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Happy May!

Happy May! I wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from my month of April which seemed to fly by quickly. As I am trying to catch up with my blogging friends today I realized it had been a month since I last posted. My mercy! But, I am so busy doing this thing we call life here on earth and enjoying every moment that I can. With my immediate family of 14 there is never a dull moment y'all!   We had three family birthdays in April. My SIL David, granddaughter Adalynn and oldest granddaughter Raygen.  Our favorite grandson Conner (only grandson) carried his girl to the prom. We had to snap at least one picture with Mom and Nana! Two of my elementary school friends and I get together at least once every 4-5 weeks so we went to breakfast and then to  Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. We always have so much fun.  The gardens are so beautiful that I couldn't even attempt to snap all the pictures I wanted. There are so many beautiful paintings to look at this but this was one of

{March Is Underway}

 Welcome to March! The little grands and I kicked off March with a sleepover at Nana's house. They are so much fun and so energetic. COFFEE has earned my love forever for sure! LOL! 
We started out with a sack lunch from Burger King (their favorite) and headed to a cute little park that is only about 2 miles from where I live. The girls has so much fun.
The girls put in for Nana to ride the horsey. Well, y'all know I had to show those littles that Nana still can do that!!!
Two of the girls wanted to play with the old Halloween wigs but the youngest one opted out. She said it made her head itch. LOL! 
We had a tea party for breakfast. Our tea party consisted of smoked sausage, peaches and chocolate chip cookies. Yummy to my tummy the youngest one said!

I finally got around to making myself a healthy fruity Icee. I made the girls snow cones out of the same healthy fruits. Guess I needed too so they wouldn't be so hyped up from all the cookies when returning home. Hee-hee!  We had a great time.
I want to give a shout out to my sweet friend and sister in Christ Cheryl Smith. I received a copy of her latest Homespun Devotions, Vol. 2. Cheryl is a gifted writer and wonderful woman of God. You can find her books on Amazon. 
I will post a review when I finished reading it but her real life stories are so heart touching and thought provoking. 

Pop over and visit Cheryl's blog. 

I will close with another short devotional that speaks to us all at some point of our lives. YES, WE MATTER to King Jesus.

I hope that your March is in everyway more beautiful than you can imagine.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy



  1. I love that last quote about the empty cup. I never heard that before, but it sure is true. Too often we get so caught up in the here and now and what just HAS to be done and we put ourselves last so much that we have nothing left. That's a dangerous place to be. Gotta keep our cup filled with Jesus' love and His Spirit, or we will run dry. Loved your sweet times with the grandgirls. They sure are blessed to have you for a Nana. That breakfast tea party sounds I had to laugh about the chocolate chip cookies. My mother or grandmother would never have allowed that for breakfast! LOL. Sounds pretty good to me! I hope your month of March is filled to brim with more of God's love than you can hold and it just overflows! Thank you for your post! Always a blessing.

    1. Pam, I must remind myself often of that quote but I try too. This Nana will let her grands have things that I wouldn't let their moms have! Amazing how things change! LOL!

  2. What?! You gave those grandgirlies chocolate chip cookies 🍪 for breakfast? You're my kind of grandmother
    for sure!

    You look real cute and hip on that horsey. Such fun!

    1. LOL! The youngest one asked her mom the next day: :Mama, can I have just a spoonful of sugar for a snack? My daughter said, "No mam, you cannot! Annaleigh said: Nana let me yesterday and said a spoonful of sugar just makes me sweeter! OH BOY!!! Needless to say, she did not get any sugar! LOL!

  3. You are such a fun Nana Cindy! And thank you for the inspirations! Have a great week~

  4. What a fun time with your grands! Cookies are good any hour of the day! I miss the little days of my grands but love them lots even as they're becoming adults. Blessings in this month ahead . . .

    1. Yes girl, cookies good any time! My 6 grands are ages 18, 16, 15, 11, 6 and 4 and all but one about to have a birthday. They sure are growing up so quick. I try to savor every moment for sure.

  5. You make everything with the little ones so much fun! I always wish I could take part...or at least watch the fun. Will you adopt me? I could be the mad old Auntie! heehee! Enjoy your week and this fabulous weather!

  6. You and the grandgirls have the best times together! Grands keep us young, I hope! I love Cheryl, she is a sweetheart!

  7. I'm not a fan of wigs either.

    What tea did you serve for the breakfast tea party?

    1. Margie, good old fashion cold brewed southern sweet tea. Girls sipped it up. LOL!

  8. I love the picture of you on the riding thingy. You're such a good sport. No wonder your grands adore you. ( Plus you are known to give spoonfuls of sugar!)GM

    1. Thanks GM. I am still not sure why your comments keep showing up anonymous. But I've not figured out things on my blog that I have been trying too either.

  9. What a fun time with those girlies. I have mine this week as it's Spring Break for them. I'm going to check out your friends devo book. Have a great one Cindy!

  10. You and those girls sure have some fun times together, Cindy. The wigs were too funny, and the tea party looked mighty tasty. Cheryl’s book is so inspirational! What gifts she has with her singing and writing. The quote about the cup is sure a true one! Have a great week, sweet friend. 😘🤗

    1. Thanks Kitty. Yes, Cheryl's stories always make me smile.

  11. Cindy, hi! No truer words were ever spoken than the ones about trying to pour from an empty cup. If we try too long, we'll burn out ... no fresh vibrant water to give to another thirsty soul. Thanks for this needed reminder, friend.

  12. You are the BEST Nana! What a fun sleepover for you all. Coffee is my BFF too. I loved the pic of you on the horsey. You still got it!! I hope you're still having a great March!

  13. Looks like you had fun with your grands. It is harder to do things with the grands now. We will all meet up tomorrow. My daughter moved to a bigger place and is having us all over for lunch. My oldest granddaughter is a big introvert and likes to read. My younger granddaughter is more like me, an extrovert and crafter. I just love them each in a way that connects with them. Your cookies looks so good! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Susan. Yes, each of my grands have different personalities but that is what makes them so unique. Love them all for sure.

  14. Aw, thank you so much for mentioning my book, Cindy! Such a sweet, pleasant surprise today!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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