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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Life In The Country}

Isn't this just a beautiful sight?

Our young children at church have the opportunity each Easter to flower the Cross and I just love the array of beautiful flowers. Speaking of Easter, I do hope that you and your family had a blessed Easter. We surely did. 

My grandbabies

 So, I am moving right along with kitchen makeover. Kitchen light and dining room installed. YAY! 

The top light is the one I replaced. Bottom light is my new one. Love the pewter color.
Oh, and I saved the old one. I see a project in the near future. 

New Dining room light up. Forgot to snap a picture of old one. I did not realize how dark  it really was in my kitchen area until we put up new lights! Dang, I can see! TOO MUCH too because I now I see little things I need to clean! I want my OLD LIGHTS BACK!

New pantry doors installed. 

Cafe curtains up.

My oldest two grands had their birthday parties together. Grandson celebrated March 15 and grandgirl's birthday is April 16.  We just done a double whammy. And yes, my grandson is proud of his buck he harvested during hunting season as you see from the picture.

They had so much fun.

I made up just a little Easter treat for the grands. NO, they didn't need it as their parents do for them but Nana just had to do a little something....

Found me a new kitchen candle.

 Smells like vanilla scones.

I only had a few flowers blooming that I could pick for a table centerpiece but I enjoyed them. I love fresh flowers with greenery from the yard. 

 Remember this solid wooden bench I bought off of a virtual yard sale site? Well, I've been working on it to use in my kitchen. 

Hope to share the finished project next week. YEP, that would be a toilet brush you see! LOL!  

Oh I have to share this with you. My husband wanted to wrap our grandson's birthday gift. Or grandson harvested a nice buck during hunting season and for his birthday we had it skull mounted. So on the left is my husband's wrapping............................
Bless him Lord. He did finally say, "I think Nana might need to wrap his gift". LOL! 

Oh and ladies, I promised I would not forget to share this time but if you would like to join us for the Teacup/mug exchange be sure to pop over and visit with the lovely Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose.

I hope that you all have a great week and of course let's not forget to count our blessings. Even on our worst day we ALWAYS have something to be grateful for. 

 My newest addition to my kitchen for $3! Yep, the price was right. 

Hugs and blessings, 




  1. Sounds like a perfect Easter weekend. I've seen crosses decorated like that in the cities but never realized the children get to decorate them. Beautiful! I miss egg hunts with little ones. How fun to celebrate two birthdays. Your kitchen is coming along so well. That bench !! I can't wait to see it.Love your hubby's wrapping skills. That's about where my hubby's are too!

    1. LOL Heather. He cracked me up with red tape! His motive was to make it hard for our grandson to open. I always love to see the our little ones decorate the cross. It starts out just plain and bare and well, really ugly but oh time those kids get's just beautiful. We still have plenty of little ones in the Conner family to hunt eggs so it surely does make it fun.

  2. You sure can give tons of smiles. I wish my son had a grandmother like you, I know, I know, he is now 21, but neither of his grandmothers took active rolls in his life and now, 21 yrs have passed. Their loss, I told him when he asked why. The truth hurts and I always promised him I would never lie. He gets it, unfort.

    ANYWAYS---I hope you have a lovely week my friend smiles

    1. Awe, bless his heart. Well as you said, their loss. My grandparents meant the world to me and played a HUGE part in me even getting grown! I just can't imagine it any other way. I just feel blessed that God chose me to be their nana. Happy week to you lady.

  3. Your kitchen is looking so good! I love the neutral gray and white look. Did you use that toilet brush to distress that bench?! You smart girl! I love it. Your posts are always so uplifting and fun to read. Have a great week!

    1. Awe thanks Ann Marie. I used that toilet brush and a wool pad. LOL! I had paint from one end to the other and had on gloves! I am such a messy painter. I actually went for the chippy farm house look. LOL! I am pleased with it so far. One thing is for sure....If I get tired of it I will slap me another coat of paint on it. LOL!

  4. I so can't wait to see the whole kitchen together at one the bits and pieces but the whole pic will be amazing!. Looks like you had a great Easter.

    1. Maybe before I am 100 Pam we will be finished. LOL! Slow progress it seems. But you gotta stay home long enough to do something right?

  5. Cindy, I love your life in the country. As you know we have a little bit of country but not a whole lot. People moving in left and right. Enjoyed your pictures. Your grands are the cutest. I really need to see that bench! LOL! I laughed at the wrapping but so love it that he took the initiative.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. Come on to Baker and get out of Duval county! But pretty soon Baker will about be the same. That bench gave me a good work out on the flab of the arms girl with sanding and chipping. WHEW!

  6. Cindy, Thank you for the laugh...your husband will not be getting that gift wrapping job this Christmas at the mall. LOL. All your beautiful grandchildren. I love the girls' dresses and cute shoes. The cross was beautiful that the children decorated. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

    1. Ha! Ha! Susie. He sure doesn't have to worry about gift wrapping for a living for sure! So glad you stopped by. Have a great week.

  7. I'm loving the progress you are making in your kitchen. Can't wait to see the finished product! I love even more that you had such a lovely Easter day with your family...looks so wonderful. I miss those kinds of family gatherings. Seems like everyone is too busy with their own things nowadays...but we grab the moments whenever we can. Blessings to you and yours. What part of Florida are you in?

    1. We did have a great Easter Pam. My husband has a large family so when we all gather together for special times such as this we have a huge crowd. The kids have a ball. Us adults do too! Hugs to you.

  8. I love seeing those happy faces of your grands, Cindy. Yes, we Nana's always have to give them a little something special from us. Your kitchen is coming along, and the bench is looking good. You sure have the energy, my friend!! I'm so glad that you had a wonderful Easter! Love and hugs!

