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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Handy Dandy Things I Keep In My Vehicle}

I wanted to share with you ladies a few things that I have found to be of great use that I try to ALWAYS keep in my vehicle.

I always have a supply of dental floss but it's a little hard to drive and floss at the same time. I learned about these while getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist once.  I am sure there are many different brands but I found these at the Dollar Tree and love them. 

This small sewing kit also came from the Dollar Tree and I have found that you never know when you might need to use something out of it.  

YES, I know some probably think I am crazy for keeping a pair of scissors in my vehicle but have you ever purchased something and you sat there for 30 minutes trying to open? I mean it was either keeping a chainsaw or a pair of scissors in my ride so scissors it was! You guessed it....I bought a pair at the Dollar Tree. never know what else you might need a pair of scissors for this day and time.....

Before disinfecting wipes got so hard to find I kept a large canister of disinfecting wipes in my vehicle. I have found these "to go packs" recently so bought up a few and I always have wipes in my vehicle.

I have always kept a travel size of hand sanitizer in my purse but I now keep a travel size in my vehicle as well. Matter of fact I will let you in on a little secret.....I have always been a little fanatic about keeping hand sanitizer around! When it's not convenient to wash your hands, then I am thankful for this stuff!

I love my little car bin trash can. It isn't very big but it works perfect for me. Mercy, I have tossed everything in that little bin from coke cans, chip bags, old receipts that I have emptied out of my purse and well, you name it. It also has a little tab on one side that you can hang it up in your vehicle if you wanted too. I can't remember where I found this at but I do know you can purchase them off of Amazon.

And, I always keep ibuprofen on hand. Most often a bottle is in my purse and one in my vehicle.

These are just a few of my favorite things that I have found to be most helpful to keep in my vehicle and most of it can be found at the Dollar Tree. Cheap enough right? Of course we won't talk about what is in my purse!!!! MY MERCY, I need to carry a rolling suitcase around with me!

I have to share these yummy little energy bites with you too. My oldest daughter makes these and she likes to freeze them before eating. I like mine right out of the frig. So many ways to make these. My favorite are the peanut butter, honey and chocolate chip ones. Here's the link if interested:

Be's hard to just eat a few!

I found this adorable lunch set. It is very roomy with a large pouch on the inside and 2 openings on the outside. It came with 2 food/snack containers and a bottle as you can see. I work a few days a week outside the home and I honestly dislike fast foods all the time. Much rather carry something from home. Besides it seems now that one can spend their entire lunch time sitting in the drive through!!!  On sale for $9.99 at Goodies. My kind of buy!

Remember these pictures I showed to you last week from our beach trip? Well i ordered some canvas pieces and love how they turned out. The picture of a picture doesn't do these justice but trust me, they are so darling. 

I ordered on a Tuesday and had them by Saturday. I highly recommend 

Made a very easy dessert for Sunday dinner. Duncan Hines yellow cake mix. Cook as directed. Once taken out of oven, shake a package of dry chocolate pudding over the top. Poke holes in the cake while still warm. Make a batch of instant vanilla pudding. Follow directions on box. Then pour over the cake and toss a few mini chocolate chips on top. Once the cake is cool put it in the refrigerator, covered. Let cake sit over night so that pudding can seep in the holes. Right before serving spread with cool whip that is room temp and then toss a few more chocolate chips on top. 
Simple, quick and easy

I will close today with one of my favorite scriptures.  Recently this scripture was quoted to me by a very wise and Christ-like gentleman about another person. His statement about a particular lady that I know and I love was, "In the short time he had known her that she seemed to truly make decisions according to this verse". He said, "she seems to TRUST the Lord with all of her heart and she appears to not LEAN on her own understanding. As long as she ACKNOWLEDGES the Lord He will DIRECT her path". WOW! I was so moved by his statement about her that I shared this with her simply to encourage her. Seems like a scripture I want to live by. How about you? 

Be sure to share some handy dandy things you like to keep in your vehicle with us.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week friend. 
Hugs and blessings, Cindy 


  1. Ohhhhhhhh I'm married to a former Marine...rolling eyes---you can only guess whats in our SUV...and I am allergic to the hand sanitizer. I really like those photos on canvas, smiles. Hope you have a beautiful week, my friend.

    1. I have a SIL that was a former marine too. I love the canvas pieces.

  2. I thought for sure you were going to tell us you found that Bible Verse in a frame at the Dollar Tree. LOL. Amazing what you can find there. That cake dessert looks scrumptious. Trying to figure out how to make a "bath" of vanilla pudding. But I think it must be a batch,? What size box? small or large? Wow...I thought I had a lot of stuff in my car/purse/etc. Although I saw an article that said not to keep hand sanitizer in the car because the heat of the car could make it catch fire because of the alcohol content. But we have always kept our's in the console and it doesn't get overheated in there. I think we just aren't supposed to have it out near the windows where radiant sunlight might cause it to get too hot. Crazy stuff. I love your canvas pictures. They are perfect and wonderful memories from your vacation. Love love love. This was fun. You are such fun.

