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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Funday Monday?}

I know what you are thinking; "what is fun about Monday?".  Well, if we can't think of anything else let's just be glad that we got out of the bed this morning, right? 

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Let's have a little fun today and while we do I will share a few pictures of my life with you.

I have had this collection of devotional books for years and love them. 

Let's kick off with the 2018 Color scheme for women's clothing according to the Huntington Post.

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It looks as though Spring will be bringing the above colors to life from what I have read. Just because inquiring minds want to know, what color scheme do you find yourself most often purchasing regardless of what season you are in?

I often purchase black, red and beige. Of course my best friend has said for years, "buy a pair of black dress pants and then you can buy lots of different tops to go with them". TRUE! However, I do try to expand out there a little....I actually got wild here recently and bought a cotton candy pink top. I mean it looked cute hanging up. It was on sale for like really cheap.  I looked like a daggum piece of bubble gum that had turned sour! I donated it to a clothing ministry. LOL!

This is a good little breakfast for me. They make different flavors.Try them if you haven't already.

According to Huntington Post The 2018 Home Decor trends that are on the radar are:

Ruby Red's in paint as well as decor.
 Velvet....yes, velvet furniture is making a come back.
Copper accents
Black and white
 70's Chic
 Natural materials such as lava rock and sea shells. 
 Windowpane styled throw blankets.
 Floral patterns with bold colors or funky colors. 
 Wabi Sabi aka Imperfection and the only way I can describe this is to show you a picture. 


The Japanese concept of wabi sabi celebrates imperfection, It’s expected to catch like wildfire in 2018. It’s all about authenticity, including honesty of materials like flax cover. Consider this permission to leave your bed unmade was the quote.  

So, with the last tidbit about wabi sabi and the quote, what are your personal feelings about leaving your bed unmade? 

I was raised by a granny that said, "If you don't do anything else in your house you make your bed each morning. At least you will feel that you have done something and your home will have a sense of being together.  That has always stuck with me. For me, if my bed is not made it's because I am in it or I am sick and bouncing from bed, to couch to chair to bed. It's just a "thang" with me.

Don't you just love my cute new boots?

 Since Christmas is a mere 11 more months away here's the stats from 2017 according to Yesmail Interactive on when people actually started Christmas shopping. 
 38.1% of people started their Christmas shopping before November 1 with  69.8% of people starting their Christmas shopping before the December 1. 
When do you usually begin your Christmas shopping? 

Usually before Thanksgiving I have started and I am finished by the 2nd weekend of December. This year I did find myself a week before Christmas picking up a few things but nothing that I had to fight the crowd for. Back in my younger days when I had more energy, my Christmas was bought and wrapped before Thanksgiving. This year I actually enjoyed ordering some things online so when I did do a shopping trip I enjoyed it instead of feeling like I was on a mission and couldn't stop till the mission was completed.  

 I am really enjoying this devotional book I was gifted as a Christmas gift. 
 Did you know that laughing burns 6 calories? Laughing is jogging for your insides. It increases heart rate, circulation, stimulates the immune system and improves muscle tone of the abdomen. 
Speaking of laughter, has there been a time that you found yourself laughing when you shouldn't have been laughing?

Oh yes, on several occasions. One time in particular was years ago but I will never forget it. I got tickled at a funeral. I won't share why I got tickled but I did.  I know, that's sad isn't it? I hate almost to even admit that. Most thought that I was crying instead of laughing. PRAISE GOD! Yeah, I know some of you by now are just shaking your head at me and saying, "Bless her Lord".

Love watching my grandson play basketball. 

Last one:
 Recently while ministering to a lady that struggles with low self esteem one of the things that I asked her to do was to name at least one thing about herself that she did like. Though she hesitated and truly seemed to struggle for a bit with this she finally named one thing. Then that led to several more things in which led us to truly getting into some matters of the heart in which I will not elaborate on. It seems that we as women tend to dislike more about ourselves than we like. So, I am asking you dear lady, "What is one thing that you do like about yourself?. Don't be modest or shy. The thing I am learning the older I get is that I am what I am! There's some things, well a lot of things that I can do something about when it comes to the things I dislike about myself. However, there's lots of things that I dislike about myself that I can't do anything about and it was just how God created me. So when I complain I feel like I am saying, Lord, You done a crappy job". I am not positive but I'm thinking that attitude doesn't make Him too happy either. After all, He is the master designer.

