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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

Wednesday in the Word-Pity Party

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Do you ever just get to thinking about certain things in your life that has happened and the next thing you know you are sitting there having yourself a grand ole’ Pity Party? WOO IS ME type of attitude?  I found myself recently in that state of mind and I was having such a GOOD PARTY that I was fixing to even invite others to join me!!!!  My pity party was geared towards things that had stemmed from the past as I was growing up and had turned into an “attitude” of mean and ugly thoughts (just being honest) a bad attitude to say the least and a whole list of “WHAT IF’S”.  

I had gotten out of bed that morning with my heart heavy for so many prayer needs of friends, family and a few that had been mere acquaintances. My prayers were going up hard and heavy all through my putting on my makeup, fixing my hair, doing last minute needed things before heading out for my day. All the way to my destination I prayed and talked with God about the prayer needs of others. OUT OF NO WHERE came………………..destructive thoughts, horrible attitude, and a pity party waiting on the LAW to come put a stop to the loud noises I was feeling inside!   

I knew in my spirit that I was merely being attacked by none other than Satan but I was soaking in my own thoughts and after all…IT WAS MY PARTY and I CAN CRY IF WANT TOO! 

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About the time I was really fixing to give these people from my past a piece of my mind (through my thoughts) the phone rang. A friend called to tell me to check a new recipe she had posted on FB so I did as I certainly needed a “change of pace”. As I was pulling up my FB I simply said out loud…Lord, you've got to help me CAPTURE these thoughts because they are CAPTURING me! I pulled up my FB and there sat the underlined words that God had for me as a post from a sweet little friend named Crystal from church.  Here is what the post said:

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Instead of focusing on the DESTRUCTIVE thoughts I needed to focus on the CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts! Instead of having a PITY PARTY I needed to have a PRAISE PARTY!  Thank YOU Lord for YOUR perfect timing and for your obedient servants that YOU send in our time of NEED

And by the way....I did get the recipe! 

How to make your own Ranch Dressing...a little more healthy than store bought too.
 Dry Mix:

5 tablespoons dried minced onions
7 teaspoons parsley flakes
4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix together and store in air tight container.
For Dressing part: 
Mix two tablespoons of your dry mix with 1 cup of mayonnaise and 1 cup of buttermilk or sour cream.(Can use light or fat free mayo and sour cream)
For Dip: 
Mix 2 tablespoons dry mix with 2 cups of sour cream.
Mix up a few hours before serving so all the flavors blend.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. A very good and honest post. We all have thoughts that we would not be proud of if we had to read them out loud to the world! Especially as Christians, we think we should feel joyous all the time...and I guess we should, but Satan attacks us and tries to give us pity parties. God bless you, Cindy. Thank you!

  2. The best 'recipe' is the one that reminds us to control our thoughts. That is the answer for days filled with joy - no matter what!

  3. Your post really spoke to me this morning. I have sure had my share of pity parties....praise parties are much better!

  4. Just what I need to today Cindy. Thank you for your Wednesday in the Word.
    Connie Royals

  5. I really needed these words today. I've been having a pity party the last few days....weeks....months! Thanks for the reminder that it's my choice how I let other's actions affect me!

  6. Oh, Friend, I laughed out loud at your line: "I was having such a GOOD PARTY that I was fixing to even invite others to join me!" I can relate! Keep on posting these wonderful truths. Golden!

  7. So glad the parties over. I think that is something we all struggle with at one time or another. But I am like you, I like to kick the devil to the curb when he crashes my "party" and turns it into the woe is me mood.

  8. Good Morning Cindy, I'm ashamed to tell you how right on your message is for me right now. Been in this place for days and your message has been received loud and clear. So glad to put the face of satan on these problems and know where they stem from. Isn't it great how God sent you the message the day you needed it and then forwarded it on to me through you. I love your heart!! I'll have to pin that recipe because Neil can never find a ranch dressing he likes except for Bono'a bbq. Maybe this one will do the trick. Thanks for coming by. My birthday was way back in April, does that tell you how behind I am. lol. I love you for the good wishes. Oh' I've also got an Olay giveaway going in case you're interested. You obviously don't need it with your beautiful face.

    Have a wonderful weekend Sweetie!
    OX's...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  9. Oh, Cindy - you are right on target with this and thank you so much for sharing your struggle - as we all struggle in this way on occasion. Sometimes - more than not. I have personally been in a position to where I've been "rehearsing" what to say in a particular situation. I can quote chapter and verse - and yet - the Lord ultimately needs to be the one to put things in their place - or people - as the case may be. My hurt must turn to grace and grace to forgiveness and forgiveness to freedom. I am free - how I hurt now, for the party who offended me, because they are a prisoner. Truly - often pain inflicted upon us by others comes to us via God's hands that we turn our pain to prayer - the enemy is thwarted and the Lord can work - on His own timeline (which may not be ours) in the life of another. I'll take my freedom, thank you - and no pity parties welcome!

    Glad you're walking in freedom today, too!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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