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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{Fall Tablescape}

I decided to battle the heat once again and grab some goodies from my She Shed to put together a little Fall Tablescape. I knew exactly what I wanted to use for my centerpiece this season, my granny's dough bowl. She was handed down this heirloom from her mama, my great-grandmother, who passed away when I was 9 years old.  I remember her so very clearly. A tiny little petite woman that loved her snuff.  LOL!  I can remember her carrying her snuff can in the pocket of her apron. Once while visiting her she told me that she had some pretties for me to put in my purse. Of course she called it a pocketbook. She gave me colored tissue that was sitting on her dresser for my little black "pocketbook". The reason it held such a special place in my granny's heart was because her daddy, my great-grandfather carved and made this dough bowl. When she passed it onto me I was thrilled. My great-grandfather passed away when I was only two years old. I would have loved to have heard his story about making this dough bowl. That dough bowl has been used for years. It has cracks in it and it is stained but it has been lovingly used through the years.   

I found these cute dessert plates at the Dollar Tree and of course they would go so well with my pumpkins in my dough bowl. I decided to do simple this season but I wanted to go with rich colors and incorporate a few things that I had stashed away. 

I used a table runner I had made some years back along with some cloth napkins that I bought on clearance one year and forgot I had! 🙄 I love it when I find things I forgot I had!

I wanted to use white plates and I had a hard time picking which white plates to use as I have several different patterns that I love. But this set has a touch of fruit as well as leaves and I thought they would be perfect. I decided to mix up goblets with glasses and simple coffee mugs. I used thrifted flatware that I had and decided no chargers this time. The scented candles in the bronze candle holder's smell heavenly...or maybe I should say pumpkiney...😊

You know what I have learned about tablescapes? It's not about having the most expensive set of dishes or the most elegant flat ware. It doesn't matter if you use goblets or glasses or mixed matched dishes. It's not about everything matching to a T. It is all about what makes you happy and what brings you the most joy. It's about sharing your joy with your family or friends.  

"Gather" that word. My old dining room table that my papa built for me has allowed many wonderful years of my family gathering together and I pray there will be many more years to come.
( family gatherings consist of not just the table. We have to use the breakfast bar and sometimes I even drag out the card table). LOL! And I wouldn't have it any other way.

And speaking of what brings us joy....well, this fresh apple cake with cream cheese frosting is bringing me lots of joy right now....

I hope that you all have a wonderful week and remember.........

Web image

Hugs and blessings, Cindy

P.S. I actually got this post ready last week and then went out of town for 3 days to bow hunt with my man and forgot to post! 


  1. Cindy! You know what I adore most about you? Your casual way you do such an amazing post. Seriously. You're just you. You do it up perfectly and don't toot and blow and announce - you just show us an amazing centerpiece, amazing tablescape - then show us yourself hunting in fatigues. You are so genuine and special. I hope you know that about yourself. It's such a breath of fresh air in blogdom these days!

    Thank you.

    Did you get anything hunting??? My brother is a bow hunter - he gets a deer every year. One of his friend's family owns a uninhabited island on Lake Erie (where I am from) and
    they have the best hunting situation when they go. And he always shares. I love the ground meat - just so lean. My hubs has made jerkey from deer meat he's given us too.

    I was a vegetarian for 32 years and a vegan veg for 7 of those years, so I tread quite carefully around the whole "game" situation. I can cook it, but eating it is an entirely different story for me, haha.

    Hugs. Sorry I wrote a novel sized comment this time!!!!!!

    1. Oh my goodness! That is about the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me! Thanks so much for your kind and sweet words. Girl, I am what I am and back in my younger days I was like most women...wanted to be someone else. You know, more talented, more prettier, more smarter and more everything! The Lord finally convinced me that I was to be ME. Just Me. The one He created me to be. We did not get anything bow hunting but saw lots of deer. I love to hunt with my family. We were raised in hunting . I don't muzzle load but I also rifle hunt. We have the best family time. And...we love venison. If cooked right....GIRL! Thanks again my friend.

