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{It's A New Beginning Y'all}

  It's a tad late to wish a  Happy New Year but I sure hope that it's kicked off good for everyone. Ours kicked off with being so THANKFUL for what God has done and is doing. As I told my family as we were reminiscing over 2024, "There is a lot of 2024 I DO NOT WANT A RE-DO but the Lord has surely taught me so very much. I am truly thankful for each breath, each day, family and close friends. We had our three youngest grands for New Years Eve. We had a great time and the girls enjoyed a little fishing, bonfire with their great-grandfather and roasting marshmallows. Their great-grandfather will be 90 years old next month. As most of you know I do a monthly focus board and this makes my 3rd or 4th year. I've lost count. Only fitting that New Beginnings would be my focus for January. This has been so good for me as it sits on my kitchen counter so I can see it daily. Wonderful way to focus and quote God's Word daily.  I felt up to hosting a lunch and movie day with ...

{A little Hodgepodge Fun and Giveway}

Happy days are happening with the REVAMPING, REMODELING, DE-CLUTTERING my little room! 

I found things I forgot I had! LOL!
The process is slow but at least it's in the works. YAY!

So for the GIVEAWAY I have FOUND something in my closet......remember the closet from last week?????? Well, apparently I was going to give it as a gift and never did, so ONE of you LUCKY gals get to have this cute Poppy set.

The set includes 4 tea bags holders still in the box. A tea book, serving tray with 4 snack trays. AND all you have to do to be entered in the drawing is comment today on at least one question from the hodgepodge. It's just that simple. 

Before we get into the hodgepodge today I want you to know that I have been doing other things besides cleaning up my little room.
We've been making sausage.

 Drinking hot tea from my new tea cup that a sweet gal from church gave to me.

Reflecting on my new FOCUS WORD of the year.... 

 And wearing my new bracelet a sweet friend gave to me with my new focus word.

And laughing at this picture of one of my grandgirls as she beautifies her eyes lids....
And eating brownies... 

I have no clue why it's taking me FOREVER to clean out a room.......Hee-hee!

So now onto the hodgepodge.

1: What is your favorite brand of face cleaner? YEP...I want to know. 
 2: Do you normally buy off the Bridal or Baby registry an item for the Bride or Mom to Be or give her a gift card from her chosen store or purchase something totally different? Just curious!
3: Do you take your gift wrapping seriously? By that I mean are you pretty precise with your wrapping, bows and ribbons are you more of a "Let's just it done" kind of gal?
4: What is one talent that you do not have that you wished that you did?
5: Though we are all created just like our Lord wanted us to be what would be one thing about yourself that you wish was different?

Oh and look what else I found that I had been saving for a little project?

YEP Altoids containers. I have about 45 of them right now washed and drying. Anyone want to come over and let's do a project together? WAIT...I don't have time...GOTTA GET BACK ON THAT LITTLE ROOM OF MINE!

My answers for you:
1: Cetaphil. My skin is so very sensitive and this has worked the best for me. 
2: I normally buy off the registry if I have the time but good old cash works great for me too!
3: YES, especially at Christmas! I like for my packages to match and every package has ribbon. For all other gifting I do try to make my packages look pretty but sometimes....I do good to toss my gift in a gift bag with a tad of ribbon to be honest.
4: Playing the piano. Oh I wish I could play. I actually took a few lessons when I was a kid but due to one reason or another I never pursued it. So now I just enjoy listening to my oldest granddaughter and her dad (my soninlove) play. 
5: I wish I was a tad taller. Just a tad. Nothing wrong with being short but it sure does make it bad when Capri's look like long pants on you! LOL! 

Hoping you all have a great rest of the week and enjoying life to the fullest...

