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{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Chewy Cake and Cookie Party}

TIME for our annual "Nanny Conner Chewy Cake party".

Our chewy cake tradition actually began after my motherinlove passed away and she was the reason my daughter's wanted to start this tradition for any of the girls in the family that would like to be a part of our "Chewy Cake Party". 

You have to know the story behind the reasoning for "Chewy cake" so let me share. 

Every year during the Christmas holidays my motherinlove would bake chewy cake. She loved to bake it but I think what she loved even more was giving her chewy cake to others to enjoy. 

Each year for Christmas at the Conner Christmas Eve party you could expect to receive a gift of chewy cake from Nanny.

It started out many, many years ago where each person in the immediate family would get a gift from Nanny but over the years as the children began to be born, then the grandchildren and then the great-grand children...well needless to say with such a large group as the Conner Family things needed to be changed.

For several years I remember the gifts might be the huge popcorn tins with different kinds of popcorn, chocolate covered cherry's, socks. lotion or etc.

Finally Nanny decided that everyone would get "Chewy Cake". If anyone didn't like chewy cake they did not tell her. (LOL) But in all honesty, I think EVERYONE loved her chewy cake, even the children.

Nanny took pride in her "chewy cake". She would bake for days it seemed. I remember one year she had her youngest daughter Becky come to help her wrap the chewy cake gifts. AND THERE WAS LOTS OF CHEWY CAKE TO WRAP! Each one had to have a tag with a name on it so no one would be left out or accidentally missed. That particular year Nanny made Becky go over the list, recount and make sure everyone had a batch of chewy cake about three times! I still chuckle about that. No one would leave her house without chewy cake!

Each year as our Conner Christmas Eve party would approach we knew she would be busy baking chewy cake. We would joke and say, "I wonder what Nanny is getting me for Christmas this year?.  

Little did we realize that one day that her Chewy cake would begin a little tradition.

After Nanny went home to be with the Lord my daughter's wanted to have a simple, laid back, chewy cake party. 

They wanted to include the little ones of course so they decided that cookie decorating would be included for the little ones.

These little ones have so much fun. They have free reign to decorate their cookies just like they want too. (They eat more than they decorate)

We bake several batches of chewy cake. Some with nuts, some without and some with chocolate chips. Everyone can carry home their own little tin of chewy cake to enjoy.

Of course there is coffee brewing, hot chocolate to drink and even some chocolate candy and candy canes. (You need to keep up your strength why you are baking you know!)

All the girls in the family with their children are invited to come if they would like too.

The Chewy cake and cookies are GOOD but the fellowship is the sweetest. 

Taking the time to stop, slow down, and make memories is everything!

The sweetest thing about making memories is being able to share those memories with generation after generation.

 I know that times change, people change, and circumstances change and most often, traditions are changed.

It's never too late to begin a new tradition with your family or to even rekindle an old one.

Our children grow up and then they have their own family and with that, they begin to start their own traditions. Which is exactly what they should do!

But....I truly want to be a part of helping my children and their children to make lots of memories by being Family....exactly what our Lord desires....To love our family, to share with our family and for memories of old traditions and new ones to flow from generation to generation.

There was lots of chewy cake made over the years for lots of family.

And since this picture there has been more added to the Conner Family....

And just think....This all started "Because two people fell in love" and CHOSE to make a lifetime of memories for their family by showing family what truly counts! LOVE!

How I am thankful for the wonderful memories of Nanny Conner's Chewy Cake. 

 Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Cindy, this is the sweetest post ever. You are truly blessed to have daughters Cindy that want to keep family traditions and aren't afraid of making new ones.
    Connie Royals

  2. Truly a "sweet" post full of sweet memories of old and new ones being made, Cindy. So glad to stop in and visit with you to wish you and your darling family the most blessed Christmas. ~Zuni

    1. So glad to see you Zuni! Thanks for your sweet words. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. AWESOME! AWESOME!AWESOME!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE SMILES AND GIGGLES. (sorry for shouting--giggling)---you sure know how to make folks smile, Cindy.

    1. Thanks Linda. We sure do laugh a lot and smile in our family.

  4. Oh what an amazing sweet story and tradition. Your mom in law would be smiling down from heaven. Great pics of a happy family! Merry Christmas to you all!

  5. What a fun day! Looks as if everyone was enjoying it. And what is this chewy cake? Fruitcake?

    1. Thanks bee for popping in . I'll have to send you the recipe . It's rich and good . Lots of butter . Lol !

  6. What a beautiful tradition to carry on from mother-in-love who began with so much love. Your photos rock, Cindy. It looks like a a grand time at your home during the holidays!

    1. Awe thanks Mary for your sweet words . My youngest daughter actually hosted our chewy cake party . It's so nice to have daughters that can do these special things now .

