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{Vacation is over, now back to Reality}

  Well, I made it back to blog today! I've been MIA as several of my blogging friends pointed out and sent me sweet messages to check on me but I am back for today. We just returned from our family vacation and I always enjoy going but there is no place like home! I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I wish I could share them all but you'd be here for days! LOL!  Anna Maria Island was our destination this year together as a family. It's such a beautiful piece of paradise. The Island is only 7 miles so we traveled around on golf carts and bikes. The beaches are so lovely there. Such peaceful moments can sure be had at the ocean. Marty and I decided to take the ride and we even enjoyed the dip! It was breath taking and such a smooth ride. Our three beauties.  I did do some fishing but also lots of boating and a little reading.  We celebrated our middle daughter Melissa's 40th birthday while on vacation. We decorated a room in the house that we rented and went all ou

{It's Been A While Y'all!}

 Well seems that it's been almost two months since my last post! MERCY! I promise I have a good excuse. Since my last post we've experienced birthdays, sporting events, and well, any and everything in between including sickness. I will share a few of my favorite photos with you all during the last two months. 

My November focus has surely become dear to my heart. 

Marty celebrated his 65th birthday in October. God has surely blessed him as he had a rough year in 2022 with several frightening health scares. God surely went before us and leveled each mountain that we came upon.

We also celebrated our sweet granddaughter Mallory's 16th birthday. EXCITED doesn't even describe her surprise to a new car. Well, it's new to her! 

I did manage to get in a little hunting and once again God found favor on me!

No explanation needed for my lipstick friends! LOL!

Well, that is in between trying and I say TRYING to stay on top of my health! 

This football season was my favorite grandson's last as he is senior. We are very proud of our #33.

Thanksgiving was upon me before I could think twice but as always we had a wonderful family time together. We had around 50 of Marty's family gathered for Thanksgiving Dinner. So very much to be thankful for and that's a given. 

Just a few random family pictures from Thanksgiving.

I decided this year to only put up one Christmas tree with the exception of my grands "Fruit of the Spirit" tree. I have had all my Christmas decor up since the first of November. I know....I just can't help myself! But, Christmas is my favorite holiday season and I am truly thankful every day that I have breath. 

Our most recent outing was to Covington, Ga. Oh how I enjoyed that lovely charming town that is a perfect picture of Hallmark for Christmas. We made so many pictures but only sharing a few. (Saving your eyes) LOL! 

As some of you may remember I took a hard hit in 2021 with Covid. Well, it reared it's ugly head again late August. Since that time I have had pnemonia twice. It has truly been a roller coaster ride. So much medication, many doctor appointments, X-rays, CT and more. I would feel better and begin to do things and enjoy my family and life and then BAM! It seemed that about the time I would take 5 steps forward that I was forced back 10 steps. The latest CT has shown damage to the lungs with a small tumor that appears to be benign. I do have an appointment with a specialist in December that has a wonderful reputation and appears according to his ratings, doctors, and our reading, top notch. I have always stated, "One day at a time sweet Jesus" but if I may be honest, it's been more like "One moment at a time sweet Jesus". As of today I am feeling more like myself, more energy (which gets me into trouble) and less breathing issues. I do have a list of "to do's and can't do". But, every day is a gift and our prayer is that when I meet with the specialist that he will have a plan of action. I am trusting the Lord and would appreciate your prayers. 
I do hope to get back to some normalcy of blogging but as of now with the holidays upon us and my family time which is of most importance it may first of the New Year. I do appreciate you all more than you know. I will close with a precious devotional and I do wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Willing I hope to be back soon!

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Cindy you are in my prayers.

  2. Belated birthday wishes for Marty. So good to hear he's doing well now. I'm so sorry you've been hit hard by Covid and its after effects. I hope you'll heal as the days go by and soon be your usual energetic self ❤.
    Granny M

  3. Oh Cindy, I will be praying for you! Yes, family is #one and our God holds us all together. I enjoyed all the pictures here tonight. I did miss your blogging, but figured you were enjoying your family and retirement. I think I blog twice a week now. Please take care of yourself. Hugs

  4. Beautiful pictures! Praying for you for sure - keep us posted. The devotion you shared was truly a blessing. I've had several (at a time) health issues, but I know God is good all the time. Blessings to you and your family . . .

    1. Thank you Vickie. Will be lifting you up throughout my day to our Lord.

  5. Hi Cindy! That picture of Mallory and her new ride is so great. I saw the pictures on facebook and I could see her excitement. Prayers for her safe travels wherever she goes.

  6. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Trusting God to provide answers and give you renewed strength day by day. Take it one day at a time and trust Him to take care of the details. Your family is so wonderful and I am sure they are there to help you in every way possible, so let them pamper you! Happy 65th Birthday to Marty. Glad he is feeling better now too. Take care my friend. We've missed you here in blogland. but you have to do what you need to do and we will still be here waiting. (((hugs)))

  7. Such a beautiful family! Happy late Birthday to Marty. I'm sorry to hear of your health issues and I'm praying that all is well. I'm glad you're getting some of your energy back! Hugs.

  8. I will remember you in my prayers, Cindy. It's totally understandable to prioritize eal life activities over blogging.

  9. P.S. my eagle eyes spotted the teacup ornament on your beautiful tree.

    1. LOL! My daughter gave it to me this year. I love it!

  10. I loved reading your post and seeing you and your beautiful family! What a handsome bunch you are. I loved that ending in your devotional…you’re going to be okay! Prayers are always said for you, sweet Cindy. May this Christmas season be a blessing to you. 🙏🏻

  11. oh dear friend, it's so good to see you again. i am so sorry to hear about what you've been dealing with. may you feel Jesus hold you close each minute, each hour. He loves you so and will be your strong foundation as you continue ahead. trusting you into His loving care and healing power! you're a gem. and don't worry about the blogging thing. write when you can, we'll be here when you return!

  12. I was happy to see a new post from you and to see your beautiful family! I hope you're feeling better and continue to improve. Happy Birthday to Marty and it looked like a beautiful Thanksgiving. I started decorating early as well. I cant' get enough of the holiday decor! Covington sounded charming and perfect. I wish you and your family and healthy and happy holiday season!

  13. You've been in my prayers Cindy. You have such a precious family, always love the beautiful pictures you share! It is hard to wait on the Lord, we are such do-ers. I am praying the doctor you get to see will have some answers for you. Much love to you dear friend!

  14. Hello precious Cindy. What a beautiful post, even with the harder things you’ve shared. You have been in my prayers, as you know, even before reading this. Truly, you “hit the nail on the head” when you shared from the devotional “… we do have the promise that this isn’t the end of our story….” It's more of an uncomfortable chapter we have to endure.

    Also, I understand what it’s like to feel better, do too much, and then experience a set-back. “Listening to your body” can be kinda tricky at times.

    Thanks for filling us in and do keep the faith while I (and your readers) keep you in prayer.

  15. I am sorry Cindy....I am keeping you in prayer sweet friend. Wishing Marty, a belated Happy Birthday.

  16. Oh Cindy, I am so sorry! From all the sweet pictures you posted it sure looks like you had fun anyway! And decorated for Christmas, wow, I have barely started, it's on my to do list today! Please, please take care and take plenty of time to rest. Have a blessed and merry December!

  17. A lovely family post, I enjoyed seeing all of the great photographs.
    So sorry to read about your health issues, you are in my prayers.

    All the best Jan

  18. Wishing you and yours all the best for this new year, dear Cindy, hope it's a good one!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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