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{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

Happy Monday!

Well I must say I've had a great weekend. A busy one but a good one. I got to see my oldest grandgirl make a goal in her soccer game on Saturday and then that night I was privileged to be the guest speaker for a Mother-Daughter banquet at a nearby church and then a great Mother's Day on Sunday. I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day too. After being pampered with cards, flowers, Bath and Body, gift cards for a massage, pedi and facial I think I am liking having grown daughters that knows what their mama likes! 

I have a few more Laundry room things to show you today. You all have been so sweet to be a part of my Laundry room makeover!

Remember this picture? Well my cabinets did not need anything done to them but a good cleaning. So my goal was to place little items I loved on top of the cabinet.

 Spray painted this basket yellow. I found this cute bottle at Walmart marked down to 75 cents and added some blue fabric softener.

 Talked my youngest daughter out of the C sign since her last name no longer begins with a C. Old bottle vase I had stored and a yard sale basket I painted blue.

Worked for me!

Before picture.

Spray painted the shelf white and then replaced the items on the shelf with these items. You just can't beat decorative bottles and jars.

And this...You can't go wrong with a basket of any kind!

Don't you just love my clock! Found this cutie at Ross.

Awe...had to have this! It is my life story...I am simply a product of God's Amazing Grace!

I am happy with how these little items came together.

Spray painted these two frames.

Took a little of the chevron paper I had left and then the definition of laundry and it turned out really cute.

Some more little laundry signs for this frame....

Found this jar at Ross......

And this one.......

Had this cute little bucket with burlap on it....

Found two floating shelves at a yard sale for $4 so I spray painted them white and here ya go.

Remember my new little white bench I showed to you?

Found these cute pillows at Walmart for $5 each. Amazing what a splash of color will do!

Loving my new laundry room! Think I will just sit on the bench a while and think about the pictures of my grandbabies that I want to do for this....

Old picture frame spray painted blue with twine. I have the little miniature clothes pins to hang their pictures with too! So cute....

See ya soon with the last of the Laundry room!

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. I'm so glad you had a great weekend! It's good to be pampered once in awhile! Your laundry room is so pretty. I love the old frame with the twine for your grandbabies' pictures. That's a great idea. I wish my little laundry room had a bit more room but I'm happy to have it. My cousin had to go outside (In the winter rains) for several years to do her laundry in the garage. There was no door from the garage into her home - so how can I complain? Have a great week, dear friend.

    1. Adrienne, years ago my washer and dryer was outside in a shed and it was a pain! But I was so glad to have it for sure! Thanks for stopping by friend. I am loving my new laundry room!

  2. Glad you had such an awesome Mother's Day..... Sounds like you did really well in the gift department! :-) Thanks for sharing all your laundry room ideas … are so very creative, my friend! Happy Monday to you.

    1. Thanks Deb! The Laundry room has been the longest project it seems but all coming together! I think Marty wants a break...but my mind is already at work! LOL!

  3. Looking good Cindy. Love the clock.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. I loved the clock too especially when I found it for $7 at Ross!

  4. Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day! The laundry room looks all the little touches and bargains you've gotten! Just perfect!

  5. I really like your laundry room, Cindy, and that clock...gorgeous! I love your posts, thank you so much for sharing. :)

  6. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!! Love your laundry room, everything is looking great! I might have to 'copycat' a few things. lol

    1. Miss copyright anything I post! So glad you stopped by!

  7. Everything looks great!! Wonderful transformations!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Happy Belated Mother's Day!!


  8. Oh, Cindy, it makes me happy to know what a wonderful Mother's Day you had! I love your cute laundry room and all of the darling accessories you've added. I need a bench like that! Thanks for popping in to see me and hope your week is going well.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Hi Cindy, Glad you had a special Mother's Day!! I just love your laundry and all your special touches make it perfect. Having a pretty room makes doing laundry so much better.
    Blessings, xo

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by to see my laundry room. It's sure nice to have a different view!

  10. Love the creative touches to your laundry room. I would love to wash my clothes there. Wish I could be in your audience, Cindy, and hear your message. I bet it was very loving. Good for you! Bet you blessed those women!


    1. Thanks Mary. I am liking the new colors I used in the laundry room. It so needed a makeover.

  11. Hey Cindy delighted you had a blessed Mothering Sunday (in the UK it's the 4th Sunday of Lent, so ages ago!) Also lovin' the makeover, that frame will look darling with the little ones' work proudly displayed on it xx


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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