 So with saying all that I will say that I like my hair!  Now don't get me wrong, I have some major bad hair days! Matter of fact I am having one today. I need a hair cut and some color. I am just before taking the scissors to my hair and I have done that in the past and it was not a pretty site!  In all seriousness I was blessed to take after my granny, my mama and my daddy in which all had thick hair and easy to manage. Even on a bad hair day like today when I think about watching dear friends that due to chemo have lost their hair, it reminds me to HUSH and be thankful.

It sorta reminds me of a story a friend shared. She used to complain about her shoes and her mama told her a story of a boy with no feet! She learned to appreciate her shoes. I've learned to love my hair....even on a bad hair day.

I hope that you all enjoy your week and remember,

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else´s life, live your life, the one that God intended on you living". 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Where in the world or what should I comment on (giggling)? I lost my once thick long hair to cancer, so that is always an issue, sigh. It grew back baby thin and just not to my liking, we wont go there. Lets see, I had my color wheel done many years ago; natural colors and reds work for me. Hmm...I prefer a made bed, my grandmother use to say similar things, lol.

    Hope you have a beautiful week, friend, smiles.

    1. Linda ,i epykf love for you to share one day about your “another story” with your cancer . I’m quite sure that brings a whole new light to a lot . I done a color analysis at an event once but very interesting . Didn’t quite agree with her on everything . But when o think about it she sold books and i paid to hear her . 😂

  2. We love those little snack bars . Yum . I like the one with blueberries . Enjoyed the pictures . I catch myself buying lots of tans in clothing and yes Black always works . The one thing Cindy i like about myself is shoe size . I wear a size 7 and that seems to be the norm when trying to find shoes . I adore your boots but I’m past the anything with heels . Connie Royals

    1. Girlfriend, i have the hardest time finding shoes . Sometimes it seems that department stores discriminate against size 6 shoes . Smallest thing on me is feet 😂 and yes i do love those little snacks too .

  3. All the new trends, guess I'll just stay with what I have, my wallet likes it that way. lol Love your boots, they are pretty to look at and keep your ankles warm too. I like Beth Moore, have several of her books and studies. Have a great week..((hugs))

    1. miss Mary I’m so glad you stopped by . I love this devotional . It has a place to write out your prayers and for someone that likes to journal it’s right up my ally .

  4. Oh, Cindy, I do love your spirit and your hair! No joke, I have run off a picture of you and am carrying it to my stylist this week when I go. I think your hair is so cute and I too, have a head full of thick, great hair. I am so thankful and my stylist reminds me every time she does my hair how blessed I am. Such an enjoyable post!

    1. Girlfriend, there’s not much st times i like about myself at times but my hair seems to satisfy . Though not st the moment . I’m humbled that you like my hair so much . Can’t wait to tell my 18 plus years hairdresssef ❤️❤️❤️

  5. So I was in the middle of writing a long response...and I accidentally closed the browser and lost my comment. Whoops!

    Your fun post make me smile. Purple is my favourite colour so I was thrilled that Pantone chose Ultra Violet as the colour of 2018. For once, I'll be trendy with my purple wardrobe.

    I disliked making the bed when I lived with my parents. But when I moved out, I became a stickler for making the bed. It's so automatic now that I don't even recall doing it half the time!

    I like the idea of genuine imperfection, but no so much with a "staged imperfection", if that makes sense?

    1. I love the deep purples. I actually have a top in a deep purple and it's one of my favs. Yes, my making the bed is just the norm for me. I know exactly what you mean by "not so much a staged imperfection". I love the look but just "made up". LOL!

  6. Sweet Cindy, I look forward to your posts! I do like your cute booties...a gift of a devotional book is always appreciated! Your hair always looks great in your photos. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you Pam. The devotional book set has brought me many years of joy. At Christmas I really enjoyed reading through some of the "Christmas with God".

  7. Cindy, You always have me laughing and you can cram a lot into one post.
    I love Monday's because I always do my hair for church on Sunday and can just brush and run on Monday's.
    Love your cute boots.

