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{Sharing My Life}

  I've been enjoying drinking coffee from my new mug that was gifted to me for my birthday which was February 18th.  Every single treatment for cancer that I was given I would pray this scripture, quote this scripture and sometimes I put it in the form of a song. This verse ministered to me so many times and still does so needless to say this is my now new favorite coffee mug.  Speaking of birthdays, I was so very thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my family. My daughters carried me out to dinner and lavished me with lots of loves, sweet gifts and great food.  We sure have a great time together .   One of my nieces shares her birthday on the same date as me so she treated me to lunch. We have a very close relationship and she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.  My favorite dessert, strawberry cheese cake .  We also celebrated my sweet FIL for his 90th birthday.  Yesterday I had the privilege to go see Pe...

{Looking for INSPIRATION}

I'm looking for inspiration to start on a project at home! Maybe you can help me. Sometimes it just helps to talk it know what I mean? 

 Web image
My motherinlove used to say that everyone needed a project to do and for the last several years I have been revamping, replacing and remodeling a few things here and there. I've heard it said that if you truly want your project to be exactly how you dreamed it would be then you must be PATIENT! OUCH!
But here I am in a brand new year and ready to tackle another home project. 

 Web image
I have four bedrooms in my home. One in which of course I sleep in. One is the grandbabies "Play Room" which so desperately needs to be organized and some things tossed. One room my man calls the "The Buck Room" because we have deer mounted on the wall and the decor is totally a hunting theme in which we both love. But then I have "My Room" which has turned into a disaster and all by my own doings! 
Now, I admitted's totally my fault that it looks like a hurricane has went through there. 

Oh it started out nice years ago. You own little room which was called my "Prissy room" but has become my junk room! I began to use it for WHATEVER, tossing things in there only to take me forever to find them when I needed them and well...I am quite sure you know how the rest of the story goes. Hey, I am just being real here!

So here I am desperate need of some inspiration. Truthfully I need the energy! But maybe If I get inspired I might get some energy huh? I want to take my small 12x12 room and make good use of it. I have my computer, sewing machine, crafting stuff, and well...I have LOTS of stuff in there!  In all honesty, I don't sew that much but in the event I choose too I want to be able to have my sewing machine at my fingertips. I do use my desk computer a lot so that has to stay. I take crafting by spells and those spells are far and few between and sometimes it's not so much "crafting" as it is I just WANT MY STUFF where I can get to it in case I want it. You know what I mean?

So here is where I need some ideas because sometimes one person's idea may be all that we need to inspire us. What to do with this closet? As you can see from the picture the closet isn't that big. It's not tiny but it's not big and it has a single door. I have seen some ideas on pinterest that has sparked my interest but not so sure I wouldn't want to leave it a closet and store things in. Or maybe take the door off completely and revamp the inside. 

Here is what size door and closet I have...YES...mess and all!

 Dang, I actually spotted something in picture I forgot I had!!!

So, not sure if I would need more lighting if I turned this closet into......
Craft Closet Makeover:
Pinterest idea

And I wouldn't be able to use the closet for storage too much either. 

With this style I could get more storage for sure but wondering if I should do away with door altogether. I could do the little french doors but they would have to small for sure.

Organized Craft Closet -- turn any under utilized closet in your home into a fabulous craft closet with these tips and tricks.:

And this is a great idea should I keep the door.

 Remodeling a 12 X 12 Bedroom Into Office/craft Room/sewing Room - Yahoo Image Search Results:

I love the idea of having one large unit on one wall in which this could be done in a smaller version on one of my walls.

Basement Craft Room Design, Pictures, Remodel, Decor and Ideas - page 2                                                                                                                                                                                 More:


I also like the L shape look.

Do you (or someone you know) do a lot of craft projects? This craft table with pigeon holes will let you keep everything tidy, organised and close at hand.  It’s easy to build and modify to fit your own room as it is basically three shelves connected by the table top frames.                                                                                                                                                                                 More:

And I just think this is so stinking cute.

may rethink where my current craft room/office the kids really need a playroom? Psh:


I like the simplicity of this look and yet you have some storage and some counter space. 

Remodeling a 12 X 12 Bedroom Into Office/craft Room/sewing Room - Yahoo Image Search Results:

There is no questioning on flooring. I know I want wood. Actually this is the only room in my house that we have not redone the flooring and it's about time. It still has the makeup stained carpet from my daughters being home many years ago. 

The color? Well remember when everyone was doing the sponge paint look? Oh I loved it and I loved my border paper. I was so brave going from white to this pink marble color to begin with but I think it might be time for a change. And I hear that border wall paper if OUT! But...I promise you it will be back IN next week! LOL! 

