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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{This and That}

 Good Sunday Afternoon to all. I hope that you are all enjoying your summer. It's sure been a hot and humid summer. Not sure if it's because I am getting older or what but I sure can't do this heat like I used too. 

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Thought this about the GPS was too funny! 

Marty and I enjoyed watching our grandgirl Mallory play softball this weekend. She plays on a travel ball team and most often the distance is just too far for us to go to only a few games. However, this game was only an hour and a half from us so we had the opportunity to go. We love watching her play. It's always fun to see the grands doing what they love.

We had a up close visit with this cutie this past week. We had a day date and stopped to grab lunch and we ate outside. This guy shows up and made his rounds to the different tables in hopes someone would drop him a few crumbs. Of course I did!

Mallory and I got new yoga shirts. I'm really going to miss having her tag along with me to class when school starts back. 
Made some yummy stuffed mushrooms in the air fryer and Marty loved them. You just can't go wrong using cheese! I enjoying using my air fryer so much. 

Whipped up a new tea last week and it was so good. I stepped a Twinings Soothing Tumeric Tea bag in 8 ounces of water and added orange and pineapple juice along with a 1/4 teaspoon of Guanna Powder for the caffeine. It was so good and refreshing. 

I am continuing to pick fresh tomatoes every day and cannot eat them fast enough. I've gifted quite a few to family and friends. I did notice today that I am getting down to just a few tomatoes left to ripen. I will miss them when they are gone. Nothing better than fresh.

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I hope that you all have a great week and along with me to remember that there is nothing that we go through or deal with that our Lord can't see us through it. He is always there for us no matter what. Some days we just simply need to be reminded of that promise.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. I make my tea every morning but all my ingredients are from Herbalife. I guess I should venture out and try to use other brands and see what I can come up with. I just use, strawberry and mango flavoring, tea, aloe juice and some Stevia. Love it! Have yourself a great week Cindy!

    1. Thanks Lea. I enjoy whipping up different flavors of teas for sure.

  2. Wonderful words of encouragement and hope. And I love that you can enjoy your granddaughter's game, etc. What a blessing for her and for you! She's growing up so quickly!! Oh, that mushroom sure looks good! I'm not very creative in cooking like sure looks yummy. And your tea sounds refreshing too. You sure do come up with some interesting things to share with us! Love learning here! Have a great week!!

  3. Very encouraging words!

    I have yet to make one of my grandson's ballgames. He plays on a traveling team as well and has been out of state for the past two weekends in tournaments. Maybe, things will wind down in the next few weeks.

    Your iced tea recipe sounds delicious and refreshing.

    1. My granddaughter is leaving tomorrow for an out of state game. Her family is making a vacation out of it as well. Fun to watch them play but mercy that travel ball is sure a lot! LOL!

  4. Your tomatoes look so good! I can hardly wait for ours to grow big and ripen.
    I never thought of roasting stuffed mushrooms in the air fryer. I'll be trying that for sure. Now that it's so warm and I don't want to use the oven I'm using the air fryer more often.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. I've enjoyed my tomatoes so much and going to miss them. I use my air fryer quite a bit. So much better than having to heat everything up in the house especially during these hot months.

  5. Those travel teams are played far away sometimes. We try to make our niece and nephew’s games when they are close. I know your grandkids love it when you come. You tea sounds delicious and love the inspirational quotes! Happy week, dear Cindy!

  6. Your stuffed mushrooms sound so good, I love my air fryer too...I wish I liked tea, I've tried and tried, but I prefer plain old boring water! Thanks for the quote at the end, I need that! Keep cool and enjoy this new week Cindy!

  7. Those are such good quotes. I find myself worrying about things way more than I should...things I have no control over. Love your family photos of course! Enjoy your week. Stay cool!

    1. Thank you! I used to always be able to let things roll and I kept it together. Seems the older I have gotten the more I have to stay on top of things and stay focused on the Lord.

  8. My granddaughter Abby just finished up playoff's for her softball team. They took third place. I am so proud of her. I love to sit and watch her games too. Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

    1. Watching our grands in other activities sure brings a smile to us.

  9. How fun to go watch Mallory play softball! Your stuffed mushrooms looks so good, Cindy. I need to try those in my air fryer. Your tea looks might tasty, too, and pretty. Thank you for the quotes that you share. I needed that last one, with Pray, trust and keep moving. Our country has me worried, but I need to remember that God is in control. Have a great week...blessings and hugs.

    1. Kitty, I am right there with you girl. Remembering that God is on control of all things. I keep trying to remember something one of my granddaughters said when she was little. "Nana, God is da boss". Out of the mouth of babes.

  10. The stuffed mushrooms and sun boost tea look great.

    I have started to develop a taste for turmeric and recently bought a turmeric latte mix.

    1. That particular tea was gifted to me and I really like it with the turmeric. It isn't strong like I thought it would be.

  11. Mallory is a beautiful young lady and I know you are so proud of your grands! The stuffed mushrooms look delicious and the tea sounds perfect for these hot days. Have a wonderful week!

  12. I'm craving those healthy, summertime drinks, friend. All that humidity is up here in the northeast, too. I do the gardening after dinner and head right to a cold shower. The air conditioner is my best friend!

    1. Summertime teas are the best for sure. Yes girl....AC is at the top of my list.

  13. I love the colorful red top you are wearing! I always enjoy the photos of your life here. You have a gift for sure. The meme is hilarious and too close to the truth! Sometimes I need a GPS like that when going from one room to another! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Melanie. I know what you mean with the GPS. LOL!

  14. How fun to get to go to the softball game. It is nice doing yoga with the kids and you'll miss them. What a great thing to instill in them. Love the new shirts. Those mushrooms looks delectable! You always think of new things to use the airfryer for! That squirrel got really close. We have them out on our deck but they run from us usually. That tea looks so refreshing. I could go for some right now! My tomatoes are just starting to ripen!

    1. Oh I do hope that you enjoy your tomatoes. I surely have mine. Yes, I will miss the girls when school starts up. I've enjoyed having both or at least one of them join me for some classes.

  15. Oh, those tomatoes look so good! Thanks for all the encouragement here. God's blessings to you and your family as we face the middle of summer's heat and humidity.

  16. The GPS quote is hilarious. Glad you could watch MALLORY at her travel ballgame and that you share Yoga together!
    I will miss fresh tomatoes also. They have been very good this year.
    Have a good week, Cindy. Thanks for your encouraging quotes.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. Just tried a new air fryer recipe with tomatoes. YUM!

  17. My grands from Colorado are coming soon so I will be away from blog commenting for a few weeks. Will miss.

  18. Dear friend, thank you for those wonderful reminders that God is with us and bigger than all we face in this life. He is our only hope! You look so beautiful in the pictures, as always. And the love of Jesus shines through you so sweetly. Sending love and hugs to you and continuing to pray for you and your dear family.

  19. It goes without saying that all your foodie pictures make me hungry!!

    And your graphics with words of wisdom really hit the nail on the head!

    Sorry to be so late in commenting on this post. It's been a distracting week for me here.


    1. Glad you could stop by friend. Hope next week is wonderful for you.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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