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{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{It's A New Beginning Y'all}

 It's a tad late to wish a Happy New Year but I sure hope that it's kicked off good for everyone. Ours kicked off with being so THANKFUL for what God has done and is doing. As I told my family as we were reminiscing over 2024, "There is a lot of 2024 I DO NOT WANT A RE-DO but the Lord has surely taught me so very much. I am truly thankful for each breath, each day, family and close friends.

We had our three youngest grands for New Years Eve. We had a great time and the girls enjoyed a little fishing, bonfire with their great-grandfather and roasting marshmallows. Their great-grandfather will be 90 years old next month.

As most of you know I do a monthly focus board and this makes my 3rd or 4th year. I've lost count. Only fitting that New Beginnings would be my focus for January. This has been so good for me as it sits on my kitchen counter so I can see it daily. Wonderful way to focus and quote God's Word daily. 

I felt up to hosting a lunch and movie day with my sister Mary. It was so good to be able to do this with her. She had not seen the movie "The Forge" so we watched it together and enjoyed White Chili Chicken soup, sandwiches and lemon cookies made with my Meyer Lemon juice that I had juiced from lemons that a friend gifted to me. Marty and I watched this movie on it's opening day. It was so good!

I had a hankering for a fried potato sandwich a few days ago. Mercy it's been a long time since I indulged in such goodness! Have y'all tried a fried potato sandwich?

My three daughters participated in a 13.1 mile run at Disney in Orlando, Fla. They had the best time and loved dressing up. I am so proud of what they accomplished.  

I have been choosing a WORD for the year since 2013. Last year my word was FOCUS and oh did I ever need to stay focused on the Lord. STILL DO! This year I knew that my word was PURPOSE. I have always known that my life had purpose and for the Christian the word purpose is so fulfilling but lets just say that this year that word has taken a whole new meaning for me in another sense. There is purpose to my every day life and that I know, however, I do not desire to go through life just passively if that makes sense. I want the choices I make, the tasks that I do, the people that I spend time with and the things that I participate in to hold a personal meaning for my life. Yes indeed there are things we must do and have to do in life but I sure desire to be more consistent with the simplicity of life. I am not and never have been "it's all about me" person but this year, I need to focus a little more on self and the simplicity of life itself.  Our spiritual and physical health is very important and I pray for wisdom in both areas of my life. 

On another note, I am feeling much better and much stronger since breast cancer treatments have left my system.  My latest blood work did show my immune system is still low but we are working on that with proper rest, better eating habits, healthier lifestyle, exercise and for me, picking and choosing my daily activities. The tumor markers are within range. THANK YOU LORD! My latest lung scan revealed no change in the small tumor that we have been watching however a new small nodule has appeared and there is a high probability it could be from cancer treatments. We will keep scanning every 3 months. I am currently cleared until March. One day at a time is all that we can do and truly, that is all that is meant for us to do. 
As my 13 year old granddaughter Kyleigh would say, "It's a good day no matter what Nana". 

Celebrate even the little accomplishments of life is my new motto.  

I hope that the New Year is already bringing you much laughter, joy and purpose. Spend your time wisely with purpose. Enjoy the little things as they will surely bring you the greatest pleasure. 

Hugs and blessings, Cindy  


  1. Cindy, it is so good to see this blog post with such good affirmations. I'm blessed to see your cheerful, beautiful smile again, as well as those of your family. I keep you in my prayers for your healing, peace, comfort, and wisdom.

  2. Oh Cindy, I went back and read your previous post and my heart goes out to you for all you've been through. It always makes me so happy to see you surrounded by your family and I know they are a blessing to you. Take care and hopefully you can rest and relax more this year. You sure deserve some pampering and feel good times. Sweet hugs, Diane

  3. Yes, I echo what Barbara said above! It's so wonderful to see your smiling face and know that you are on the upswing with this battle you've been enduring. God has been so gracious unto you, and we thank Him for it! Your family is so precious and beautiful. I know they have been your best cheerleaders all the while! Purpose is a wonderful word, and I know God certainly has a magnificent purpose for your life! No, I've never had a fried potato sandwich before, but I do love fried potatoes and that looks good! I may have to try it sometime! Have a blessed and beautiful rest of your week. Maybe the next time our blogging sisters here in Florida get together we can meet where you could join us too! That would be so awesome!! God bless you dear friend.

  4. Lovely to see this post.
    Yes, one day at a time and enjoy every moment.
    Keeping you in my prayers.

    All the best Jan

  5. I was so happy to read your blog, my sweet friend. You have such a positive attitude and PURPOSE is a wonderful word for 2025. Your lunch with your sister sounded so good. I watched the movie Forge recently and really liked it. Happy New Year to you and your family. Prayers continue for you, dear Cindy. 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻

    1. Thanks Kitty. Glad you saw the movie. It's really good. I've watched it twice now. Marty loved it.

  6. I've never had a fried potato sandwich, but would be game to try it.

    I'm so glad to hear that you've been cleared until March!

    I'm also all about celebrating the small wins!

    1. Try that potato sandwich. Put a little mayo on your bread. So good Margie.

  7. Hi Cindy, I am so glad to know you are getting better! Love the pictures of your family. I have a Meyer Lemon tree. I need to find a recipe to use. I had a great lemon cheesecake on the cruise. Maybe I need to try that. I like your word for the year. Mine is seek. So happy you are blogging again! Hugs

    1. Seek is a wonderful word! Can't wait to see your Cruise pictures. I haven't kept up with how many batches of lemon cookies I have made with the juice of Meyer lemons. I made two 1920 Ritz Carlton Lemon Pound Cakes for gifts and candied some of the rinds and they turned out beautiful.

  8. Keeping you in prayer, sweet friend.

  9. So good to hear from you Cindy, and your positive attitude is so admirable and I know it's that and your faith that have got you through last year's challenges. You are in my prayers,

  10. This blog post is filled with golden nuggets of truth I never want to forget, Cindy. Self care is so important! The focus board is awesome. Super accomplishments of your girls and I can see why you would be proud of them. Kyleigh is so smart, I agree "this is a good day, regardless." I have not seen The Forge. And I have to remember to make White Chicken Chili Soup. It is so cold here and that would be perfect! I am so proud of you, our little warrior! Your words inspire me. Much love!

  11. I have never heard of a fried potato sandwich but it looks very tasty!!
    I'm so glad you're done with your treatments and now it's a matter of regaining your strength.
    I'm impressed with your daughters running those 13 miles. Wow!!!It's going to be a wonderful year!!!

  12. Love your focus board and beautiful words of truth here. A big yes on self care. So important. May you feel His strength deepen each and every day!

  13. Cindy, I so enjoyed reading your uplifting and encouraging post. You are a beautiful example of praising the Lord in all circumstances. You are always in my prayers, sweet friend!

    I always love your family photos!

    1. Thank you Pam. Learning ever so much to give praise in the storms of life. The SON will shine.

  14. The Focus Board is such a great idea. I agree with Kyleigh, smart girl!

  15. So glad that you are doing good, I have been praying for you. Our God is faithful to hear and answer our prayers. I pray that you have a wonderful year and may God continue to bless you and your family.

  16. that fried potato sandwich is calling my name, friend!!! yum!!!

  17. Family, its always nice to have them around and spend time with them. Always love seeing the pics of your beautiful family. I need to start posing mine more instead of snap shots here and there.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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