  2. Such a pretty those rich colors! I also enjoyed reading about the treasured dough bowl made by your great-grandfather. You look adorable in the camouflage. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much dear Vee. I have surely used that dough bowl. Mainly for decor purposes. I probably need to try and seal the cracks in it and "fine tune" it a bit and I am sure I would get more use out of it. But I love it!

  3. Awww don’t you look cute in your camouflage, dear Cindy??!! Talking about cute...that table of yours look so pretty In Fall decor! I love those Dollar Tree plates, and your dough bowl of memories. That cake looks oh so yummy! Wish I could stop by and have a slice. I’ll get with it and bring out the a fall decor soon. Blessings to you!!

    1. Thank you Kitty. I couldn't believe I found those cute dessert plates at Dollar Tree. Never know what you might find there for sure. Apple cake was delicious!

  4. Of course I love your Gather dishes!! I found napkins with that theme ( Dollar Store). They're the really big napkins and we'll use this for Thanksgiving which is in less than a month for us. October 12th this year.
    Your granny's dough bowl is a priceless item. It just has so much history.

    1. I love the pumpkins on those little dessert plates GM. They actually went well with my white plates too. Made me happy!

  5. Cindy, your table is beautiful...I love the rich colors that you used with the pretty table runner you made. The salad plates are perfect as is the flatware. I am drooling over the cake. Looks delish! Blessings~

    1. Thank you Pam. I made some napkins to match that runner but did not use those. But I do love the rich colors this season.

  6. You went cool is that! I hope you'll do a post about what you saw and your success! You are the cutest hunter I've ever seen! And I love that dough bowl...what a treasure. A blog friend gave me one a few years ago and I put some fabric pumpkins that I made in mine. Old dough bowls are so beautiful! Yours really is special!

    1. Our family loves to hunt. My oldest daughter is the only one that doesn't care for it but we have taken some nice harvest. What we enjoy the most is spending time together hunting. For me, it's just getting away from it all and I spend some sweet times with the Lord while I am sitting in a stand. Dough bowls seem to be the things and especially with candles in them. I have a friend that buys the bowls and then makes the candles for them and she sells them as fast as she can get them made. Have a good day lady.

  7. What an elegant tablescape! I would never have have guessed that the dessert plates from Dollar Tree (I miss going to the Dollar Tree so much!). I also love the back story of your inherited dough bowl.

    1. I sure don't go in the Dollar Tree as often as I did but when I get a chance too I swing by to see what's new. That is where I normally buy all my greeting cards at and paper plates, cups and etc. But sometimes I find something really neat. Like those dessert plates.

  8. Forgot to mention that the apple spice cake looks delish and would be perfect with a cup of spiced tea!

    1. Yes that cake would have paired nicely with your spice tea! Wish we could have shared a slice and a cup!

  9. You are just the cutest in camo! smiles
    Thank you for the smiles, your home decor is plum lovely. smiles

  10. Happy Wednesday Cindy. I love love love that you have the dough bowl that your grandfather made for your grandmother and now you have it. What a special heirloom to have. So sweet. Love your sweet fall plates too. Have a great day today. xoxo

    1. Thank you Kris. I am in love with those cute little plates too.

  11. That table looks exquisite! Love the dough bowl and story behind it. What a treasure! And those plates from the Dollar tree? I need to go there! Love them. Do you leave that tablescape up all the time? It looks so pretty. We actually have to use our table all the time, so I can't leave something like that up, but I try to dress it up seasonally as much as possible. Yes, I love having the table full of people, and have to pull out all the extras when family comes. We've been missing that this year. I am hoping things will get better this fall so we can be together again soon. Loved this so much. YOu always inspire me. Also, that apple cake looks scrumptious. Did you share the recipe? You'd better! I want some! Love that you and your man went bow hunting together. That sounds like so much fun! Of course, I'd probably shoot all the arrows into the air I know not where! But it would be fun trying. You are a blessing and a hoot! :)

    1. Thanks so much lady. I love doing my table but don't always get around to it. But I absolutely do for holidays. I am using my stuff! As my late MIL used to say...I ain't waiting on bananas to turn ripe no more! LOL!

