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Showing posts from May, 2014

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

Friday Favorites-Red, White and Blue

4th of July is right around the corner and everywhere I look folks are getting out the red, white and blue. Found on If you remember, I recently went crazy with tin cans for a rustic bridal shower....well...looks like the TIN CANS may be in the makings again!

Thursday Tidbits

Yep, another party I am helping with by doing a few centerpieces so wanted to share. Theme is football and of course my favorite and black.  Simple but cute....Red and Black Coffee cups, a little tissue paper but mostly red and black paper napkins served as fillers. A carnation tucked here and there and a football made the centerpiece complete. Love how the pop corn boxes turned out so cute... Have you I told you that I LOVE me a Mason Jar? Got other things ready to go such as a GUESTS sign in board with footballs. Tag Football....guests will sign a football and tag the board!  This will be displayed on an easel with cut out footballs and pens so guests can sign and tag the board. Had to stop and at least get my little 2 ft white tree gussied up with some red, white and blue... My tea tray is perfect for my little white tree....   The grands loves Nana's white tree. They look forward to seeing what w...

Wednesday in the Word-Do I need to go to CHURCH?

Can you be a Christian and not go to church? Why sure you can....the gospel is clear... "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 NKJV Let's narrow this down a tad though...Do you remember the story of the thief on the cross that was next to Jesus? He never had the opportunity to go to church yet Jesus promised him that he would be in paradise with him. (Luke 23:39-43) According to the Word of God this man trusted & believed Jesus. So in a sense it is true that you don't have to go to church to be a Christian. BUT ....As soon as we start saying what we have to do and what we don't have to do in order to be saved we are in danger of getting the Gospel totally confused.... and as soon as we start coming up with excuses as to why we do not need to go to church if we are a Christian has caused many a Christian to go astray . Here is ...

Talk To Me Thursday

Well I thought for today I would answer some questions that are asked of me from time to time...mainly from my blogging friends. Here was my questions and here are my answers: Where do I store my thrift store/yard sale goodies and especially my dishes? I have a shed outside my home that stores the majority of my treasures and may I is moaning and groaning at times! You can walk in it now...but you gotta be careful! LOL! Also a spare closet holds a few things. Well, a few spare closets---hee-hee.  (Just one set of dishes) I am not showing you the rest because if you don't like this stuff you will call me a hoarder and if you do like it you might try to get it! LOL! Who was my inspiration for doing Tablescapes? That was an easy question...Susan from   If you can't get inspired by her tablescapes then you just don't LIKE TO DO THEM!   Susan's image Have you always liked to go to yard sales and thrift ...

Wednesday In The Word-Tidbits

Want to share just a few things that I have wrote in my Bible.... YES ...I write in my Bible, highlight, underline and circle. I even put dates by scripture at times that really speak to me through a message. Hope you enjoy my tidbits. You may fake the words you sing in a choir, BUT one day you will do a solo before Christ!  Web Image A conviction is something that you will not change!  Web Image   Are you just satisfied with being saved or do you really want to KNOW God?  Web Image Our HOPE isn't put on the man we put on the moon but on the Man we put on the CROSS.   Web Image What are we DESPERATE for God to do RIGHT now in our Life?  Web Image Your arms are too short to box with God....QUIT FIGHTING HIM!  Web Image Antidote for fear.....If people are too BIG in your life then maybe you think your GOD is too SMALL..... Web Image Lost people have pleasure. Saved people have JOY!  Web Image...

Make Me Smile Monday

A lot of people will say...YUK....MONDAYS are here again! I actually love Mondays....means I made it past Sunday....another day to live life! But...even on a bad day as we all have them I truly do try to count my blessings and I can find something to smile about....How about you?  Me, my girls and my motherinlove. Having all girls can be an expensive, nail biting, roller coaster hormonal experience.... BUT THEN THEY GROW UP.... and become your best friend! I cannot imagine my life without my daughters. And I could write a book of reasons to smile about my motherinlove....and one day I might just do that! She is more than just a motherinlove...she is a mother and friend to me....She makes me smile.....  My tomato plants are really making me smile right now! Love me a tomato sandwich. Don't you just want a piece of this chicken? Hey what can I say...this girl likes to eat! And fried chicken is one of my favorites, especially when cooked outside in a big ...

Fighting Cancer-In honor of a Special Young Woman

The Relay for Life of Baker County, Macclenny Florida, is an effort of local community members to fight back against cancer. We Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back! This afternoon will be a special time in our community as Relay for Life is acknowledged. So many people in our county has been very active in their endeavors to help fight cancer. We've had many fund raiser events where not only individual participants has played a huge part but also many churches and businesses within our county.Our local Chamber of Commerce downtown has the cutest window and I just had to share it with you. Baker County Chamber of Commerce We all have lost loved ones to cancer or we have people in our life that are cancer survivors. Some of you reading this are cancer survivors. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and up until 2012 she walked in the relay for life every year as a survivor. Due to her health she has not been able to do so for the past two years. Cancer is not a respecter ...