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{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Baby Girl's Maternity Pictures}

Can't believe that in about 6 weeks or so we will be holding our newest grandgirl. Time has flown by to me but then....I'm not the one expecting either! Easy for me to say...right?

There is a lovely park near my daughter's home so we took the opportunity to "Snap" as my friend Sheila would say some pictures. 

I love this picture.

This is one of my favs.

This park was such a perfect place to take pictures at. We had everything we needed. Walkways, sun, shade, barns, fields and more.

I was so pleased with how the pictures turned out. Easy peasy photo shoot for sure.

I think it was fairly easy getting on the ground but getting up....well......

Love the little pink and white shoes.

This pictures speaks...MIRACLE to me!

Nothing but pure sweetness.

This little girl is so blessed that God chose my daughter and soninlove to be her parents. What a true blessing!

Thanks so much for sharing your time with me today. Her Baby Shower Tea Luncheon is next and I can't wait to share more pictures with you. a feeling you ladies might start getting tired of all my pictures in the weeks to come! Ha! 
Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. These are just stunning! You did great with them. What a perfect location. She looks absolutely that dress! They will treasure these photos forever! How exciting! I never get tired of seeing your lovely pictures! :)

  2. Such sweet pictures, treasured memories in years to come. Blessings!

  3. Photos are all so beautiful I couldn't pick one over another! Handsome couple and I know baby girl will be a darling. I was thinking about that park near their home and what a blessing baby will enjoy. Bet we see many pics there of baby swinging! Love you, dear. Sending hugs.

  4. Cindy the pictures are so pretty. What a keepsake for your daughter for years to come and then she give these pictures to her daughter.
    Connie Royals

  5. Oh, my she's absolutely gorgeous. Talk about a pregnancy glow, she surely has it. (her hubby isn't too shabby, either...LOL). It seems like it was just yesterday you told us your were gonna be a Nana really does seem like it's flown us!! ;-) Happy Wednesday, Sweet Friend.

    1. I know Deb isn't she just glowing? Hope you are enjoying your break my friend!

  6. Hi Cindy! Oh, what gorgeous snaps! Your daughter is so beautiful and I love these precious snaps you've taken. I'm so happy for you all and my prayer is for a safe delivery and a healthy little girl! Always good to hear from you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. What gorgeous photos! Another beautiful granddaughter is coming, Cindy, so lucky of you. Congrats! Your daughter is beautiful, love her outfit....Christine

    1. Awe...thanks Christine. We are excited. Yes, I too loved her dress. P.S. Loved your little tea party for two with your grandgirl! Sweet.

  8. Cindy,
    What a beautiful daughter, she favors you so much! Beautiful blessings surround you and I know that your heart overflows with joy and love.
    Sending love and happy thoughts your way for a lovely gathering to celebrate the miracle of life!

  9. Those are beautiful pictures Cindy! Thanks for sharing. I absolutely LOVED being pregnant both times. There are days I still day dream about it all these years later. It is a beautiful time in a young mothers life. Enjoy! I have a feeling this baby is going to be just a tad spoiled lol!

    1. Ha ha Debbie...I got a feeling she is going to be spoiled too! But with lots of love.

  10. Cindy you are talented beyond words. I love each and every photo of the blessed couple. They are such a handsome couple. What a wonderful time for your family. God Bless you all. xoxo

  11. She is so beautiful, and all of the pictures are as well! Great that your family has you, a professional photographer, to document all these wonderful memories! I never get tired of seeing baby pictures, tea party pictures, etc! Keep 'em coming!

    P.S. - Wish we were closer, I would loan you some of my tea party things! We'll be in Jacksonville tomorrow (at Mayo) wish you could meet us there and get them!

    1. Thanks Katherine. I wish I could meet you on Friday too! If you could ONLY see my to-do list right about now! Ha!

  12. Oh Cindy! The pictures are just perfect and your baby girl is stunning :)

  13. Sometimes it's all too easy to get wrapped up in the daily hassles that seem to come with family life but when I visit your blog I am constantly reminded that our loved ones really are our greatest blessing. These beautiful pictures brought a lump to my throat and I shall give my hubby and children an extra cuddle tonight. Thanks so much for sharing dear Cindy xx

  14. Oh, Cindy! Everyone of these pictures show so much love. I just loved everyone of them. I know you are excited to have another grandchild come soon! I will be praying for a safe and smooth delivery. I never get tired of your pictures! This is what family is all about! You can share your love anytime, Friend!!

  15. Beautiful! Your daughter is glowing...don't forget the afters!

    1. Thanks Vee! No worries...lots of baby pics I am sure will be on the blog. You probably will grow tired of seeing them my friend.

  16. Cindy, Marti is just gorgeous and glowing!! I hope you have that last picture with the verse on it printed for her, it is just beautiful and when they say a picture is worth a thousand words...well, this one speaks volumes!! I cannot pick a favorite because I love them all and I could feel the joy and love in every one of them, you know how to capture the moment that is for sure!! We will never tire of your pictures! Johnna

  17. Thanks Johnna...I know...that last one just hollered out...Psalm 139~


  18. Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the Lord ...they are a reward from him ~~~ It is so very sweet to see a young woman excitedly awaiting her GIFT from her God ... To see the precious glow of LOVE on the face of a NEW MOTHER TO BE ...

  19. She is a beautiful mama to be. Children are truly blessings from the Lord.
    Do you even have one pic of you pregnant? I have one and I'm sitting down so you can't really tell. We wore such huge tents!!!! Things have changed.
    Beautiful pictures and can't wait to see the shower pictures.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I remember all too well the TENTS! Ha!

  20. Cindy,
    Stunning photos!! I never heard of maternity photos before as it is something that is not done here....
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


    1. Yes Deb, times has changed for sure! Ha! Yes, maternity pics are in the NOW! Thanks for stopping by.

  21. Beautiful pictures!! True treasures! Best wishes to your family!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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