Drawing will be help for the giveaway next Tuesday morning, January 24th.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. I can not wait to see what you do with those Altoids containers. Did you see what Jann Olson did with the spice cans at Christmas? Makes me want to collect all the cans. :)

    1. Yes I did see what she done . She is so stinking talented .

  2. I'm going to answer questions #4 & #5 because it's the same answer. I would love to be able to SING!

    1. Yeah wish I could sing too Christine . But I do quite well when I'm home alone . Ha!

  3. You have been a busy lady, I need to get busy too and make some brownies!! I am OCD with gift wrapping, has to be perfect. Why do I do that to myself??? lol I would love to be able to SING, there's always been a lot of music in our house, Mr D and most of the grandkids are very musical, not me...{{sigh}} I can play my CD's exceptionally well, does that count?

    1. Miss Mary , I even struggle with getting a CD to work sometimes ! Lol

  4. Hi Cindy, I like to buy off the registry. I like to make my gifts look nice too. I saw your Emily Barnes book. I have that one too plus I heard her speak once too. I like your bracelet too!

    1. Thanks Susan . I love Fill my cup Lord book . So glad you stopped by .

  5. You dear lady! Do you ever get tired? You surely should. Making sausage takes a bit of time. Hubby always does the majority of the work with the making and my job is bagging and clean up. Your new tea cup is beautiful, as well as the one at the end of the post. The give away is such a pretty set. I normally buy off the gift registers for the brides or moms. There must be a reason they put those items on there, right? It makes shopping much easier for me. I hope you have a wonderful day today, Cindy.

    1. YES Dianna you are so right. Making sausage does take time and the mess is awful! I am more of a HAM kinda gal so to me it would not be worth all that trouble but my man loves it and so shall it be!

  6. Good Morning Lovely Lady!
    You are a doll and I do love your new word for the new year and I am also looking forward to seeing what you will be creating with those Altoids tins.
    I am going to answer #4 -I would love to be able to paint. ( I draw like a 6 year old) #5-I'd like to have wider hips and narrower shoulders
    Blessings to you sweet lady!

    1. Girl, that is one thing I have never wanted was wider hips! Got enough packing back there as it is! LOL!

  7. I enjoy reading the hodgepodge answers of several blogging sisters I follow, makes for an interesting post. For Christmas I buy pretty paper and have lots of ribbon on hand but usually end up using gift bags because my wrapping leaves much to be desired, guess I should look for a wrapping 101 YouTube video. :-)
    I've repurposed a few small mint tins in my craft studio to hold buttons etc. but I would love to see what you plan for all of the above tins.
    The Tea Lover's Devotional is the only Emilie Barnes devotional I have and it is a favourite, I'll add your book to my wish list.

    1. I've been through that devotional book quite a few times. But it's so pretty that it looks so nice paired with a teacup or teapot.

  8. What a sweet "hodgepodge" post. I love all the goodies you've found cleaning out the room and can't wait to see the end result. I'm hoping it'll inspire me to do something with mine.
    1: What is your favorite brand of face cleaner? YEP...I want to know. Soap and water....LOL
    2: Do you normally buy off the Bridal or Baby registry an item for the Bride or Mom to Be or give her a gift card from her chosen store or purchase something totally different? Just curious! I either give a gift card from the chosen store or a handmade gift.
    3: Do you take your gift wrapping seriously? By that I mean are you pretty precise with your wrapping, bows and ribbons are you more of a "Let's just it done" kind of gal? It kinda depends on time and the occasion. I do try to wrap for the kiddos birthdays because that's special.
    4: What is one talent that you do not have that you wished that you did? Oh, I'd love to play the piano, too...and learn to knit...and quilt!
    5: Though we are all created just like our Lord wanted us to be what would be one thing about yourself that you wish was different?
    I wish I could not be so down on myself most of the time. Debbie Downer describes me perfectly. So I'd like to change my mindset, although I don't think this is what you're meaning when you ask.

    Thanks for letting me join in today, sweet Friend. I wish I could join you in crafting....and cleaning!

    1. Deb, you have lots of talents girl! I wish I just had a 1/1oth of your talent! But oh yes, I would love to have learned to play piano too!

  9. I'll be right over to help you with the Altoid container project. Sounds like FUN!! Love that pretty tea cup and those brownies are making me drool! It sounds like you're making progress on your room!

