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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{Five Random Facts About Me} And a Few Pictures.

Several of my facebook and blogging friends join in on {random facts} at times and it always fun to learn something new about them. It is funny though at how we can know someone forever and learn something new about them and think; "why I never knew that". Thought it would be fun to share a few random things about me. Would love to hear your answers as well. 

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1: What is something that you try to keep on hand in your pantry if possible?
My answer: Well, basic staples for sure but something that comes to mind is Pasta. Our church has a committee that helps to feed the families of members that has passed away at our church the day of the funeral service. It is a great and wonderful ministry.  I'm on the salad team. So, I always try to keep pasta handy for a pasta type salad when called upon. Most often we only know a day before the food item is needed so having boxes of pasta helps out. I have made every kind of pasta salad that you can imagine for our "bereavement team" and it is a huge blessing to be able to help out in that area by preparing a dish. 

I will share a few pictures along the way too....OF family! LOL! 

 Grandgirl Mallory plays softball and is so much fun to watch. They won the championship this weekend!

Each of the teams dressed up in costume and all the teams were judged for overall best costume.  Her team not only WON the championship game but the costume judging too. 

2. What is something that people do that has a tendency to drive you BANANA'S?

My answer: PROCRASTINATE! Think I will leave that one right there...LOL! 

 The championship win brought her home a trophy and a bracelet.

  3: Do you consider yourself a strong person? (not in body strength)

My answer: Yes I do. I think we all are "stronger" than we think we are at times. But,  YES for me. Now, there has been times that after all was said and done, I totally fell apart. Most often it's alone that I do that too. 

My oldest daughter and her family, along with our Youth leader, Music leader and Family Pastor attended a fun event (fun to them, lol) that involved running and all sorts of activities. They had a ball. They had a great time of fellowship, healthy exercise and lots of fun.

4. What's your preface? Sweet or salty?
My answer: I prefer salty. But I do like a little sweet and salty mixed. 

These cuties love to play dress up and enjoy the hats and head bands in the play room at Nana's house.  So, they had to wear their favorite head bands while enjoying a little dinner.  

This one didn't care about the head bands...just give me food

5: What is your most favorite holiday?

My answer: Christmas. Oh I love all the holidays but Christmas is my favorite. I love everything about Christmas. Matter of fact...YEP I am going to admit it....I am BITING at the bits to put up my Christmas tree! I know...I know...I know...Of course the first new Christmas hallmark movie aired Saturday night and that didn't help any. LOL! And.....I have already started my Christmas shopping. And....I am probably going to start Christmas decor before much longer.....

 I have my little bags of treats ready for my grandbabies for trick or treat. Yep, I am one of those Nana's that for almost every holiday I try to do some little extra something for them. I love it. Of course I only have six grands. If I had more then I might would have to re-think that.  WELL, I say that but their papa said we could have 20 and he guaranteed me I would still do something! LOL! He is probably right! 

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I hope that you all have a great week and maybe you can do a little "Trick or Treating". 
TRICK your husband into thinking your shopping idea was HIS idea and TREAT yourself to something sweet!

Hugs and blessings, Cindy 




  1. Great post Cindy. Enjoyed reading it and I love the pictures! 1: Chicken noodle soup-never know when you might need it! 2: Lazy people. 3: Yes 4: Sweet 5: Christmas
    And I knew all that about you already! Ha!
    Connie Royals

  2. What fun family pics.

    I normally don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but I'm having surgery on my leg in 3 weeks. If I don't decorate before the surgery, it won't happen. I'm getting excited!

    1. Will pray for you lady. Bless your heart. I never decorated before Thanksgiving until last year. I didn't have everything done by any means but made a good start. The older I get the longer it takes me to do things. LOL! And...I do not do anything like I used to do. But I am so ready for my Christmas tree to be up.

  3. Cindy, You have a beautiful family. I love that sweet thing in the high chair. She's adorable. I love playing with my grands right on the floor...wears me out and my poor knees. LOL. Yes, I think we are stronger than we realize...I cry in the shower. LOL. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you Susie. I pray for you and Ted. And yes....we are MUCH STRONGER than we know.

  4. I love learning new things about blogging friends :)

  5. the pantry, cat and dog food! You did not say for humans or furs! Beautiful family. Congrats on the win for the costumes! They look adorable sitting on the fence dressed like that. Love it.

