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{Sharing My Life}

  I've been enjoying drinking coffee from my new mug that was gifted to me for my birthday which was February 18th.  Every single treatment for cancer that I was given I would pray this scripture, quote this scripture and sometimes I put it in the form of a song. This verse ministered to me so many times and still does so needless to say this is my now new favorite coffee mug.  Speaking of birthdays, I was so very thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my family. My daughters carried me out to dinner and lavished me with lots of loves, sweet gifts and great food.  We sure have a great time together .   One of my nieces shares her birthday on the same date as me so she treated me to lunch. We have a very close relationship and she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.  My favorite dessert, strawberry cheese cake .  We also celebrated my sweet FIL for his 90th birthday.  Yesterday I had the privilege to go see Pe...

{Sharing My Heart Today}


It seems that it's been forever since I have made a blog post. To be honest, I wasn't physically or emotionally able and I wasn't sure how to share to be honest so I just decided to be me....and share my heart. But, I first want to share that the last time I blogged I shared with you all that Marty and I was going to the mountains so let me share about that a little first.  We had the most incredible mountain view while on top of a mountain and God surely allowed us to enjoy His beautiful creations. It seems that was already so long ago that we went as it has been a good while since I have posted anything on the blog.  The weather was great, the views were simply breathtaking and the cabin was as cute as a button. 

The beautiful tapestries of God never lack in color no matter the season we are in. 

The quaint and tidy sweet cabin was everything we needed and desired. 

The cabin was called "Bird Song" and it was obvious the owners of the cabin had a love for all types of birds. The lay out was great. Not too big and not too small. Actually, for just two of us, smaller would have been fine for us. 

The cabin's rustic charm was nonetheless right up my alley. I love rustic, nature, woodsy it surely suited us.

The rocking chairs on the porch overlooking the mountains became our favorite spot.  We have rocking chairs on our front porch at home but rocking in a chair overlooking the mountainside was quite serene. 

The sun setting in the afternoons was amazing and these pictures doesn't do the view of what we saw justice. The sun setting and rising became so very real to us. Those little things like that, well, we tend to take for granite at times. I was reminded quickly of just how big our God was. Only HE could bring a sun to rise and a sun to set. 

Needless to say a hammock on the porch with a little vitamin D was just what the doctor ordered it seemed.

We have a fireplace at home but we have matching recliners with a small table between us. I gotta have a place to put my coffee you know! So, it seemed nice to be able to cuddle up on the couch in front of the fireplace for a change. can't sit in front of the fire without doing a feet shot, right? 

I am always saying, "It's the little things in life that bring us the greatest pleasures". 

For our yearly mountain trip together AKA my birthday trip we had decided this year to truly take the time to enjoy the views and the cabin. Our goal was to pace ourselves with less activities and more time together and to enjoy our surroundings. We had planned a one day outing which was about an hour away from the cabin. We had planned for a half a day or so to browse around the local town nearby. We have been in this area of North Ga many times so the things we planned was not new to us but we still had our plans. Our every meal was planned and our low key agenda was planned. I mean, I am a planner and things are wrote down on paper. Anyone else like that?  

But, sometimes our plans don't go exactly how we plan do they?

With the pollen being so bad in our neck of the woods Marty's allergies has nonetheless kicked into an all time high. He suffers with them each year. We both do but his allergies are always worse than mine. For about a week it seemed his allergies of the norm...sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes had also ventured into a little cough. He wasn't quite feeling himself. Then right before we left for our trip I began to notice a little cough. We both found ourselves just "not feeling it". As our symptoms lingered it appeared that we both had a common cold. Of course the symptoms of so many different things now days are so confusing. You can "google" something and get 100 different answers right?  But, we felt well enough to make the trip so we did. A little mountain air would do us good. After all, the plan was to enjoy the cabin, surroundings and one another and that my friends became a true reality. 

Within a day after arriving to our destination we both found ourselves very sick.  Our symptoms had worsened and quickly. I am sharing this only here for several reasons but mainly due to the fact that my husband is a very private person and does not appear on FB, Instagram or any social media. I did ask him if I could share on the blog and he said yes. So many of you have reached out to me privately to check on me and out of respect for my blogging friends that we do keep up with one another, I wanted to share. I have decided to refrain from sharing this on other platforms of social media. Out of respect for so many of my blogging friends that have lost loved ones and friends I will not go into any great details here or the different symptoms that we had but I will tell you that Marty and I both were very sick. What appeared to be allergy, common cold surely turned into more and quickly. That was the frightening part, how quickly things can surely happen. We fought this ugly virus called Covid.  
I know that all viruses are bad and I do not underestimate any of them I can assure you. I’ve had the common cold and the flu and I know how sick one can become in a short amount of time . 