  10. I'm scared to death to tackle my spare room Cindy so good for you for attempting! Well Dial soap works best for my face and I always buy off the registry. Gift wrapping....NO! I don't buy anything that can't be put in a gift bag. I wish I could play a guitar. I have always loved guitar music. I wish I had good hair. Mine is thin with no body! But at least I have hair so not complaining. That wouldn't be deer sausage now would it? LOL!
    Connie Royals

    1. Connie, of course it is deer sausage! LOL! EVERYTHING in my freezer consist of ALMOST deer! We love it!

  11. OHHHHHHHHHHH COUNT ME IN GF!!! (sorry for shouting, giggling)---hey, I will answer your questions tomorrow on my blog, ok? Actually, I already have and its just waiting for tomorrow, smiling. Have a beautiful day....wish we lived closer...imagine the trouble, I mean fun we could get into, more giggles.

    1. I will be back to see you tomorrow Linda. I enjoyed your hodgepodge this morning!

  12. I'm smiling big because I answered every question in my head and then read yours...I answered Cetaphil too and also wish I could play the piano! What a great scripture for your word this year. Blessings to you Cindy!

  13. My dear Cindy, I just saw your comment pop up while visiting your blog...maybe that means we were visiting one another at the same time {{smiles}}

    Your post is simply delightful and my, what a lovely giveaway! I thoroughly enjoyed your questions and as for the answer {or answers} since I can't pick just one:

    I love Rodan+Fields skincare. I have always had problems with my skin and they are the one company that works for me.

    I love to wrap and make gifts pretty {I think I get that from my mom}. I often use tulle and make curly bows out of paper.

    I tend to buy from the registry or sometimes I will make something that is similar to what the mom or bride-to-be wants.

    I would LOVE to be able to play the cello or harp. I play the piano and in college I had the opportunity to learn harp, but sadly I missed out.

    As for changing something on myself....I'm not sure. I know this isn't about appearance, but I wish I was less shy. Yes, I can be quite quiet in a crowd :)

    Thanks for fun questions! Have a great day. Hugs!

    1. Awe Stephanie , you make me smile . You remind me of s precious sister in Christ of mine . You are angelic in your looks and your ways and creative in so many ways and yet you are truly a humble spirit . So glad you stopped by .

  14. Fun post!! 1. I use Philosophy Purity...the only thing I will put on my skin. 2. If I don't know the bride or mother well I buy off the registry but mostly I like to pick out something unique. 3. I just plop the gift in a bag and stuff some tissue paper in :-) 4. I wish I could sing...well. 5. I would love really nice legs :-0

    1. Well I forgot to mention that I would like nice legs too! LOL! Mine are so short!!!!

  15. Hi Cindy! 1. I use Cetaphil, too! 2. I buy off the registry sometimes, but not always. 3. I like gift bag for their ease. 4. I wish I knew how to play the piano! 5. I wish I didn't have cellulite on my thighs!!!!

    1. LOL Kitty on the cellulite! Girl, I got some of that going on everywhere!

  16. Such a fun post today! Love the set you are giving away, so generous of you! It is quite exciting to pull things out of the closet and discover the long lost! Hmm, what are you going to do with those Altoid tins? In my Stampin Up days I would've had a heyday with them, lol. I remember making little purse boxes with them once (filling the tin with cute and handy items such as a peppermint, a hair band, and so on)

    That looks like a lot of work to make the sausage, but it is worth it! Our family loves deer, but aren't too keen on sausage so, I don't have that mess to worry about!

    To answer your questions:
    1. I use just plain water.(I'm simple like that, lol)
    2. I buy off the registry if I don't know them well, or if I do know them well, I will make them something.
    3: It depends on who it is for. For guys, a simple bag does the trick. For gals, I like to dress it up a lot more. I do like gift bags the best though. I like to take storebrand bags and redecorate them (covering up their logo with stickers, lace, paper, etc) and make them pretty and useful again.
    4. I wish I had more of a talent to decorate cakes. I do the best I can with cakes for family occasions, but its a talent that has always eluded me, lol.

