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{It's Been A Hot Minute Y'all}

  Well, it's not HOT in my neck of the woods in temperature (not today anyway) but it's sure been a HOT minute since I last posted. For that I am so sorry but it seems my life has been consumed with doctor appointments, tests, and MORE tests, biopsies, surgery and so much more. One day at a time sweet Jesus is all that any of us can ask for. Wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to share a little about what I've been up too.  Marty and I enjoyed a weekend at the beach before I had breast cancer surgery and took advantage of the time I had in between so many doctor appointments and testing. It was sure a good little getaway.  We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in September. WOW! Just babies! LOL! We were high school sweethearts. Started dating at age 16. Married at age 18 and started a family at age 20.  We celebrated Marty's birthday in October. He says that he's feeling his age these days. LOL! He still works 4 days a week and has a long commu

{Vacation is over, now back to Reality}

 Well, I made it back to blog today! I've been MIA as several of my blogging friends pointed out and sent me sweet messages to check on me but I am back for today. We just returned from our family vacation and I always enjoy going but there is no place like home! I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I wish I could share them all but you'd be here for days! LOL! 

Anna Maria Island was our destination this year together as a family. It's such a beautiful piece of paradise. The Island is only 7 miles so we traveled around on golf carts and bikes.

The beaches are so lovely there. Such peaceful moments can sure be had at the ocean.

Marty and I decided to take the ride and we even enjoyed the dip! It was breath taking and such a smooth ride.

Our three beauties. 

I did do some fishing but also lots of boating and a little reading. 

We celebrated our middle daughter Melissa's 40th birthday while on vacation. We decorated a room in the house that we rented and went all out for her special day. Brunch, massages and then topped it off with a seafood dinner on the beach.

We had so much fun celebrating her.

Our hearts....all tied up in these pictures of my sweet family. 

We had a wonderful time. There is nothing like family.

 I know that some of you know that I have been having some ongoing health issues. I've had so many tests, doctor appointments, three biopsies, blood work galore and so much prodding and probing. God has surely been good to me and has given me a team of five specialist as I seem to have such a complex case. Marty said that I've always been EXTRA! LOL! I wanted to share with my blogging friends that I have lung and breast cancer. It's been a roller coaster but God has walked with me every step, sometimes, carrying me. 
To keep from boring you all with details I only ask that if you pray to our Lord and you think of me call my name out to Him. My team of specialists all agreed that I needed my family vacation and my family needed it for me. 
Treatments will begin soon. I hope to find out this week when they will begin. Lung surgery was too high risk for me I am afraid but we have a plan B. Once my body has healed then breast surgery is on the schedule and treatment. For now I am on cancer fighting medication along with several other medications. We are walking this journey as a family and I have such a strong support team with family and friends. I am a fighter, a survivor and a warrior! Stand with me friends.

My granddaughter Kyleigh made this little bracelet for me. Melted my older heart!

As most of you know my WORD for 2024 is FOCUS. I wrote these words on a chalk board at the end of December and placed it in my hallway so that I could see it daily. Oh what joy these words have been to my soul. 

Hope to be back soon. I will be catching up with you all this week. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Cindy, the family vacation photos are beautiful! I am so saddened to read of your lung and breast cancer diagnosis, sweet friend. I know your faith is in our God that holds all things in His hands and He will give you strength for this journey. I will be praying for you every day! I am sending love and hugs, my friend!

    1. Thank you so much and I do appreciate your prayers.

  2. Oh, Cindy, my heart is so full right now. First, I loved all the wonderful family photos of you and your beautiful family together. So wonderful that you can all be together for such an amazing vacation! But then I read your announcement about your health situation, and my heart fell into my feet. But GOD! "WE KNOW that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we would ever ask or think, according to the power that works in us..." Ephesians 3:20. We will be lifting you up to the Father, our magnificent Healer and Great Physician, and we know He is going to take care of you through every step of this journey. I know you have a strong faith and that you have your eyes on Jesus...but there will be times when you might waver a bit because of the seeming insurmountable issues you will be dealing with...but always remember that God is always, always with you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. We will be praying for you and trusting Him to carry you through this new part of your life's journey. May He give you strength for the battle ahead, and peace of mind in knowing He is with you and also with your beautiful family. Please try to update us as you can, or give others permission to do so so we will know how you are doing even when you don't feel like writing. We will be praying. God bless you dear friend. (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you Pam. I am choosing to not focus on what I can't see but focus on WHOM I know. That is a given. I appreciate your prayers friend.