And I have two small windows in the room with the lace curtains. The color scheme is this room is pinks, hunter green, and roses. I called it my Prissy room once upon a time.

Now here is what I truly want to accomplish: I want more counter top availability so I can have room for my sewing machine, computer, and whatever else I might want it for. Maybe a cricket.....or embroidery machine...I am thinking big right now and for the future days of when I retire of having something else to do! Well maybe daughters will keep me busier than I would want to be! LOL! TRUST ME...I don't get bored easily and I ALWAYS have plenty to do!  I want a counter space to stand or to sit to wrap gifts or work on projects. I want a closet that is functional in every sense of the way. Either to HIDE my ORGANIZED chaos or to display it proudly! PLUS I have so many books that I will not part with in which a lot of them are Bible Studies I have taught over the years. So....gotta have a place for them. AND I am talking all that in a small 12x12 room! WHEW! I am wore out thinking about all this. Now I not only need inspiration but I need ENERGY, TIME and MONEY

The perfect solution would be to combine two rooms and make one big room which would mean the play room would be gone! Not so sure I want to do that though. And my man wasn't sold on that idea either and since he will be my MAIN MAN in this project I don't want to push my luck!

And this would be a dream room but I am afraid I might want to LIVE in there! 

And then there is color schemes. Good grief! Too much to pick from. 

Then I might need a theme you know! Vintage, retro, French...Oh I just don't know! 

So, in the meantime while I let all these 1000 thoughts drive me crazy and I try to be INSPIRED I think I will just start by cleaning the room up! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have some projects you want to do this New Year but you are like me and just need inspiration and maybe energy? Maybe we can inspire one another.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy 
NOTE: Not sure why but the COMMENT section is showing up at bottom of page which requires scrolling! GRR...............



  1. I love all of your inspiration!! I know you can do it! I have one of those behind the door organizers and it's wonderful. It's on our pantry door.

    1. Thanks Heather . Too many choices is my main issue and Lord knows I. Wed an extra zap of energy . But I gotta start somewhere . Dang almost half of January is almost gone !

  2. You have a lot of great ideas going there, and I am sure you will figure it out eventually. I think you need to determine what you really want/need the most, and try to narrow down the options a bit. I know the feeling of wanting to be able to do it all...but I have learned in life that what I want and what I actually ever do are sometimes way apart. I dream about a lot of ideas, but time, money,and space (and energy) dictate what I really can do. So, determine your priorities, and try to simplify your plans so you can actually accomplish your real goals. That's my advice...whether or not I could do it myself... I will pray for you to be at peace about the whole plan!!

    1. Thank you for wonderful advice and your prayers . I truly mean that because I believe that our God cares about every detail of our life and that includes remodeling a room !

  3. Isn't Pinterest great for gathering ideas? Maybe too many ideas. Now take this from whence it comes...I haven't gathered enough energy to paint my kitchen for over twenty years...yes, that kind of slacker. Anyway, all I was going to say was that I took off my closet doors and have never missed them. Not ever. Have fun!

    1. You are right Vee! Too many ideas on Pinterest for sure!

  4. I like the inspirational ideas you've shown. So many out there to think about. The problem with most of us is time and money and money and time. Maybe use a portion of your closet to store your books or it may take your whole closet to store your books. LOL! Counter space with cabinets might be the way to go and maybe do light colors. My sister turned a small 10x10 room into an office/sewing room and she found a beautiful hutch style piece to use for storage which was really pretty. Too many ideas for sure. Good luck.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. Yes, I too about furniture pieces to use and could start scouting out things at Thrift stores and yard sales. I truly have got to get motivated to clean it up first! LOL! HELP ME LORD!

  5. Not much input from me as I have no gift of design whatsoever! But....I can't wait to see what you come up with....and, I'm proud of your bravery to show the closet. I would not/could not have shown what my "craft room" looked like before I straightened it up after CHRISTmas....and it still doesn't look that great! ;-)

    1. LOL Deb. You sound like a friend of mine. She said she was going to hire someone to come and clean her house but she had to get her house cleaned before they could come. YEP...that closet looks good girl compared to the floor right now! I would never show that!

  6. lots of great ideas...i would rather keep that closet and door with shelving installed for storage and I LOVE having a door to close..maybe you can begin to add shelf units to your room and get it the way you want. If the room were mine, I would paint it white and shutters on the windows..I'm not a curtain girl so shutters or blinds are my thing. Good luck on working on it when you feel like it

    1. Thanks BJ for the advice on the shutters. I will check into that as well. I am thinking for sure about going with light colors for this room. Though it has too windows for light I do think think a lighter color paint would even make it more lighter.