Within a matter of a few hours rapid testing was done.  And, within a short amount of time my heart rate quickened, oxygen level began to go down some and my breathing at a normal pace became hard.  I carry my nebulizer with me on any trip and I keep an emergency inhaler in my purse and one at home. Someone with asthma is always prepared and I can assure you that I was.  Within hours I had a facetime Dr. visit with my primary at home and medications within a few hours was in my hands . Breathing treatments and breathing exercises became routine. 

All I can say is that we are thankful that we had one another to help one another. Yes, for those that know our daughters then you know they were all three ready to hire a medical plane to come and get us off the top of that mountain . To be honest , at one point , I’m not so sure we would have had the strength to get on a plane. 
During this time I had asked the Lord to give me a scripture that would bring me comfort among many other requests that I laid at His feet. Well the above scripture is what popped up that day for the scripture of the day. I clung to that scripture. We continued to stay as hydrated as possible , rest which at that point truly wasn’t by choice but a must, and we just kept praying for one another . By end of the week we felt we could make the trip home and to be honest, I could not get home soon enough. I do not ever recall a time that I have had so little energy and such lack of stamina in my life. We went from the bed to the couch to the rocking chairs on the porch at the cabin. We made ourselves walk around the cabin. It became a chore to simply get out of the bed. We neither had appetites and had to make ourselves eat.
 Praise the Lord that I am a planner to be honest. We always prepare for the most part. We had plenty of water, Gatorade, sprite, fever reducer, thermometer, oxygen and heart rate monitor. I look back and can see where God had his hand even with having an oxygen/heart rate monitor. I had just bought one several days before we left for our trip and it had been advised to me that with Covid season, our Senior adult status and me with asthma that we needed one. I surely see the timing of the Lord with this one simple step of being prepared. We had pre-planned the majority of our food items in which I always toss in extra cans of good old Campbell’s chicken noodle soup . We actually had all we needed and more than we wanted as we had no appetite though we made ourselves eat . Staying hydrated was our goal . 

Fast forward a few days.....Marty began to improve more than me. I could not regain strength and my cough had become more intense even after fevers had stopped.  I was struggling with doing simple things such as getting out the bed . Hair and makeup , well let’s just say it had no significant reason to exist at that point . Y’all, when I don’t want to put on lipstick then I’m sick !
 God helped us get home and safely. I did have a follow up with my primary once home in which I was given a B12 shot to help boost my strength with instructions on how to better care for myself. The b12 did not seem to touch it though. I lived off of boost drinks and protein drinks for several weeks. I will say this and I am not joking..... God gave us that beautiful view because He knew that it would somewhat be our lifeline to His amazing Grace. I sorta joke about it a little now but I thought, what better view to have when quarantining.  But honestly, when you feel helpless there is no view that truly gives you 
peace. So, you must look for the view. The one that God wants you to have and that view is HIM. We can only pray and trust God no matter what. 

The great thing was that neither of us had any other underlying health issues except for my asthma which is ENOUGH  and your worst enemy with this virus needless to say. We felt blessed in hearing the words, "You do not have a weight issue, no known heart issues, no high blood pressure issues and no diabetes". As my primary said, "This is Major good news". But the words, "Asthma" sends up major red flags. Though it's not always the case by any means but other underlying health issues surely adds chaos to the already chaos. Praise the Lord that things were done in a timely manner and we stayed on top of things. But in all honesty, I am just grateful and thankful PERIOD

Marty was able to return to work. His work days are long so he’s tired anyway at the end of the day but he has regained most of his strength. He is still battling heavy with allergies and takes an allergy medication daily.  I work a few days a week and have returned. My strength has returned slowly and day by day.  I did wind up on antibiotics as at one point it looked as though my cough was going into bronchitis. Marty regained his taste back and a little smell back. Just last week my taste came back and I still have no smell. I have heard some say their smell did not resume until 6 months later. We are so much better than we were till I surely don't won't to complain.  I am making myself and I say make a little exercise daily to try and build up my strength. This has truly been a wake up call in different areas. We tend to take things for granite and I honestly think that is normal for most. And, how quickly we forget the goodness of God! But here is the thing....God is still God regardless of what route we would have taken. That, I am trusting with all my heart. He is surely a good, good Father.

