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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Oh The JOYS of Christmas}

 I hope that your Christmas was Merry and Bright. Our holiday time as family has been so wonderful. It's kind of like Marty said though last night before going to bed. "You plan and plan, decorate, wrap, bake, cook, prepare and everything in between and it's OVER, just like that". YES, what he said is so true but this year I've tried in the midst of all the business of CHRISTmas to SIMPLY enjoy and ENJOY I did. WARNING: Picture overload! 

What's not to enjoy when you God has given you six beautiful, healthy, wonderful grandchildren? They sure make EVERY occasion and holiday special for us. One of our grandchildren's gifts each year is matching PJ's. It's become a tradition that I truly love. I looked back just this morning over the years of pictures that we have been wearing matching pj's and I hope that it will be "one" of their fond memories of our Christmases together.  

My beautiful daughters! I am not sure what I ever done to deserve to be blessed with these three girls. But, I am so glad to be their mom.

We tried to do a selfie but it was blurry. However, there's a whole lot of love in this one picture. We are a very close family and y'all, I am so very thankful for that. 

Our six little hearts....

Before my tribe gets to my house I like to snap a picture of gifts under my tree as when they all arrive with their gifts for each other you can hardly walk in my living room. I can remember when my daughters were growing up I would wrap with whatever paper I could find or toss in gift bags. Over the years I have truly enjoyed wrapping my gifts in matching paper, bows, ribbons and bags to coordinate. I always buy ornaments for my grands and attach it to their gifts for their tree for the next Christmas. YES, the pretty paper is ripped and ribbons tossed (unless I can grab them up before the garbage bag gets them) but I do love doing that.

Isn't that the cutest? I saw this idea on Pinterest and YES I had to do it. The girls loved it. 

Red Hawaiian punch, pineapple juice and Sprite sure makes a good punch. 

Our oldest and youngest grand. This is one of my favorite snaps. 

Some years ago I started a new tradition with my family. Not only do we remember the Reason for the Season, Jesus, but we talk about the Fruit of the Spirit and what each fruit means. Each grand and daughter takes a fruit from the tree in which they have no clue what "word" is attached to the fruit. Whatever they randomly pick is their "WORD" their "FRUIT" that they must think about and/or work on pertaining to their life in the New Year. Even though the youngest grands don't grasp it yet it has truly proven to be a wonderful tradition. 

I did have a granddaughter baking day and even Papa got in on the fun. 

Such fun with these girls! 

We spend Christmas Eve with my FIL and have such a good time with extended family. We have Santa come each year and he brings all the kids a gift. We play games and eat, sing and oh my! We are a loud bunch but we AREN'T boring for sure! LOL!

I saw this cute idea using red peppercorns or red peppers and parsley to doll up deviled eggs and gave it a try. Not too shabby huh? However, let me tell was a pain to do this with red peppers! I will use peppercorns next time. LOL!

I made a batch of pinwheels for appetizers and they sure hit the spot. I mean meat and can you say no to that? 

Chocolate cake with buttercream icing will surely always be a winner with my crew. On Christmas eve this year we choose to go with fingerfoods and desserts. Since we do all the traditional foods for Thanksgiving my tribe decided for our Christmas evening meal that we would have fried porkchops and venison with all the fixing's this year. 
Nothing like frying outside in a big pot Y'all!

And since I always post so many girly pictures I do try to get my picture made with my favorite grandson.  I just can't believe almost all of my grands are taller than Nana! 

JOY, Yes, pure JOY the Lord has given us yet another CHRISTmas to be together. "The Joy of the Lord is our strength". Neh. 8:10

I hope that your Christmas was wonderful and that each one of you reflected on the Reason for the Season, Christ, our wonderful Savior and JOY of Christmas as we did. Thank you for letting me share my JOY with you all. I will leave you with this....

Oh the things that the grands teach Nana!

