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{February Happenings}

  Well our February Florida weather is cool in the mornings, warm during the day and cool at night. Which to be honest, suits me! But, we can't have perfect weather that suits us all can we? This weather has had me in the baking mode though. I saved a few apples from our mountain trip and baked an apple bundt cake to freeze for a Sunday dinner sweet.  Decided to whip up a batch of Kitty's shortbread spritz cookies. They weren't as pretty as hers but oh they would melt in your mouth. Be sure to pop over to see her recipe. I had some left over deer venison and decided to make a Venison and Penne Casserole. Was a hit with Marty and his dad. But, we love all things venison around her neck of the woods.  One day I had some broccoli that was going to go bad if not used so whipped up a little comfort soup. Broccoli and shedder cheese soup.  My oldest granddaughter Raygen bought h...

{More Cake...More Celebrations... A Time to Reflect on a Cup of Hope}


Hey everyone. Here is hoping that your week ahead of you is wonderful and yes, we celebrated another sweet grand's birthday. I know it seems that all we do is celebrate birthdays and well, yep, pretty much all year round with my tribe. When you have 14 in just your immediate family (children and grands) then there's lots of celebrating going on. We love every moment we get to celebrate life with our family. 

Our youngest grand will be celebrating her 3rd birthday this Tuesday. Can't believe she is already 3 years old.  Our oldest is 17 and youngest is 3. Mercy, time waits on no one.

Annaleigh has such a wonderful little personality. She brings laughter and joy to our family with her sweet and sassy personality. My kind of little gal....

Our oldest granddaughter Raygen is 17 and she takes college classes and enjoys photography. She recently submitted several photos to the college that she attends and to her surprise they were published in a magazine. 

Her mom, our daughter, took a picture of her holding the magazine and sent it to us. It was exciting for her and us to see her published work. 

As I close I would like to ask you to lift up a family in our church that has lost a loved one. Pete served in many areas in the community as well as our church. He was 59 years old and lost his battle with Covid. He served as firefighter, ER Medical Tech., Paramedic & Director of County Rescue as well as serving our local Sheriff's Office. He served in many areas at our church. We covet your prayers and good thoughts towards this family. Our family has been touched by his kindness and sweet personality that always went the extra mile to make you feel that you were the most important person in the world. 

I decided this afternoon to have a cup of tea and to reflect on Hope and to Rest in the promise of God's faithfulness to me. 

This lovely old book sits in my little home office daily as a reminder of God's Hope. I haven't picked it up in while but decided that I would today. These words stood out to me and I hope the words will be a source of encouragement today to you as well. 

I hope that you all have a wonderful week.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Hi Cindy, I am sorry about the loss of your friend and will keep the family in prayer. Happy Birthday to your grand daughter! I have that same book along with a few others. I met Emily Barnes at a Women's event back in the 90's in the city next to mine. I read she died in 2016.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Susan. Yes, I think she had some form of cancer. I have several of her books. Always have enjoyed her writings.

  2. I love that book by Emilie Barnes, and actually have it sitting on my little table next to the rocking chair in my home "office" (room with a view). Thank you for sharing these words of hope and encouragement. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your friend from COVID. He sounds like he was a wonderful man, and I am sure he will be missed by so many. What a tragedy for his family. Just when we are all feeling safe enough to take off our masks...which we were finally permitted to do in church yesterday. It was a time of celebration for us, but then we are reminded with this sobering message that this disease can still be a deadly foe, not to be taken lightly. Praying for this man's family now. On to happier thoughts...your sweet granddaughter's 3rd birthday...what a precious little soul is she!! So adorable! Love that rainbow cake you made! She is just so cute and adorable. And then, Raygen's lovely photographs making it into the college news...what an honor! She has a promising "career" ahead of her, I can tell! Thank you for this bright and beautiful post today. You do bring smiles to our faces each time we read your posts!! God bless you dear friend.

    1. Thank you Pam. HOPE...a people without HOPE will perish. Lord my HOPE is in HIM. Thank you for your sweet and kind words about my family. We are surely blessed. The cake was a hit.

  3. Cindy, I will keep the family in your church in my prayers. Happy birthday to sweet Annaleigh! You are so right about time marching on but oh, aren’t you lucky to have them near to celebrate milestones and everyday occasions. That is so cool that Raygen had some of her photos published! I guess some of those photography skills of yours have rubbed off!! Wishing you another blessed week, dear friend! Zenda

    1. Thank you Zenda. Raygen loves to photography the scenic moments of life and I love it that she enjoys it.

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. My prayers are with you and your family and his family, also.
    Your fairy Annaleigh and talented Raygen are both so beautiful. I know that your grands bring joy to your life. May you have a blessed week, my friend. 😘

  5. Cindy, your 3-year old is a beautiful little dolly! And the cleverness you have with photo props is wonderful to see. Clearly the gift of photography is in the genes in your family!!