  8. Bonnie, your hair always looks nice. I loved your pictures with Pam and Butch. Glad you shared.

  9. Happy Belated Funday Monday! I love you new booties. So cute! I have to make my bed every day, I would not like getting into an unmade bed. It just makes me feel more together once it's made! Those breakfast bars look yummy! You've been busy lady! I love hearing about all of the trends for 2018. I can't think about Christmas shopping yet.I try to keep a list on my phone when I think of ideas for someone. Most of my shopping is online on Cyber Monday. I do hit the malls too but like you, it's not usually stressful because I'm not scrambling. We even went to the mall on Christmas eve this year, just because and it was't too busy! I ended up with a new red blazer to wear on Christmas! It was fun seeing Santa and the decorations.

    1. Thank you Heather. I can't think about Christmas yet either! The older I get though the faster it seems to come! I actually got some good deals ordering on line this year. I am more about, let's enjoy the shopping trip instead of feeling stressed, LOL!

  10. I love these random things kind of posts and yours is particularly fun. I will try to start at the beginning although a hundred things to say are running through my head! Those colors for clothes are crazy. I probably won't go there, except maybe the aqua. I tend to buy gray, gray and gray. I just have a thing for it and can't let go. I half make my bed everyday which means I pull the covers up and straighten them. I don't put the spread or pillow shams or decorative stuff on everyday :-( LOVE YOUR BOOTS! Man, your feet are small! For Christmas shopping I usually am done by December 1st but not this year. I struggled to finish by Christmas and I didn't make any cookies this year. There's always next year. I am sure I have laughed inappropriately but can't remember! The one thing I like about me is my hair too.....when it behaves, and when it is freshly colored and cut. That's it! Gotta look into those snack bars and that Beth Moore devotional.

    1. Maybe this next Christmas you will able to bake cookies like you want too. Girl, you gotta try snack bars. So good! Girl I have those decorative pillows too! I told my man that the next time I invest in bedroom stuff I am not having all that decorative stuff! LOL!

  11. Oh, my, I just LOVE coming here to visit with you, sweet friend. I always feel like I have just sat down in a cafe and had coffee with a dear, cherished friend, and we have poured out our hearts to one another! There is so much fun and goodness in this post, where do I begin? Well, first of all, I LOVE the humor at the top!!!! Oh, my word, that is just priceless!! Regarding making our bed, it is a must for me, too. Have you ever heard of Flylady? I love her. She is such an encourager, and she insists on the making of one's bed. My dear, sweet Mom MADE me make my bed everyday, and I am so glad she did. Do you know the main thing I love about it? Many days, I don't re-enter our room until time to go back to bed, and oh, my, it is just such a comfort to walk in and the room is all put together and neat, and I can just turn down the covers and crawl in. It is worth it. I LOVE your cute boots!! Oh, my word, they are just adorable. And, your hair is ALWAYS, always beautiful and are just beautiful, inside and out. Now, for the getting tickled part...I had to stop and read that part to my husband, because he understands, my friend. He and I both have the same issue!! It is quite embarrassing, to say the least, but laughing at a funeral? Yeah, we can both relate, completely!!! Here's one for time, my Papaw was staying with us during the last two weeks of his life, and a really dignified minister had come to see him one, last time. Things were so serious in our house, and we all knew Papaw was dying soon, and as Mom and I stood at the front door waving good-bye to the minister as he walked towards his vehicle parked in our driveway, lo, and behold, he slipped on the ice, and his feet went plumb out from under him, and he hit the ground full-force, flat on his back. Mom and I stood at that front door literally laughing our heads off to the point that we could not even stop long enough to ask him if he was alright!!!! He quickly got up off the ground and walked to his car and got in and left!!! I think Mom may have composed herself enough to holler out to him, at the last minute, and I think he told her he was fine!!! OH, my word, I will never, ever forget that!! I am glad to know laughter is having aerobic benefits inside my body. What joy to know it is burning some calories!!! Oh, my, you have totally made my day, my happy to chat with you and sorry this is so long!! Love and appreciate you so much!!!

    1. Cheryl, I have so enjoyed you chatting and I am still laughing at your laughter! Sometimes we just gotta laugh. My granny used to say, "Baby, we gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes". So very true! So glad you stopped by to visit.

  12. I use black and white year 'round...winters, I add the warm color, red...summers, I absolutely love turquoise and aquas with my black and white. I like my hair, too, even tho it is thinning as I grow olden...I make my bed each morning and I never, ever leave dirty dishes over night. I hate walking into a dirty kitchen early in the morning....makes me want to go crawl back in

    1. Bj , i rarely leave a dirty fish in my sink either . At the most it might be a coffee cup but seldom . I think it may go back to the way i was raised . I love black and white too .