Hugs and blessings, Cindy 


  1. Hi Cindy, I sure enjoyed my visit! Your pictures always come out so bright and clear. Do you use a cell phone or camera? Maybe I need to get my camera back from my grand daughter. Or maybe I need a new cell phone! Well the main thing is being with family and having pictures. The pin wheels look so good! Have a great week Cindy!!!

    1. Thanks Susan. Girl, I have gotten lazy and use my cell but it makes pretty good pictures. YES, the main thing is being with your family. Don't know what I would do without them. Happy New Year.

  2. Thank you for sharing your joyful Christmas celebration. I also enjoyed reading about your family's festive traditions.

    That cake looks sooo good! Your food always make me hungry. LOL.

    Enjoy the last week of 2021!!!

    1. Girl, I feel as though I have not stopped! It's a crazy wonderful life! Happy New Year Margie.

  3. Thank you friend for the many smiles. Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas. smiles

    1. Love you Linda and think about you and Dave so much.

  4. You all have so much fun and seeing your pictures always makes me smile! The verse from Galatians is my most favorite, and I pray for those Fruits of the Spirit every night. Thank you for sharing all your family with us. Blessings to you, dear Cindy!

    1. We have a great time but I am surely tired by the time the holidays are over. Yes Kitty, I have to constantly pray about truly showing the fruit of the spirit in my life as the Lord would desire. There are several (FRUIT) I have to work on daily!!! Hugs to you friend.

  5. Such a fun post! I saved your punch recipe and made note of your deviled eggs. Your decorations are superb but the best of all is the smiles on every single face. Thanks for sharing such joy and cheer!

    1. Thanks Barbara. Punch was very good. The girls and I loved using the plastic clear ornaments since it was so festive and perfect for Christmas.

  6. I love seeing you and your beautiful family pics. So sweet and such good memories captured in pictures. Glad you had a great Christmas. Stay safe and let's pray for a better 2022. Happy New Year. xoxo Kris

    1. Yes, praying for a wonderful New Year Kris. Happy New Year to you too.

  7. I completely agree with dear Kitty above - your posts always make me smile, too. You warm my heart with your authenticity and close-knit family. Sending much love to you, sweet friend.

  8. LOve love love your pictures and the fun you have with your beautiful family! Oh the wonderful memories you are making with each of your grandchildren!! So much fun and happiness and yes, JOY!!! Thank you for sharing your lovely family and home with us...and so many great ideas for Christmas fun! God bless you and all in the new year. Oh, that Fruit of the Spirit tree is a great idea!!! Wonderful!!!

    1. We have enjoyed doing the Fruit of the Spirit for quite a few years now. It sure is a reminder of the fruit in our life that God gives to us the moment we accept Him as Lord. work on several of those fruit is my intension. Happy New Year!

  9. Oh, Cindy! You all just do Christmas so splendidly! What a fun tribe you have!
    So glad you had a wonderful season - and I wish you joy, good health and peace in the
    coming new year. Hugs.

  10. You've brought so much joy and laughter to us all this year, friend!

    I can't wait to see what God has for us in the months ahead. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family.

    1. Thank you dear Linda. I am looking forward to a brand new year in celebrating life.

  11. What wonderful pictures once again. So nice that you had a granddaughters baking day and Papa joined in!! Wishing you and your family a blessed New Year.

    1. Thank you. Yes, papa came home early that day so he was able to join our fun.

  12. Your Christmas looks wonderful spent with your beautiful family! Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  13. What a wonderful family Christmas! Beautiful photos and I love your Christmas pajama tradition! I must admit I have become a lazy wrapper, most things get tossed in gift bags...your gold packages with ornaments and burgundy ribbon are gorgeous! Happy Healthy New Year Cindy!

    1. Thank you Jenna. Girl, I was tempted this year to go back to bag wrapping. LOL! Might need to do that next Christmas if I try to keep up with all the festivities. LOL!

  14. What a beautiful family and it sure does look like the girls out number the boys for sure. HAHA...Looks like a great time was had by all. That is awesome.

  15. Didn't you all have a wonderful Christmastime.
    Lovely seeing all of your photographs, smiling faces everywhere :)

    Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2022.

    All the best Jan


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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