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{It's Been A Hot Minute Y'all}

  Well, it's not HOT in my neck of the woods in temperature (not today anyway) but it's sure been a HOT minute since I last posted. For that I am so sorry but it seems my life has been consumed with doctor appointments, tests, and MORE tests, biopsies, surgery and so much more. One day at a time sweet Jesus is all that any of us can ask for. Wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to share a little about what I've been up too.  Marty and I enjoyed a weekend at the beach before I had breast cancer surgery and took advantage of the time I had in between so many doctor appointments and testing. It was sure a good little getaway.  We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in September. WOW! Just babies! LOL! We were high school sweethearts. Started dating at age 16. Married at age 18 and started a family at age 20.  We celebrated Marty's birthday in October. He says that he's feeling his age these days. LOL! He still works 4 days a week and has a long commu

{Tea Cup and Mug Exchange}

One of my favorite things to participate in with sister blogger's is the Tea Cup and/or Mug Exchange. The lovely Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose hosts a lovely exchange twice yearly. It is your choice as to whether you would like to exchange a Tea Cup or a Mug or both. I chose to exchange a Tea Cup. My collection of Tea Cups has grown and so has my friendships.

I was so delighted when I came home one afternoon to find a box with my name on it and filled with so many wonderful things from Deborah
Be sure to visit her at
Her blog is chalked full with so much goodness. She certainly must have prayed for specifics to fill my box with as each and every gift spoke to ME!

She adorned my box full of goodies with scripture.

I had so many nice treasures that I cannot list them all. From journals to Bible Study book. Coffee, teas, and yummy things for my tummy as my grands would say. A beautiful pink scarf that I totally adore and even some precious paper flowers.

This print is so precious to me as it has the word HOPE. HOPE is the word that the Lord gave to me for 2018. 

Deborah's generosity and kindness was very appreciated and loved.

My sweet lady that was given to me to send a lovely tea cup to was Peg Sanson. Peg does not blog but since we are allowed to list snippets of things we like I had a good idea of what Peg might enjoy. I found the tea cup at an antique store and I fell in love with it.

 I thought the box of girlfriends butter Shea soap was just adorable and I love oatmeal and coconut products so I had to send Peg a bar of that as well.

When I found out that Peg likes to collect and share recipes I purchased her a "Sweet" cookbook that so happens to be written by two of my friends. I even have a few goodies posted in that sweet cookbook too. 

The next thing I knew I was scooping up material as she likes to sew and fruity teas for her new darling cup. She is adding some Pioneer woman decor to her kitchen and I couldn't resist the Pioneer Woman measuring spoons. I found several other cute things I thought she may enjoy for her kitchen like a cute oven mitt and kitchen plaque. I wanted her to feel pampered so I got her a little pampering box of goodies. I added several other things to her package of goodies and wrapped each one.  My prayer was that she would be feel blessed. I received the sweetest thank you card from her and my heart was filled. 

Here's the thing about the exchange. You are only required to send a tea cup or mug along with a coffee or tea. Anything else you'd like to do is up to you. But, the whole reason for this precious exchange is to make new friends, lift one another up, encourage one another, do something fun and different and to feel that YES, you are special. And the TRUTH is....YOU ALL ARE SPECIAL. Our Lord thinks you are so special that He designed you and created you Himself. You are HIS Masterpiece. He loves us so much.   

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DEAR STEPHANIE for making this happen for us. You are truly ONE IN A MILLION

Join Stephanie on Thursday this week to see all the lovely tea cups and mugs exchanged.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. We are doubly blessed with our dear Stephanie's teacup exchange, aren't we? It's such fun to do the giving and then waiting for and receiving our package is like Christmas! You gave and received such lovely presents, and yes we are all masterpieces of Our Lord! How great is that?!

    1. Thank you dear friend . Amazing at how God shows up in a tea cup exchange . ❤️

  2. Stephanie is the hostess with the mostess! It's such a blast to see the wonderful goodies being swapped. Deborah certainly spoiled you with her thoughtful package and I'm sure that Peg loved the lovely package that you mailed her.

  3. What a special and fun box to receive. I love when you share these posts!

  4. WOW!!Gorgeous all the way around!!
    Such a thoughtful gift package you received from Deborah, just filled with love.
    Yes, the teacup you sent off to Peg is adorable, love the bird.

