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{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Football, Food And Fun}

 Happy Sunday afternoon everyone. I do hope that you all are well and have had a wonderful weekend. We enjoyed some college football last night with my family and needless to say, WE ATE WELL! Nothing like good old football food!

M friend Barbara over at

had posted about her sausage stars using Won Ton Wrappers and I knew some Won Ton's was in the making for our football party. I made several different versions. We like a Sausage dip using Rotel tomatoes with chips so I made that recipe for one batch. Another batch was pepperoni cheese pizza won tons and another batch was turkey/cheese with a dollop of ranch. They were so good and of course I had to try one before serving. 

Does anyone grate cheese anymore????

Well of course we have to have ONE that goes for the team playing against my beloved Georgia Bulldogs at the party! He best be glad that he is my favorite grandson! I was so glad when that game was over! Mercy....about became a nail biter or maybe.....MORE WON TONS! MY DAWGS PULLED IT OFF THOUGH!

Love these babies so much. 

I buy several different kinds of mixes to make vanilla and chocolate protein drinks and to be honest, I haven't found one that I can say I really LOVE so I decided to "doctor" up this one up and instead of that sorta blah taste it actually was pretty dang good. 

You can find the Natures Bounty shake mix most anywhere but I usually pick them up at Walgreens. I decided to make mine where they tasted more like an ICEE than a shake. I used 2% milk, added a half of teaspoon of vanilla flavoring and about 4 strawberries and lots of ice to my blender. It tasted so much better to me. Maybe it was the texture of it or the hint of strawberry & vanilla. But...I liked it. Now let me go ahead and tell y'all, I don't count calories. I am sure I need too after all that FOOTBALL food but....for others that might want to try that drink I did attach the calories on the picture. I like to drink one of these for breakfast or mid morning snack. 

Speaking of drinks...a lot of you that I enjoy "Boost" type drinks and I lived off of different flavors for a while it seemed when battling and recovering from Covid. We have a wonderful Nutrition Shop in my little town that kept me in boost drinks for a while. Marty or my daughters would go by there about 3-4 times a week for a while and purchase me a boost drink. Well, I started making my own and have come up with all sorts of fruit recipes that have been so good. But a friend of mine turned me onto Jana Rogers over at 

Oh my! She has some of the best recipes for shakes and loaded teas. I have made several of her very low cost and healthy drinks and they are so good! Made a batch for my girls of the one she calls Wonder Woman and they loved it. If you into making your own nutrition drinks then check her out. Wonder Woman cost me about 50 cents per serving. 


Well, Of COURSE we had a little "fun food" by the pond on Friday night. Girls, this has become a highlight for us. Not sure if we enjoy our sitting out by Conner's pond talking or snacking the most. LOL!
Marty said, "Those blogging friends of yours probably thinks all we do is EAT with all the food pictures you show them! Ha!

My friend Cheryl from

sent me a signed copy of her volume #1 book called "Homespun Devotions". I was truly delighted to receive a copy of her book. Isn't the cover lovely? Her son Zach created the cover. Cheryl is such a woman of God and I adore her. I wanted to use Cheryl's book as a daily devotional book as I enjoy devotionals that have a real life story that are laced with the Word of God. So, I decided that I would read one chapter a day. Well, let me just say this, I began reading it and couldn't put it down! I am already half way through with this wonderful book. As soon as I am finished I will be giving a full review on my blog and on Amazon. Matter of fact you can find Cheryl's new book on Amazon. Search for Homespun Devotions by Cheryl E. Smith. I am loving her book. REAL LIFE...REAL GOD...

I just have to share this precious picture. This morning as we were singing and praising God during our Worship and praise time I looked straight in front of me and there stood that little boy, hands raised and praising the Lord. I am telling y'all I had the Holy bumps. What a blessing to see a little one acknowledge our Savior in praise. 
I hope that you have a wonderful week and Happy Labor day to you all tomorrow. May you all have a day of rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. I love seeing our children in praise and worship, touches my heart. I'm also going to check out Homespun Devotions, looks great. I'm glad football season is here, not for the pro games but for college and high school games. We can hear our high school game from the porch, we enjoy that.

    1. YES it surely does touch our hearts. We love college football and of course our favorite grandson plays football for high school. Yes do check out Cheryl's blog. Since she has been writing she hasn't been able to blog as much but she is a lovely woman of God.

  2. I also love that last image of the little one lifting his hands in praise to God. Cindy, I must admit you all eat well (lol). I am also reading Cheryl’s wonderful devotion book. Happy Labor Day!

    1. Yes Pam...our tribe believes on incorporating food in EVERYTHING! LOL! Now you know why I have to work out often! LOL!

  3. All your food looks wonderfully delicious as usual. You sure can arrange it to look lovely.
    Love the picture of you and your grands.
    Oh, about grating cheese. DH is the one who does all the grating around here. I find the pre-grated stuff doesn't melt nearly as well.

    1. Thanks so much GM. I agree with on the cheese and I am not quirky about buying shredded a cheese as I do a lot. But some things just calls for that special touch of grating your own cheese and for me, it's gotta be grated for my mac and cheese and in this case...those won tons. I just laughed when I was grating it as I many people still do that? LOL! ME!