  13. I agree with Cheryl, visiting you is like sitting down with a cherished are a sweetheart, Cindy.

    I so enjoyed this post and oh, those colors for the new year! I'm not sure if they are my colors-HA! Lately I keep leaning towards heather gray and army green {like the dress and cardigan I shared on my blog yesterday}. In the spring and summer I love pastels, mostly mint green and pink.

    Those boots are fabulous, my friend. I just love them :) Thanks for sharing your sweet life with us. Have a lovely night. Hugs!

    1. Stephanie you are so sweet . Yes i loved that cute outfit you had on and those cute shoes . But i truly enjoyed hearing you play that wonderful grand piano .


  14. This a fun post, Cindy...of course yours always are! I don't mind Mondays that much because I do like my job. About those fashion colors...not sure I will be wearing any of them. There was a time back in "big hair" 80's when that teal color and the deep purple were really in and I know I had some...they also paired up the two in prints, etc. My go-to color is black and jewel tones, turquoise, fuscia or magenta, certain shades of green and yes, even bubble-gum or hot pink when it's calmed down with a vest or something...I even like gray and black together. And about the home décor...does this mean I can bring my "Elvis on Velvet" painting out of the attic?? LOL, no, I don't really have one but I do remember the old velvet upholstery sofa and chair that was in my living room when I was a little girl. I would LOVE to get my hands on a set in good shape for the new farmhouse! And your hair...girl...that's the first thing I noticed about you when I saw your pic...and that and your beautiful open-mouthed smile! I guess if I had to name one thing I liked about myself would also be my hair and my bubbly personality. I do love ya, girl!♥♥♥

    1. You have a wonderful bubbly personality dear friend . I love it that you find joy even, maybe on days that you don’t feel joy ❤️ Yes by all means you might need to drag out the Elvis on the velvet .😂 i love the feel of it . You have good hair girl . I’m feeling better bout my hair today . Got it cut and colored . 😊 thanks Debby for your sweet friendship . ❤️

  15. I fall into the arcadia color chart. I like the black/white so I'm glad home decor shows it this year. I like your hair, too, it's real cute in all your photos. I think what I like about myself is that I'm detailed. Not perfectionist, but paying attention to details. Great tip on the nutrition snack bars! Love ya!

    1. Mary, i too like black and white . I especially live using white dishes . Maybe because the color is great all year round . The snack bars are really good . My man loves them too . Hope you are doing well with your knees .

  16. HAHA....well, I used to never leave the house without makeup or my hair done. As I have gotten older, I really don't care! Being retired I am not doing makeup just to go out of the house and the hair....well, it does as it wants to anyway! I always go black. I go in the store and look at a couple of pieces then I realize they are black so I tell myself to look at another color, I do...a couple of pieces then I am back to the black again. Actually, I wear a lot of black and purple so I will do well with the ultra violet! Great post.

    1. Pam, I may feel the same way when I retire...which I keep saying now that I am slowly working myself right out of a job. Not sure I want to retire. LOL! I can only think of one time I left the house with no makeup or hair half way done and girl, I was so sick that I didn't care who saw me. I was actually so sick that the receptionist knew I did not call the doctor just to be calling and she let me in the back door to get me in a room. So, not too many saw me! LOL! Which day, I did not care. I love black! Besides looking slimming you can add about anything you want too with that color. Glad you came by.

  17. Fun!! I will have to comment on the wabi sabi! And the unmade bed!! We don`t have to make our beds here in our home we sleep on futons, and just fold them up !! Thought you might like that) I like those spring colors!! Great to love ourselves as God made us, I believe that too, He is happy when we see how He made us perfectly and wonderfully!! I will try to remember that today, have a fun filled week! Love to you!!

    1. Shayndel, maybe I need a futon! Sounds like a great plan to me. Yes, He does love us and so much so that He created each of us different.

  18. Cindy,
    I had to laugh when you mentioned what the decorating Trends were for this year. I pretty much have all of them already in my house and they have been there for the past 20years!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. Debbie, I believed girl that you have every color imaginable. You amaze me at how you use so many different colors and it works!

