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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Thrifting and Partying}

Done a little thrifting after getting a bunch of sugars off this sweet girl.....

I only went to a couple of places but did find a few things I liked.

Isn't she just lovely? 

  What was REALLY lovely was the price! I got this sweet thing for $1.99. 

Ooh...I grabbed this little cabbage teapot up faster than you could blink! I spotted it at a distance and darn near ran over two old women and one man to get to it! And....for $2.99 it became mine!

 Cute purse for $3. 

 Yes, I'm a sucker for baskets and any kind especially one this size and well made for $2.

And talk about partying...We just had a little family birthday party for my oldest grand that turned 12!

Every grand gets to pick what they want for their birthday luncheon and my girl wanted Nana's sausage and potato soup and turkey and ham subs! Now you can't go wrong with soup and sandwiches!


Subway has nothing on me!!!

 Birthday girl was happy! 
YEP...that would be my grandson in the background wanting to blow her candles out!!!! LOL!

And sweet new grandgirl could care less about a party right now! 

A surprise came in the mail for me and needless to say it made my day!

Isn't the card just beautiful. No doubt hand made. 

Love, love, love this cute little pocket card.

But nothing compared to a hand written note from my blogging sister in Christ, Debbie Kay.

Pop over and visit Debbie Kay when you get a chance. She is the sweetest soul and has a heart that encourages.

 And just so you will know. We carried this sweet girl for her 2 week check up and she had gained 1 lb. The doctors only hope that within 2 weeks that newborns are back to their birth weight. Well this sweet girl went over the top! Mommy is feeding her good!

Speaking of encouragement. Have you been encouraged lately by another person? Or, have you yourself encouraged someone? 

Web Image  

It doesn't take much to encourage another. Sometimes it can simply be a hug or a pat on the back. Other times just a simple phone call will do or an email. But I can tell you that a sweet little card with a hand written note such as what my friend Debbie Kay sent to me speaks volumes. Number one she took her time to do it! TIME is something we all struggle to have but TIME is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to another. Even if it's only to take the time to write a note to another. 

I want to challenge you today to find someone that you can encourage this week. Whether it be a hug, baked goody, card, email or etc. If you've ever been encouraged by another then you know how it feels! 

Happy Day to you all.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. WOW, you've had busy week! Your grandgirls are so cute and what great finds! The party looks like such fun and yummy, too. Thanks for the reminder of encouraging others. I'm off to do some errands and I've just added that to my list! Have a blessed day, my friend!! Z

    1. Lordy yes my friend...busy, busy here lately! But all good busy!

  2. Hi Dear Cindy! Oh, that little darling newborn girl is so precious! So glad she is doing so well and mommy too! You found some lovelies. You know I'm all over that gorgeous piece of milk glass! ;) Happy Birthday to your cute little grand girl. Looks like the party was fun! Yum, that soup looks so tasty! I don't have to tell you how much you encourage me! God bless you, sweet friend.
    You're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Sheila, you are a true blessing my friend. With all that you've through and still dealing with and yet you make time for others!

  3. Cindy, I'm sending you a hug and a thank you for being a sweet friend! Debby Kay sounds like a real sweetheart. I love your post today, filled with such happiness. Your grandchildren are precious, from beautiful baby to the adorable birthday girl! Your birthday dinner looks yummy! Oh and great finds Missy!

  4. Oh my sweet Cindy, YOU are a blessing to me and I treasure your friendship. Love, love, love the bargains you found thrifting, NEVER pass up a basket and oh the milk glass dish, my favorite.
    Well you out-did yourself on the birthday lunch fixins, yum yum. Enjoy every minute of those adorable grandchildren, life is precious.

    Hugs and blessings,

    Debbie Kay

    1. Thanks Debbie Kay! YEP, I couldn't believe I found that milk glass piece that cheap! Thanks my friend for simply being you!

  5. Happy Birthday to Raygen!! Loved your thrift finds, and I would have done the same to get to that cabbage teapot. I expect to see it on a tablescape soon. I want to let you know my facebook account was hacked, the worse ever. grrrrr I had to close it. I have started a new page and will be sending you a friend request. It's MaryJane K-Hutchins. AND, your grandbaby is adorable!

    1. Ooh don't you just adore the tea pot? You would have died laughing at me trying to get to it! I figured you had been hacked Miss Mary! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Ooooh, that little granddaughter of yours is just precious! I simply love her hair :)

    Lovely post, dear Cindy. Your family is simply delightful and you have certainly been blessed.

    Have a wonderful day. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. We are enjoying the new grandgirl and can't keep our hands out of her hair! LOL!!

