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{Vacation is over, now back to Reality}

  Well, I made it back to blog today! I've been MIA as several of my blogging friends pointed out and sent me sweet messages to check on me but I am back for today. We just returned from our family vacation and I always enjoy going but there is no place like home! I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I wish I could share them all but you'd be here for days! LOL!  Anna Maria Island was our destination this year together as a family. It's such a beautiful piece of paradise. The Island is only 7 miles so we traveled around on golf carts and bikes. The beaches are so lovely there. Such peaceful moments can sure be had at the ocean. Marty and I decided to take the ride and we even enjoyed the dip! It was breath taking and such a smooth ride. Our three beauties.  I did do some fishing but also lots of boating and a little reading.  We celebrated our middle daughter Melissa's 40th birthday while on vacation. We decorated a room in the house that we rented and went all ou


 EXCITED!!!! Introducing an online 4-week Bible Study!

Donna Pyle is an amazing Bible Study leader among other things that she is gifted in. This is the 2nd study of Donna's that I will be teaching. However, this is my first Online study to ever do! I am excited! Donna has given me permission to share her study with others online. When I asked Donna about sharing her study she didn't stutter when she said, "Absolutely". Oh she is indeed a woman after God's heart. 

I have felt the leading of the Lord to do an online summer study for a while now and had prayed and asked God that if this from Him to open the door. Within a week a sweet blogging friend of mine emailed me personally (Debbie Huffaker) asking me if I had ever considered doing an online study for those ladies across the miles. Go visit Debbie she is over at Then I emailed Donna Pyle next and when her response came back as a YES I knew this was from the Lord. I also have had several ladies that cannot attend my class this summer due to things in their life so this would be good for those ladies as well.

So, here is how this will work. This will be basically a 4 week study. Of course my version will be much shorter than the book version. I highly recommend that your purchase the book, Our Hope and Future. You can go straight to Donna's site and go to (store) and from there you can find this book among many others.

I just recently finished teaching her book, "Your Strong Suit". Excellent study and life changing! The thing that you will find with Donna's studies is they all are based solely on the Living Word of God. I love that!!!

My goal is to have our lessons posted on Monday mornings each week. You will have all that week to do your lessons. If you can't get to it on Monday then maybe Tuesday you can.The lessons will be short therefore making this Bible Study easy peasy for you.  Then as you do your lesson you will post your responses onto the blog. Basically we will have conversation and fellowship on the blog. There will be a reply under any comment you make so that others can correspond directly with you should they desire. 

This short online lesson will be private. So that means you will have to log in order to participate.Also, I will more than likely create a new blog to host online studies. So...if you are interested then please comment on here but also send me your personal email. ( I will contact you when the class is ready to launch. (Which hopefully will be next week)  

Looking forward to our "Sweet Nuggets of Truth" as we dive into Jeremiah 29:11-12.

Hugs and blessings, Cindy


  1. Me, Me, Me!!! Oh, I'm soooo excited. Will I have time to purchase the book before we start?!?!? YIPPEE!!!

  2. YEAH...Already have had two more email me! Going to be a good class.

  3. Oh Cindy, I am soooo excited about this. I will be there !!!

  4. Oh Cindy, I am soooo excited about this. I will be there !!!

  5. I would love to do your online class. I think this is wonderful. I have wanted to attend your other classes, but have obligations at my church on Wednesday nights. So thank you for thinking of us.

  6. I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the answer I
    needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U r the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Richelle Starling

  7. Yes, I will be sending you my email address.


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So glad you stopped by to visit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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