    1. Oh Kitty, Sometimes my energy level is zapped out. Yesterday afternoon I could tell I was winding down in body for sure. My issue is getting that old mind to shut down. I get to thinking too much about what I need to be doing or should be doing. I can remember my granny saying, "You are burning up daylight-or you can sleep when you die! LOL! Mercy!

  9. What a pretty cross and your grandkids look wonderful in their Easter attire. You continue to make great progress on your kitchen renos. I'm too old for an Easter egg hunt, but the Easter bunny did bring me some teas. HA! Looking forward to the upcoming teacup exchange!

    1. Thank you Margie. Glad you got some new teas from the Easter bunny.

  10. Cindy, I love the old tradition of flowering the cross! Your grands are so cute and Happy Birthday to the two celebrating this month! Your kitchen project is going great, can’t wait for the final reveal! Hugs and blessings, sweet friend!

    1. I love the flowering of the Cross too Pam.It may be a while before a reveal. LOL!

  11. Happy Easter to you, dear lady! We’ve been celebrating for over a week as our son from Montana has been here for a nice long visit. Our daughter and her hubby were here Palm Sunday and visitied his sweet momma this weekend. Next Easter will even more exciting with our new little one!!! Your kitchen is coming together. Someone asked me if my cooking was better with my new kitchen, I said, “No,” but it’s a lot more fun!! Ooo, you will have fun working in your new space! Keep us posted and have a great week, Cindy! Z

    1. Oh you are about to embark on lots of fun my friend when that precious grandbaby gets here. I bet you cook just fine! LOL!

  12. Oh...that cross adorned with so many lovely flowers...what a beautiful sight to behold! It looks like you had a wonderful Easter. The weather here was beautiful and we grilled steaks that evening. I know what you mean about the Easter treats...I made goody bags for my almost 39 year old son, his wife, her 22 year old son and my two grand boys who are 17 and 19! You NEVER get too old for the Easter Bunny...LOL! I love all of the gorgeous changes in your kitchen....and that it! Have a great week, Cindy!♥

    1. Ooh steaks some d so good . Girl we have to take care of our babies no matter how old they get ! 😂❤️

  13. Hi Cindy .. The cross is beautiful and certainly does bring back childhood memories...I do love the pics of your grandchildren.. good looking honey bunnies... You’re such a good grandma... and WOW ..You’re really getting the renos done... the kitchen is always the hardest and the most work it seems... I’m working on mine too..but things are slow ... Can’t wait to see what you do with that bench ... Thanks for sharing and posting all the joy ...ENJOY your week...Hugs

    1. Yes girl things are slow here too. It is crazy at how much time it takes to do things these days. I am slow! LOL!

  14. Such beautiful, sweet grands you have! And, your kitchen is looking great! So thankful you had a Happy Easter, sweet friend. God bless you. :)

  15. AS I read through your post I kept thinking of things to comment on and then when I get to the end, I've completely forgotten...I'm pretty sure I've even told you that before...the old mind just ain't what it used to be. (insert sad/confused face...and a smile) Your grandbabies are all gorgeous!!! You really do NEED another boy...or maybe he likes being the only boy and getting spoiled! :) The cross is beautiful...our church does that, too...makes the dead cross come alive! I can't wait to see the final reveal of your kitchen...I'm loving the light and bright, something I need in my old age...LOL! HOPE you're having a great week...take care!

    1. Girl, I stay confused half the time. My grandson is just going to have to be these girl's hero. LOL! Deb, you talking about needing the light and bright! YES! Me too! I have been shocked at just how bright my kitchen is! With lighter walls and new lighting! I told Marty I felt it was almost too bright. My eyes aren't used to that. Ha!

  16. Hello, I found you over on Stephanie's. You are a lady after my own heart. I have enjoyed browsing your blog and will be visiting from now on.
    I absolutely love the flower cross, I'm going to mention it to your youth minister and seniors.
    I have a bench just like yours, anxious to see your finish. Hopefully I can do something to help the one I have look better.

    1. So good to meet you. I love meeting new friend. So glad you came by. Our church kiddos love to flower the cross and it is always so beautiful. Will be visiting you.

  17. Always enjoy pictures of the grandkids, your youngest getting to be a big girl. Looks like you had a great Easter with the family, that is such a blessing!

  18. Great family photos as always, Cindy!! Love the flower cross because i have one hanging in my living Room!!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!

    1. Thanks Debbie. Girl, I just can't believe all the snow you have still! WOW!

  19. LOVED everything about this post, Cindy! How fun! Love the new pantry doors and the new lighting! You are going to be loving that kitchen when it is all finished! Looking forward to the great reveal. Celebrating birthdays of the grands is always fun...and what a lovely Easter you had with your family! xo

    1. Thank Dianna. I am loving my lights but taking a little getting used too. Not so used to things being so bright! LOL! Didn't realize how poorly our lighting had gotten until new lights went up!

  20. Oh Cindy, what a beautiful cross! And I love that the children dress it up every Easter with flowers.

    Your post was such a joy and as always, I love seeing your precious family. You have been richly blessed, my friend.

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Love and hugs!

  21. That flower cross is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a great idea! I wanted to get back w/ you regarding a comment you left on my blog awhile ago. You could not get a link to open on my blog...a 'framing an old mirror' project. Here is the link, if you are still interested: I'm sorry I did not get back to you sooner! Praise the risen Lord!

    1. Thanks so much Marianne. I appreciate you getting back with me.

  22. Wow! What a beautiful way to display the cross. They did a wonderful job with the flowers. Your grandkids are precious Cindy. I loved seeing all your photos of them and your home crafts. Have a blessed weekend.

  23. I'm glad to see you had a wonderful Easter Cindy. Ours was a quiet affair this year because the weather made it feel so different here.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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