    Have a wonderful week~

  5. Oh, sweet friend! Just gorgeous things ~ received and sent! This is such a happy time for all of us to share, and the new friends we meet are just wonderful. So very thankful for dear Stephanie and for all of the sweet sisters who participate. Sending love and many hugs your way tonight! So happy for your goodies and blessings! :)

    1. It was indeed a blessing Cheryl. I am enjoying all my goodies.

  6. Sounds like blessings were flowing both ways! What a fun way to make new friends. Enjoy your new gifts, your lovely new teacup. Happy week!

    1. You need to get in on the next one Zenda. I had so much fun picking little things out for Peg. Truly loved my package from Deborah.

  7. Wow! The gifts given and received are abundant and so thoughtful. How blessed you all are!

  8. WOW!! Christmas in May!
    I'm "eyeing" those measuring spoons.

    1. LOL Christine. Those are the cutest measuring spoons.

  9. You hit the jackpot! I like all the gifts photographed and the whole post put sparkles in my day! Blessings and hugs, Cindy.

    1. Thanks Mary. I am always in Awe at how the Lord works through this exchange.

  10. I love what you gave and got Cindy. Both teacups are so sweet. Sounds like a fun exchange. I participated in Secret Sisters at church about three years ago. It was fun but they quit doing it because of lack of participation. I caught a glimpse of the coffee (Joe) It is really good coffee.
    Connie Royals

    1. I have done secret sisters a few times as well. Yes that coffee is very good coffee. I had a whole canister of coffee but when I got this....I popped that bag opened quick! LOL!

  11. Goodness, what a fabulous gift exchange! And so many wonderful things given and received!! We recently did a gift exchange in my Traveling Totes blog group and it was so much fun! I felt like I really got to know the woman I was paired with and it was just as much fun gathering things as it was to receive them!

    1. Thank you Jenna . It’s surely fun and a blessing .

  12. It is so much fun to see what you received in the tea cup exchange and what you gave. I enjoy it every time. Blessings. I have been on a long trip and am trying to catch up. I'll make it but it may take a while.

    1. Girl you probably need to rest as you catch up . I usually have to come home from a vacation to rest . 😂

  13. Stephanie is a sweetheart. I should really participate sometime. What beautiful treasures you receive and gave! Blessings and hugs!

    1. Thanks Pam. You need to jump in on her next reveal .

  14. What great packages! I received from Deborah last fall and she does put together some amazing packages, doesn't she? :) I love the cup you sent out. I've never seen one like that, but it is so pretty!

    1. I loved everything she sent to me and she was so generous. It is fun for sure.

  15. Those are such pretty tea cups! I love Stephanie's pretty things that she makes. So feminine. Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy. Yes, that Stephanie is so creative isn't she?

  16. many lovely things, both sent and received! No question that much thought went into your exchange on both ends! What a blessing it is to be a part of this wonderful way to make friends. Love you bunches!

    1. It was fun for sure. I am so thankful for the exchange as it brought us together as SOUL sisters across the miles! I drink out of my DEBBY cup quite often. Hugs lady!

  17. It's more blessed to give than to receive...but, to be on the receiving end is a great blessing, too! Seems both you Ladies got some awesome treats and goodies! Such a fun thing to be a part of. What a precious soul you have, sweet Friend.

    1. It was truly a blessing on both ends for sure Deb. And fun. Hugs to you.

  18. I love that she does this and sometime soon I will get in on it. haha...I keep missing the cup giving thing but want to do it so badly. I have seen some beautiful cups and other gifts that have been posted. You both did a great job with your new friends. Thanks for stopping by the blog this morning Cindy. Goodness I don't see how you would have time to take a country backroad drive with redoing a kitchen, but it is nice to take a break and get away sometimes. I needed it so badly that day. Having my camera in my hands, riding, stopping and snapping just makes me very happy. Being a photographer I have several of those shots that call my name, that I have framed and hung. Thanks for sharing you sweet gifts with the cup exchange.

    1. The exchange is so much fun. Yep, you will need to hop on board on the next one. Oh girl, I will take a break quick like! LOL! That's why I can get things finished like I used to. I take too many breaks. Ha!

  19. OH how lovely, Cindy!!!! I didn't participate this time, was too busy with school. Thank you for the smiles.

    1. Girl, I don't know how you do anything with your schedule.Maybe next time you can join in.

  20. Hi, sweet friend! Oh my, where do I even begin. Everything, and I mean everything, is breathtakingly beautiful! LOVE the tea cup you received and the one you sent. How cute is that little bird!

