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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Have you gotten Spring Fever yet?}

Well Spring has officially arrived according to the calendar but the weather part of Spring in Florida can change in a day! LOL! 

 I love my little wishing well. My dad built this for me 22 years ago and it sure has held many a hanging basket!

A friend of mine told me recently that she had Spring Fever bad and that she was wanting to get outside and play in the dirt.

What is Spring Fever to you? 
Simple Definition of spring fever

  • : a feeling of wanting to go outdoors and do things because spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer
    Another definition says; a lazy or restless feeling often associated with the onset of spring 

    I'm getting a hankering to play with some herbs again. Now making the time to do that has been another story.

    But I have been busy doing other things such as...........

    Cleaning out kitchen cabinets and drawers! GRR.....Yes, I actually got rid of some of my junk and you have no clue how hard that is for me to do! 

     I recently ordered granite to redo my kitchen counter tops and hopefully within the next few weeks that project will begin so I guess I sorta...kinda...had an urge to clean out cabinets. Maybe that's my Spring Fever for now!

    I picked this design and color...what ya think?

    After I ordered the granite then my mind began to wander.....I'll need to purchase new handles and hinges for my cabinets, repaint my pantry door, buy new rugs, and well, you get the picture, right? My man told me I was "overwhelming" him so let's just take one project at a time!
    I've been trying to finish up some aprons for my grandgirls. Maybe I can finish the trim before they get too big to wear them!!!

    How many Easter eggs did you find? We sure had a wonderful Easter. It was suppose to rain a lot on Easter afternoon but the Lord found favor in our family and it did not rain till our Family Egg Hunt was complete! But then with our crew...rain would not have stopped us! We would have went to plan always gotta have a plan B right?

    My youngest grandgirl (on left) was glad to see her cousin. Isn't this the cutest picture?

    Just a few more weeks till the new grandgirl is due. We are anticipating her arrival. This Nana has her bag packed and ready to go too! (I actually had my bag ready before the mom-to-be packed her hospital bag!)

     In the meantime I'll just keep enjoying a little coffee.....

    And meditate on my Scripture for today....

    Have a good and blessed day....

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog since I started blogging again. I am slowing trying to get back to what I love about blogging. Posting and visiting my friends. It was fun catching up with what's been going on in your world. I love your new granite and yes, one new thing leads to many changes. Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your clan. Another sweet. Glad you had a Happy Easter too. Yes, cousin love is the best.

  2. I love the color of the granite Cindy. I done granite counter tops two years ago and love it. But boy is that stuff pricey! What a sweet picture of those two cuties. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of that cutie that is on the way.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. YES...I just knew I was going to have to sell my first born child and my all my grandchildren in order to buy the granite! But hoping I will NEVER have to replace it again! Think I am going to love it.

  3. I've had Spring fever but then it gets cold again! I'm ready though!! Cute wishing well! You are doing great with cleaning out your cabinets. I think I have the same granite and I love it! Glad you had such a blessed Easter!

    1. Thanks Heather. I can't wait to get the kitchen re-do going! Maybe that is my SPRING FEVER! LOL!

  4. Wonderful message of spring. I, too, have been spring cleaning and it feels so good! I'm excited for you about the new baby girl to come. Such sweet photos. Glad you enjoyed your Easter Sunday.

    1. Spring cleaning might last all summer, fall and winter at my house! LOL!

  5. The granite you picked looks just like my brother and sister in law's. It's really pretty installed. I do have spring fever...just came in from mowing...not a favorite thing to do. I've been trying to do some cleaning out, too. A necessary chore after almost 39 years ago marriage. :) Happy Wednesday, friend.

    1. Deb, I need to clean out my whole house but I will be DEAD before it got accomplished! LOL!

  6. Cindy,
    The granite looks beautiful!! Last year I worked hard and cleaned out and went through everything in the house. Now I am ready to start again because the things I did save will now be looked at with the attitude that if I did not use it in the past year, out it goes.
    Thanks so much for visiting!!

    1. I need to grasp that attitude Debbie. I always think that I might need it! LOL!

  7. One thing always leads to another when updating something in my home. You're going to love your new granite counter tops. Thanks for sharing your precious family photos.

  8. I've had a touch of spring fever too! It must be going around! My problem is...spring doesn't last long enough and soon we'll be having the hot, humid days of summer. ugh.. Think I'll just have another cup of coffee, read another scripture and go buy a new hanging basket!!

  9. Can't wait to see the granite installed, that's the color we need if/when we get new. Love the wishing well! I guess my spring fever is laziness, I'm planning to clean out MBR closet, but procrastinating. I'll probably wait till I get two injections (in both hips) before I tackle it tho. I always enjoy seeing what you've got going on! Excited about your gbaby arriving too!

    Happy Spring!


    1. Katherine, maybe I need an injection...especially if it will give me more energy! LOL!

  10. I'll tell you what, you sure can make a person smile, Cindy (grinning). SPRING FEVER? not yet...although we have mild days for a few days now, but snow is in the forecast for the weekend and Monday. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of your grandbaby as well, smiles...

  11. Hi Cindy! Oh, I'm so happy for you getting granite countertops! We had them in Galveston but not here. I miss them terribly! :( I know, when you start redoing it just never stops. Your little grand is just adorable and I know you had a wonderfully blessed Easter with your family. I saw on the news this morning that someone filmed a wild cat running across a walking bridge! Lord, have mercy. When you go walking take your shotgun! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Everyone I have spoke with that has the granite counter tops loves them! I can't wait. LOL worries on the shotgun! You know I've got several.....

  12. I think we all have Spring Fever Cindy. I love your choice for the countertops and it will look fabulous once it is installed!! Have a great weekend :)

  13. Dearest Cindy, after having gone through the longest and deepest depression I had ever experienced in my life I am happy to say that I do have Spring fever now! I am very grateful for everything and everyone God has blessed me with, including friends like yourself. This is such a lovely post!

    1. Awe Linda, I am so thrilled to hear that you are feeling better. You have had some prayers going up my friend.

  14. Looking forward to photos of that new grandbaby when she arrives.

  15. Oh...happy happenings at your place. My husband would be overwhelmed, too, which would make me overwhelmed. Ha! I do like your choices and look forward to seeing the finished project one day. A new grand on her way...what a cute way to announce her coming! Yes, I do love the photo of the cousins hugging. Darling!

    1. Vee, take my word for doesn't take much to overwhelm my man! LOL!

  16. Ooo, I love that granite you picked!! You are so smart to get your cabinets cleaned out first. ykur kitchen will seem brand new, inside and out! We STILL haven't started on the new house and I'm so impatient! I can't wait to see your kitchen remodel. Be sure to post pics when you're though. Hugs! Zenda


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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