    5. LAST ONE You and I share the answer on this one... being short has its drawbacks more often than not, lol!

    Thanks again for a fun visit :)

    1. I've had several ladies wanting to know what I was going to with the Altoids cans. As for now they will stay in a bag all nice and clean until I have the time to play around with them. Yes, we love deer too and sausage is my least favorite part. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I always enjoy your questions and haven't participated in a long time, so will this time! But, if I should win - please go to the next person as I have also been purging my house and don't need anymore stuff, I'm getting rid of stuff! It's nice tho!

    1: What is your favorite brand of face cleaner? YEP...I want to know. I use Retinol anti-aging cleanser.
    2: Do you normally buy off the Bridal or Baby registry an item for the Bride or Mom to Be or give her a gift card from her chosen store or purchase something totally different? Just curious! It helps to buy off the registry if I can't come up with something creative!
    3: Do you take your gift wrapping seriously? By that I mean are you pretty precise with your wrapping, bows and ribbons are you more of a "Let's just it done" kind of gal? I like to wrap pretty presents!
    4: What is one talent that you do not have that you wished that you did? I wish I could sing solos!
    5: Though we are all created just like our Lord wanted us to be what would be one thing about yourself that you wish was different? I would like to be taller and not short waisted!
    Thanks for the fun questions - loved all the hodgepodge fun! Wish I had a brownie!


    1. Hey Katherine, was so good to hear from you. I think most everyone know is on a cleaning, purging rally right now. Just a tad taller would suit me too girl. Have a good day.

    2. Hey, I just posted something new (since Christmas!) on my blog if you would like to see it! Maybe I should make a resolution to start posting more. I miss it!


    3. I always want to see what you post and I miss you posting!

  18. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Here are my answers:
    2.I give gift cards
    3. I give either gift cards or money and don't buy gifts to wrap anymore
    4. Either play the piano or be able to sing
    5.That is wasn't so prone to gain weight by merely looking at food!! LOL!

  19. Cindy you are too funny. No wonder it's taking you forever to do a room. Those brownies look delish! Here are my answeers:
    1. Dove soap
    2. I like the registry
    3. I'm pretty picky about my gift wrapping but this year I wrapped everything with fabric. It was a nice change.
    4. I wish I could sing instead of croaking like a frog.
    5. Yes I'd like to be thinner. I don't mind being short. Been that way all of my life. But the weight gain is recent and not welcome at all.

    Have a great day Cindy!

    1. Mary I know a lady that is in her late 70's that said she has used dove soap forever . Her skin is beautiful . So glad you stopped by .

  20. LOL Mary! YEP, I thought I would get back on that room tomorrow but decided I'd go shopping instead! LOL!

  21. Cindy, I love the photo of your granddaughter with her cucumber cute, and the brownies look delicious!! I wish I could paint beautiful canvases

    1. Thanks Pam . Oh I would love to be able to paint too .

  22. My fave cleanser is Noxema. I buy a gift off the registry. I take gift wrapping very seriously. Using old pieces of jewelry and lots of ribbon and a little imagination make for a lovely and unique gift ☺

    1. Oh I can imagine how pretty your gifts must be especially using jewelry .


  23. I always wanted to do three things very well, sing, write, and play the piano too!
    I can do a bit of each of them, but none of them really very well.
    If I could change myself, not a bit, but quite a bit, it would be my weight! Enough said on that the better, but there is always hope with that one!
    I'd really really like to be stronger, so I could do manly things like lift, tote, and haul without needing help.
    I do get discouraged with this one because there are so many thing I would love to do on my own but can not.