  7. Oh my Cindy, what a fun project you have there! My late beloved built me a unit for my sewing machine inside a closet with double doors, which is nice because I can shut it. Your closet I would leave for storage, though. My hubby also put two kitchen cupboards back to back and I have two cutting mats on top. It's great for storage. Sometimes I think that I'd like to take them apart and put them against the wall for more floor space. The walls are painted a soft Aqua, and it really is cheery and pretty. Good luck with all your ideas. You have a great helper there, with your Man!

    1. Kitty, I am so glad you said the word FUN! That is exactly how I am going to look at this. And once I get started it will be good. Just getting started is the hard part!

  8. {{{giggling}}} gurl...don't ask me ...I just spent time reorganizing the glassware in the 2 cupboards, which by the way, we live in a 100 yr old house and those 2 cupboards have deep, deep space. My simple suggestion, start with cleaning out the closet, put in boxes of need...then go from there. smiles

    You always make me smile, Cindy, thank you.

    1. LOL Linda! It takes me all day to do what it used to take me 2 hours to do! YEP...gotta get to cleaning for sure!

  9. Gosh Cindy! There is truly so much out there for inspiration. I think you are right about cleaning out first then take a step back and ask yourself, what colors make me happy? Maybe once you have your colors then you can start looking at furnishings and window treatments. I am excited for you, this will be such a fun room makeover! Enjoy!!

    1. Yep Karen...I think once I get it all cleaned out then I can think about colors and go from there. This is probably going to be a long project! LOL!

  10. Oh, how FUN!
    I'm going to be watching and waiting to see what it is you come up with.
    I agree with you on the last picture, I want to live in that room.
    Keep us posted!!

  11. Cindy-I am so glad you found me and now I backtracked to find you, too. I will sign up to follow you as soon as I get done commenting. I love your honesty! So refreshing when we are used to seeing so many 'perfect' places and things in blogland. I so wish I had an extra bedroom I could use for a "Nana room". I have an area in the basement that I use but it is full of STUFF right now that I need to sell, give away or just donate. Once that is done that should free up some space for a craft/sewing room for me. I have a good-sized house but no dedicated sewing/craft area.
    I would probably keep the closet and organize it just to have things 'hidden' that didn't need to be out in plain view. I would probably buy those clear storage containers and organize stuff as I went into bins. I just did that with my Christmas stuff. I had about 8 open bins and sorted into each one as I went. Took me all of two days but it is done and I am thrilled to know how easy it will be next year to find things.
    Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks again for commenting. I am going to put you on my side bar right away so I can read your posts as they pop up. Hugs- Diana

    1. LOL Diana....well I got lots of messes I am afraid! YEP, it's gonna take me SEVERAL days to clean out. One thing is I am so dang slow these days and I get so easily sidetracked! LOL! So glad you found me. Anyone who is called "NANA" has got to be a friend of mine! Nana's stick together.

  12. Hi Cindy, you have a 4 room set up like my house. Hubby has his man cave, a guest room for the grands, Master bedroom and my office, craftroom, study. I will need to take a picture of it. Still recovering from Christmas. I have lots of books too. The biggest step is deciding what stays and what goes. Have fun during the process!

    1. I love the man cave idea! Our Buck Room as we call it is where my grandson sleeps when he spends the night with us. Yes, I need to be tossing lots of things for sure!

  13. Slow down! Take one step at a time! Cleaning it and throwing out is a great place to start. You can have some idea of color and style but that will come later. You might just get more inspiration once the room is cleared out a little :-)

    1. I will be truly inspired Ann Marie when that room is clean. LOL!

  14. Oh Cindy, you put a huge smile on my face as I read through this fun and enthusiastic post! I appreciated your transparency and honesty, especially being willing to show us that closet. 😮
    You have certainly chosen some great ideas from pinterest. I like the idea of the desk with the cubbies or shelves because you could really utilize the space.
    Keeping the closet door could become quite handy for storage and you could still put shelving in and have your things more organized. On my bathroom closet door as well as my pantry door I have clear shoe bag hangers and use each shoe holder for storing things, works wonderfully and saves a lot of space.
    Maybe go with a soft peaceful color, but yet still feminine.
    All the best to you in your new project.

    1. Debbie, Just be glad I only showed the closet! LOL! Thanks so much for your inspiration. And I am thinking of a soft airy color to the room. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Believe me, it doesn't matter how big the room is you will still fill it up! lol! That is if you're anything like me. My sewing room is small and filled to the brim. My craft room is larger and filled to the brim. :) I usually keep them quite organized, but since Christmas they both need a good deep cleaning. I utilize the small closet in my sewing room with shelves for supplies and a unit hanging on the door. Works great! Hope your prissy room comes out just like you are hoping!