 It's all real...regardless of whether it's Cancer, Covid, or you just quit breathing! Loss is loss and it only becomes so very real to those that have experienced it.  And, I too, have lost loved ones to other things in life that was not COVID.
Though my trust has always been in my relationship with Jesus I found myself afraid to be honest. Not just for myself but for my husband. I knew I was at a higher risk with asthma. Now, is there anyone I can blame. NOPE! Well, maybe China and I am sorry if this offends anyone. The power struggles of this world are very real but so is sickness of any kind. 

I am not on the band wagon of "wear masks, don't wear masks". I’m not one to stand and argue with another over who is right and who is wrong . Never have been. I have said from day one...everyone needs to do what is best for them and for others whatever that may be for you. But, I have truly tried to be most respectful of others and care for myself. And I have truly tried to not judge others for their way of thinking on this matter and I am not trying to push my way of thinking on others by any means. I’m just simply making a statement:  Be aware of what your body is telling you . Don’t wait to get help . Do what you feel is best for you and your family regardless of what others may think . TRUST GOD...even when it's hard. ENJOY each day the Lord gives you on this earth. I was reminded too that my home is not this world but in heaven. 

I am not here to tell anyone, take the vaccine or do not take the vaccine. That is each person's choice. 

There is a huge part of me that feels guilty in sharing this with the loss of so many of those we love or know, or have admired. Our situation seems so small in the overall big picture compared to most. But, one thing I learned years ago in a Bible study...if it's important to matter how small, then it's important to God because HE CARES

We are truly giving God the praise as we both know this could have turned out so differently. 

My word for the year is Joy.  I can assure you all that since first of the year it's been hard to choose JOY! First with my eyes and having such a struggle to see and then sickness. But, even in the midst of it all...I have tried to choose JOY!  I was reminded that our joy comes ONLY from God....and not the world or from others. 

I want to say in closing that my heart is more tender than ever towards those that have suffered in any way and that I pray a health of abundance over my blogging friends. May we never take for granite the simple things in life...they will surely bring us the greatest pleasures. 

 The Bible says that the rocks will cry out and will praise Him... So often we are so busy asking God for things that we forget to give Him Praise. I want to give our Lord Praise today by sharing with you.  We are getting stronger every day.  I’m ready for the norm of life whatever that norm is . I’m making a few lifestyle changes to help myself and praying I can stay focused . I pray health upon you all . 

NOPE, it wasn't quite the mountain trip I had PLANNED for but God surely knows what He is doing and why. 

And, I had a tea party with these girls, messy hair and all, so...YES, I am enjoying the little things because they surely do bring me the greatest pleasure.

Pop tarts worked for us! 

 And, I shared my favorite grandson Conner's 15th birthday with him today. God is good!

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Wow, Cindy! That was quite the story! How marvelous our God is to take care of you and your hubby, even when you were away from home and away from those who could help you. He was there for you both, and brought you back to health! Praise God. I was wondering why we hadn't heard from you in a while...and now I know. Thanking the Lord that you are back home safe and sound, and I know God is showing you His wonderful love and mercy and kindness in so many ways. Thank you for sharing this with us. We just never know, do we? But God knows, and He already has a plan for us. We just need to stay tuned in to follow His lead. God bless you dear friend. (((hugs))) to you...and Praise God for His love and mercy.

    1. Thank you Pam for your sweet words. He is surely the King of Kings no doubt. Praying for so many this morning.

  2. Oh Cindy, I was hoping everything was alright but worried about your eye surgery, not Covid. God surely was with you in the mountains. He will not forsake. It was not the trip you envisioned but one you will always remember and one that has no doubt brought you and a Marty closer. Only God can bring blessings from challenges. I’m so happy you two are on the mend and back home with your family and I know they are glad your home, too. Take it easy and continued healing. Zenda

    1. I can assure you Zenda that will be one trip we never forget. But, I am looking forward to what God has in store for us as we live for Him and carry on. Thanks for your prayers.

  3. Hi Cindy, thanks for sharing your story. I was worried about you and thought it was either your eyes or Covid. Thanking God you are both recovering. One of my friends lost her mom and her husband in the same week from it. My husband and I opted for the vaccines. You are right, everyone has to make the best decision for themselves. The cabin was just awesome and the picture of you by the fireplace in your leopard was great! I will keep you in prayer. God bless you!

    1. Girl, nothing like warming by the fire and drinking a cup of coffee is there? Thanks for your prayers.

  4. I'm so thankful that both of you are on the mend after your terrible experience.
    Belated birthday wishes to your favourite grandson.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Grandson. He is a mess! We are doing much better. Now, if those allergies would leave it would be great!