  24. What an enjoyable visit this evening.
    Your granddaughter is adorable with her cucumber eyes. :) Cucumbers have much goodness in them.
    I love to wrap my gifts with nice paper, ribbons and pretty things tucked in the bows. I'm not one for gift bags, but I do us them on occasion.
    I cleanse my face with a wonderful bar of natural soap from the health store, cost me $5.00 and it lasts for ever! I have used it for years and years, I'm almost afraid to change. Just as well use what works, why change right?
    I collected those tins and decorated them and used them for gift cards or money gifts. I enjoyed decorating them with lace,quite pretty.
    That is a beautiful give-away. You may exclude me and give others a chance to win.

    Happy organizing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Debbie . I love the idea of using the tin can for a gift holder of money . Hope you have a great day .

  25. I've thrown so many of those little tins you are going to come up with something so cute and I'll wish I had all mine back. :)
    All I've ever really wanted to do was to be able to sing...sing that's my answer for #4...
    And, thanks for giving us such a great chance at this generous gift...I WANT I'm keeping my fingers crossed....xo

  26. Cindy, I can't wait to see what you do with all the Altoid containers! Have a wonderful blessed day.

    xo Dianne

    1. Thanks Dianne but it will be a while I am sure before I do anything with the cans. LOL!

  27. Good morning!
    What a sweet little giveaway. Thank you for having it. :)
    To answer some of your questions, yes, I do enjoy making gifts pretty with ribbon and bows. :) I don't use any face cleaner, only water. :)
    Have a lovely day!
    Love in Christ,

  28. Hi Cindy,
    I am not to fancy at Christmas when wrapping presents, but for birthdays, that's a totally diferent story. I am a more of a just do it girl. I like to do treasure hunts for birth days though and I like to hide clues every where.
    One thing I wish that was different about me is I wished we had more acres and animals. I love animals and I love to lay on the grass and just watch everything around me.


  29. I'm a newbie here. Goodness, Miss Cindy... My favorite skin care? As of this week?? Homemade makeup remover/cleanser from a plastic Hefty container. (Pieces of paper
    toweling submerged in small amount of coconut oil and baby wash disolved in h2o). Oh, and bought a HUGE aloe leaf at the grocery store. Froze the gel. Using a tad a day on back of hands to remove age spots. Ha!! Will let you know. Double Ha!!

    1. So glad you stopped by . Nice to meet you . Yes do let know how the facial ingredients work .

  30. Oh, my, I'm behind on my reading! I've been busy with a few projects for one of the groups I'm in and then we took a little vacation to Gulf Shores. I love that your are redoing your craft room! When we built the new house, I made the smallest one my craft room. When we moved, I put all of my craft things that were stored all over the old house in thee and then realized I should have used the master bedroom for this space!! LOL I'm in the process of editing my supplies, reevaluating which crafts I really enjoy and purging some more. One thing you mentioned considering that I did was NOT add closet doors. I repurposed some old shelf units, added them to the closet then hung curtains with a shower curtain rod. This gives me a lot of storage. I really need to sit down and write a couple of posts! I also have the wedding pictures (finally) and will be editing those for a post, too.

    I'm adjusting to our son moving to Montana for his new job. He's doing great and just bought a cute house! Our daughter and her new hubby come over for dinner once a week (or they have us over) and we just enjoy seeing them and visiting about their new lives!

    It's so good to get to read your posts, Cindy! Enjoy your week!! Zenda

  31. 1: My favorite brand of face cleaner currently is Neutrogena Foaming Fresh Cleanser. I have very sensitive skin and this works well for me.
    2: Sometimes I buy off the Bridal or Baby registry for a bride or mom-to-be But I really love to make something special when it's a gal I know well. I haven't been able to do that for a long time but hope to start doing it again soon.
    3: I take gift wrapping seriously enough to get it done! I'd love to be much more precise than I am but there are times a nice gift bag and tissue has to make do. I do add pretty ribbon and tag or card to the gift bag.
    4: I would love to have been gifted with the organizing 'gene' my dear mother had. I have a bit of that but just enough to drive myself crazy!
    5: I would love it if He had made me a bit taller and willow-y! But I am very happy with the way He made because He knew I needed to be this way for HIS purposes to be played out in my life.

  32. Can't wait to see what the little tins are for.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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