  4. Dear, sweet friend! Thank you ever so much for your kind comments about our book. I am most grateful to you for your support and love and friendship all these years. I pray the Lord will richly and abundantly reward and bless you. Every time I come to your blog and read, I leave feeling so encouraged and refreshed in spirit. I love seeing all the good things you eat and the happy memories you create with your dear family. Sending much love and gratitude to you tonight.

    1. Awe, you are welcome my friend. Will be doing a full review before long. So good! Happy Labor Day.

  5. You all do eat well but it’s a joy to see the pictures of you and family enjoying meals and good times together! When Jerry worked second shift, I would fix some sort of snack tray every Friday night. It was a good time to reconnect and get ready for the weekend. Now that we’re both retired I don’t do it very often. I just might start again, though, and use some of our suggestions! Wishing you a beautiful week, dear Cindy!

    1. Awe, I bet that would be a nice surprise for Jerry too my friend. I love our Friday nights by the pond.

  6. Your results with the wonton wrappers look wonderful. I'm so glad you found them useful (I KNEW you would, of all people!!!).

    Love the photo of the little boy with his arms raised in praise. May he do that all the days of his life!

    1. Would you believe that Walmart only had two packs the day I went to look for them. I bought both packs and froze one for later use. We enjoyed them so much.

  7. You make everything so much fun! We watched that game and it was GOOD! Two of the best teams in the league. Enjoy your day sweet lady!

    1. It was a good game but mercy was I glad when it went off. Those late night games aren't for us older folks. LOL!

  8. Those wonton snacks look so good, Cindy, and I have wonton wraps in the freezer. Your shakes look good, too. I’ll have to check out the links. You and Marty site enjoy your Friday night snacks. That warms my heart, snd so does that picture of that little boy in church. Happy Labor Day. 🇺🇸

    1. Thanks Kitty. I froze a whole pack of the wrappers too. Bought the only two packs Walmart had so one went in the freezer. Happy Labor Day.

  9. As usual, your food is making my mouth water!

    I'm not a football fan, but I follow a journalist who's originally from Georgia and HUGE Dawgs fan. So I knew they won from her tweets. LOL.

    1. Football good anytime and even for those that don't care for football. LOL!

  10. The drinks sound great and your football food yum! Glad you can get together with family and celebrate watching the game and having good food and fun. Those are the best times in life. Love that little guy in church. Have a great end to this holiday weekend. xoxo

    1. Hope your Labor day is good. For some reason I am thinking Kris that you will stay busy decorating something and not resting! LOL!

  11. Nothing is better than football food! We had several dips watching the Alabama game, then later had a hot dog bar while watching GA/Clemson, go dawgs! That is a huge win!! Your wonton cups sound so good and I love that you made 3 different kinds, yum!

  12. Okay, going to have to check out the shakes you mentioned. I go to our Nutrition Store 4-5 times a week and have it for lunch. I love them and they are so good and good for you. Looks like more fun times for the Conner family! Hugs!

    1. I have enjoyed trying new recipes Lea. Going to make a new one today.

  13. I love that picture of the little boy praising Jesus at the end of the post...what a wonderful way to end/start the day! Praising Jesus! yes, may he always love Jesus that much and never forget. Your post is so much fun...I love your family all dressed up for the game...your grandson is a brave one! Funny that the only boy supports the opposite team from the rest of you. And your food always looks so good! I don't know how you find the time to do all of that. It just looks like so much fun. And no, I don't grate my own cheese anymore, since there are so many bags of it already grated. Saves my knuckles from getting grated into the cheese! LOL. But, I do agree there is nothing better than fresh grated cheese. Now I wish I had some...but not enough to go get some. LOL. Your healthy drinks sound interesting, but for some reason I'm just not a smoothie/healthy drink person. Something about the texture I can't quite "swallow". It's just me. I'm weird that way. But they do look good. Thank you for your uplifting, fun posts. That devotional book also sounds wonderful. I may just have to check it out. Thank you again. Have a blessed week my friend.

    1. The funny thing about my grandson is that he really doesn't care who wins. He just wants to aggravate us girls. LOL! Yes please check out Cheryl's book. Have a good week dear lady.

  14. I'm not into energy drinks but possibly should be!!!! Wish there was one that made me sleep...I'd guzzle them:) All your food looks awesome, and your family always looks so happy. I'm sure that's because they have you as such a loving and positive influence. Loved the picture of the little boy praising the sweet. Hope you enjoyed your Labor Day.

    1. Coming by to visit with you now Cheri. I sorta got started on the different kinds of boost drinks when I got so sick. Now, I like to make my own but sometimes I will treat myself to our Nutrition shop which has some of the best drinks, teas and shakes ever.

  15. Yep, I'm loving Cheryl's new book, too ... late at night, early in the morning. A beauty!

  16. So sorrrrry.... but the only thing I like about football, is all the yummy food.
    I don't wear team colors, I wear prints or plaid so if I spill, it won't show.

    Love the picture of the little boy in church.❤❤

  17. I am not a sports fan so I can't say that I would have cheering for either team but ....I will say, that is always one in the bunch!! haha....adorable family and the food looks great, sounds tasty. I know that tomorrow, Sunday, my daughter will be watching the Titans game, and yelling at the TV. Last week she took her two young boys and one of Will's to the Titans game. My brother buys season tickets and he could not go so he gae them to my daughter. 50 yard line, 2nd row back....not bad seats, but not my cup of tea.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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