    My eyes immediately teared up with the sad news of the passing of your friend from COVID. I stopped to pray for his dear family. I know this is extremely hard on everybody. He knew the Lord, so we take great comfort in that, but the reality of his physical presence, his absence from the everyday of their lives will be strongly felt. I know all of you will enfold them with your arms and just be there for them as much as they want.

    1. Thank you Barbara. I think of you so very often and I always lift you up in prayer. Our little Annaleigh is a joy. She is celebrating her birthday today at the beach with her parents and older sister.

  6. So sorry about your church family member losing his battle with Covid. Prayers for all of you that loved him and admired him. Raygen is such a pretty young lady and so talented and little Annaleigh is adorable. Happy Birthday to her. I know you are so proud of all your sweet grandchildren and rightly so. Glad you are so close to enjoy each other and spend time together as a family. Happy Monday. xoxo Kris

    1. Thank you Kris for your kind words. YES I am truly thankful we all live close by to one another. Lord....I'd be broke in travel expense if they didn't. LOL!

  7. Cindy, I am so sorry to read of the loss of a wonderful family friend. Prayers for all that knew and loved him. Annaleigh is a darling little beauty and your photo shoot of her is gorgeous. Congratulations to Raygen for having her work published. Grands are blessings!

    1. Thanks Pam. Yes, the grands are a blessing for sure. Annaleigh done so good for her little photo shoot. But, all my grands were born with a camera in their face. Guess they are used to it. LOL!

  8. Dearest Cindy,
    Such sweet celebrations of life. I can see that your oldest granddaughter takes after her dear Grandmother! (Great Photography) So happy and proud of her. Birthday wishes to your littlest granddaughter.
    I am sorry to learn of your friends passing. Life is just fragile and brief.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Thanks Jemma. I think Raygen did gleam her love for photography after me. So glad she got a good trait of me anyway! LOL!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to Annaleigh! I can see where Raygen inherited her photography skills. Good for her for getting her cool images published!

    I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend.

    P.S. Nice tea tray!

    1. Thanks Margie. Bought that tray years ago at a little shop in a nearby town. It's perfect to hold my tea and coffee goodies in my home office.

  10. You do always seem to be making a cake and celebrating a sweet birthday. How fun! Your little one's photoshoot was adorable! Great job! That is awesome about your oldest grand getting her photos published. How exciting! I'm sorry about your friend Pete. Sending you hugs!

    1. Thanks Heather. We sure celebrate lots of birthdays and cake! LOL! Annaleigh done so good for her little 3 year old photo shoot too.

  11. Happy Birthday to sweet Annaleigh. Three is such a precious age. The photos of her are extra beautiful. And that birthday cake looks amazing.
    Have a good week.

    1. Thank you GM. Yes, it is a precious age. She has a great personality. Sweet but sassy. The cake was simply but seemed to make a hit.

  12. Dear Cindy ... I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. May you all find peace and rest during this time. May you all experience the tender arms of your Heavenly Father comforting and sustaining.

  13. What precious girlies! So sorry about your friend and oh, so young. There just seems to be so much sadness all around. We have dear friends dealing with such life threatening illnesses and we know God has a perfect plan but sometimes it is so hard to understand. Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Thanks so much. God surely does have the perfect plan though it's hard to understand.

  14. Aw, your sweet grandkids are just adorable! And, I love your little coffee/tea bar in your home office. I am so thankful you all are able to enjoy the family gatherings and each other's company. God bless you all!

  15. I love the way you celebrate the grands birthdays with a photo shoot! The cake is gorgeous! I know you are proud of Raygen and her photography, that's wonderful. I will say prayers for your friend's family, so sad...Have a blessed and happy Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Thanks Jenna. Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too.

  16. So sorry for your loss of your friend, Pete. On a happy note, my friend, you had me at cake, grin. Keeping you and your family in prayer.

    1. The word "CAKE" Gets to everyone! LOL! Thanks Linda for your kind words.

  17. Cindy,
    Your Grands are so pretty and talented too!! So sorry about the loss of your friend..Just terrible..If you saw my post about the wonderful room box my friend Angela made for me, I am sad to say that she put off getting the vaccine and 3 days before her first shot, she came down with the virus. She has been very ill for two weeks now but Thank God, has not needed to go to the hospital..She seems to be getting a bit better she says...She is so sorry that she did not take the vaccine sooner.... I will keep your friend and his family in my prayers... Please say a prayer for my friend Angela if you would be so kind to do so.....Thanks for visiting!!

    1. Thank you Deb. If there is such a thing as the BEST Funeral service I've ever attended then I must say that Pete's was. I left with a desire to be a better person! Thanks for your visit.

  18. I'm so sorry about the loss of your good friend, what a kind good man! I pray for his family! Such a sweet precious darling little Annaleigh is! And congratulations to your granddaughter on her photography skills! I think she may have a bit of your photo talents passed on down! A beautiful book you shared, such truths too... time, oh how it moves so quickly! Sending hugs and love, and wishes for a wonderful weekend for you and your family :)


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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