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{Sharing My Life}

  I've been enjoying drinking coffee from my new mug that was gifted to me for my birthday which was February 18th.  Every single treatment for cancer that I was given I would pray this scripture, quote this scripture and sometimes I put it in the form of a song. This verse ministered to me so many times and still does so needless to say this is my now new favorite coffee mug.  Speaking of birthdays, I was so very thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my family. My daughters carried me out to dinner and lavished me with lots of loves, sweet gifts and great food.  We sure have a great time together .   One of my nieces shares her birthday on the same date as me so she treated me to lunch. We have a very close relationship and she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside.  My favorite dessert, strawberry cheese cake .  We also celebrated my sweet FIL for his 90th birthday.  Yesterday I had the privilege to go see Pe...

{Who says that you can't have a beach in your back yard?}

Aren't they beautiful? The heat is killing them so I have to keep them watered daily but oh they have been so pretty this summer. I will miss those cuties! 

I bought this little pool for my 2 year old grandgirl to play in when at Nana's and needless to say I decided to use it for Nana! I had some time recently to chill out and relax and I thought, "If I can't make a trip to the beach then I will bring the beach to me". I grabbed my lawn chair, the beast as my man calls it. LOVE that chair too. My girls bought that for me a couple of years ago for Mother's Day and I have used it well. I grabbed my beach towel, suntan and sunscreen lotion, bottled water, Bible, and set my phone to play the sounds of the ocean and there I sat...for two hours. Soaking up some Vitamin D and God's Word. AND yes I splashed some of that pool water on me occasionally when I got hot. make do sometimes with what you have to do with right? 

I even treated myself to a Popsicle. 

These two sisters have stayed with me through the summer months on Monday nights and Tuesdays. Back to school they go now. I will miss them snuggling next to Nana at night. You know what's really sad? My 10 1/2 year old can wear my shoes! YEP...

Tried a new recipe. I had a jar of Lemon Curd that a friend gave me for a gift and decided to make a lemon curd cake. That old pound cake pan looks bad I know. It is really clean though. It belonged to my grandmother and that old pan bakes the best pound cakes ever! I wouldn't trade it for a new pound cake pan either.  

Don't know who grabbed a little tiny slice of that cake either...........................

Lemon Curd Cake
2 eggs
3/4 cup of milk-I used coconut milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. grated lemon zest
1 tsp. vanilla flavoring
1/2 cup of coconut oil (liquid state)
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1 3/4 cups of all purpose flour
1/2 cup of lemon curd
Use a 9x5 loaf pan or a pound cake pan. Just remember if you are using a pound cake pan your cake will be thinner. Spray with nonstick spray. Preheat oven to 350. Mix eggs, milk, sugar, lemon zest and vanilla until smooth. You can use a whisk but I used my hand mixer. Slowly pour in the coconut oil and mixing it consistently until combined. Add in the baking powder and salt and mix. Finally mix in your flour a little at the time until mixed well. Spread half your batter in your pan and drizzle half of your lemon curd onto the batter. Pour the other half of batter on top of lemon curd and then top with remaining lemon curd. I took a butter knife and swirled the lemon curd around because I thought it looked pretty. Bake for 50 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes and turn out onto your cake dish. I made a powdered sugar glaze to drizzle over the cake and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. 

AND....Count your blessings, even if you must have some "beach" time in your own back yard.

Praying good things for you all this week as we journey through this life together.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Beach time in your own back yard is where your memories are made!! :)

  2. haahahhaa,,I had to giggle at your backyard beach...grands and I used to do that so so much when they were all little....we had more fun....

    1. LOL! I do have a pond right in my backyard too so I guess I could have called it, "A beachy pond kinda day". LOL!

  3. I love your style, Lady! I'm glad you had that time to rest and relax and that you made your own "beach".

    Your flowers are so beautiful!

    And thank you for the recipe for that beautiful Lemon Curd Pound Cake! I have two jars of Lemon Curd in my pantry.