  7. Your posts encourage me, sweet Friend!! When y'all come back to the mountains, sneak that baby girl in your luggage...I'll babysit! 😘

    1. LOL! Sweet Adalynn's mama and daddy would have to come with me too! Ha!

  8. Girl, you always get the best deals thrifting. WOW! What a spread for the birthday girl. That youngest grand of yours is beautiful! Cindy, I don't elaborate often as you know....but your sweet card with the cake plate and server truly encouraged me!
    Connie Royals

  9. Oh Cindy, your baby is soooooo cute! And you scored big time on those beautiful finds. Happy bday to your oldest grand! She's so lucky to have you prepare that yummy food....Christine

  10. You got some great finds. I especially like the hob nob vase. Happy Birthday to your 12 year old.

    Your newest grand is precious. Love the pic of all the grands. I know they all love their grandmother!
    Sweet card from your friend. Yes, encouragement is the best medicine and the world needs a large dose.

    1. Thanks Bonnie, yes you are so right...encouragement is indeed the best medicine.

  11. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter who has excellent taste; that soup looks heavenly. You featured some nice finds! Oh, that little one is such a doll and I love her dark hair and eyes. Yes, everyone needs encouragement; let's do it!

  12. Such fun thrifty finds! Sounds like you've had your heart and hands full with your family celebrations. You are truly blessed!!

    1. Thanks Betsy. I've got to jump in on one of your parties soon!

  13. Love seeing these updates. Happy Birthday to your oldest grandgirl. She's growing up fast! The baby is so adorable. Sounds like she's doing great!!

  14. Hi Cindy, You share such an encouraging post. The little one is adorable and so glad her 2 week check up was great and she gained 1 pound already. Such a blessing to have a healthy little one.
    Love the pretties you found. That teapot is special. Happy Birthday to your grand. She is such a pretty girl. Debbie Kay is a special lady and so sweet to think of you with a handwritten card.
    Thanks for sharing your photos. Wishing you a blessed evening and wonderful rest of the week. Hugs

  15. The grands are wonderful. Had to laugh seeing an adult hand clapped firmly over your grandson's mouth. How could your granddaughter not feel special with that kind of a fun party?! Everything looks so very good! The newbie is a sweetie and, though she may not have been especially interested this year, she will be next year. Yay for getting her weight back so soon.

    1. Thanks Vee. Yep this time next year that sweet new grandgirl will be toddling around trying to keep up.

  16. I so enjoyed your words tonight. The thrifting and seeing your finds, the family party and seeing some of your grands and the "Subway" bar is a fantastic idea. Oh that little one with all that hair is so precious. I visited Vintage Daydreams and loved it. Your words about encouraging one another really struck a cord. I got a sweet card from a friend today. I never take time to send card anymore. Something to aim for. Thanks Cindy.

    1. Awe thanks Beverly. Nothing like being encouraged and most often it comes at a time that I so needed it!

  17. You, my friend, bring encouragement through your lovely posts. And I just want to love on that precious grandbaby. Happy Birthday to your other granddaughter...many sweet Blessings, Cindy.

    Have a beautiful day, friend.

    1. Thanks Linda. Seems we are surrounded with birthdays lately. All the more reason to party huh?

  18. Happy Birthday to your 12 year old girl, don't they just grow up too fast?? Thanks for the sweet reminder to encourage one another. I am gonna email my bestie who still lives in Florida to encourage her. She has a very demanding job as a Director of Nursing and could probably use a kind word from someone who cares for her. Keep on enjoying that precious baby Cindy :)

    1. Thanks Karen. I am quite sure your friend could use lots of encouragement.

  19. What an angel is baby Cindy, I just love being a new grandma too.
    Happy birthday to the pretty big grandgirl too. Our older grandgirl will be 12 in June too.
    Best blessings to both and all of you.

    1. Thanks Fabby. These grands just grow up way too fast!

  20. Boy does that baby have a head of hair or what? What a doll and so is your sweet 12 year old grand! Love your thrift finds and what great prices.

    1. Jann what could be better than grands and thrifting! LOL!

  21. It seems I'm always hurrying up to catch up lately. Your thrifting finds are wonderful. Love the price for that milk glass piece! Your new grandbaby is absolutely adorable. What a precious gift from the Father above. You always encourage me, my friend. I love to see what you're doing and hear from you.

    1. Yep, I was quite pleased with the milk glass price too! We are quite giddy I must say over the new grandgirl. She has stolen this family's hearts for sure.

  22. A super birthday lunch for a beautiful birthday girl! Your newest addition looks very alert and as bright as a button. Being British I love afternoon tea, so the cabbage teapot is right up my street too xx

    1. Josie, I bet you could teach us lots about tea! I wish I could have a cup of tea with you.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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