    1. You are so right Jann. I have an outside shed and it's filled to the brim. I actually told my man recently that I needed a bigger shed! Well, let's just say that the look on his face was one that I actually decided I might best hush! LOL! He knows I'd have it filled in no time!

  16. Hi Cindy! Oh, how much fun to redo your special room! You've got lots of inspiration to go on. I love those little officey closets but for myself I really need storage so I would want to poke my stuff in there and be able to shut the door! Seems like you have lots of good suggestions and I'll be excited to see what you do.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Sheila, I am agreeing with you on the officey closet as you called it. LOL! I need that closet for storage so at this point of the game it will be used for storage. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Oh Cindy this is going to be such a fun room. I love all your inspired ideas. And that last room was absolutely swoon worthy! Now if you can just get rid of the pink it might make a huge difference in calming down the room. Looking forward to see what you come up with.

    1. LOL Mary on the Pink! I have decided to take down the border and repaint for sure! Time to clean out the old and bring in the new.

  18. I love your inspiration rooms. We have been slowly redoing our rooms as well, our most recent was turning our FROG (room over garage) into an office/craft/lounge room. It used to be the grands playroom. I still would like to paint the walls a light color and change the flooring to wood. My problem is time and of course the availability of my handyman (hubby of course) Right now the changes we've made have already made it into a much more livable room. Can't wait to see what you decide

    1. I bet your frog room is nice . I'll for sure be posting once I start . I'll probably need all the encouragement I can get ! lol .

  19. What a fantastic room this will be, Cindy! I love to clean and organize so I love all the organizing tools!

  20. I have a room, the third bedroom, which I call my office. It needs major organization too. I like the closet idea with the french doors. Thanks for the inspiration! Bless you as you organize! Sending loving hugs.

  21. I have my own room for sewing and my husband also has a den,so we're very lucky. My only problem is that my sewing room is at the front of the house and has a large bay window, which means that everyone who comes to the front door gets to see just what a disorganised worker lives there! I'm guessing that as it's a bedroom at present yours will be upstairs, perfect for shutting the door and leaving any mess 'as is' when you're in the middle of a project. Whatever overall scheme you go with I know that the creations coming out of the room will be just darling xx

    1. Than you Josie . I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the task . Lol .

  22. Cindy, I think you can easily use that size and make it very useable! I have went the L shape table and got rid of it. Now I have one end of the room totally a large table and I love it. I can do crafts, sew, computer, etc. Here is a photo if you want to see it: It looks a little different now but you can get the idea. I use this room everyday and it is "my room". The grands love coming in here and using the table along with me. If you click on my sewing room on my blog you can see more photos. I am doing a little revising right now but you can get the idea and I think my room is only 10' x 11'. Good luck and I look forward to seeing what magic you do in there!

    xo Dianne

    1. Thank you sweet friend . I'll check out your room .

    2. Dianne, popped over to check out your organized room. I can tell I am going to need some clear boxes for sure! Thanks so much,

  23. How exciting to redo your room. Love all the inspiration and can't wait to see what you do.

  24. Cindy, I love all of your inspiration photos. I can't wait to see what you do with your room! Blessings!

  25. I feel your pain! I too have always had a craft room, until we downsized a couple of years ago. I pared down a ton of stuff, but still kept the essentials like a sewing machine, fabric, and basic paper crafting supplies. I have a horribly small closet in my little room now, and I actually have taken off the door to the closet and love it. I hung a curtain rod over the door with a cute white sheer curtain that hides what is inside the closet, but helps keep the room feeling open, and is much more easy to deal with then the presence of a door. I have an extremely tiny room now about 10 x 8'. It remains a challenge. I think you have a lot of great ideas, but the first would be to drag everything out, paint, and then decide how you want to put it all back in. Sometimes just pulling all your stuff out helps you see things in a different light, and you could play around with furniture placement too. Good luck with your craft room makeover, I will follow it with interest :)

    1. I know I for sure have TOO much stuff for that 12x12 room! Started putting material in a box and already tired! LOL!

  26. Catching up a bit today! I can't wait to see what you decide to do in your room. My sewing room/creative studio is small and shares one wall with our home office. My sweetheart took the double doors off the closet and installed a counter for my sewing machines. It's not as well organized as the photo you share with the pegboard storage in the closet. Because of pressing family needs over the last months I've not spent much time in there and it has become a put-whatever-I-don't-know-where-to-put-it place. You've inspired me to get my act together and begin to make it a place I love once again!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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