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Showing posts from October, 2012

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

Wednesday In The Word-Ignorance

 Image credit    Without exception, the number 1 element that sets believers up for seduction is ignorance. What we NOT know can hurt us! We cannot assume that Satan will just go away! HE WILL NOT QUIT HIS METHODS OF DECEIT. We would be wise Christians if we take this concern to heart and pick up the Word of God! Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 2:11: in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes . Oh that we may be mindful daily of the s chemes o f Satan and stand on the Living Word of God to defea t him.  H u gs and blessings, Cindy   

Wednesday In The Word-Service to the Lord

I hear women say a lot of times when asked about serving in various areas of the church or just simply serving at all, "I can't think of anything I am really good at". The Truth is according to 1 Corinthians 12:7 (MSG) Each person is given something to do that shows who God is. The Lord gives assignments to people and to each according to one's unique abilities. As the Lord calls us He also equips us. The Spirit of Christ has given to each christian a special way of serving others. You may be the behind the scenes type of person and you know what? That's great...God needs behind the scenes people.   Image credit You may can bake really well! Praise the Lord! He needs bakers!   Image Credit  You may can organize well. Well thank you Jesus because a lot of folks have no clue about organizational skills! He needs you!   Image Credit You may have the gift of being laid back and going with the flow type of spirit. Well see here, God need...

Friday Favs

It is Friday again! Well, I haven't featured any tablescapes lately so here we go.... . Love this fall tablescape! www.stonegableblogcom Isn't this the cutest picture ever? My sweet friend Anne is so talented and gifted! Oh I just adore this snazzy apron and gloves made by my friend Vicky! Image credit (mine) This is a great gift idea for Fall I have got to where I just like me some burlap! How about a little EASY breakfast? This is a must try for me! CHICKEN!  How about a pumpkin cheese ball? Oh yeah...this is so me! Love me these HUNTING heels!   And I leave you with this.... Hugs and blessings, Cindy


We as women in general tend to compare ourselves to other women don't we? We say, "I wish my hair looked like hers. I wish I had a house like hers. I would love to be able to speak like her. I long to have my children act like hers. I want a car like she has. I wish my husband acted like hers. I wish my house was spotless like hers. If only I could cook like she does. I wish I had her height. I wish my facial complexion was like hers. If only I had her money". And our list goes on doesn't it?    Image credit First I want to say this:And listen good.....We need to be very careful about what we WISH FOR! We have no clue what is really taking place in another woman's life nor may we want too!  If we are going to compare ourselves to someone else let it be Jesus! That will put our life into perspective.  Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Friday Favs

Let's see the new ways of using Tin Cans!  Very Elegant way of using tin cans don't ya think? Scrapbook Tin Cans   How about to hold your cutlery? A tin can wrapped in paper with flowers for the door! School Caddy! Soooo cute! Speaking of elegance.... Oh I really like this classy look! Love the colors here! There are so ways to use tin cans and the ideas are endless!  When I saw these garbage cans though I just feel in love!  I think I originally saw these on Farmers Pal..... Hope you've enjoyed looking at a variety of ways to use our old tin cans!  And I leave my middle aged ladies friends with this............ ...


Are we rooted in Christ?  Food for thought:  STATS: The average Christian spends 10 minutes a day with Christ. The average American spend 4 hours a day watching TV. God doesn't want religious duty. He doesn't want a distracted, half hearted, "Fine, I'll read a are you happy? attitude. God wants His Word to DELIGHT us, so much so that we meditate on it day and night.  In Psalm 1 He promises that those who do so are "Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither; whatever He does prospers. (vs 3) Statement made in the book called Crazy Love: People who are obsessed with God have an intimate relationship with Him. Question for us would be? What kind of relationship do we have with Christ? Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Wednesday In The Word: Food for Thought

Just a simple statement today: Lukewarm people tend to choose what is popular over what is right when are in conflict. They desire to fit in both at church and outside the church; they care more about what people think of their actions (like church attendance and giving) than what God thinks of their hearts and lives. "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets." Luke 6:26 "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead." Rev 3:1 "Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have all men call them "Rabbi". Matthew 23:5-7  Hugs and blessings, Cindy  

Tuesday Toots-Gold plated silverware

Well it is tootin' time this week. Just gotta toot on my new set of gold plated silverware....Well, it is new to me! (Sorta) Even the wooden box is pretty! Okay now for the story. My friend Janice gave this to me! I have borrowed this from her for the last few years around the Christmas holidays. I usually host a luncheon or dinner for a few ladies or either couples so Janice's pretty gold plated silverware was always perfect. Well....she decided I used it more than her so she gave it to me! She never liked it nor did she use it...(so that is what she told me). I wonder if maybe she got tired of me borrowing it and just decided to give it to me? Or I wonder if that is the part of friendship that says....I want you to have this just cause I love you!  Or could it be one of those God things where the Lord simple whispers to your heart to give something to another person that you'd rather really keep?  There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother....