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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Tuesday Tidbits and Winner of Giveaway}

Well I hope that you all are enjoying your week so far. Right now I am smelling some fresh collards out of my garden cooking and I am so ready to EAT some!

Oh I have to show you my new sign a sweet gal from my Ladies Bible Study class gave to me. I just love it! It's going in the Buck Room.

Last week I posted that one of my blogging friends would have the opportunity to win this Poppy Tea set by simply answering one question to the hodgepodge. I must say that I truly enjoyed reading all of your answers to the questions. It's a great way to get to know one another for sure.

So I decided instead of putting all the names in a hat to draw from that I would use the good old faithful online name generator to pick a winner and the winner is.............

From Everyday Living

Pam does some of the most beautiful tablescapes ever. Here's her latest....
Romantic Table for Two...

Makes me want to drag a table in my living room in front of my fire place now! Ooh...that's an idea....
This gal could take dirt I do believe and make something out of it to be displayed on a tablescape and it would be beautiful! 
Be sure to stop by Pam's and visit with her. She's a lovely gal that loves our Lord. 

Speaking of tablescapes I thought I might take a BREAK from that ROOM of mine that I don't seem to cleaning very fast and start on a tablescape. So my inspiration began with this darling sign that I found at the Dollar Tree! 

Then I remembered that I had bought teacup salt and pepper shakers from Cracker Barrel.

Now the fun begins....Hoping to show you my black, white, gold and red tablescape next week. 

Oh and if you ladies are looking for a great devotional be sure to check this one out.

 I love Sarah Young and I have her Jesus Calling devotional which is wonderful. My friend Janice gave me this one and I had to go back and read the days I missed. This was the first day of the New Year and it spoke volumes to me. Maybe it will speak to you as well. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. Congratulations Pam!!! (I will have to go over and see her blog, smiles)---your posts are always uplifting....and yummmyyyyyyyyyy on the collards, we haven't had those sense we left 'Bama 4 yrs ago. We loveeeeeeeeeeee collards, smiles. Have a beautiful rest of the week, Cindy, still snowing here in the land of snowboots/ NY. smiles

    1. Linda you are the sweetest ever ! Girl I wish you could have been worn me eat some collards . They are my man 's favorite . I love all kinds of greens. Wow, y'all age still having snow ! In Florida you don't have seasons ! Lol .

  2. Hi Cindy, I do love collards, are you making cornbread also??? I can't wait to see your Tablescape. I am so excited to win and thanks so much for the shout-out and sharing my Tablescape! You are such a sweetheart and Happy Tuesday!

    1. Cornbread is a must with any greens . You are so sweet Pam and I truly love looking at your tablescape .

  3. Congrats to Pam. I don't know her so I will have to go check her blog out. I am doing one of the 'read your bible in a year' plans. I have never actually done one before. Hubby has done it for at least 10 years and does a different one every time. Love your sign and little 'cups'. xo Diana

    1. Diana you will love Pam do be sure to visit her . I love my sign and salt and pepper shakers too .

  4. That is the cutest sign and it is sooooo you!! Congrats to Pam for winning the give-away!!

  5. Congratulations to the lovely Pam! She is such a sweetheart and she will definitely put these little lovelies to good use :)

    Love your camo sign, my friend :) Hugs to you!

    1. When Pam's name popped up as winner my first thoughts were, "I bet she will use these little goodies for sure". Thanks for visiting today sweet Stephanie.

  6. Oh....gotta get to the nearest Dollar Tree before they run out of those signs! Looking forward to seeing your tablescape! Congrats to Ms. Pam. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Deb I went back to the Dollar Tree to get one of those signs for one of my daughters and they had sold out. It was the only sign that I saw that I actually didn't feel looked cheesy. I love it!

  7. That camo sign was a perfect gift for you Cindy! Cute salt and pepper shakers. My sister would love those.
    Connie Royals

    1. Connie, Cracker Barrel had tons of them for 99 cents each.

  8. I've a question for you. When we were in Gulf Shores last week, J said how much he liked collard greens. I asked him how to fix them and he didn't know. Would you share your recipe for them? I saw them on sale in Kroger yesterday and almost bought a bunch but was afraid they would languish in the frig while I found a recipe to try. Yours looks so good! Thanks in advance, Cindy.

    1. I will send you a message on how I cook them. Not sure If I have what you call a RECIPE! LOL! I have a tendency to make up my cooking skills as I go. Greens are easy to cook. The only downfall is you think you are going to have a ton of them but time they cook down you don't actually have too many! I'll send it to your email.

  9. I did not know that there is yet another Jesus book in the collection! I have two different ones that I read every night, although I know you are supposed to read them in the morning! Congratulations Pam!

    1. I didn't know it either but my friend told me the book was out and then she got one for me. I was so excited.

  10. I'm late getting around...yesterday (Tuesday) was a bit of a hectic day. Congratulations to Pam. The tablescape of hers that you showed is beautiful. I had to chuckle at you saying that it makes you want to drag a table to your living room in front of your fireplace. I had the same thought...only our source of heat is a wood stove in our basement, so it isn't a very good idea for me. :) But I would so be doing it if it was possible!

    Looking forward to seeing yours next week!

    1. LOL Dianna. I love the idea of having a table in front of the fireplace for a little romantic meal but our problem is the fireplace doesn't get used that much because it's not cold enough. Guess here in Florida I could turn the AC down so it would be nice and cold and then build a fire! I've actually done that before! LOL!

  11. I read Jesus calling last year and got so much out of it! Hope you enjoy each new reading in Jesus Always! Your pink/camo sign is great Cindy! Have a good rest of the week :)

    1. Karen, I adore Sarah Young's devotionals. It almost seems as though she is speaking straight to me.

  12. Love those salt and pepper shakers! I love that table by the fireplace idea too. She's a clever one!

  13. Congratulations to Pam on winning your giveaway, Cindy. Her tablescape is soooo pretty. I love those salt and pepper shakers you found at Cracker Barrel. Love your new sign's perfect for you!

    1. Thanks Kitty. I can't wait to make your stew recipe!

  14. Cindy,
    Congrats to Pam!! Love the Salt and Pepper shakers!!
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by!!

  15. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for visiting me today! So appreciate it!!

    Wow, I love collard greens, especially fresh from the garden. Course, I love many greens including beet greens!! Yum!

    What a nice give away you had. Lovely gifts!! Congratulations to Pam!!

    I love your little tea cup salt and peppers. Adorable! I love anything to do with tea, tea cups etc!!


    1. Nothing better than a pot of greens for sure Linda .

  16. Ha! My husband was just inquiring about collard greens the other night, honestly, I couldn't answer him. :)
    I've never made them, but the corn bread sounds good that Pam asked about in her comment.
    Congratulations to Pam!! Such a nice give away, Cindy.

    Bless you~

    1. Ooh we like greens Debbie and cornbread goes with about anything! LOL!

  17. Good Morning Sweetie,
    Congrats to Pam! She is a true artist with her decorating style and gorgeous home!
    Love your cute finds and of course you know how much I enjoy your spiritual and uplifting posts.
    You make my heart happy!
    Big Hugs,

  18. Oh do I love this post. Great idea to drag the table in front of the fire place. And that new Sarah Young devo...I like that. Hugs to you, sister. Love ya.

  19. Cindy, what a fantastic post! I love all the things in your photos. Beautiful and heartwarming. And the devotional book looks great, thank you for the recommendation. :)

  20. I love that passage...I need to take a picture of it and reread it every day! :)

  21. Love Sarah Young and your beautiful table-scapes! Life is well... done school so just working! Blessings to you, Ellen

  22. So beautiful, Cindy. I love Jesus Calling so I know I would love Jesus Always too. I love your sign,"pretty in pink ", "dangerous in cameo"
    Congrats to Pam for winning your giveaway!
    Have a great week, Cindy.

  23. HI Cindy! Congratulation to your winner and I know she'll enjoy the tea things. Hope you're doing well and have had a wonderful week. Thank you always for popping in to see me. When I see your comment I see your pretty smile in my mind.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Thank you for sharing your devotional. I need to get it and catch up! You know the journey I've been on and how God has brought us to a new place in our lives. On January first God gave me a word for this year: Trust - and Isaiah 43:18-19. His Word to me was that He was about to do a new thing. Wow! How soon He has brought us to a place where we need total trust to move forward to find what that new thing will be! You always bless and inspire me, dear friend.

    1. Trust is good word for sure and a hard one at times . I've been praying you sweet friend .

  25. I had to Google collards as it's not a word we particularly use here in the UK but I like it! We just call them 'greens' or perhaps kale but I like collards much better 😀. Looking forward to seeing your dressed table xx

  26. Cindy I too love Pam's blog with all the beautiful photography. And you have been very busy lately too. Very cute luggage.

  27. Congratulations to sweet Pam for winning! I am sure a gorgeous tablescape will be created with the gorgeous poppy tea set you have gifted her with :) I love the sign you got from Dollar Tree, can't wait to see what your creation will be :) Hugs to you today, have a blessed Sunday!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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