    1. LOL! I changed it from bath to batch! One regular size box of vanilla pudding would be fine unless you want more pudding. I made the verse in Photoshop and then framed it. When I served on our Pastor team committee some years ago that was our theme key verse. It has truly become one that I seem to come across often. Yes, I keep the small hand sanitizer in my console.

  3. Your "poke cake" looks good enough to eat!! And the beach pictures on canvas are a wonderful idea. A great way to preserve memories.
    Don't you just love Dollar Stores? Although some of them have items that are more than a dollar the stuff sure is affordable.
    Have a great week.

    1. Who doesn't like a dollar store? Ours is small so we don't have to things the larger ones has for sure. But hey, I take what I can. LOL!

  4. A very practical blog post, Cindy! It makes good sense to carry in the car necessities that can make like easier, and safer. Those peanut butter energy bites look wonderful. I can attest how hard it is to eat just one. And the photos on canvas are a wonderful idea. Thanks for such a helpful post.

    1. Those energy bites are very good. I made a batch recently and carried some to the office. They were gone in no time! Girl, the older I get the more convenient I want things to be so a few of these handy dandy things in my vehicle sure are convenient for me.

  5. I love all the great stuff you found at the dollar store. Gotta love the dollar store. Cindy your recipes are always so yummy. I love the canvas pictures those are just adorable. Have you seen those mugs on FB that they can take that same image and put it on a coffee mug. Very cute idea. I know you love that family time and now you have pictures of the memories made. So sweet. Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

    1. Thank you Kris. I have saw those cute mugs. So many things to have your beloved photos put on now aren't there?

  6. Those canvases look incredible! Your dessert looks so yummy and kind of treat. I make those energy balls too and prefer them out of the freezer like your daughter. You keep a great arsenal in your car. I've always been a hand sanitizer fanatic myself. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Heather. I was pleased with their service and quite honestly, shocked that they turned out so good since I used my cell phone. My phone makes really good pictures but...was pleased they turned out well. Kristy loves the energy balls frozen too. I need to make another batch this week matter of fact.

  7. How in the world do you stay so thin?? I have to ask, you cook the most YUMMY looking sweets! And you much bake all the time. I want to come live with you! Course I would prob have to be rolled out of the house! Love the canvas prints. Those are the most adorable pics anyway. Now...I keep sanitizer in my car. Always have. Used to keep baby wipes for cleaning up with if needed. But now with the world the way it is I need your kind! I keep lotion in my car, a couple pens, nail clippers and bug spray (for the venue). These things sit in a small plastic container with a handle, from Dollar Tree and it normally rides in the passenger seat until someone is riding with me. Always in reach. I keep tissues for my amazing sneezes! Also in my little carrier I have a couple of knives. These were used at the barn when I was feeding there all the time. In the back of course there is that jack and spare tire, jumper cables, and I carry a little pump that you hook up to lighter for pumping tires. And lets not forget the most import item, charging cord for the phone!!! Oh yes also, I keep my insurance card, a note pad and a piece of paper that has all the states listed in order.....stop shaking your head and wondering WHY! I keep up with the out of state cars I see. I put a check by them. I started a new sheet in Nov 2019 and I still lack four states. ND, SD, RI, and ....can't remember the last one. I just like to see how long it takes me to get them all. I have scissors in my car too and normally some tissue paper for gift bags. haha....I think I covered it all. HAHA...

    1. You are too cute and funny! Girl...I am picky about sweets and a fan of food versus sweets. I eat very little sweets but now I am really wanting a chocolate chip cookie. Rather have some friend chicken though and a slab of corn bread with butter! LOL! Oh girl, I keep note pad and pen too and of course a phone charger. My phone power gets less than 70% and I start panicking. LOL! My girls laugh at me! Amazing at the things we can store away in our rides isn't it? LOL!

  8. I love those canvas prints! What a great idea for those gorgeous photos. LOVE your list of things to carry. I carry a bottle of water in a little thermal sleeve everywhere I go and some of the same things you carry. I need to add some scissors though! That would come in handy! I'll go back and look at your list. I know I need a few other things! lol Enjoy your week! Stay cool!

    1. Girl, I always have a water bottle. Every where I go I carry water, even to bed! YEP, no, that is probably not good huh? LOL!

