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Showing posts from August, 2020

{Hello friends}

  Hoping this finds my sister bloggers doing well on this windy Sunday afternoon. Yep, we've got a little wind howling around here and a tad cool but I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. My Sunday lunch crowd (my family) have left for the day so I am kicked back. Sunday menu today consisted of: Chicken and dressing Giblet gravy Italian green beans with ham Mac & Cheese Homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache.  Yep, they are little spoiled at Nana's house. I am not a huge fan of cakes with icing but it must have been good as one of the grands had two slices.  These gals and I have been friends for more years than I remember and since we've all retired within a few months apart in retirement and age (dating back to 4th grade in school) we try to get together once every 4-6 weeks. We always do something extra for our birthdays but was a tad late celebrating mine this year together due to other appointments that was a must. We always have a gr...

{Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Icing, Hot Fudge Sauce and You Tell Me}

We celebrated my youngest daughter's birthday with a homemade chocolate cake,  chocolate icing and of course some vanilla ice cream with hot fudge sauce and all the trimmings.   She had a wonderful birthday celebration at the beach with her little family and then a family celebration with extended family. In case you haven't noticed, it doesn't take much for us to throw down a party of some kind and celebrate. LOL! But, there is nothing any better than celebrating special occasions with those you love the most. I am going to attach the links at the bottom of the post for cake, icing and hot fudge sauce should anyone be interested.     NOW...I want you to tell me because curious minds want to know.   Do you find it hard or easy to control your facial expressions?   web image   I was asked this question recently...Did I find it hard to hide my facial expressions and my answer is YES! My facial expressions will give me away EVERY time and especially ...

{Happy Week Everyone}

  Hoping that you all will have a great new week and surely praying for everyone in harms way with the flooding. It seems that there is so much going on today that our knees are worn from praying. But, I surely believe in the power of prayer. On a lighter note, I've been enjoying some of my pretty flowers and snapped this picture of a dragonfly as he sat for the longest on the flower.  I spent some time re-potting plants, flowers and herbs and done a little snipping just because it made me smile.  Nothing like fresh flowers with a few herbs to spruce up my new platter and it sure looks cute beside my new bowl with fruit too.  😍  Made an easy peasy cake for Sunday dinner. Ladies, it just doesn't get any easier than this recipe and my bunch said it was moist and good. I saw some going back for seconds!  It turned out pretty too. Always a plus! Recipe at the end of post. Our youngest daughter will be celebrating her birthday this Thursday. She is our caboose ...

{Pinterest Favs and My Simple Life}

  Isn't this Coleus just beautiful? I have about 4 of these pretties that I started out in just one pot and the next thing I knew I was replanting in different pots. We had a girls day out this past Friday and I enjoyed our outing so much. Cracker Barrel was first on the list and then shopping. Nothing like a girls day with your girls. Sure does refresh the soul doesn't it? I have had this little sign for a few years now and found it at Tractor Supply . I just love it but let me tell y'all can find all kinds of goodies at Tractor Supply. I went in recently to look for some seeds and well, let's just say I came out with more than I went in for!  Now for Pinterest Favs and these Yummy Chewy Brown Sugar Cookies are first on the list!   This recipe is tried and true.  YOU CAN'T EAT JUST ONE ! These things will melt in your mouth. The recipe made a large batch so needless to say family and friends were gifted cookies! Next time I make these I think I wi...

{Good Reads And Good Meat}

Web Image Very true words. This was a great bible study. I love Max Lucado. Our ladies Bible study class by zoom ended in May and I wanted to do something at my leisure that was short, not in-depth but yet packed a punch. This fit the bill for me. perfect for such a time as this. {Finding Calm in a Chaotic World} I will finish this study next week the Lord willing.  This was one of my "beach reads" .  This short read had three different stories with three different authors. I've read many of Terri Blackstock's books and enjoy her so much but I must admit that I liked the two short stories by Candace Calvert and Susan Warren the best in this book.  I also read Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers this summer too. I've been a fan of hers since I read Redeeming Love . This book was so good.  What have you been reading over the summer? Web image  The Lord opened a door for me to disciple a sweet young woman. (Of course by zoom) Though I get aggravated wi...

{Going Down Memory Lane}

I've been trying to clean out some old files on my computer and ran across several pictures of when I seemed to do a little crafting! Ran across this picture of this cute wagon that I decorated some years ago. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago. Mercy, I can't remember now. It was for my granddaughter as she was going to be in a wedding. I still have the scars from the hot glue gun and pin marks from using a needle and thread. 😳 I have no clue how long it ago it was when I jumped on the "tin can" wagon. This was the first little tin can I decorated and it sat on my desk and held pens and pencils for a long time. I remember that Marty swore I cooked way more than I needed too just so I could save the CANS ! This was the first one I ever tried my hand at. Later on I winded up hosting a bridal shower with a rustic theme and I had CANS painted and decorated out the ying-yang! I need to find those pictures.  Decorating tin cans is still very popular and so many ways to decorate and ...