  5. Would you believe I woke up this morning and had you on my mind and was going to PM you to see how you're feeling? Then, I saw you had posted here. Oh, my precious Friend... if you had been in the Smokies near me I would have camped out on your doorstep to keep and eye on you and Mr. Marty. I don't even know what to say other than you truly showed your heart for Jesus through these words. Please know that you are so dearly loved. As I read this I realize that I, too, need to make lifestyle changes. Thank you for being honest and transparent, but most of all, giving God all the glory. You're the best! What a blessing that you and Mr. Marty have each other. God truly is good. Love you, sweet Friend! 💜

    1. Thank you for your prayers and for checking on me. I know you would have taken care of us had we been close by. We are doing fine and thankful and grateful Deb. Love you too. Always have and always will.

  6. Cindy, it is good to hear from you. I've been praying for you during this time, unaware, of course, of what you were going through. My concern had been that the issues with your eye surgeries were the problem. But I see it was something so much more.

    Wow. I am so glad the Lord has brought you through this with strong faith in spite of some real testing!!! He is faithful. His ways are not our ways and we just cannot allow ourselves to get bogged down in the why of things. We just continue to trust Him and do what we believe He has instructed us to do -- and that's exactly what you have done.

    I, too, have just come down from a mountaintop experience at a lovely cabin in the mountain, Gatlinburg. My eldest son and his family took me with them on vacation last week, which included 4 nights atop a terrifying drive up a mountainside to a wonderful cabin retreat. We followed that with 4 nights at the Gaylord Opry Resort in Nashville at the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention. It was wonderful and just what I needed.

    Thank you for bringing us up-to-date on your status. I will continue to pray for you and Marty, now with an understanding of the challenges you have been facing. You are going to get through this.

    Do not feel the need to apologize for anything you have said. To be so sick when away from home is frightening, to say the least. We are all being dealt some "cards", so to speak, that are unfamiliar and we don't know exactly how to play them. But our trust in the Lord gets us through, one way or the other.

    1. Thank you Barbara for your words. Many words of wisdom and experience coming from you my friend. So glad you had a great time with your family. I hear the Gaylord Opry resort is absolutely beautiful. I appreciate your prayers so very much.

  7. Oh, Cindy! I am so sorry to hear of your and Marty's suffering! I am so thankful God laid His healing hand upon you and you are on the mend. Sending love and hugs to you today, sweet friend!

    1. Thanks Cheryl for your sweet words and for your prayers.

  8. Oh Cindy I am so sorry to hear about what you and Marty are going through. Glad you are both feeling better. How scary. Life can change on a dime. I am glad you both were someplace beautiful and restful to get better. Keeping you in prayer that you continue to feel better and your taste will return and no lingering side effects from Covid. Sending big hugs and love. Kris

    1. Thank you Kris. We appreciate the prayers and I am surely giving God the Praise that He deserves. Praying this morning for several that in the mist now of suffering.

  9. Oh gosh Cindy I'm sorry I didn't realize you'd been "gone" so long without checking on you. I'm sorry you and Marty had to go through this experience and the awful virus. In some ways it was probably good you two were isolated in your beautiful cabin to recuperate. I love seeing your cabin pics and I'm a planner too. I'm so glad you two have come out of this and are slowing getting better and stronger!

    1. Heather, that is what Marty said too about being isolated in the cabin. He truly thinks that that even though that wasn't out plan....that the isolation was needed for just "such a time as this". Thank you for your sweet words.

  10. What a terrible ordeal being away from home when you got sick. I'm glad you had what you needed while you were there. God led you I know. Take care and go easy in the next few weeks! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. We are doing well. Now, If Marty can get rid of these blasted allergies. Whew, they have been rough on him this season.

  11. I'm so sorry Cindy. When you are absent for a while I just assume you are busy with family or doing something you love...I am so sorry you got Covid, but so thankful you came through...the cabin looked so beautiful, and yes, very connected to God. Please take care as you get your strength back...

    1. Thank you Jenna. You are so sweet. We are doing well. It seems a day by day thing with building yourself up. But....I am surely working on it sweet lady.

  12. Hi dearest Cindy, thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us. You and Marty went through such an ordeal, but I’m so happy that you had each to lean on and to go through this together. Thank you for giving the glory to God!! Your cabin looked so darling, and that view...oh my! I know, however, that getting home was the best thing. What a year you’ve had so far. Taking time to be with those little ones and then your grandson, was the best medicine. You’ll continue to be in my prayers. Love and blessings are sent to you.....