  12. You look so cute in your hunting outfit. How nice to enjoy a hobby with your husband.
    Your cake looks delicious. I love the story of the dough bowl. It is a special heirloom and you have decorated it beautifully. Your fall table is very inviting.
    I hope your weather isn't bad. So far, we have just had tons of rain. So far since yesterday we have gotten 6 1/2 inches.
    Prayers for all the people affected by the storm along the Gulf. The pictures are heart breaking. Prayers also for everyone in the west affected by the fires. I wish we could sent the rain their way.

    1. Thank you Bonnie. We have been praying for so many affected by so much it seems. Lord, I am praying a breath of fresh air to fall upon us all. Thanks for coming by Bonnie.

  13. You really know how to put together the most beautiful table settings, Cindy! That dough bowl is a real treasure!!

    1. Thank you Barbara so much. I enjoy piddling with my table stuff. Not perfect but I love it.

  14. Oh, my, I saw those plates last week in Dollar Tree and wanted them so badly but just kept trying to talk myself out of them as I have wayyyyy to many dishes as it is. But, seeing them on your table may have just sent me over the edge. So, I'll just blame my purchase on you. :o)) Always enjoy your lovely posts!

    1. LOL! Lord knows I don't need any more dishes either Lea! Marty has already said I need counseling!

  15. Just came across your blog and wanted to tell you your tablescape is lovely, especially the dough bowl. I also have a very old one that belonged to "someone" in my mother-in-law's family. I use it some years but this year went with a tiered was fun. I wrote about it about two blog posts ago. I love your $Tree plates! I haven't seen those at our local store (which is usually terrible), but I may go tomorrow and see if I see any. I have bought some pretty dishes from there before. I'm not one that loves to go in for fancy china...I like what I like no matter where it comes from or how much it costs...and I always love a bargain:)

    1. So glad you stopped by and will be visiting you too. I love dishes so believe me, I have to really TALK to myself about NOT getting more! LOL! Our local Dollar Tree is small but sometimes they will have the neatest thing. I am like you girl, I like what I like!

  16. Your little granny sounds so sweet! Her and her snuff! LOL! That is a neat story about the dough bowl and also your dining room table. Such precious memories of all the meals you have shared around it. May the Lord bless all of you to share many, many more!

    1. Awe, thanks sweet Cheryl. We do enjoy some sweet fellowship around my table and of course the food is always good. LOL!

  17. Beautiful post! I'm loving those Gather dishes and all the fall color. Perfect for fall. Your heirloom dough bowl is a real treasure and its wonderful that you use it! I bet you smile every time you see it! Wishing you some cooler, Fall-like weather soon, lady. We are going to get some here this weekend - just in time for my 'outdoor event' I told you about several weeks ago. I'll be glad when it's over and everyone is home safe and healthy! Zenda

    1. Thank you Zenda. Have been very much enjoying a touch of cooler weather this weekend. Wish it would stay like this! Hope the event went well for you.

  18. Cindy,
    I absolutely adore this sweet tablescape!! The colors are so pretty and inviting!! I just love it!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  19. I'm so ready for the rich colors of autumn after all the summer brightness. Still very hot around here but that early morning nip is very welcome. A gorgeous table!

    1. Thanks so much Amaila. I have been enjoying the cooler weekend weather we've had. Just wish it would stay this way.

  20. Beautiful....I love your table decor. But most of all I love the cake!!1

  21. Lovely table Cindy. The rich Autumn colors really pop. Love the dollar store plates. The heirloom dough bowl is such a precious keepsake. Enjoy fall. Blessings and hugs

  22. I am curious if a dough bowl was used for kneading the bread, proofing it, or both. I have been baking bread several times a week since April and would love to try it in a dough bowl. How special that you have it!

    1. Oh I hope that you get a dough bowl. I sent you a private message on your email sweet lady.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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