    Thank you for joining the exchange, dear one. It brings me great joy knowing you enjoy it. Love and hugs to you!

  21. I did enjoy it. You are so precious to do this for us Stephanie. Do not know how you keep up with it. Hugs to you.

  22. What a beautiful box full of lovelies!! Thank you for sharing them with us! That is such a nice idea. I don't know that I could participate...I really don't have places to shop and find such cute things out here in the boonies where I live...but it looks like such fun. Love the tea cups...both the one received and the one you sent. So pretty. That looks like such fun. Blessings dear friend.

  23. Awe thanks my friend. So glad you came by. This exchange is really a blessing.

  24. wow, what a whole lot of lovlies! The teacup is simply perfect!!

  25. It was so fun putting your package together!

    I love the fun package you put together and sent to your recipient.

    And, THANK-YOU so much for the sweet thank-you and prayer journal you sent my way. I love happy mail and it brightened my day so much!!

  26. What lovely packages sent and received. I was sorry to hear that this is most likely the last exchange - this was my third time to participate and I have been so blessed by meeting fellow tea-lovers across the country. I love the Pioneer Woman spoons, must look for those.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Pamela. Well, truthfully, I am quite sure this is a huge undertaking and I couldn't blame her if she felt like she needed too. Maybe some talented, energetic gal will jump on board and take it. I too enjoy meeting and making new friends.

  27. Such wonderful packages, both sent and received!

  28. Wow Cindy,
    Beautiful packages, both of them! I would say you both succeeded in lifting each other up! I am always in awe of the generosity that happens in this swap! It has been such joy to participate over the years! Enjoy all your goodies!!! xx Linda

  29. Oh, Cindy - you said it best.

    I am saddened to learn that Steph may not be doing any more of these- but boy has it been a joyful go!

    She works tirelessly at it - it's more than I could ever handle, that's for SURE!

    Hugs to you. ♥

    1. It has been fun . I honestly couldn’t blame her if didn’t do it anymore because i cannot imagine the work that goes into this .

  30. Cindy I always look forward to seeing what you get and give each year for these exchanges. But most important is what you said at the end of your post. How you all support each other and lift each other up. I think that holds true for most of the blogging community!

    1. Yes you do right miss Mary . I’ve made many dear friends in the blogging community .

  31. What a wonderful gift you received! Lovely post! :)

  32. You truly did pamper with your gift to Deborah! Such delights you included in your package for her to enjoy for days and weeks to come! And such a delightful assortment of goodies you received too, I just loved her scripture themed package, just beautiful! That card is gorgeous, and how wonderful the confirmation of the word "hope"! Our Lord is so good to us in so many ways. It is sad to see the end to this tea exchange, I have enjoyed it so much, but can only imagine just how much work it had become. I'm thankful for our paths to have crossed in blogland. Sweet hugs to you today :)

  33. Gorgeous teacups and wonderful goodies in the packages both sent and received. Enjoy!

  34. Wow, so much fun. To give and receive is precious. Love both packages. It’s like Christmas. Blessings

  35. What a blessing to give and receive packages that are taylor made for the other! I loved reading and looking through the pictures you shared!

  36. WOW WOW WOW!! Both the gifts you received AND gave are stunning. I ADORE that Audubon bird cup -- now I want to go in search of those! Beautiful!

    1. It was so much fun. Yes, as soon as I saw that darling cup at an antique store I knew I had to get it for Peg.

  37. Thanks so much for stopping by!! O MY!! Did you make out like a bandit with all your lovely gifts from the Exchange!! I adore the tea cup!! Beautiful!! And I also love what you sent to your partner in the exchange! I am sure she was delighted!!

  38. Cindy I just adore reveal day. It is such fun to see all of the different teacups. The red bird is just gorgeous!

  39. I was so sorry to miss the reveal but I just did not have time to get it together before I left for NYC and it took place while I was in NYC. I did a mug this exchange and did not enjoy it near as much as the teacup exchange. Just a personal preference. I had such fun putting my package together for my person (she is not a blogger either). Loved all that you received and all that you sent. I'm sorry it was the last one but I sure understand the undertaking that it is for Stephanie. Have a great Memorial Day.

    NOTE: Blogger has made me a no reply blogger without my permission and I understand many others are dealing with the aggravating issue as well. Just wanted you to know if it happens to you as well.

    1. I know you have been busy Lea. Blogger is really acting up these days. I am trying to figure out some issues now with blogger and not much luck. So glad you stopped by.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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