  19. I Cindy, I always enjoy my visit here. I just updated me blog today. I am retired and don't have a set schedule. The only time I really wear make up is for church. You always look so nice! I am thinking of making a color change to my hair. I won't make any house changes this year. Last year we painted the walls. I would love to redo my kitchen cabinets. My mom was very strict when it came to bed making. I use to be the same, but I just straighten the covers up for most days. When my grands are here, I have them make the beds. I wear a size 6 too and got several new booties this year but nothing with a high heel because I have a bad back. Though I like colors, I tend to fall back on black. One day hubby and I were at Disneyland. We just got off the trams and were walking when I spotted a man sliding by from the corner of my eyes. I could not help but laugh because who slides on sidewalk???? I stopped laughing when I realized it was my husband! Luckily he was not hurt and even he laughs about it.

    1. Susan, I enjoying seeing all of your pictures. You have the most fun. Sometimes it's hard to find shoes our size that I like. But it's the same with clothing. If I find something I really like it is either too large or too small! Oh well! Oh my mercy, your husband is the one that fell! LOL! Have a great day Susan. Will check out your updates.

  20. I like the idea of not making my bed Cindy, but then I'd walk by it and end up feeling guilty. Yes, I'm one of those types. In the picture it looks very nice but in reality if I saw it like that I'd be tempted to jump back in. ;)

    1. LOL! Yep, I am afraid I would want to jump back in that bed too! It looks so dang cozy! Glad you came by Mary.

  21. Hi Cindy! It was fun catching up with you today. Your new boots are just adorable...just like you! I like getting into a bed that has been made. I guess we can't help how we've been raised. I also can't leave my kitchen in a mess, either. Dishes and counters have to be cleaned. Your hair really is cute, Cindy, and your happy, smiling face, too. I guess I like that I try to be kind to everyone, and try to remember that each of us is a child of God.

    1. I have missed you Kitty! How is your mama? Thought about you yesterday. The bottom line Kitty that really all anyone wants is to be shown a little kindness. Hug to you girl.

  22. Hi Cindy, I just loved this post and all that you shared here. Yes, I have to make the bed. I would have to be sick to leave it undone. My grandmother used to say, a messy unmade bed leads to a messy day. haha!!
    The colors are interesting this year but not any I would use in home decor. I would wear the purple and the darker teal however.
    I love your boots. I would wear those hands down. Really love the style. I love your hair and I can relate to you. I like my hair too as I've always had a ton of thick hair and even on bad hair days, I'm thankful after knowing so many that lost theirs to cancer or other diseases. Great pics of you and your grands in the black and white photos. Looks like a fun day.
    Thank you for stopping by my monthly post newsletter. I really appreciate the support and kindness.
    I also love seeing you each day on IG. It's been a great venue to share and keep up with our friends and community. Have a great weekend ahead. xoxo

    1. I love what your grandmother said! I enjoyed your monthly newsletter. It's funny how so many color and decorating trends come and go. But, that's life isn't it? Glad you stopped by dear lady.

  23. Hi Cindy, I wear dark colors on the bottom and pastel on the top. I can wear a blueish red but dark colors make me look dead. I read the book and I am a summer! LOL my girlfriend and I went to a wedding and giggled together just like you! Our Mom's were embarrassed needless to say! Thanks for the list of the devotional books. Love the boots but probably not on my big feet! Nancy from

    1. I like dark colors . I do try and spruce things up a tad with scarves and accessories . There’s just something about blacks i love . Maybe the slimming part 😂 glad you stopped by Nancy .

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I stopped by to read your comment on my comment and realized I hadn't commented but I was quite sure that I had and now I don't remember my answers and I'm too tired to go read again. Old age is tiring. 😴 😘💜

    1. No problem . I totally get it . Some how this showed up twice so i deleted one . I’m tired too today lady .

  26. This is another fun post! I do love visiting with you!! I try to get my Christmas shopping done early and THIS year, I did just that and had things wrapped up by the first of December. The things that helped me most were online shopping and good shopping closer to home. I live in a rural area and have to drive 30-40 miles for a mall. We’ve had several nice boutiques open on our Main Street and it’s much easier to do my shopping! One thing I like about myself is my curiosity. I always encouraged my students to be life-longer learners. To keep up with our changing world, they will need to always learn new things and we older folks do to! Wishing you fun week of discovery! Zenda

  27. Thanks Zenda. Our nearest mall is about the same distance too. When I go, I usually make a day trip out of it. I love that you taught the kids to be life time, long time learners! We are never too old to learn something new. Though I must admit that with some of the technology today I am like, "Dang, I am getting too old to learn this mess". However, if we don't learn it then it will pass us right on by.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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