  9. Oh, my goodness! It just occurred to me that somehow I missed your beach photos post. I remember clicking on it after you had left your sweet comment on my blog, and I had it opened ready to read, and my laptop had issues. Once I got it going again, I forgot to go back and read your post! So, I am going there now. I LOVE the canvas prints! SO neat, and my, such a short time in receiving them! God bless you, sweet friend. :)

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I love the canvas prints. Now to get them up!

  10. This post made me smile. I totally thought it was going to be about items to put in a survival kit in case you get stranded in a car. HA!

    It also made me miss going to the dollar store. I haven't been to one since February!

    I've always been a germaphobe so I've been carrying hand sanitizer in my purse for YEARS.

    The beach photos turned out great! The lunch bag is also very cute. I'm a sucker for polka dots!

  11. Cindy, I think that a pair of scissors in the car is a brilliant idea! How come that's never even crossed my mind?


    1. LOL! This came about one day while I was trying to open something I bought in the store in my vehicle for one of the grandbabies to play with while with me. I decided after that fiasco that a pair of scissors would be riding with me from then on out!

  12. Cindy, the “things” that can be found in your car are very practical and helpful! Yum, the cake must be delicious. Your beach photos were so outstanding and remembering your trip through the canvas prints will be a treasured keepsake. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Very helpful items for sure for me. Thank you for your sweet comment about my beach pictures. We are missing the beach right now!

  13. Well, believe it or not, I have everyone of those same items in my vehicle as well. And, like you, I have always had the sanitizer and the wipes in my car, long before Covid. Your canvases are adorable! And, Dollar Tree is one of my favorite places, I go at least every other week and never leave empty handed. Always enjoy stopping by!

    1. I love Dollar Tree too. I keep saying I wish ours was larger but then I would be prone to buy more stuff! LOL!

  14. What a fun post Cindy... I agreed with you about every single thing on your necessary list! I think the sewing kit is one I don't have, so I must add that item, good idea to have one of those on hand! No vehicle of ours is without a pocket knife, flashlight, lighter or matches, napkins/tissues, some dry survival food and blankets. Of course, we live in the north where you need to be prepared for cold weather conditions, so that explains some of our items. I also make sure I have a small pillow for long road trips as well. Oh the list could go on and on! Enjoyed this post very much... and your poke cake looked sooo good! Blessings!

  15. I too keep napkins and I also as a rule, keep a cooler, lightweight one that collapses. I actually carried some food in it to someone and have never gotten it back! I also have a tote bag that houses my daily Bible, pen, paper, peppermints and well, Lord knows what I have in that bag! LOL! Thanks for stopping by Marilyn.

  16. You are totally organized in your car Cindy, obviously from years of mom and grandmom experience, you've got to be ready for anything! I have a stash of necessaries in my center console, snacks, hand sanitizer, eyeglass cleaner, and I have often wished I had scissors! I need to get some asap! Your cake sounds great and I love love the canvas prints of your adorable girls!

    1. Thanks Jenna. I love how the canvas pieces turned out as well.

  17. Your post is beautiful as always! Truth be told, I’ve kept sanitizer in my purse and in my car from before this virus, too, Cindy. Your energy bites and your cake look delicious. Of course, your canvas prints are from some of my favorites that you took. May you have a beautiful week! Thanks for all your tips!

    1. Thank you Kitty. Those little energy bites are really good but hard to eat just one!

  18. Hi Cindy! What a great post with great tips! I should follow your example. Wow, I haven't been here and looks like blogland has changed. I had a hard time posting. I hope you and your family are doing well. I hope I can blog more often cause I am missing it but I get so lazy at most times. I should really blog about my new granddaughter. She is most precious. Take care!!!

    1. Girl, you need to show us pictures of that new grandgirl!

  19. So many great ideas and suggestions! Thank you for sharing. Your canvas pictures are absolutely gorgeous! What a great way to remember a wonderful time together! Happy weekend (almost)! Z

  20. Great post and tips.
    I do like the canvas pieces, they look so good.

    All the best Jan

  21. Wonderful things to keep in the car. Those things are very practical. Those photos are so darn cute. What a great project on canvas. Happy a wonderful weekend Cindy. Hugs and blessings

    1. Yes they are great things for me. Thank Linda. I love the canvas pieces.

  22. I think we all have a stash of favorites in our vehicles. Along the lines of the plastic floss, have you seen the disposable toothbrushes that require no toothpaste (it's built right in) and no water? They are fabulous and I try never to be without them. My! That cake does sound good. Just dry chocolate pudding mix first you say?

    1. Well Vee I will check those disposable toothbrushes out! WOW! Have not heard of that one. I normally use dry pudding mix in all my cakes when baking them but in this recipe I just poured it on top to give a hint more of flavor.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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