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{Vacation is over, now back to Reality}

  Well, I made it back to blog today! I've been MIA as several of my blogging friends pointed out and sent me sweet messages to check on me but I am back for today. We just returned from our family vacation and I always enjoy going but there is no place like home! I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I wish I could share them all but you'd be here for days! LOL!  Anna Maria Island was our destination this year together as a family. It's such a beautiful piece of paradise. The Island is only 7 miles so we traveled around on golf carts and bikes. The beaches are so lovely there. Such peaceful moments can sure be had at the ocean. Marty and I decided to take the ride and we even enjoyed the dip! It was breath taking and such a smooth ride. Our three beauties.  I did do some fishing but also lots of boating and a little reading.  We celebrated our middle daughter Melissa's 40th birthday while on vacation. We decorated a room in the house that we rented and went all ou

{Let June Begin}

 It's Sunday afternoon and my tribe has left after a wonderful and breezy afternoon. The youngest two grands made friends with a baby bird today and was so sad when they had to let it go. 

We attended a dance recital for these two littles. They both done so good. It was so bright outside and we were all squinting in pictures.

The girls had a fan club for sure. Marty and I are blessed that our family always supports one another. Just BLESSED y'all. Just blessed!

Marty enjoys coffee cakes and breads with his morning coffee on his way to work so I baked a yummy cranberry & orange coffee cake with drizzled icing. It smelled amazing baking. I think I might have a slice in the morning. LOL!

The month of May was National Physical Fitness & Sports month so we ladies finished up strong. We added extra workouts to our yoga classes in different areas and well, let me just say, "I found a few muscles that I didn't know I had". LOL!

My focus board for June is so fitting. I am currently going through several Bible studies but with one that I am finishing up this week my June focus is perfect. 

I hope that JUNE has kicked off for you all in a wonderful way and that you are anticipating some summer fun. In closing today I will share another devotional that seems most of us "busy" people might need to ponder on.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Hi Cindy, I enjoyed all your pictures. I bet the dance recital was fun! That coffee cake looks so yummy! That is great that your yoga ladies are adding more to your routine. It must be fun working out together! Love your Bible verse and Focus board. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Susan. We ladies have a great time working out together.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful post, full of love and joy and encouragement! I needed the devotional reminder and thank you for sharing it. Oh, I do hope that baby bird was OK. What kind of bird was it....and where was its mother, I wonder? That coffee cake sure looks and sounds good. Now I would love to have a piece of that with my cup of tea! Yes, summer is here, and I pray it will be a summer of peace and love and joy!! Take care my friend. Always so wonderful to hear from you.

    1. Oh yes, baby wren was fine. Just needed a little TLC from the grands. Have a great week friend.

  3. Happy June Cindy! You are living life to the fullest as usual and family is everything isn't it. I hope you have another wonderful week!

  4. Wonderful photos. I really miss having my littles in dance and going to the recitals. One went on to a dance team at her school that performed before all the games (before the cheerleaders did their thing). She decided not to do it this year and I miss seeing her perform. They won all kinds of national awards . I know you love being part of your family 'team', too.
    I hope you have a wonderful week. xo Diana

    1. Watching these grands do what they love has truly been so rewarding. Happy June sweet friend.

  5. Looks like a fun kick off to the new month. That coffee cake looks so delicious. I want some now! Good for you and the ladies doing your physical fitness routines and yoga!

  6. I so enjoy your posts, they always bring a smile. The pics are great and the devotion "spot on!" Bless you!

  7. You know that I would enjoy the cranberry and orange coffee cake with a cup of tea! I can't believe that we're halfway through 2023!

    1. Girl, wish you lived nearby. I would have gladly shared with you!

  8. P.S. I can't believe that with all that extra yoga sessions, the older lady managed to beat you to the teacup. HA!

    1. YES, she did girl! Woman was faster than lightening! LOL!

  9. I was going to ask what kind of bird that was but I see you already answered. The grands look thrilled to have it to hold even if it was only for a short while.
    The cranberry & orange coffee cake looks delicious! Especially with the drizzled icing. YUM!
    Granny Marigold

  10. Cindy, your grandgirls are just beautiful as well as your entire family. The coffee cake looks delicious. I need a slice to go with my coffee. Wishing you a terrific week, my friend!

  11. Awww look at those sweet girls and the supportive family! You certainly are blessed, dear Cindy. That coffee cake looks so good, and I sure would like a slice. You and your yoga friends look like a bunch of fun ladies. How nice to add in some new workout routines. Thank you for the devotions that you share. Happy June to you and your family. Love and hugs!

  12. t's so nice to be able to support your family and the grands in what they do.
    The coffee cake does look yummy.

    Have a wonderful month of June.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh dear, I was sure I'd commented on this post.
    I wonder if it went into spam folder.

    Lovely photographs, happy June wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. Your June is, indeed, off to a wonderful start. The coffee cakes you make for Marty look wonderful. Thanks for all the cheer and encouragement you always share with us!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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