    1. That is true Pam...I didn't say for whom! LOL!

    2. I don't cook much these days so I pretty much stop and get what I want to fix when the mood hits. Now, when I had kids at home, it was a different story.

  6. I always try to keep pasta in the pantry too. Love all of the photos!! I am ready to put up my tree too but I know I won't. I can't wait. The grandkids are all so cute and growing up so fast!

    1. Thanks Heather. Yep, I would really like to put my tree up but no time honestly right now. Hoping to at least get started on tablescape soon since we do Thanksgiving dinner at my FIL home.

  7. It’s fun to know more about you, dear Cindy, and I always love your family pictures. I watched the Christmas Hallmark movie, as I recorded it. I need to get my Halloween treats ready for my grands! 😘

  8. I enjoyed seeing your family's athletic photos, and learning these 5 random facts about you! Christmas is also my favourite holiday. I tend to shop for Christmas giftts throughout the year, because sometimes I'll spot something that I know will make a perfect gift. We celebrate Thanksgiving in October so the Christmas decor in my house go up shortly after Halloween!

    1. Yes you have already had Thanksgiving in Canada so girl you can start getting out your Christmas.

  9. Oh, don't even get me started on procrastination!!!! Drives me crazy! Cute Grans for sure!

  10. Congratulations to Mallory winning the softball tournament and coming home with a trophy AND a bracelet!! I love seeing photos of your grandgirls!

  11. Oh, great answers...I like your Pasta idea, and that makes me think about doing that. I see someone else above mentioned chicken noodle soup...and I have learned to keep that on hand for one of those days when I feel kind of "puny"...nothing like good old Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup to make me feel better! You are blessed with all your sweet grands nearby to enjoy. They are also very blessed to have YOU!!! I love Christmas also...but will wait until after Thanksgiving to start decorating. I don't like to short-change Thanksgiving, which seems to be the forgotten holiday in between Halloween and Christmas. I actually enjoy Thanksgiving more because we don't have to fuss over gifts, etc., and can just eat and visit and enjoy being together as a family! But still, I do love Christmas. I'm already trying to figure out exactly where we will put our Christmas tree in this new house. There will be some decorating challenges here, but we will make it work! have a blessed week!!!

    1. Oh you will have fun decorating in your new home this holiday season Pam. Marty's favorite holiday is Thanksgiving too Pam. He said that no one expects anything from you but your company. No one seems to be rushed. I wished the Lord had of spaced Thanksgiving and Christmas a little differently though. LOL!

  12. Hi Cindy, I always love to see your grands, they are cute and precious! Our church makes meals as well for sickness, new babies, and bereavement. It is mandatory that I am prepared because there isn’t much notice. Wishing you a most wonderful week! Hugs

    1. Thanks Pam. It is such a wonderful ministry and I am on a rotation list so I do not get called every single time which is great too. But, I do like to have things on hand for a good pasta salad when I am called upon.

  13. Hey, Cindy! These are fun posts!! 1. I try to keep items to make macaroni and cheese. When there is a death in our parish, our ladies’ group sponsors a meal after the funeral. Whenever I would make this when the kids were little, they would always ask, “Who died?” = funeral Mac and cheese! LOL! (I do make this at other occasions with big crowds). 2. It really bothers me when someone says they will do something and then not follow through. I regret saying I’ll do things now and then but I always do my best to keep my committement. 3.Generally, I don’t think of myself as “strong” but when I look back at experiences I’ve been through, it seems that I really was. Sometimes looking at ourselves in hindsight gives us a surprising perspective. 4. I’ll take a bowl of salty popcorn over a slice of cake any day. 5. I guess Christmas is my favorite. I have so many wonderful memories and love making new ones at this time of the year. Wishing you a wonderful week, dear Cindy! Z

    1. That is funny about the mac and cheese Zenda! LOL! Oh girl, I totally agree about the salty popcorn over a slice of cake. ANY DAY!

  14. Oh my gosh Cindy I cannot believe how alike we are. I have pasta always in the cabinet to make up for our Church meals when there is a death too. I love love Christmas and want to get my tree going too! Everyone sees me as the pillar of strength and I usually have my melt downs in private too. I love sweet along with salty too. Such a fun post. Have a great week.

  15. I would love for you to share your favorite pasta salad recipe. Thanks for the inspiration to be prepared. I used to keep the soups for brown rice on hand but often end up throwing them out because they are out of date.
    Always love seeing your grands. You are a busy grandmother.

    1. Bonnie, I honestly don't know how I ever worked full time! LOL! But, as a friend of mine said, Oh yes I live a busy life but one that I love". Now girl, don't get me wrong.....I ALWAYS make some DOWN time for ME! Matter of fact, I fully intend on doing just that before long. Yes girl...I have fixed pasta every way you can imagine. My youngest daughter actually makes an awesome pasta salad.

  16. Fun post! Let's see...1# I'd say Chicken Noodle Soup is always in my panty these day...sometimes when I can't eat anything else, I'll eat that soup...Campbell's of course! 2# I've said it before and I'll say it again...loud sports and/or announcers on TV gets on my last nerve! #3 Yes, I do think I am a strong person, although when there are times when I have a meltdown, I'm alone with my Lord and tell him all about it...then I'm good! #4 Hands down, sweet & salty together! #5 I's have to say Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday. I absolutely love Christmas but to me, there's a feeling of let down when the day is over. Therefor, after celebrating Thanksgiving, I'm all geared up for Christmas! Loved seeing these sweet pics of your grands, as always! Love you, girl!

    1. I keep chicken noodle soup in the pantry too along with cream of chicken as I cook with cream of chicken at times. Speaking of sweet and salty, a friend of mine made that chex mix stuff, which I LOVE, but added some chocolate to it and whoa! It was so good!

  17. Cindy,
    Love this idea!! Here are my answers....
    1.Pasta. I agree with you...
    2. Having to repeat myself
    3.Yes, I consider myself a strong person as I have gone through a lot in my life and it has made me only stronger
    5. Christmas
    This was fun!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. So glad you stopped by Debbie. I see you are enjoying retirement lady. So glad.

  18. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. We wait till Thanksgiving Eve or the next day to get our tree out. Someone has to go up in the attic to get it. I love Christmas but don't know what to get to surprise hubby. Suggestions? He is on the computer a lot making historic videos of Pt. Huron, Michigan so he has to choose his own things for that. Have a safe Halloween. Nancy

    1. Nancy, I keep my trees in our barn covered. All my Christmas decor is in my shed but so most often I back my vehicle right up to that shed and load her up. LOL! As I get older I am more about convenience. LOL! It's hard it seems to buy for men isn't it. I know you will come up with the perfect gift.

  19. "Who needs a Fairy God Mother when "
    I think this quote was made for YOU!

  20. Aw, you are such a sweet grandma! Everyone should take lessons from you on how to make grandparenting fun! It was so nice to visit with you, sweet friend. Many blessings to you!

  21. This really is a fun way to get to know each other! I would love spending time with you! You make every day special! Love the family pics!

    1. It's always fun to get to know others isn't it? Glad you stopped by.

  22. I enjoyed your randomness Cindy, so fun! I always keep pasta on my shelves as well. Of course, we shop at Costco and stock up on a regular basis, so that helps a lot. It is a blessing to be able to share food with others in their hour of need. Your grandkids are just the cutest, so sweet, love their smiles! And of course spoiling them is so much fun! Always a joy and brings a smile to my face to stop by for a visit with you :)

    1. Thank you Marilyn. Pasta sure seems to be the go to for us. But then I am a fan of pasta myself.

  23. Very cute posting! Loved your last paragraph, should have read this before Halloween. ;)

    I too keep pasta on hand in the pantry, it's a great go to for a lot of reasons.
    Those meals in times of bereavement are so wonderful, both to be a part of in the giving and receiving.
    Good for you in allowing God to use you in that ministry.

    Congratulations on your granddaughters two wins!! How exciting it that?!

    Happy day to you~

  24. 1. canned cherry pie filling (the largest size the store sells)
    2. chewing gum
    3. am I strong? depends on the issue at hand
    4. sweet
    5. Thanksgiving

    Enjoyed your answers!

  25. Hello, lovely Cindy! Boy, have I missed you and your delightful blog. I so enjoyed this post and like always, I see how precious and kind you are to all those around you. You are a gift to so many. I trust you are well, my friend. It was truly a blessing to catch up a little bit. A big congratulations to your granddaughter. My son loves baseball and made it to the championships as well as playing on the All-Star Team so I will have to show him the picture of your granddaughter as I know he would be thrilled for her.

    Please know that you are thought of often. Sending love your way!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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