone is together.

  2. Your family has the most fun together, Cindy! Truly, you are blessed. The baby tasting the watermelon was just the cutest thing. Congratulations to Miss Kyleigh I’m winning her award. You and your daughters are so cute, and so are you and Marty. Those muffins look yummy! You’ve been the baking queen!! ❤️

    1. Thanks Kitty. Girl, I do enjoy baking and love trying out new food dishes. But Marty said I had to slow it down cause he was eating way too much! LOL!

  3. Congratulations, Kyleigh!! Well done.

    What a lovely big family; it must be such a joy to be part of it. Anywhere that your family goes they seem to have a wonderful time. We always celebrate the first of July with a family BBQ and I'm looking forward to that.
    I must try making those muffins. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. Oh I do hope that you and your family has a wonderful time together. BBQ sounds great. But I have been hankering for a good old fashion hamburger. That might be my plan for July 4, LOL!

  4. Awesome pictures! What a blessing for your family to all be together. I miss my family whole family. Covid has increased around here and we have a few members that are compromised. So we have to wait. Love all those goodies you make. I am not much of a baker and I am borderlined diabetic and hubby is. I just added pictures of what I am doing at craft camp. Enjoy your week! Hugs

    1. Thanks Susan. Hoping you can reunite with everyone really soon. I love to bake but to be perfectly honest, I have never been much of a sweet eater so make lots of stuff I never eat a bite of! I know, crazy isn't it? But, now that cream cheese pastry, yep, I can lick cream cheese off my finger!

  5. Lovely to see all of your photographs, a fabulous time was had by all :)

    All the best Jan

  6. Sweet memories made with family. And, those muffins, oh, my goodness, look delicious. Have a great week in spite of the sad state of affairs in our nation.

    1. Thanks Lea. Keeping my eyes focused on the Lord and trying so hard to NOT allow this to take my joy away. But, our Joy comes from the Lord and in Him I have joy. Have a good week.

  7. Congrats to Kyleigh on her dance recital awards!

    I'm intrigued by the cream cheese pastries.

    They're slowly lifting restrictions here. A few weeks ago, we were allowed to expand our bubbles so my parents can finally come over (and vice-versa).

    1. So glad you are getting to see your parents Margie. It's been a nightmare lately hasn't it?

  8. What a wonderful family gathering! That is so great to see families coming together and laughing and eating and having a great time!! Thank you for sharing it with us. I miss those times. Our family reunion is being postponed until next spring. (my side of the family...usually meets in the fall in NC). Waiting and hoping the virus will be over by then.
    Not even having a 4th of July party this weekend. I don't know if I like that or not. At least I don't have to clean house. That's a plus. Have a great week. God bless you all.

    1. Well it was our first time of a large family gathering since March but we all had about stood it as long as we could. Many could not be there that day due to one reason or another but for those that could it was a true blessing. Amazing at how we take for the granite being able to see someone IN PERSON. Have a good week.

  9. Red Neck Slip and Slide?????? Picture please.
    Kyleigh's costume makes me want to take up dance. I know, I'd look pretty silly but a girl can dream, can't she?

    1. Oh girl, you gotta google Red Neck Slide! LOL! My niece that has 5 children whipped it up. Kids loved it. Kyleigh's costume was the cutest ever. She was so proud.

  10. Cindy, what a beautiful family. I am so glad that you all could finally get together. Congrats to Kyleigh, she is beautiful. I will take a muffin with my coffee this morning!

    1. Wish I could enjoy a cup of coffee and muffin with you Pam in your beautiful garden area. Thank you for the sweet comment on our family.

  11. Like you, I'm listening for the Lord's trumpet to sound!

    Beautiful post!

  12. Congrats to Kyleigh for winning her medal, she looks so cute in her tutu!! Great family photos as always. Yes, I'm listening for the trumpet too, a great day is coming. ((hugs))

  13. Love seeing you with your family. What a beautiful blessing of family you have. Glad to see you enjoying a get together and summer fun. Hope you have a great week and enjoy the 4th. xoxo Kris

  14. love, love, love this post. Thank you Cindy for all the smiles. Have a beautiful July 4 my friend.

  15. Our son and I were just having this same discussion, and he keeps telling me the same thing. Jesus could come at any moment. I think all of God's people sense that. It is of utmost important that we do all we can to pray for our unsaved loved ones and for all who are lost. Mercy's door is just about to close forever, and I just feel such an urgency to examine my own heart and life and make sure I am where I need to be, as well as to pray for so many that I love who are not saved. This is getting so serious, and our world is being overrun by evil. The only place we are safe is in the arms of Jesus dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty. This song is one of my mainstays right now.

    1. Agree Cheryl. Jesus is coming soon, morning or night or noon. Many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound......

  16. Oh my, what a fabulous, fun-filled time of family fellowship time....say THAT 5 times fast! Loved these beautiful, colorful pics of you and your family. And those muffins look amazing...agree, Sally's baking addiction has so many great looking recipes...the strawberry rhubarb pie I made a couple of weeks ago was her recipe! I enjoyed this post so much! Love you, dea friend!

    1. That's a mouth to say 5 times! LOL! Sally does indeed have some awesome recipes. Praying for you Debby.

  17. Sweet family, yummy eats, warm sunshine, and plenty of love and laughter.

    Yes, please, that's what summer's all about!

  18. WOW! This is fantastic, what a beautiful family you have.

  19. WOW....what a big family!! Looks like everyone had fun for sure. As warm as it is here in Nashville I would be in the pool if I had one. Best place to be on days like yesterday and today. Stay safe..

    1. In order to hang out in the heat too long I surely gotta be near water! LOL!

  20. You sure have a beautiful and fun family. I enjoyed looking at the pictures. That watermelon looks so refreshing!....Christine


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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