    1. Thank you Kitty and thank you for checking on me and praying for us. The cabin was adorable Kitty. I am already thinking about next year! LOL!

  13. Oh, my goodness, Cindy! I am so thankful that you two are on the other side of this now. Our neighbor, who has had both vaccines, is very sick with Covid in the hospital. He does have other health issues and that may be part of the issue but it is all so scary. Blessings abundant sweet lady! So good to hear from you!

    1. Thanks Lea. We too know several that fought the ugly virus after getting both vaccines. But, I know one person that caught it again within 4 months of having the virus. So much we do not understand about it for sure. So many unanswered questions. Praise the Lord we know who holds everything in His mighty hands.

  14. I'm so glad that you and your hubby are doing okay. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Margie. I am headed over to visit with you lady.

  15. I sure have been wondering where you were, but oh my I never imagined you were going through such an ordeal. I too have asthma and have been afraid of getting COVID. Thankfully I have now had both my vaccinations! This whole pandemic has been so very unsettling and my heart has just broken over the loss of so many family and friends. Cindy, I know we don't know each other but I am truly thankful that you and your husband are now well and getting stronger day by day. You are such a lovely Christian woman and reading about how your faith kept you going is just so heart warming. Your photos are lovely. I'd love to know where in North GA that sweet cabin is. Since we are in south GA, that wouldn't be a far trip for us. So glad you blogged and let us know what's been going on...and you told it beautifully. God bless you and yours!

    1. Thank you Cheri for your kind words. Yes, so many things we do not know about this virus. One more reason we must keep our focus on God and know that our strength comes from Him. You would love that little cabin Cheri. We go through and have booked many cabins through them in North Ga. This was in Blueridge Ga. I like that area because it's laid back and not so long a drive from home. Thank you for your sweet words.

  16. Dearest Cindy,
    What a scary time for you all. I am just so thankful that you and your sweet hubby are on the mend and back home recovering.
    Take it slow and easy for awhile longer and know that I am sending big hugs to you and yours.

    1. Thank you dear Jemma. I am feeling that hug girl!

  17. Oh Cindy! What a story and testimony that you have to share! Truly the Lord looked out for you through it all. What a blessing that you brought your nebulizer! It no doubt saved you from needing hospital attention. I have family members who had a nebulizer machine, and it saved them through the virus also. What you described is what so many of our family and friends have had to endure, extreme fatigue, loss of taste and smell and just the most miserable time breathing. Your nebulizer was a true blessing and lifesaver! Praying that you continue to recover completely! I so enjoyed your beautiful pictures of the cabin, what a beautiful view from the Lord to enjoy! Continue to heal and recover, praying your smell returns! Many blessings and prayers!

    1. Thank you Marilyn. Every day I can tell that I am getting stronger and stronger. God has surely helped me. YES, praise the Lord for nebulizer. It sure has carried me through some rough times with asthma. Thank you again for your prayers.

  18. Oh Cindy, I am so sorry that you've had to go through this. Please don't feel guilty for sharing ... everyone's story is significant to God and to those who love them. I was wondering where you were and actually had just checked in the day before this post to see if you were ok.

    Please rest and give yourself grace and space. Please don't push yourself. You are loved and valued ... you don't have to be productive, just at peace.

    Praying for you right now, friend.

    1. Oh dear Linda. I could feel your prayers. Your words....
      Please rest and give yourself grace and space......THIS....spoke LOUD to me. Thank you so much for your sweet friendship across the miles!

  19. Cindy, You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your heart. You have a beautiful heart. God has made you very special. I am so sorry you got sick on your vacation. It sounds tough but I am glad with God's help that you got through it. I am praying both of your strength, smell and taste will return very soon.
    I have had to step back some and have not kept up with blogging comments lately. I realized when my son's family came to visit us a week how behind I was with keeping things in the house done.
    Rest and don't worry about anything but getting stronger. Prayers for you and Marty.