  3. Hi Cindy, so glad to see you post! I love all the beautiful pictures from your family vacation. I will be keeping you in prayer. Our God is faithful and will get you through this. I hope you keep us updated. Hugs and blessings.♥

  4. Hello Cindy! It's so good to see you and yours in this blog post. I have kept you in my prayers and rejoice that your faith in the LORD remains strong.

  5. Prayers sent! Beautiful Warrior! Dee

  6. What a heavenly vacation with the family! Anna Maria Island looks like utopia!

    I'm sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis and will remember you in my prayers. I'm glad you have a strong support system to help you overcome cancer.

  7. Cindy, this is shocking news, my heart hurts for you. God knows the way through and out of this journey. Just remember Isaiah 41:10, don't be afraid, He holds you with His righteous hand. Sending lots of hugs and prayers, and as much strength as I can.

  8. I love all the family pictures and I love that you and Marty went on that ride in the sky ( which I'm sure has a name but I don't know it). Happy 40th birthday to your daughter💗.
    I'm saddened by the health news that you have shared; I will certainly pray for you.

  9. Please know, Cindy, that I will be praying for your health and healing daily. God does hear our prayers and we know He is the author of miracles. He has certainly given you a positive and courageous spirit, and I know He will be with you every step of the way.
    Your family is beautiful!!! I'm so glad you could all get away together at the gorgeous beach. Family is more important than ever, especially when tough times come upon us.
    Sending you love and hugs!

    1. Thank you friend. I know that you are a woman of God and a prayer warrior. I sure so appreciate the prayers.

  10. I'm continuing to lift you, my dear, sweet friend. Sending much love to you today and rejoicing with you over the many precious memories you made on your family vacation together.🌹❤🙏

    1. Thank you sweet Cheryl. What a prayer warrior you have been for me!

  11. Prayers are with you each and every day, my sweet friend. I am so overjoyed with all your beautiful pictures from vacations and all the special memories. Wasn’t that the sweetest bracelet from your Kyleigh? You certainly have the best support system with your most wonderful family and also your team of five doctors. FOCUS is the perfect word that you chose back in December. Much love to you and know that your friends are here lifting you up in prayer. 🙏🏻😘🙏🏻

    1. Thank you for your faithful prayers. We had a great vacation and I do not take it for granite friend. FOCUS is surely my God given WORD!

  12. Grinning...thanks Cindy, it's always a pleasure to visit here. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, my friend.

  13. My dear Cindy Lou, you know I've been thinking of you every day and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers every day since you told of your diagnosis. It's so wonderful to see your awesome family vacation to Ana Maria Island. I love all of the family photos and you all look gorgeous....your girls in their matching swim suits!! Wow! Love the shots of you and Marty too. Keep up your great attitude! Sending love and hugs!

  14. Praying for you. Love you friend.

  15. Oh your family vacation photographs are wonderful, what a good time you all had together.
    I was sorry to read about your cancer diagnosis and I will be saying a prayer for you.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. I never made it to Anna Marie Island in all the years I lived in Florida. It looks like a beautiful place and I'm so glad you had such a lovely vacation with family.
    I will be praying, Cindy for your health issues. Our God is able, and you are a strong lady.

  17. Just stopping by to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you. Hope all is going well, you're in my prayers. ((hugs))

  18. You've been in my prayers daily, dear friend! Just wanted to stop by and let you know how much you are loved and prayed for today! I pray that there will be incredible testimonies and praises that come out of this horrible cancer diagnosis, and that we will see the HEALING hand of the Lord working on your behalf! You are such a precious friend to me, and your family is amazing. I know you have great support, and what a comfort that is! You are loved, and yes, you are a warrior, and I know you are being held and carried in the loving arms of the Lord! Much love and prayers for you dear friend!

  19. Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

  20. Cindy, I just read about your diagnosis and wanted to know I’ll be keeping you in my prayers! I’m so glad you all were able to vacation together this summer. Those wonderful memories will help you through this fall and winter. You are a warrior and God is walking beside you! You’ve got this covered, lady! ❤️. Zenda


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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