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{Vacation is over, now back to Reality}

  Well, I made it back to blog today! I've been MIA as several of my blogging friends pointed out and sent me sweet messages to check on me but I am back for today. We just returned from our family vacation and I always enjoy going but there is no place like home! I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I wish I could share them all but you'd be here for days! LOL!  Anna Maria Island was our destination this year together as a family. It's such a beautiful piece of paradise. The Island is only 7 miles so we traveled around on golf carts and bikes. The beaches are so lovely there. Such peaceful moments can sure be had at the ocean. Marty and I decided to take the ride and we even enjoyed the dip! It was breath taking and such a smooth ride. Our three beauties.  I did do some fishing but also lots of boating and a little reading.  We celebrated our middle daughter Melissa's 40th birthday while on vacation. We decorated a room in the house that we rented and went all ou

{It's almost February}

We are about to in February y'all and do you know what that means? Well, for starters February will kick off my birthday month but it's our annual Mountain getaway for two! YEP, my three daughters pout every year because they can't go but we didn't make it to 46 years without truly guarding some of our precious time. I wish these younger couples would learn to GUARD some of their precious time. 

 For today, I will share a few flashbacks from my week. 

 One of my elementary long time friends gave me some of her beautiful Meyer lemons. This is the 2nd batch that she has shared with me. I have juiced so many and frozen for treats and recipes. I just love all things lemon.

I had a batch of apples that needed to be used so made a fresh apple and walnut pound cake. Saved half of it and froze it for our upcoming mountain trip. The other half didn't last long round here with my tribe.

Made a big pot of  sausage and potato soup in which my oldest granddaughter loves. So, decided to do a little gift-care package for her lunch while she was working. She was one happy young woman. 

My youngest daughter and her husband made a short trip to Athens, Ga, home of our beloved Georgia Bulldogs and yes indeed she brought back her mama a prize! I also love all things GA DAWGS!

Decided to set my table since Christmas was over. Went simple and clean as the EXPERTS call it. I call it "Just making my table cute as a button". 

I had a corner space that needed something so extras for desserts always come in handy at my house.

Yes, my gathering spot is surely in my kitchen and dining room. 

Just have to brag on my granddaughter Mallory.  She is a sophomore this year. She loves ALL things athletic. Not only does she play softball for High School and travel team but she weight lifts too. MERCY, just hurts me all over to watch her. But, she really is amazing with her strength. I wish I could take credit for that but I am afraid her Nana is as weak as  a cooked noodle! LOL! 

When all the scores came in our girl was the newest record holder at the high school. She also scored 2nd place in her weight division at her latest meet. We are so very proud of her. 

I hope that you all have a wonderful week and get ready to kick off February with lots of love for others. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Hi Cindy, your granddaughter is amazing! I love your table scape. We have a Mayer lemon tree, We just add it to our water and it is so refreshing. Have lots of fun on your annual getaway!!!

  2. Happy almost February Cindy! You've been busy baking and fixing up your house, I love the black and white tablescape and gathering spot! Wow Mallory is beautiful and strong, that's impressive! It sounds like you have much to look forward to this month, enjoy!

  3. Happy upcoming anniversary! I agree about the alone away time, too! That cake looks so delicious. And how sweet of you to take the basket of food to your granddaughter. Mallory looks like an amazing athlete - know you're proud of her.

  4. Oh-oh! Just saw that it's your annual getaway, not anniversary. Either way, have fun!

  5. So good to hear what's going on in your world. Wow, Mallory is an impressive young lady. Enjoy your getaway and your apple cake looks delicious.

  6. You're such a sweet grandma to make your grand her favourite soup.
    I hope "your month" of February is as wonderful as you are 💓💓💓

  7. Where has January gone!?
    Happy almost February.

    Enjoy your getaway, lovely to have away time.

    All the best Jan

  8. Cindy, I can’t believe tomorrow will be February 1st. Wishing you a happy birthday month and get-a-way! I also love all things lemon. The soup sounds delicious and congratulations to your Mallory!

  9. How fun that your getaway for your lovebirds is coming up 💕 You’ve been busy cooking and tablescaping I see. Mallory is amazing and I know you’re so proud of her and her accomplishments. Have a wonderful time on your trip! ❤️

  10. Hey girl ... I LOVE lemons, your black and white theme, and cheering on our grandgirls in their sports! We hope to head to western MA to see one play basketball and to SC to see another run track. Love it. Love you!

  11. Oh WoW, a big congrats to Mallory. That's wonderful. Really love your black and white farmhouse decor, looks great. A mountain getaway, very romantic, y'all have fun♥

  12. I need to grab a snack for myself before reading your blog posts because your foodie pictures always make me hungry!

    And the strength of Mallory makes me want to sit up straight and tall and breathe deep! What-a-gal!

  13. Happy birthday month, Cindy!

    Congrats to Mallory on her amazing athletic achievements. It's awesome to see girls excelling in sports.

  14. I hope you two had a great getaway. I always love those posts. Your simple and clean decor looks so fresh. That is amazing about Mallory. You go girl!! Sending good vibes and I want some of those yummy lemons!

  15. Mallory is amazing!!! I can certainly see why you're so proud of her, Cindy. I loved your decor, too. Enjoy what remains of this month, and happy belated birthday!


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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