    1. Girl, I can assure you I surely had some very weak moments. Lots of weak moments. But God is surely teaching, speaking, and loving me. Girl, you do what you need to do when it comes to social media of any kind. Thank you for your sweet comment dear lady

  20. Cindy, I feared that was what was going on. I am so very sorry that both of you went through this horrible virus. I am so glad all turned out well and that you both are slowly getting your strength back. Rest, rest, and more rest. My husband tested positive for COVID the day after Thanksgiving and had a very rough time. He has compromised lungs from his accident 14 years ago. I was so worried about him, he never had any breathing issues. He just felt horrible and ran a temp for several days. He has regained 60-70% of his sense of taste, still cannot smell. I am praying he regains it. I did not get the virus and I also have asthma. I am still amazed I didn’t get it. I was tested for antibodies and I was negative. Praying for you and Marty, don’t overdo it. Take time for your body to heal. Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you Pam for checking on me and for your sweet and kind words. This mess is surely frightening as there is so very much we do not know about it. Praying a hedge of protection around you both Pam.

  21. I am so sorry you and hubs have been sick, esp with what you have been dealing with...COVID. I went back and forth and forth and back (haha) meaning that I could not make up my mind about the shot. But with the death of another classmate from school losing her battle with COVID, and her being healthy, made me say that yes, I needed to get it. I have had my first. Second 4/8. I wear my mask when I am out but I know the HOT weather is coming on and with asthma also, I hate wearing them. Makes breathing so hard. Thankful that you are doing better and I hope you and hubs don't have lingering effects.

    1. Thank you Pam. I am so sorry to hear about your classmate. It's just all so frightening. A friend just sent me a prayer request for a 41 year old friend that was healthy and lost the battle too with covid. Yes girl wearing a mask with asthma is a pain in itself. Pray you stay healthy girl and take care of yourself. Thanks for your kind words.

  22. Cindy,
    I am so glad that you ad your hubby are recovering....i know of a few that have not and many that are having lingering symptoms. I am used to wearing a mask as I had to wear one at work from November til March every year for 5 years as i can not take the flu shot so that was a requirement of my job as an RN providing direct patient care. It is not easy but I believe it is very much need to prevent the spread. This virus is here to stay as viruses simply do not go away and we will have to learn how to deal with it. It will take some time and I do not think we will be in a good place with dealing with this for at least another year or so.Try to stay strong as I know you will....I pray you and your family stay healthy.....

    1. Thank you Debbie. We are doing much better, Praise the Lord. When this old nasty virus first came out one of my daughters said that this virus may get weaker with time but it will always be around. SAD! But praising God for another day.

  23. Oh my, Cindy! What a story and a post! I have been so lazy in visiting my friends here and so I'm just finding out about you and Marty and COVID. Thank you for being transparent and sharing your heart. I'm praising God that you are on the mend and things are slooowly returning to normal. Take care, my friend and have a blessed Easter!

  24. Such sad news Cindy. I am so happy you are recovering. How scary for you both. So glad you had a lovely place to recover and get better. One never knows. Many blessings for you. Hugs and blessings

  25. Dear friend, several weeks ago you came to mind. I'm sure it was around the time you were so sick. I'm glad you are better and getting back to normal - whatever that is! I'm sorry you and Marty were so sick but I'm thankful for God's healing touch on both of you. Thank you for sharing. The mountain cabin was darling and such a sweet place.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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Don't you just love sunflowers? When I think about sunflowers I think of two things. My motherinlove who loved sunflowers and Fall. I came across a devotional written by Julia Bettencourt on sunflowers and thought it so appropriate for today as I wanted to share my sunflowers with you. Here's a few lessons we can learn from the sunflower.    Sunflowers Track The Sun.   Most plants are attracted to light but the flowering head of the sunflower actually tracks the sun following it's path and moving toward where it is in the sky all during the day. I read somewhere that sunflowers track the sun when they are in bud stage. Isn't that how it usually goes for us as Christians? When we first come to know the Lord, we get excited about knowing all about Him and living for Him, but after awhile we sometimes grow a little preoccupied with other things and get our eyes off of the Lord.   Wouldn't it be great if as a Christian we'd track th...

{It's Been A Hot Minute Y'all}

  Well, it's not HOT in my neck of the woods in temperature (not today anyway) but it's sure been a HOT minute since I last posted. For that I am so sorry but it seems my life has been consumed with doctor appointments, tests, and MORE tests, biopsies, surgery and so much more. One day at a time sweet Jesus is all that any of us can ask for. Wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to share a little about what I've been up too.  Marty and I enjoyed a weekend at the beach before I had breast cancer surgery and took advantage of the time I had in between so many doctor appointments and testing. It was sure a good little getaway.  We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in September. WOW! Just babies! LOL! We were high school sweethearts. Started dating at age 16. Married at age 18 and started a family at age 20.  We celebrated Marty's birthday in October. He says that he's feeling his age these days. LOL! He still works 4 days a week and has a long commu...