    1. Awe thank you my friend. That dang cake smelled so good baking too. Try it if you get a chance.

  4. Love the pictures and your beach time looks wonderful to me! I do the same thing with two of my youngest grandchildren. Cake sounds good and I love your grandmother's cake pan.
    Connie Royals

    1. Thanks Connie. I love her old pound cake pan. That thing has made a many of a pound cake. My papa used to bake pound cakes too but he was a builder by trade so he would always say, "Welp, gonna build a pound cake today". LOL!

  5. I love that beach in your back yard! It's perfect and creative! I remember you getting that chair from your daughters. That's the kind I need to get for myself. Your flowers look great. We've had so much rain, I don't have to water mine as much. Aww your grandgirls are so sweet. Back to school already, the summer flies by! That cake sounds amazing!

    1. Heather you would love that chair . It’s so comfy and my mercy the thing will do everything you could imagine .

  6. Thanks Heather. We have had lots of rain matter of fact but those flowers sure drink it quick. I love that chair. It looks heavy but it's actually very light. It will do everything but talk to you! LOL!

  7. Cindy, I love your beach idea. :):) Your little ones are growing, growing, and growing. Oh that cake looks so delicious. Oh , you are so right...keep that pan forever. No new one would work as well. LOL. Blessings to you beach baby. xoxo, Susie

    1. Thanks Susie . I have another pound cake pan that is smaller and have used it and I’m telling you that the cakes never turn out right so i quit using it . Back to my old granny pan i went .

  8. Well, I can't do the sun but I love that you the beach to you. Great idea! And, that lemon cake, oh, my, I may have to make that for sure. We love all things lemon at this house. Happy week Cindy!

    1. Lemons Just smell good don’t rhey Lea . I have a cookie recipe using lemon curd I’m thinking about trying too .

  9. Love your backyard beach, Cindy! Your grandkids are so precious! Hope you’re enjoying this summer...Christine

  10. Your impatiens look so pretty, Cindy! We've had rain here for the last couple of days, and I'm so thankful. I love your idea of bringing the beach to your own! My Cissy, can wear my shoes, too. Don't they grow up fast? Now, about your cake, it looks and sounds so wonderful. It's nice to be able to bake the cake in your grandmother's cake pan. I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend...xxoo

    1. Thanks Kitty . We could share our goodies that we bake if we were neighbors ❤️ Cissy is growing up too fast too Kitty . Grands are the best .

  11. Your backyard beach made me smile, Cindy. I'm not a fan of crowds so I prefer your private little oasis to the busy beaches!

    1. Nothing like a quiet oasis in your backyard Margie. Wish you could join me. We would have tea.

  12. Looks like a beach to me. A little backyard beach is so cute and cozy. How sweet to have the two sisters on Monday nights and Tuesdays. So funny she fits in your shoes. The lemon cake looks lovely. Hang onto that precious cake pan. Hugs and blessings.

    1. Thanks Linda. Amazing how we can make do with what we have. That little $8 pool has been worth it's money and then some.

  13. Love, love this post, smiles.
    I hope you had a lovely day friend.
    Mounds of rain here, sigh. smiles

    1. Thanks Linda. Been thinking about you. Hoping things are better your way. Yes, we've had some heavy rain too but in all honesty, our grounds soak it up so quick it seems.

  14. Good Morning!
    Happiness is always found in your own backyard, right?? I applaud you for beating the heat and finding a way to stay cool. Summers in Texas about do this old gal in!
    Darling grands and they must stop growing!!
    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jemma. Yes, when you live in HEAT you must find ways to stay cool. Girl, that little pool of water saved an old woman several times! LOL!

  15. Ooo! Another yummy recipe! This sounds perfect for summer, too. It’s hot here and watering is a daily chore for me, as well. I hadn’t thought about “watering” myself but what a good idea! Have a great week, dear Cindy!!

    1. Yes, even with heavy rains I have found myself having to still water several things especially those things in a pot. YES...gotta water ourselves too. LOL!

  16. I need you to come to my house and make my impatiens look as pretty as yours! Mine have all but stopped blooming but the foliage looks green and lush and get lots of shade since they are on the porch. I have done exactly what you have done...except I didn't buy the little pool for a grand child...I bought it for! I actually sat in it but I made sure NO ONE else was around! Enjoy your time at the "beach"! HUGS!

    1. LOL! Girl, I can get in it but you should see me trying to get out!!! Now if that ain't a sight! That's why I keep it out back so no one can see me.

  17. I love your beach party for one! It is amazing when your granddaughters can wear your shoes and 13 year old granddaughter is there now too. That bundt cake sounds so good. Gotta find some lemon curd!

    1. Thanks Ann Marie. I might need to drag that little pool out again about this weekend. LOL!

  18. Oh, yummy...I love anything lemon! I need to get a little pool so I can go to the beach in our backyard! ☺

    1. Yes might can find one now on sale since summer is about over. Sometimes we just need to water ourselves. You are going to love my new tablescape. Sunflowers and lemons!

  19. What a grand idea! We had a little pool like that when Gracie was little. Now she is 11 and so grown up and started middle school. Never thought about sitting in the pool myself. Need one now for Great Granddaughter Nora! Nancy

    1. Nancy, I have learned in Florida heat and hot flashes to find comfort however I can. LOL!

  20. The summer went by too quickly, didn't it?! There are some kids in the Denver area that went back to school on the 13th. We will start on the 4th of September, but it will be here before we know it!

    I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your summer with your grandchildren-what a blessing for them and you.

    And that cake looks delicious! How I would love to come over for a slice and some sweet fellowship with you. Hugs!

  21. Thanks Stephanie. We have had a great summer. I have a mixture of grands going everywhere. LOL! Some are homeschooled, public school and private Christian Co-op. They all started school at a different time but they all are in school now. SUMMER for them is over. SAD! That lemon pound cake went over so well that I think I might make another one. So glad you stopped by.

  22. Cindy, I don't know how you keep your girlish figure with that lemon curd cake and other baking you do. Sure looks delicious.
    Your grands are always adorable. I know what you mean about wearing similar shoe sizes. My oldest grands foot is bigger than mine and is taller than me. They grow up so fast.
    We are visiting our Texas grands and enjoying ourselves.
    Have a great week. Hugs, Bonnie

    1. I know you are enjoying your babies in Texas. Have fun and makes lots of memories.

  23. Looks quite inviting and your "beast"of a chair is awesome!
    Two hours in the sun with the Son and His Word makes for a perfect date.
    My dear Donatella (Beagle) and I spend the mornings on the back deck enjoying breakfast and quiet time in the Word of God. Those days will soon come to an end so I'm taking advantage of all my days.
    We have one more grandson to come and spend one on one time with us, but they start school tomorrow so he will come on a weekend. It's so very early for them.
    I have been blessed while healing with those precious boys looking after little things for their Gamma.

    So nice to visit with you~

    1. I know you are enjoying that Gamma time! Praying for complete healing for you.

  24. Your beach in a back yard looks wonderful! I really miss the beach now living in TN but I have the mountains. I fell in love with your lemon curd cake recipe and have copied it. I love lemon anything! Have a blessed day.

    1. Good, hope you get to make it Melanie. Girl, when you get some cooler weather in TN bottle some up and send my way.

  25. Cindy, sweet girl I love your make do beach time, we do what we have to. Beautiful grands and ooh that lemon curd cake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a beautiful weekend!

  26. Oh, wow! That cake looks simply delicious!! Our son loves lemon, and I often make a lemon curd cake for him, too. He likes a lemon layer cake with lemon curd on the middle of the layers and lemon icing and lemon candies crushed up on top!! Whew! LOTS of lemon, but if that is what he wants, that is what I am determined to make for him! LOL! I love those old cookware pieces that are passed down from our loved ones. I once heard a lady say, the worse it looks, the better it cooks, and i have to agree. :) So sweet to visit with you today, my friend. God bless you and those precious grandbabies.

    1. So glad you came by Cheryl . Yes those old pans are the best pans for sure . I have my granny’s old iron skillets that we love to cook with .


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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