  7. This is a true treasure of a tradition, Cindy! I'm so glad your girls wanted to continue it, Those little ones will have great memories, thanks to you all ... and Nanny Conner!

    Merry Christmas! Zenda

    1. Making memories is the one gift we can all give . So glad you stopped by . I've been keeping up with that new home of yours . So very beautiful .

  8. Wow Cindy, I want to live by you! You girls know how to have fun! Wonderful memories Cindy are in the making.

    1. I'd gladly love for you to live close by sweet lady . I'd have you do all my decorating . lol .

  9. What an amazing tradition your sweet Nanny has inspired! Loved all the photos of your beautiful family ... everyone is clearly enjoying the baking day. I've not heard of chewy cake before, and was hoping that at the end of the post you would have shared the recipe ...
    I hope you enjoy all the days leading up to Christmas!

    1. Thanks so much. I will have to post the recipe for you.

  10. What a precious way to honor your mother in love. I'm sure she smiled from heaven on all of you.

  11. Oh Cindy, this is so true. Making memories with your children is what the holidays are all about! I just love seeing the sweet pictures you share of your family 😉

  12. What a great post with so many happy pictures! I love making memories with my grandchildren as my Ga did for me. It helps us grandmas live on beyond our years! We have a girls day out every year doing something special and then going out to dinner. This year we all went shopping and I bought my two granddaughters their Christmas dresses.

    1. Oh bet you and your grandgirls had fun too shopping for Christmas dresses. How sweet.

  13. What a sweet tradition! Look at all of your gorgeous babies!!! That cake sounds really good. Will you be sharing the recipe?

    1. Thanks Heather. I am going to try my best and post the recipe.

  14. You know I just loved this chewy cake post, dearest Cindy! Oh how your mother in love is so proud to know that this sweet tradition is being carried on with the Conner family. I just loved seeing all those smiling faces, and everyone having fun during this special Advent season. Love and God bless you, Kitty

    1. Awe thanks kitty . It's not only fun but I sure enjoy the chewy cake .

  15. What a wonderful tradition for everyone in the family to enjoy. You are truly blessed!

  16. How much fun for the family to get together to make those chewy cakes! You all look like you're having so much fun. How your mother in law would be proud!

  17. Hi Cindy, What a wonderful tradition in your family. The chewy cake story is so special and I know your Mother in Love is so happy you shared the tradition and keeping it going in such a blessed way. Love the pics, the smiling faces of your family and the chewy cake looks delicious.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year!! Blessings xo

    1. Thanks Celestine. I hope you have a beautiful Christmas .

  18. As always a wonderful post Cindy! It's good to teach our children that Christmas is about spending time with those we love, we'll be hosting a number of lunch parties over the festive season (including a sit down meal for 35, which means shifting out the sofas and bringing in lots of tables from the garages!) and I know all the memories we make will last a lifetime for them.
    You must be so proud of your gorgeous family, it's not an easy job raising kids but yours are a true credit (and blessing) to you both xx

    1. Awe thanks Josie for your sweet words . I hope that you'll post some pictures of the wonderful festivities that you will be hosting .

  19. Cindy,
    What a wonderful tradition to pass on to new family members. Being that my parents were born to Polish immigrants, many of our tradition were the traditions of the Eastern European immigrants that settled in this area. Many of the stores in the area still carry on these traditions and supply the food that my parents used to make. I have no time or energy to make these so I buy peirogies for Christmas Eve Holy Supper, Keilbasi for Christmas Day Dinner and nut and poppyseed rools for desserts. My parents used to make their own!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. I love hearing how other cultures celebrate the holidays and the different foods that are tradition . Thanks for stopping by .

  20. What a lovely family tradition to carry on Nanny's chewy cake gift giving. I can see by the smiles and festive aprons that it's a good social gathering with lots of reminiscing.
    We don't have a particular family tradition at Christmas as many years it's hard for our small family to get together because of those who work. (nurses, police, fire dept)
    Thank you for sharing your tradition, Merry Christmas!

  21. Hi Cindy! Oh, what a fabulous tradition and I do believe 'gorgeousness' runs in your family. Now I loved this post but what in the world is 'chewy cake'! :) Merry Christmas, my friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Well that chewy cake just looks amazing, and the story to go with it, wow! Such a precious story of a sweet family tradition that your family is continuing, and oh the memories that are being made too! I just posted about a special family tradition in our home that I thought the kids might not want to do anymore, but they surprised me, and wanted to do it! I was so happy. I really enjoyed this post, it just made me smile to see the happy faces of everyone having a good time. Praying you have a blessed and very special Merry Christmas :)

    1. Awe so good to hear others have sweet family traditions . Will pop over and visit you soon .

  23. That is a wonderful tradition, so much fun and so making so many memories!! Great pictures!! Merry Christmas

  24. Cindy, I love traditions and I love this story! Chewy Cake sounds great! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  25. Did you post the recipe? I don't see it!



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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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